God of Green

Chapter 334

Jiang Xiaolin scored four goals to help Alkmaar lead Vitesse 8-0. Less than two minutes later, the referee blew the whistle to end the first half.

Alkmaar, playing away, was ahead of Vitesse by eight goals in the first half, which puzzled countless reporters, neutral fans and commentators.

Even if Alkmaar is stronger, the gap should not be so big.

In the past, Alkmaar did its best to beat lower-level teams, at least in the first half, but Alkmaar did not lead by so much in the first half.

It can only be said that Vitesse may be unlucky today.

Of course, why Alkmaar still killed Vitesse after leading by a large score today is still a mystery.

This is a mystery for reporters and fans, and also for coaches Van Gaal, Juncker and others.

After returning to the locker room, Van Gaal asked, "Who can tell me why you didn't follow my tactical instructions in the first half, and still attacked Vitesse with all your strength after leading by three goals?"

Captain Yarians was about to speak, but Jiang Xiaolin stopped him and stood up to Van Gaal and said, "Sorry, boss, this is my fault. I asked everyone to help me to bloodbath Vitesse before the game started. Even if we were ahead by a large score, we couldn't slow down the offensive."

Van Gaal asked in surprise, "Why?"

Next, Jiang Xiaolin told the reasons why he did this.

After listening, Van Gaal felt a little unhappy, but also a little helpless.

As a head coach, not a player, from the perspective of a manager, when he met a player like Yu Hai who was not strong enough and was constantly injured, he might support the team to terminate his contract with him.

Because of this, Jiang Xiaolin had to pull the whole team to help him to bloodbath Vitesse. This not only disrupted the team's strategy for the entire season, but also made enemies for the team for no reason.

The difference in strength makes it no problem for Alkmaar to beat Vitesse, but if you are leading by a large margin and still want to kill them, it will attract hatred.

Even clay people have tempers. If you kill them so hard, it is hard to guarantee that they will not have bad intentions and commit malicious fouls against you.

The foul committed by Pugonuni against Jiang Xiaolin is a clear proof that he has been angered by Alkmaar.

In Van Gaal's view, Jiang Xiaolin was just lucky not to be injured.

If the game continues, it is hard to guarantee that Vitesse will not commit malicious fouls against other players of Alkmaar, causing injuries to their own players.

If Jiang Xiaolin himself has a grudge with Vitesse, it is easy to say, but the problem is that this is just the matter of Jiang Xiaolin's compatriot Yu Hai.

There are so many Chinese people all over the world. If Jiang Xiaolin claims that his compatriots have been bullied in the future and asks everyone to help him avenge and redress his grievances, will this team still be Alkmaar?

It is better to call it "Jiang's Team".

Therefore, from the bottom of his heart, Van Gaal did not accept Jiang Xiaolin's reason to ask the whole team to help him to revenge against Vitesse.

However, from the overall atmosphere of the team, Van Gaal could not stop everyone from doing this.

From last season to now, Jiang Xiaolin's performance has undoubtedly conquered everyone in the team. Even though he is only 17 years old, everyone in the team respects and obeys him, and many people have benefited from Jiang Xiaolin's assists and owed him a favor.

Even if there is no assist from Jiang Xiaolin, the feeling that Jiang Xiaolin led everyone to victory is a huge favor.

It is no exaggeration to say that Jiang Xiaolin has become the thigh of the entire Alkmaar team.

In this case, Jiang Xiaolin made this request for the first time, how could his teammates refuse?

This can explain why all the players, including captain Yarence, agreed to Jiang Xiaolin's request and went all out to bloodbath Vitesse with him.

The problem now is that Jiang Xiaolin is not only the thigh of the team, but also the thigh of Van Gaal in a sense.

With Jiang Xiaolin, he can 100% ensure that he will win the Eredivisie this season, and even win the Eredivisie and Dutch Cup double championships.

Without Jiang Xiaolin, the possibility of winning the Eredivisie or Dutch Cup championships will be many times lower.

The key is that even if he replaces Jiang Xiaolin at halftime, he will force other players not to continue to kill Vitesse. Although it is within his authority, is it necessary to have a tense relationship with his players because of a completely unrelated Vitesse?

How many head coaches can't handle the locker room relationship and finally leave in disgrace?

