God of Fishing

Chapter 893: Hunting mermaid

After both Lerenkang and Zhang Xuanyu refined the demigod, Han Feiyou said: "We were originally looking for ruins. But this is obviously not a ruin. Xiaobai has no reason to react to the demigods. "

Luo Xiaobai's eyes lit up: "So there is still a ruin near here."

Han Fei nodded: "Yes, it shouldn't be far away. Otherwise, we're in this ghost place, and we just dug out 7 demigods casually. This is not reasonable."

Zhang Xuanyu said, "Maybe, in ancient times, the worst weapon was a demigod?"

Han Fei looked at Zhang Xuanyu silently: "Do you believe it?"

Zhang Xuanyu smiled. Indeed, he was not convinced. What value is a demigod in Broken Star Island? Who can own it casually?

It should be said that most of the weapons have become scrap iron ... and only demigods are strong enough to survive!

Several people had just come out of the hole and suddenly looked in one direction at the same time. There was a faint ripple of water there, as if someone was fighting.

Han Fei looked happy: "Let's go and see."

This is the case in the sea. Most creatures can sense what kind of creatures are there by sound and various sound waves.

Han Fei, they do n’t have this ability, they can only see it by themselves.

Of course, there must be soul-eaters along the way. However, this time no one practiced hands, it is likely that the remains were discovered by others.

As a result, Luo Xiaobai went directly into stealth.

Han Fei shot one by one, killing him quite numbly, and seeing Zhang Xuanyu and the musicians numb scalp.

Zhang Xuanyu: "No! How strong are you now? This is it? Go out, non-human!"

Han Fei immediately patted his thigh: "Mistweed."

Luo Xiaobai: "What's wrong?"

Suddenly, Han Fei felt sorry for them, and Yoyo said, "I forgot to tell you something."

The musician crazily crooked his head: "What have you done to say sorry to us?"

Han Fei said dumbly, "In fact, it's nothing. Let me tell you, it may not be possible for the time being."

Zhang Xuanyu hurriedly said, "What do you say!"

Han Feiyou said: "Reiki can be dismantled ..."

After dozens of breaths, Zhang Xuanyu really wanted to shoot Han Fei down. Just listening to Zhang Xuanyu's anger, "I didn't tell us such an important thing? I said, you have improved your strength by more than a star or a bit! Soul Eater, one sword at a time, with a little aura can be used as two points, the power is doubled."

Han Fei laughed awkwardly: "No, the multiplication is not, but it will be much stronger. In the same realm, if you learn the reiki dismantling, you can almost crush each other. Of course, except Tianjiao."

Luo Xiaobai: "I, this matter needs to be on the agenda, you have to try it when you go back."


A wave of water came on.

Han Fei's eyes narrowed slightly, Luo Xiaobai frowned: "Poisonous."

Han Fei felt it too. However, the Tianling detoxifying insects only moved a little, indicating that the toxin is not large.

Immediately, Zhang Xuanyu and the musicians were mad at their aura and blocked poison.

A moment later, within the range of Han Fei's perception, there was a group of 20-something mermaids fighting a weird crab and a soul-eater.

Han Fei said with a smile: "Sea Kraken vs. Soul Eater, let's sneak in."

Luo Xiaobai wondered: "It's only 500 miles away, another one?"

As Han Fei dropped the Hidden Array, he said, "It may be dangerous here, but it should not be so much. If it were all of the level of soul-eater, we would not be able to fight."

After more than 70 miles, Han Fei's speed has slowed down a lot.

In Han Fei's perception, two people had performed the secret method of Poseidon's advent, and two Tianjiao were listed prominently.

Luo Xiaobai: "Don't worry, wait for them to finish. Han Fei, that crab soul-eater, is very strong?"

Han Fei shook his head: "No, you see that its carapace was pierced by others. It can't be repaired fast! You see, everywhere are small crabs crawling on it and being smashed, it will be repaired in a while . "

Zhang Xuanyu said: "I don't know if the crabs are strong or not. I know that the half-mermaids are quite strong. They are even more powerful than I use the Wangba Xuan Mantra."

Han Fei said with a smile: "The peak of the sea monster world, do you think you are the same?"

The musician madly said, "I hope that big crab kills a few more."

Just at the stall where the musician was talking wildly, there was a fisherman flashing to the top of a big crab with a flying demon, and a huge harpoon came down from the sky and directly pierced the big crab shell.

However, the following scene makes Han Fei's memory fresh. Inside the shell, three snake heads rushed out, and the man was bitten to death. Two huge heads rushed into the crowd, and then a mermaid began to go mad and shot at his companions.

Han Fei shrugged: "I said it wouldn't be that easy. Before dying, I have to take a few people away."

"Boom boom boom ..."

The two strong men at the top of the sea monster realm and one Tianjiao shot at the same time and cut off the three snake heads. Only then did they truly kill the soul-eater.

