God of Green

Chapter 112

In addition to those news websites, there were also many newspapers that got the news and focused on reporting Jiang Xiaolin's hat trick.

There were even newspapers that were printed in the middle of the night, finalized, and published on Sunday morning, and they hurriedly revised and re-formatted the news of Jiang Xiaolin's hat trick on the front page.

After dawn, Peng Zhijie's live report with photos was sold to more websites, newspapers, and TV stations in China, and the national media quickly joined in the collective reporting of Jiang Xiaolin.

Then, on Sunday afternoon, the news of Jiang Xiaolin's hat trick in the Eredivisie was broadcasted in various websites, TVs, and newspapers in China.

Xinglang.com, Wangyi Sports, Sohu Sports, Beiping TV Station, Shenhu TV Station, Guangdong TV Station, Qianzhou TV Station, Football News, Yangcheng Daily, Global Times, Sports News, etc., well-known and unknown media, all joined the feast of reporting Jiang Xiaolin.

Chinese football has been in a slump for too long, and the number of Chinese fans is very large, so such exciting news is needed.

The concentrated coverage of the national media has caused great shock to the Chinese football world and fans.

A hat trick has the tendency to put Jiang Xiaolin on the throne.

Of course, some media exaggerated and deliberately attracted attention, but there is no doubt that the increase in Jiang Xiaolin's fame is real.

At 19:00 in the evening, even the "News Daily" of China National Television came out to report Jiang Xiaolin's hat trick.

You know, this is "News Daily", the most rated and authoritative news program in China, which usually broadcasts leaders, national advanced figures, enterprises, and deeds.

Every provincial satellite TV station in the country must switch to National TV to broadcast "News Daily" at the right time.

And during this period, it is almost difficult to see other TV stations broadcast TV series and other programs.

Most people who watch TV can only watch "News Daily" during this time period.

The "News Daily" on the evening of Sunday, March 2, shocked many viewers across the country, especially those fans who didn't know Jiang Xiaolin.

After more than 20 minutes of "News Daily", a group of domestic enterprises completed technology upgrades and improved the technological content of export products through self-reliance, and the screen cut back to the studio.

Then, the announcer said seriously: "Last night, in the 27th round of the Dutch Football League, Roda JC played against Alkmaar at home. Jiang Xiaolin, a Chinese player who signed with Alkmaar, scored three goals in the 13th, 28th and 91st minutes, completing the first hat trick of a Chinese player in the top European league, helping Alkmaar beat Roda JC 3-1 away and win the team's second victory in the second half of the season. Please see the detailed report below."

Then, it was Jiang Xiaolin's goal collection in this game, and the commentator behind the scenes explained while playing.

In a restaurant in Yangcheng City, Guangdong Province, several young people who had just played football in the afternoon came to this restaurant for dinner.

The TV on the wall of the restaurant was playing the "News Daily".

Originally, no one was interested in watching this kind of program.

Unexpectedly, football terms such as "Eredivisie" and "hat trick" came from the TV. Everyone was attracted and looked up and watched seriously, even forgetting to eat.

After seeing the video collection of Jiang Xiaolin scoring three goals with his head and feet in a game and completing a hat trick, several young people went crazy.

"Damn? Is this true?"

"This guy is called Jiang Xiaolin? When did he show up? How come I didn't know about him?"

"That's amazing. He actually performed a hat trick in the Eredivisie. Why have I never heard of him before?"

"Let's go to the Internet cafe later and search the news online."


The young people usually work, play games, or play football. They don't pay much attention to sports news, newspaper reports, etc., and they really haven't heard of Jiang Xiaolin.

Unexpectedly, when Jiang Xiaolin appeared in front of them, he was on a super program like "News Daily".

Several people excitedly discussed Jiang Xiaolin's hat trick and opened a few bottles of beer to celebrate.


In the Tubao Village of Laolinkan Village, Dongshan Township, Chacheng County, Jiang Xiaolin's grandfather's home, Jiang Xiaolin's grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, and a cousin of the uncle's family who did not pass the high school entrance examination after graduating from junior high school and did not go out to work, but helped with farm work and housework at home, the family was busyAfter the farm work, they were also having dinner.

The TV at home was still the old black-and-white TV, and there was no closed-circuit. It was just a TV signal receiver commonly used in rural areas, and only a limited number of TV stations could be searched.

Of course, there must be a national TV comprehensive channel among them.

There is no doubt about it.

Any TV set anywhere in China, even if only one channel can be searched, must appear on the national TV comprehensive channel.

At this time, the TV at home was stopped on the national TV comprehensive channel, and it was playing today's "News Daily".

It's not that their family has a high level of awareness and likes to watch "News Daily", but because the national TV comprehensive channel and several provincial satellite TV stations that can be searched by this TV are all playing "News Daily" at this time, and there is no choice.

At first, everyone was chatting while eating, and didn't pay much attention to the news broadcast on TV.

After all, the content of those news was too far away from them.

The purpose of turning on the TV is just to avoid boredom, and occasionally everyone can discuss interesting news.

Otherwise, life in mountainous rural areas is too monotonous.

However, no one in the room expected that the name "Jiang Xiaolin" suddenly appeared in the mouth of the announcer of "News Daily".

Combined with the words such as Netherlands and football, Jiang Xiaolin's cousin Jiang Hanxue was the first to react. She exclaimed and pointed at the TV in surprise: "Is this Xiaolin? Xiaolin is on the News Daily?"

Suddenly, everyone quieted down and looked up at the TV.

Then, when Jiang Xiaolin's goal collection appeared on the screen, seeing the strange and familiar figure, Jiang Xiaolin's grandfather Jiang Guangyi immediately said excitedly: "It's Xiaolin, it's really Xiaolin!"

Jiang Xiaolin's grandmother also said with some excitement and surprise: "It's really Xiaolin, how come he is on the News Daily?"

Seeing Jiang Xiaolin score three goals in a row on the court, everyone in the room, except Jiang Hanxue, didn't understand what a hat trick meant.

But this did not hinder the family's view of Jiang Xiaolin.

Because this is "News Daily".

The leader's news was broadcast in the first few minutes.

They were already shocked enough that Jiang Xiaolin could appear on this program. As for what football was all about, they didn't need to understand it or know anything about it.

As long as they understood that Jiang Xiaolin had made a name for himself abroad and that the national television station's "News Daily" was broadcasting news about Jiang Xiaolin, that was enough.

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