Lin Feng glanced at the casino and came to a relatively secluded dice table.

Originally, he wanted to play ten games quickly, and after winning a sum of money, he could go home.

But what he didn't expect was that as soon as he sat down, a group of people immediately surrounded him.

A piece of black pressure surrounded Lin Feng and the others in the middle.

Yan Huhu glared, opened his arms, and blocked everyone who wanted to get close to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng scratched his head in distress and said, "Everyone, other gambling tables can also be played, there is no need to block this gambling table, right?" "

"Great God, we've been waiting for you for a long time, take us to play a few hands."

"Yes, yes, we heard that a gambler came to Lisboa Casino, but we came here on purpose."

"We've long heard that you don't play more than ten bets a day, so I came here last night to wait for you."


The surrounding gamblers chattered and lifted Lin Feng to the sky, and some even called him the God of Gambling.

Lin Feng supported his forehead, it seemed that he had tested his mental ability a little too much yesterday.

It seems that it is still necessary to keep a low profile, otherwise, every time you come to the casino, you will be surrounded by such a large group of people, and how to make money.

"Sorry guys, it was just my luck before, I can't be so lucky every day."

Lin Feng stood up and said to everyone.

I hope they can leave and don't let him make such a big move.

Unfortunately, his words did not have the slightest strength, and the gamblers had no intention of leaving.

"Forget it, don't blame me for losing money."

Lin Feng let out a breath, said secretly in his heart, and then sat down again.

Today, his principal is more than 1.3 million, and he took out 100,000 and bet directly on the big one.

After he placed his bet, a group of people bet wildly, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands.


"Buy and leave."

After the dealer saw that everyone had placed bets, he secretly rang the bell and said loudly.

So, everyone closed their breath, their eyes stared at the dice cup, waiting for the dealer to draw the lottery.


"156,,12 o'clock big."

When the dealer said out loud the sum value of the dice, the entire casino immediately erupted into cheers.

"Bull break, the gambler god is the gambling god, directly open the door."

"Haha, winning hundreds of thousands in one hand, it's simply crooked."

"See no, I didn't lie to you, you look at how much you only bet 10,000 and won less."


Everyone happily withdrew the principal and winnings, and waited for Lin Feng to continue to bet.

Lin Feng's face was expressionless, and without saying a word, he bet again on a hundred thousand chips directly on the big one.

This time, the surrounding gamblers bet even more crazy, starting with 100,000 yuan.

A pile of chips piled up on top of it, and even the dealer swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty.

Because, at a glance, this time the chips on the big one alone exceeded several million.

He took a deep breath, then pressed the handle a few times, and the dice began to roll rapidly inside the dice cup.

"Big, big, big..."

Everyone shouted in unison, attracting more attention.

"123,6 points small."

When the dealer announced the sum of the dice points again, there was silence for a while.

No one expected that after winning just one game, they would lose.

"Boy, what are you doing, how can you lose? Aren't you a gambler? "

"Yes, this is all my gambling funds, thanks to you for losing a brilliant light."

"No, you have to pay us."

The gamblers' eyes were bloodshot, and they all scolded Lin Feng.

"Hehe, this is the real gambler."

Lin Feng shook his head with a slight smile, when these guys won money, they held him up one by one, but if they lost, they would speak ill of you.

"Guys, I didn't ask you to bet with me, I have said, thirty years of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi, yesterday I won money, does not mean that I can still win today, why the first win you are happy, the second loss is all blamed on me?" Love to follow, if you don't follow, please leave, don't hinder me from gambling. "

Lin Feng couldn't help but scoff, and after speaking, he once again took out a hundred thousand chips and threw them on the big one.

For a while, this gambling table fell silent, some of them lost all their gambling funds and chose to leave, while some people continued to choose to bet with Lin Feng after thinking about it.


"235,,10 o'clock small."

When the dealer reported the dice and values again, it immediately caused a chorus of boos.

Obviously, Lin Feng had pressed wrong twice in a row, making them completely disappointed.

The crowd that gradually gathered around Lin Feng left one after another.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The dealer continued his work, began to press the handle, and began to roll the dice.

"One million to 5."

Lin Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw everyone leaving, and after secretly opening his clairvoyant eyes, he increased the stakes and bet one million chips on double 5.

Double 5s are odds of one to ten, so if the dice have two fives, then they win ten times the bet.

But this probability is obviously more difficult than the bet size, or sum value.

Therefore, there are still a few gamblers who have not left, and after thinking about it, they bet the chips in their hands on the big.

"Oh, kind of interesting."

Hong Lijun, who was standing not far from Lin Feng, held his chin and nodded with a smile.

As a dice demon, his hearing is definitely one of the best.

Even if the dice cup has a good sound insulation effect, it still cannot escape his hearing.

The moment the dice stops, he already knows the points inside.

However, he still didn't see how Lin Feng knew that there would be double 5 points in this game.

It seems that only by fighting face-to-face can we discover each other's flaws.

So, he strode towards the dealer's position.


"255,,12 o'clock."

The dealer glanced at the situation in the dice cup and loudly reported the points and sum values.

Then he began to give out prizes.

Several others were betting not very large, and it was a one-for-one odds, and the prizes were quickly paid.

"Sorry sir, please wait a moment because there are not enough chips."

The dealer said apologetically to Lin Feng.

"No problem."

Lin Feng shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile.

"You go and rest first, and leave this gambling table to me."

While the dealer was waiting for chips, Hong Lijun came to his side and said with a smile.


The dealer was visibly startled, because he didn't know the man.

Suddenly, he lifted the headset above his ear, only then nodded and gave way to the dealer's position.

"This brother, you don't like it, do you?"

Hong Lijun put his hands on the edge of the gambling table and asked Lin Feng with a smile.

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