God of Fishing

Chapter 949: Korean BOSS (below)

The sea was rough, and the sky was dark because the water was here.

This battle is inevitable.

Qing Ye grinned and said, "Snoring! Anyway, we haven't played anyway. I have heard that you are very strong, but to what extent? I don't know. I'll see you this time."

Han Fei turned his head and glanced at the surging tide, and suddenly said, "If you practice by the suspended waterfall, you would be better than this tide. See who can stick with us? Whoever retreats first, who loses. "

Qing Yan's face was full of smiles: "Okay! Very good test."

However, he saw that Han Fei was looking at Mizusawa and arched his hand: "Senior, can you do me a favor and get some waves out?"

Mizusawa's voice was cold: "Yes."


But I saw Mizusawa flying to the sky, with a pair of wings, and the wind was rising and the waves were raging. The first wave is as high as seventy to eighty meters.

The moment the tide rolled around, it was like a small hill, smashing it in the head.


The green snarling roared, the ripples under her feet oscillated outward, her body muscles swelled, and her hair even rose. The red light rose, just like the little universe erupted.

The tide came, seemingly slow, but it was fast.

Han Fei had another kitchen knife in his hands. What he has to do is: Cut the waves.


The tide waves rose, and dark clouds covered the stars.

Han Fei and Qing Yan were in chaos. They looked firm in the undulating waves. Right now, there is only that wave.

"Magic change."

Facing the real wave, the secret method will come out, and Han Fei can even hear a deep gasp in Qingyan's throat.

50 meters.

30 meters.

10 m.

"No one can stop me, unyielding !!!"

Green snarled, pressing his hands on the tide, and tore up the giant wave.

However, Han Fei did not look at him. On his blood-drinking knife in his hand, the Reiki had already boiled, and even the Reiki fire sprang up automatically.



In the terrible waves, two tiny figures stood on the surface of the sea. The waves in front of them separated. The force of terror tears the tide apart for a long time.

Even Mizusawa, who gazed in the sky, couldn't help feeling a little moved: Both men were strong.

But at present, Qingye uses pure power to tear the wave. Han Fei cut a gap. Sensually, it is not as **** as the barley.

However, the first wave was just Mizusawa's ability to look at the two.


Follow it with wings.

This time, another wave rolled over from a distance. As the tide moves forward, it constantly absorbs the thrust of the water waves. Therefore, this wave is getting higher and higher. By the time Han Fei was 300 meters in front of them, the height of the giant waves was more than 200 meters.

The wave is continuing, Mizusawa said lightly: "This is not an ordinary wave. This wave is more than 30 miles wide. It advances by means of power and is horrifying.

However, neither of them paid much attention to Suize's reminder. They were all clear in their hearts: a wave of wins and losses, no choice, only fight.

Han Fei turned his hands and put away the **** knife.

At this moment, he turned to look at Qing Ye, slightly surprised. Because he found that the body of Qing Qing was bleeding, a strange power, condensed on him, more like a soul power ...

No, Han Fei has not seen that kind of soul power, nor is it the power of the law. It is like a terrible spiritual power, a manifestation of will.

Han Fei turned his head, took a breath, and fixed his eyes. Today, I don't lose the word in my own dictionary. Either win or die.

At this time, the most fundamental thing that supports the invincible heart is belief.

In Han Fei's eyes, the light shone. His body gradually became golden. In this darkness, it is unusually conspicuous.

Mizusawa was above the sky, his eyes flickered: "Well ... anyone who dares to go this way has never had a good end."

The big waves are already here.

If you look up, you will find that the wave is crooked, as if a big top is covered on the head.

That feeling was like walking alone into a huge palace, looking up, and discovering that this palace is only one storey high, more than 300 meters high. The smallness of human beings is impressive.

Confronting this terrible power, we must hold a little, hold an absolute realm.


Qing Ye's whole body, flew into the blood in an instant, looks like crazy, he even entered the shock of this terrible huge wave.

"Sacrifice ... invincible realm,"

Suddenly, Han Fei stepped on the void and gave himself a punch. All the power is gathered in one punch. It was also crazy. Han Fei directly connected people with fists and blasted into this terror wave.

At that moment, the whole world was left with the sound of water waves breaking. The two figures rushed in the midst of the tide and were extremely crazy!

Qing Yan's body has grown strong, and her horrible will is full of cracks, but she still persists.

Han Fei's whole person seemed to turn into a terrible golden fireball, rushing forward slowly in the tide.


Qing Yan finally couldn't stand it, her will was broken, she was overturned by the tide, and she was instantly taken out for thousands of kilometers.

And Han Fei rushed in the waves, with a golden light in his eyes, it seemed that he had forgotten that he had won.


