God of Illusions

Chapter 53 The abilities of boys!

After chasing wildly all the way, it didn't take long for a group of boys who followed Xiao Er's footsteps to leave the camp and come to the place where they fetched water.

It was also near here that Xiao Er stopped without making a sound.

Bai Xiaofei was the first to catch up with Xiao Er. He originally planned to "educate" Xiao Er, but after seeing Xiao Er's state, he also calmed down and looked towards the river.

It didn't take long for the remaining nine people to run over one after another, and their reactions were similar to Bai Xiaofei's.

"Brother Fei..."

Mocha quietly approached Bai Xiaofei, this time his breathing was not very serious, Xue Ying's medicinal bath was not as simple as taking a bath.

"Beasts, roaring pigs, it seems that they should be a group. I have seen sixteen of them now."

Bai Xiaofei said softly, Mocha quickly passed the content to the others, and several people quickly dispersed, seeing the roaring pigs drinking water.

Roaring pigs are a group of giant beasts. If they grow to the limit, they may evolve into intelligent monsters. An adult Roaring pig weighs at least 500 pounds, and they have their own famous stunt, roaring!

As long as the roaring pig encounters the enemy, it will collectively make a deafening sound, and then when the enemy is disturbed by the sound, it will either attack or run away.

Among the savage beasts, the roaring pig is the most difficult one to deal with.

"No need for more."

"It's enough to kill one!"

Daming and Xiaoming's eyes are shining brightly. Although Roaring Pig is difficult to deal with, it is famous for its tender and tender meat!

"I can kill one, but I don't have a safe way out."

Wang Hang didn't know when he got close to Bai Xiaofei, and he took the initiative to say something, and his serious expression didn't seem like he was talking big.

"One is not enough, I remember that the pork of Roaring Pig can be stored for many days, right!"

A smile crept up the corner of his mouth, and Bai Xiaofei's eyes became more sharp.

But at this moment, Xiao Er called out twice, and Bai Xiaofei's face instantly turned down.

"Damn, are you my dog ​​or her dog, you won't change if she doesn't let you transform!"

Facing Bai Xiaofei's raised right hand, Xiao Er called out twice more confidently, only to suppress Bai Xiaofei's anger.

"Okay, okay, I don't depend on you, I don't believe it, sir, I can't handle a dozen roaring pigs!"

Leaving Xiao Er, Bai Xiaofei called everyone together.

"I want to take down this wave of roaring pigs, you have no opinion!"

In the face of Bai Xiaofei's bold ideas, a group of people have long been surprised, and now all they want to hear is Bai Xiaofei's ideas.

"First of all, I have to understand your abilities first, because this is the basic condition for us to be able to eat them."

Bai Xiaofei said, glanced around in the crowd, and after receiving affirmative glances, Bai Xiaofei began to ask again.

"Da Ming Xiao Ming, can the two of you resist the impact of the roaring pig, twice is enough!"

"three times!"

The brothers did not disappoint Bai Xiaofei, and gave an answer that exceeded Bai Xiaofei's expectations.

"Xing Nan, Fang Ye, what are your two puppets for far-reaching attacks, and how is the accuracy?"

Being named by Bai Xiaofei, Xing Nan and Fang Ye looked at each other, and then showed their puppets at the same time.

Xing Nan's is a small emerald green bow that is only the length of his forearm. However, there is no bowstring on it. This thing has been kept by him around his waist. If he doesn't say anything, Bai Xiaofei and others always think it is a kind of their Miaojiang. decorations...

The rich and powerful Fang Ye took out a long guy from his space ring, and his cool appearance instantly conquered everyone present.

Because Fang Ye's puppet is a gun, a heavy spear!

The gun is a new type of puppet that has only appeared in the past thirty years. The inventor of the first generation has now been regarded as a craftsman-level existence, because the influence of this kind of puppet is too great!

Someone once asserted,

The appearance of gun puppets is likely to change the pattern of continental warfare.

However, this assertion was ruthlessly overturned, because the cost of building a gun puppet was too great!

Even a hegemonic empire like Bauhinia could not build such an army, and because of the high cost, gun puppets were also called the privilege of the rich.

For example, Fang Ye's heavy-duty long-range attack gun puppet can't be taken without ten million amethyst coins on the market!

But Fang Ye's next sentence almost made Bai Xiaofei spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"Beyond two hundred meters, I haven't hit the target yet..."

As soon as the voice fell, four words emerged in everyone's mind, savage! ! !

"And you?"

Now the hope is only on Xing Nan.

"One hundred arrows may miss one."

The voice full of confidence sounded, and Xing Nan's pride as an archer was vividly displayed at this moment.

Nodding with satisfaction, Bai Xiaofei turned to look at Chen Hui.

"Chen Hui, what is your puppet?"

Under the watchful eyes of a group of people, Chen Hui took out a snow-white bead from his arms. As Chen Hui poured his Yuan force into it, a coldness spread, and what was emitted from the bead was impressively Purple light!

"Ningxuezhu, a frozen inheritance puppet, left to me by my mother."

Chen Hui said with a hint of nostalgia in his tone.

Although Chen Hui's state came a little out of time, a group of people still expressed their due respect.

"If you use your current strength to push it with all your strength, how far can it be achieved?"

Bai Xiaofei's question was quite straightforward. After a little thought, Chen Hui pointed to the river below.

"That river, I can freeze for up to five seconds!"

Chen Hui is more direct, nothing is more straightforward than this description.

And after Chen Hui finished speaking, Bai Xiaofei looked around in the remaining few people, and didn't ask any more questions, which made Wu Chi and two feel lost for a while.

But thinking about it carefully, they really have nothing to ask, not to mention Mocha...

While everyone was waiting nervously, Bai Xiaofei didn't say a word for five minutes, but kept looking around.

When he came back, Bai Xiaofei's eyes had a glimmer of confidence.

"What I told you next, you must keep it in your mind, because we have no ability to rescue, if you make a mistake, you must solve it yourself!"

With a low voice, Bai Xiaofei began to assign one task after another. Looking at it separately, it seemed that everyone's task was a bit simple, but after integrating it together, a group of people were stunned at the same time.

Is this what he just came up with? !

PS: Thanks to Kejimeng for the reward! Thank you to all the comrades who are active in the book circle!

Everyone is welcome to come to the circle to often discuss the plot and so on. I read the big guy's book and there are such discussions about the plot. I also want to be a big guy, so brothers, give me some strength, of course, occasionally I have a reward or something. Happy, who made me poor...

Finally, let me add that there are still four tickets to fifty. You are doing your best, and I will add more!

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