Although Jiang Xiaolin is only 17 years old, he undoubtedly has the power to influence the Alkmaar locker room, whether he is willing to use this influence or not.

Just like this time, as long as he is willing, these players who are older than him will beThe big players are willing to listen to him and help him.

As for the players with whom he has the best relationship, such as Romero and Martens, they are probably the ones who follow Jiang Xiaolin's lead.

If Van Gaal has a bad relationship with Jiang Xiaolin because of this incident, although he will not be dismissed, Jiang Xiaolin is only 17 years old and has a very high growth rate in the future. His coaching career is still long. Is it necessary to have a bad relationship with a young player who is likely to become a world-class superstar?

Therefore, after thinking about it for a while, Van Gaal finally decided not to care about it.

What does Vitesse's life and death have to do with him?

Anyway, he will leave after coaching this season. At that time, he may leave with the glory of the Eredivisie and Dutch Cup double crowns. Then the next job will definitely be better and the salary will be higher. Isn't this beautiful?

As for Vitesse hating Alkmaar and even Jiang Xiaolin because of this, it has nothing to do with him.

He only needs to remind everyone to be careful of the opponent's intentional injury, and he can also win Jiang Xiaolin and the players' favor.

So, Van Gaal also followed Jiang Xiaolin's tone to condemn Vitesse's behavior of taking advantage of Yu Hai, as if he also agreed very much.

At the same time, he replaced the two main players David Mendes and Stein Schars with substitute midfielder Lux and substitute forward Elm.

Van Gaal explained to Jiang Xiaolin that because the team was already leading by a large score, he replaced the two main players to rest, and the remaining players could continue to help Jiang Xiaolin complete his double-digit bloodbath against Vitesse, hoping that Jiang Xiaolin would understand.

Jiang Xiaolin naturally had no grudges about this. After all, he could not force the team to go all out to accompany him for a personal grudge.

What's more, his so-called hatred was not for himself, but for his compatriots.

The coach allowed this behavior, and his teammates were willing to help, which was very considerate.

Afterwards, Van Gaal also reminded everyone to be careful of the opponent's malicious fouls in the second half of the game.

Alkmaar's ruthless approach can easily arouse the opponent's malicious intention to hurt others. The scene where Jiang Xiaolin was fouled maliciously by Pugaonuni at the end of the first half is a clear proof.

Everyone nodded solemnly to show that they understood.

After a 15-minute break, the second half of the game officially began, and the two sides changed sides to fight again.

The commentators and guests discussed for a long time during the halftime break, and felt that Alkmaar's ruthless and slaughtering Vitesse in the first half was probably just the spontaneous behavior of the players, because there was a scene that Van Gaal was very surprised, and then asked assistant coach Junker about something.

This shows that Alkmaar's approach in the first half may not be authorized by Van Gaal, and it may be stopped by Van Gaal in the second half.

The fact that Alkmaar replaced two main players during the halftime break seems to confirm this speculation.

Even the players, coaches and fans of Vitesse were optimistic, thinking that Alkmaar would stop killing them after replacing two main players.

Unexpectedly, after the start of the second half, Alkmaar's attack did not slow down at all, and it still maintained a high-pressure attack on Vitesse.

The two players who just came on as substitutes, Elm and Lux, were even more eager to assist Jiang Xiaolin to score.

In the 48th minute, Jiang Xiaolin ran out of space at the right corner of the penalty area. As long as Elm, who was holding the ball, could pass the ball, Jiang Xiaolin might be able to shoot.

Unfortunately, Elm's passing technique was a little bit off, so Jiang Xiaolin had to move his position to stop the ball and adjust it. When he shot again, the ball path was blocked.

Jiang Xiaolin's shot was blocked by Vitesse defender Sturke, and then kicked to the midfield to clear the siege.

Alkmaar's attack did not stop.

In the 50th minute, Maarten Martens broke through the middle and passed the ball to the side. Moussa Dembele made a cross from the bottom. Jiang Xiaolin attracted the attention of several defenders and goalkeepers of Vitesse at the front point, but he failed to head the ball.

The ball fell between the penalty spot in the middle and the small penalty area line. The substitute midfielder Lux, who was 190 cm tall, inserted from the back row, rushed into the penalty area and headed the ball towards the goal.

This header was powerful and far. Although the angle was not tricky, the reaction time left for goalkeeper He Fulsin was too short.