In the fog of nine sounds, Qingyu was lying on the ground, wondering how long she was unconscious, and finally woke up.

He tried to turn himself over, lying on the ground in a large font, facing the stars, blood dripping from his body, and even a smile was difficult.

"Tsing Yi and Ah Chen, this time is really difficult ... that guy, not an individual ..."


In the village, above the lake.


Suddenly Han Fei appeared, the whole person was half-knelt on the sea, his face pale.

Jiang Chao and Yang Xie's looks changed dramatically.

"Han Fei!"

"Little master."


Han Fei spit out blood: "I'm fine, I slowly."

After about 20 full breaths, Han Fei took out the fruit and stuffed it into his mouth.

At this moment, he looked up at the sky, and found that the sky had a slight white color. The stars are gradually becoming secretive, and the bitmap diagrams of gossip in the water are beginning to be blurred.

"Forget it, today is too hasty, come again tomorrow."

A moment later, Han Fei sat down on the shore and lost a few magical healing techniques to himself. Only in the anxious eyes of Jiang Chao and Yang Xie, he grinned and said, "Win."


The two breathed out at the same time.

However, they looked slightly changed. Even Han Fei, who embarked on an invincible road, has won so hard. Is this the image grabber the devil? So strong?

However, when Han Fei said this, many people in all directions were relieved and just won.

They have been in trouble and they are about to give up. The arrival of Han Fei really gave them hope.

How important is hope in the darkness of despair?

Regardless of which big tribe he used to be? Or a big child? Or unnamed casual repair? At this moment, there was a hint of hope in my heart.

Who cares about the chart? Anyway, these people can't get it. Since we can't get the picture, aren't we allowed to go out?


Jiang Chao frowned: "Han Fei, this time the enemy is strong?"

Han Fei nodded: "It just happened to be a difficult challenge."

Yang Xie said with a smile: "Little brother, don't be too stressed. The starry sky disappears immediately, take a rest in the day. We still have time, this is a very significant breakthrough.

Han Fei nodded slightly and looked at Ren Tianfei. "Old man, do I have to fight with you?"

Jiang Chao and Yang Xie looked weird and dignified: this is not easy to deal with!

From the moment he met Cao Jiaren, Han Fei knew that his last opponent was probably Ren Tianfei. This old product is not comparable to those of Cao Jiaren.

But what Han Feihuai meant was that Ren Tianfei didn't come down to the body and would really fight him?

And this is the top powerhouse who created the "Immortal Body". The strength of the deity is superb, and the avatar is not weak, right?

Ren Tianfei laughed and said, "Why, scared?"

Han Fei grinned and grinned, "I'm afraid of you getting a ball? Sometimes, I really wonder if you wait for me to gather all my luck and make you once and for all? As long as you beat me ... But even then, I To win others, win you as well. "

Ren Tianfei laughed, "Look at you."


The sun rose and everything was calm.

The star map disappeared, and I had to wait six hours before going out to fight again.

At this time, the smoke from the village rose, and an adult led the child to the lake to fish.

When the child saw Han Fei, he was still full of curiosity.

A little girl was holding a piece of cake in her hand, humming, ran to Han Fei, reached out and handed the cake to Han Fei: "Uncle, have breakfast."

Han Fei reached for it and smiled: "Called brother."

The little girl was at a loss, looking at her father next to her, wondering what to do.

But when he saw the dad laughed, "It's called uncle. Dad is only 20 years old this year."

The little girl seemed to have an idea and shouted at Han Fei, "Uncle!"

Han Fei laughed, picked up the cake and took a bite. Han Fei said, "What's your name?"

The little girl milked and said, "My name is Zhang Qiaoqiao."

Han Fei looked at Jiang Chao, Jiang Chao nodded slightly: "Thousand Star City, the descendants of the Zhang family."

Han Fei touched his nose. Although I don't deal with the Zhang family, I don't want to make a clear distance with a child!

Just listen to Han Feidao: "What a coincidence! UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com don't fish with your father today. Uncle I have fish here, big and big fish, I invite you to fish."

With a wave of Han Fei's hand, a silver-scale fish, more than 20 meters in size, fell to the ground, shocking the little girl and his father directly.

"Wow! Dad, dad ... so big fish!"

Jiang Chao and Yang Xie were all stunned, speechless: You came to take pictures, you ... why are you still carrying fish?

But the next moment, the cauldron appeared, the barbecue grill appeared, the messy seasonings appeared, and a bunch of tableware appeared, and everyone saw that they were stunned.

Yang Xie shook his lips and said, "Little master! You ... break the ruins, but also the guy who eats?"

Third more ... for monthly tickets ...

(End of this chapter)

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