Han Fei stunned and said: "Many people are still good. Under the effect of the secret method, ordinary soul-eaters still have little resistance to the strong. The only thing they commend is their attack methods. Not the same. If it was the big spider just now, they would definitely stop at these people. "

After speaking, Han Fei yelled, "Shoot."

During the conversation, Han Fei went straight out.

Everyone: "???"

Zhang Xuanyu said silently: "Anyway, wait for them to come out before killing! More than 10 people."

Han Fei has already rushed up. What can they do, Luo Xiaobai? On?

The two strong men at the pinnacle of the Kraken Realm had just put away Poseidon and were still weak at the moment.

One of them said, "Just take a break and come back later."

Having just said this, several people looked at Han Fei's direction at the same time: "An enemy attack is a human."

Here, the team of Siren just relaxed, summoned the companion spirit again.

However, at this look, these guys found that there were only four people coming across.

A group of half-mermaids are aggressive: Are you kidding us? 4 people, come to impact our 20 team?

But when he saw a mermaid wearing a gold suit, he grinned and said, "I'll go there for a while ..."

Before he finished speaking, the man opened his eyes wide because he saw "Hula" behind Han Fei and opened a pair of phantom wings.

"It's him, it's human beings Tian Han Han Fei."

The two captain-level strong men suddenly changed their faces: "Yu Ai, Poseidon is coming, soon."

The person who can make Cang Lanyu call for killing, although they are a little excited at the moment, will never look down on each other.

Almost at the same time, the two half-mermaids were so proud that they performed the secret method of Poseidon's advent.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

The golden light punches poured out.

Han Fei speeded up abruptly, pulled his sword, and slashed directly into a peak of the sea monster realm.

That guy has just cast Poseidon. At this moment, it cannot be performed again immediately. However, he did not seduce Han Fei with a sea god.

However, at this moment Han Fei's tactics of overlords add up, did he shake it when he said it was shaking?


Han Fei stabbed Han directly.


Han Fei rushed into the crowd, passing madly, and the **** knife began to harvest mode. Han Fei was shrouded in big flames, but Han Fei ignored it. A Shuang'ao pinched to Han Fei and was smashed by his two fists; a soul bombarded Han Fei, and the man was bombed to death by Han Fei.

"Oh ~"

Han Fei rushed into the crowd, only three breaths, 5 were beheaded, and two were bombed.

"Swallow Heaven."

"Burning knife."

The sky fell, and the sea fell.

"Spiritual, parasitic, poisonous ..."

"Instantaneous light."

Suddenly, Zhang Xuanyu's moment had poked him to death. Although one of them was not killed, everyone was cut off directly.

Cooperating with Luo Xiaobai's parasitic technique, many people have drilled out of their bodies. When he was panic, he was chopped by Han Fei.

The peak of the sea monster that had just emerged from the void, when he first appeared, found that Han Fei suddenly flashed over, hitting him with a punch, and at the same time the line of nothingness was directly buckled.

The man was hit underwater with a punch. One Tianjiao forcibly broke free from the madness of the **** of sea with the phantom of the sea **** and blasted him.

Luo Xiaobai's vine swept across, while he grabbed Zhang Xuanyu and the music fanatic, and pointed his finger at the half-mermaid Tianjiao: "Youlan Mystery."

At this moment, Han Fei has killed eight people.

Suddenly, there was a thunder in the sea, and the thunder and lightning slashed one person.

The musician grinned wildly: "This secret method is really strong, comparable to Wang Baxuan curse! However, my fourth-level Thunderbolt sword is so good?"

The situation on the field was directly reversed.

Han Fei has killed another peak of the Kraken. At the same time, the top monster in the sea monster realm, which was controlled by Han Fei, flew over from the bottom of the sea and suddenly shot when passing by two half-mermaids.

"Fish axe, what are you doing? Are you crazy?"

Han Fei did not kill, directly controlled the axe, and went up to attack the two half-mermaid Tianjiao. As a result, it is conceivable that Han Fei controls proficiency. As soon as the fish axe went up, they were rubbed against the ground.

However, Han Fei didn't panic at all: "He was trying to control the fish and axe to explode while facing the enemy."

Only this time, he was met with strong resistance.

"Hum, burst me."


The two half-mermaids Tianjiao were stunned: how did this happen? The self-explosion of the pinnacle of the sea monster realm ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ directly blasted them, not even the secret method of the advent of the sea god.

The three Zhang Xuanyu already took the opportunity.

Han Fei grinned, pulled back the line of nothingness, and flickered directly to the Siren Realm who was preparing for blood. With a single blow, the opponent died of a companion fish.

"Sacrifice yourself!"

Han Fei controls the companion spirit of the opponent. At the same time, the punches of his body punched out, crushing the man directly. Followed by a sword-drawing operation to chop the big fish to death.

Quickly stuffed an energy fruit into his mouth and waited for two breaths. When the man came out of the void, he saw Han Fei flash, and slapped him on the palm.

At that time, he was desperate.

He knew: Why did the fish axe start with his companions? Han Fei has a means to control the spirits.

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