He was attracted to the left side of the goal by Jiang Xiaolin at the front point just now. It was too late to rush back at this time.

Although he made a save, Lux's header flew into the goal before his palm was in place.

In the 50th minute of the second half, AhAlkmaar's substitute midfielder Lux scored another goal, and the score was expanded to 9-0, which was close to double digits.

This made the Vitesse players feel very frustrated and full of hatred.

They still don't understand why Alkmaar wanted to kill them so hard.

Rational players will comfort themselves: if they lose, they lose. No matter how many goals they lose, it's just 3 points anyway.

Simple-minded players who can't figure it out will think that if they lose double the number of goals, it will be too embarrassing. They must not let this happen. They must scare the Alkmaar players.

So, several Vitesse defenders began to move more vigorously.

Alkmaar's players were naturally prepared. In order to avoid unnecessary injuries, they naturally avoided the opponent's sharp edge and did not confront the opponent head-on.

Although Jiang Xiaolin still rushed towards Vitesse's defense line regardless of anything, he was sometimes powerless alone.

In this way, Vitesse relied on increasing dangerous actions to deter Alkmaar's attack and finally maintained peace for more than ten minutes.

Until more than 60 minutes, Alkmaar did not score the 10th goal, which greatly boosted the confidence of Vitesse players and felt that they seemed to have found a way to contain Alkmaar.

As long as the score can be maintained in single digits, it can be considered a success.

Therefore, everyone's actions became bigger, as if they wanted to forcibly block Alkmaar's attack with this malicious foul tactic.

But they seemed to forget that although this foul action can grab most of the balls, most of Alkmaar's players will dodge.

Once they encounter players who do not dodge or cannot avoid it, their actions will turn into fouls, just like the foul of Pugonuni on Jiang Xiaolin in the first half, which turned into a free kick opportunity for Alkmaar in the frontcourt.

In the 71st minute, Jiang Xiaolin got the ball on the right side of the midfield, and first passed the first Vitesse midfielder Boulder who intercepted him through the crotch.

After passing Boulder, Jiang Xiaolin was less than 10 meters away from the penalty area.

At this time, another midfielder of Vitesse, Yeguborg, blocked Jiang Xiaolin's way forward and made a flying tackle towards Jiang Xiaolin.

He looked very fierce, as if he wanted to scare Jiang Xiaolin away and give up control of the ball.

But Jiang Xiaolin was not afraid at all. Just like he did to Pugo Nuni in the first half, he rushed to push the ball away.

Then, Yeguborg naturally did not shovel the ball, but kicked Jiang Xiaolin to the ground.

The referee's sharp whistle sounded immediately. Yeguborg fouled and Alkmaar got a free kick in the frontcourt with a good position and distance.

And Yeguborg's idea of ​​scaring Jiang Xiaolin did not come true.

Jiang Xiaolin patted his hands and climbed up from the grass.

The tackle in the front sight range, because of the psychological preparation, the body will subconsciously dodge, it is still very difficult to hurt Jiang Xiaolin who has a full physique.

When Ye Gubao got up from the ground, he saw Jiang Xiaolin who was indifferent, and then looked at the distance between the place where he fouled and the goal, and finally realized what he had done just now.

Isn't this a chance for Jiang Xiaolin to shoot?

Ye Gubao's face suddenly turned bitter.

If this ball was scored by Jiang Xiaolin, he would undoubtedly be the culprit.

Ye Gubao could only form a human wall with his teammates under the command of goalkeeper He Fuerxin, and kept praying in his heart that Jiang Xiaolin would not score this ball.

However, his prayer did not work.

Because Jiang Xiaolin's shooting skills, strength, and arc skills were perfectly played in this free kick, Jiang Xiaolin hit a perfect arc ball straight to the dead corner of the goal.

After being kicked out by Jiang Xiaolin, the ball successfully bypassed the wall, drew a perfect arc in the air, and then went into the upper right corner of the goal.

Although goalkeeper He Fulsing made a save, he was still out of reach and could only watch the ball enter the net in the air.

In the 71st minute of the game, Jiang Xiaolin took advantage of a free kick opportunity caused by an opponent's foul and successfully scored his fifth goal, bringing Alkmaar's total number of goals in this game to a double-digit 10!

Alkmaar leads Vitesse 10-0!

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