God of Green

Chapter 176

Jiang Xiaolin found the landing point of the corner kick sent by Hao Junmin, but Hao Junmin passed the ball a little off and too close to the goal. Even if Jiang Xiaolin judged the landing point, he could not hit it.

No matter how good his jumping is, he can't compare with Serbian goalkeeper Stojkovic who can use his hands.

However, Jiang Xiaolin's rush still interfered with Stojkovic, so he didn't dare to hold the ball with both hands, but punched the ball out with one fist.

Then, Jiang Xiaolin and Stojkovic, who collided with each other, fell in the small penalty area, stacked together, but Stojkovic was on top.

The ball punched out by Stojkovic fell into the large penalty area, and Wang Yongbai headed the ball to the goal before the opponent's defender cleared it.

However, the ball itself was not fast when it was punched out by Stojkovic, and Wang Yongbai's head was not strong enough under the interference of the opponent's defender, and it flew softly to the goal.

Goalkeeper Stojkovic, who had just collided with Jiang Xiaolin in the small penalty area, stood up in time because he was stacked on top of him. Even in a hurry, he lifted the ball over the crossbar with one hand.

Although Wang Yongbai's header shot did not score, this attack made all Serbians sweat.

Whether it was Jiang Xiaolin's first header or Wang Yongbai's second header shot, Serbia's goal was greatly threatened.

It was not until Stojkovic lifted the ball over the crossbar that the crisis was resolved, which made the hundreds of fans in the stands feel a little relieved.

As for corner kicks, the fans were not very worried.

As a European team, the average height of Serbian players is much taller than that of Chinese players. They think it is not a big problem to defend corner kicks.

Didn't you see that the first corner kick of the Chinese team in the 12th minute was grabbed by Serbia and headed out?

This is because they don't know much about Jiang Xiaolin.

The Serbian players, especially the two central defenders, were extremely nervous and stared at Jiang Xiaolin to prevent him from running out of their sight to grab the header.

After all, it was just a friendly match. Serbia would not collect intelligence on every Chinese player, but they would not miss the intelligence on the top scorer Jiang Xiaolin.

Jiang Xiaolin scored a lot of headers in the 17 goals in the Eredivisie.

If you look for Dutch newspapers or Internet reports, you will find a lot of descriptions of Jiang Xiaolin's excellent jumping and headers.

In addition, Jiang Xiaolin himself has a good height and excellent physique. The Serbian coach and players knew that Jiang Xiaolin must be a big threat in the corner kick tactics. Before the game, they told the players in the team to pay attention to defending Jiang Xiaolin's headers for aerial balls.

Although Jiang Xiaolin did not grab the first corner kick in the 12th minute, in fact, the ball was not near Jiang Xiaolin because the Chinese penalty kick player did not kick the ball well. Even if Jiang Xiaolin had a good bounce and excellent header skills, it was out of reach and could not be said to be a bad header.

Therefore, after another corner kick, the two central defenders of Serbia came to defend Jiang Xiaolin instead of defending the central defenders of the Chinese team, Li Weifeng and Wan Houliang, who were about the same height as them.

Goalkeeper Stojkovic was also very nervous. He moved while observing Jiang Xiaolin's position on the goal line and regarded Jiang Xiaolin as the first threat.

Seeing these actions of the opponent, the players of the Chinese team knew that Serbia understood the threat of Jiang Xiaolin in the corner kick.

However, there was no way to know it. The penalty kick winger Hao Junmin would still look for Jiang Xiaolin.

Because Jiang Xiaolin is the best header player and poses the greatest threat, even if the opponent is on guard, Hao Junmin must find Jiang Xiaolin.

Being closely guarded does not necessarily mean that you cannot score.

In other games, there are many players with excellent headers who are closely guarded, even pulled and dragged, but they can still score.

This is the ability of top players to break defense, otherwise why are they so expensive?

Therefore, under the gaze of the audience, after Hao Junmin kicked the ball out, he still looked for Jiang Xiaolin between the small penalty area line and the penalty spot.

However, when taking a corner kick in a football match, you can't find a certain point to send the ball to that point accurately.

Even Beckham can't do this, it can only be said that it's almost enough.

Hao Junmin is obviously far behind Beckham. The power of the corner kick he sent out is a bit strong, which may be higher than the middle and fall to the back point.

But Jiang Xiaolin keenly noticed this after Hao Junmin just kicked the ball out.

This is the intuition brought by his full off-ball running and scoring ability.

But others don’t have such a strong intuition,Most people have to wait until the ball is halfway before they can make a judgment.

Therefore, when the ball just flew up, Jiang Xiaolin, who was standing in the middle, immediately moved outwards, causing the two central defenders to move slightly outwards.

Then Jiang Xiaolin immediately changed direction, retreated two steps to the back of the goal, and then suddenly jumped up.

At this time, the ball had already drawn a parabola in the air and fell to the small penalty area line behind the goal.

The two Serbian central defenders were not paying attention and let Jiang Xiaolin escape from their close defense.

One of them even reached out to pull Jiang Xiaolin, but failed to hold him, and Jiang Xiaolin broke free forcefully.

When they wanted to catch up with Jiang Xiaolin to interfere with the defense, it was too late.

Because the ball in the air had already started to fall, they did not have enough time.

The full value of the jumping attribute gave Jiang Xiaolin a superhuman jumping ability, allowing him to jump high behind the goal and head the ball into the dead corner behind the goal with a powerful header to meet the corner kick from Hao Junmin.

Jiang Xiaolin's full header ability, plus the two central defenders being thrown away by him, and no one interfering when he headed the ball, allowed him to control the header to a very precise level.

In the desperate eyes of all Serbians, the ball flew into the dead corner of the goal in an instant at such a close distance.

Although goalkeeper Stojkovic made a desperate save, this tricky header that went straight to the dead corner was beyond his ability, and he could only watch the ball enter the net.

He even hit the goalpost when he fell from the air, but fortunately he was not injured.

Of course, whether Stojkovic hit the goalpost or got injured was not considered by the Chinese at this time.

Whether it was the Chinese people at the scene or in front of the TV, when they saw Jiang Xiaolin's header fly into the Serbian goal, they all cheered and screamed with excitement.

The commentator of the sports channel of China National Television also shouted excitedly in an excited voice:


"Jiang Xiaolin scored a goal, Jiang Xiaolin scored the first goal for the National Olympic Team!"

"The National Olympic Team leads Serbia 1-0!"

"After being suppressed by Serbia for more than 20 minutes, the Chinese team scored the first goal with Jiang Xiaolin's header in this corner kick, leading the opponent 1-0."

"Jiang Xiaolin really didn't let us down!"

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