God of Fishing

Chapter 890: Battle of encounters

After separating from Jiang Qin, Han Fei's thoughts moved, and Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai already appeared.

Han Fei touched Xiaobai's head and said, "Daughter, look, where is the good stuff here?"

Luo Xiaobai had known for a long time that Han Fei would find opportunities through Xiaobai. In this regard, no wonder, looked at Xiaobai with anticipation.

However, Xiaobai turned in many directions in the water, and then looked at Han Fei slyly.

Han Fei had some warnings inexplicably: danger.

Suddenly, Han Fei's face sank slightly: "There are opportunities in all directions, and they are all dangerous."

Luo Xiaobai said in surprise: "Everywhere, is this the case?"

Han Fei nodded solemnly: "It should not be wrong. It means that no matter which direction we go, danger and opportunity coexist."

Zhang Xuanyu said: "Then just find a way to go."

Han Fei nodded: "I feel the same way. In this ancient battlefield, there are soul-eaters, but definitely more than soul-eaters."

Luo Xiaobai nodded: "Okay!"


Just a few thousand meters away, they met a soul eater. Unlike the first time I met this one, this snake has a claw and a fish head. Looks like another guy who swallowed himself into a deformity.

But listening to Zhang Xuanyu shouting, "I'll try."

Zhang Xuanyu seems to have practiced a new method of attacking spirits. Everyone in Han Fei saw that an imaginary spear burst from the heart of Zhang Xuanyu's eyebrows, and instantly pierced the long tail of this soul-eater.

The latter hissed, and there were sounds and waves in the mouth of the fish, causing ripples in the sea. At the same time, there were two giant claws that suddenly emerged from the void, seemingly hooking Zhang Xuanyu.


The big shield turned empty, and the musicians furiously held up the shield to block. The flesh on the face was shaken and deformed by the huge force. However, the shield was not broken and was blocked by the musicians.

Luo Xiaobai's eyes turned white, and the faint blue vines emerged from the ground, trying to catch the soul eater.

However, at the moment when you were caught by Youyou, many strange scales were erected on this soul-eating spirit, which quickly cut them.

Seeing this scene, Luo Xiaobai shot again: "Calling the spirit."

This time, the dark blue vines no longer appeared, this was a kind of dark fine vines. Those thin vines, such as the sacral urns, quickly adhered to this soul-eater.

Han Fei was surprised: "What is this? I haven't seen you use it!"

Luo Xiaobai responded: "This is my attempt to summon Lingzhi in this ancient battlefield, and as a result, this kind of vine was summoned."

As the vines caught the soul eater, they were still digging into it. Zhang Xuanyu fired the mysterious gun, and a shot blew the head of this soul-eater.

Zhang Xuanyu looked back at Luo Xiaobai in amazement: "This kind of vine seems to be weird, very tough, and more like a steel thorn."

Luo Xiaobai nodded: "This means that in this ancient battlefield, there is still a spirit plant. But this spirit plant also has the ability to swallow the soul and eat the spirit. If you encounter it, you must be careful."

Han Fei did not make any shots. His current strength is better than that of Luo Xiaobai. Shoot by yourself, Luo Xiaobai them, there is no mobile phone meeting.

Han Feidao: "Jade! Such a creature, you meet alone, how long does it take to kill?"

Zhang Xuanyu shrugged helplessly: "I need three or five breaths to give it my best. If it is normal combat, it may take more than 20 breaths, but that's because my spirit is strong enough. If I meet two, at least 50 breaths Time. If three ... have to run. "

The musician madly said, "If I fight against the sky and the spirits, I can deal with three."

Luo Xiaobai: "I'm almost the same."

Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief: "That's enough. I won't take the fight afterwards. I will find the first relic first."

Luo Xiaobai frowned slightly. She probably knew that Han Fei should be able to deal with many. At this moment, the three of them are dragged down instead.

Luo Xiaobai: "Would you like to go alone? The three of us, in the case of joint efforts, self-protection is not a problem."

Han Fei shook his head: "Now, it just appears alone. You can easily kill. Once there are dozens of them, quantitative changes cause qualitative changes, you can still win, I don't know. And I'm not worried about killing Soul, but real danger. "

The musician sighed madly, "Hey! It's a hindrance."

Han Fei cursed with a smile: "Get out of here, start quickly, but don't let the chances be stolen by others or sea monsters."


After half an hour.

Han Fei and others killed about 30 soul eaters all the way, and Han Fei, a pure soul bead, did not need one. Compared with themselves, Luo Xiaobai they need this thing more.

At this moment, everyone also regarded the relic exploration as the purest journey of experience.

At this moment, the musician devoured heavenly art, sucked, and slashed a soul eater, grinning, "Go, continue."

Suddenly, Han Fei said, "Wait, there is a team of sea monsters."

Luo Xiaobai immediately looked at Han Fei: "How many people?"

Han Fei: "There are more than 50 miles to the left, and there are 6 people. The strength is unclear."

Zhang Xuanyu grinned immediately: "Walk, you will meet them."


The other end.

Yuxi took five people and was looking for a relic. His companion spirit, with a weak sense of induction, pursued it all the way.

Yuxi said: "Everyone pay attention, the relics I sense should be nearby and look for them."

After a hundred breaths.

Yuxi suddenly looked up: "Be aware, there are 4 humans ... Oh! Perception is smaller than me, they should be looking for ruins. Everyone rushes over and kills."

Someone immediately laughed and said, "Ha, four people? Although they are not enough, they are not bad."

Someone fangs: "Kill!"


Zhang Xuanyu: "Intentionally showing weakness, will they come?"

Han Fei said with a smile: "Trust me, Siren is more belligerent. And sometimes their brains are not very easy to use. We pretend to look for opportunities, but they are perceived. What does this mean? It shows that our strength is lower than them what!"

The musician laughed wryly, "It's insidious."


Han Fei slapped it in the past: "What danger is Yin? This is experience."

During the hands, Han Fei laughed: "They are here, we don't run."

Zhang Xuanyu said, "If they don't run, wouldn't they doubt it?"

Han Fei sneered: "What do you suspect? In this ghost place, once you run up, you will encounter 100% of the soul eater. At that time, three or five soul eater will be drawn out. Will the three parties fight together?"

Luo Xiaobai has been perceiving. Unfortunately, there is no Ling Zhi here, and her range of perception is not large.

At 20 miles, Han Fei suddenly said, "Okay, you can make a fighting gesture."

Immediately, a box of the musician's mad soldier pressed to the ground, Zhang Xuanyu held a stick, and the bloodthirsty shark merged.

Yuxi roared: "The other party didn't dare to run. Although it was a little bit troublesome, everyone, kill it vigorously."

"Brush it ..."

Six mermaids, almost simultaneously possessing Neptune.

However, Han Fei smiled coldly: there was no demigod, and it was not a climate.

Han Fei immediately said, "Look at you."

Zhang Xuanyu grinned, "Hey! Don't let them run away."

Both sides can already see.

However, when these half-mermaids rushed, five soul-eaters chased after them.

Han Fei cursed, "A group of silly hats."


When the two sides were only 300 meters apart, Zhang Xuanyu suddenly shot: "Instantaneous light!"

I saw a half-mermaid figure, suddenly stopped in the air. Because of a stick figure, it suddenly reached its eyebrows, it couldn't tolerate it to respond, and its head burst suddenly.


Quartet gray vines rose around, saying so, madly buckled at these mermaids.

The musician hurried forward tens of meters, and suddenly jumped, a big roar emerged. There were two Neptune strikes, which went directly into the hole and disappeared without a trace. And the musician reached out his hand wildly, and in the armor box, the sword poured out. Bloodthirsty knives, swept at one person.

As for Han Fei, he looked at Luo Xiaobai and said, "The guy in the lead, the high-level sea monster realm, is more difficult to get involved."

Luo Xiaobai: "You deal with soul eater, these five people give us."

Han Fei nodded, the phantom glazed wing unfolded, and he passed by these mermaids and flew out.

"Phantom wings? Not good, fooled. He is Han Fei."

These five were terrified, could Cang Lanyu personally issue a Dag killing order, could it be an ordinary character? For a moment, they had fallen to one person, which showed that the other was extremely powerful.

What was beyond their expectation was that Han Fei swept past them and rushed to the five soul-eaters without even paying attention to them.


The first reaction of Yuxi is to run.

He knew what Han Fei's move meant? This means that even if the opponent has only three people, even if these three people only have junior snorkelers, they can still kill them.

Luo Xiaobai's eyes turned white: "Calling spirit, parasitic."

Zhang Xuanyu grinned, "Moments!"


As for Han Fei, he entered the battle faster than Luo Xiaobai.

"Boom boom!"

Jin Guang's fist prints roared out, and the invincible technique like the sun shined, and three fists exploded a soul-eater.

The line of nothingness hangs. Although these soul-eaters are also conscious, they are not as strong as humans. They are directly held by Han Fei ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~! "

After the sword-drawing operation, two soul-eaters were left and chopped by Han Fei.

During this period, Han Fei felt tingling in his head, but not very strongly. Suddenly, they sneered at the soul attack of these soul-eaters.

"Puff puff!"

When 3 interest has not arrived, four soul eater spirits have fallen. Another one, Han Feizheng controlled it, attacked himself deliberately.

After researching dozens of breaths, it was found that the soul of Devourer was all dirty, all kinds of killing bridges were meaningless. So, he slashed this one with a single knife.

Putting away the pure soul beads, Han Fei looked back and found that there were only 2 mermaids left.

Six people came, and there were only two left in no time. This is the fighting power of Han Fei's team.

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