God of Illusions

Chapter 901: Brothers, we will always be brothers!

The night came as scheduled. After spending more than two hours dressing up, Tan Xin finally walked out. It must be said that dressing up and not dressing up are two completely different concepts.

At least, Bai Xiaofei was dumbfounded.

Before this, the beauty Bai Xiaofei saw was pure natural beauty, but what Tan Xin brought now was the surprise brought about by the change.

"Why, am I not good at putting on makeup? I'm warning you, you'd better be honest!"

Tan Xin deliberately added an accent to the word "honesty", which obviously means that you are only allowed to say good things.

However, there is really nothing to fault.

"I'm thinking about what kind of adjectives can express the shock in my heart now. This is no longer a question of good or bad, but perfect..."

Bai Xiaofei swallowed his saliva as he spoke. Although it sounded like flattery, this was indeed Bai Xiaofei's true feeling at this time.

If the previous Tan Xin gave people a sense of freshness and youthfulness, then the current Tan Xin has a mature and dignified sense of formality.

To put it more bluntly, Tan Xin suddenly changed from a vigorous girl to a cold and cold sister...

This is not makeup, this is face-changing!

Moreover, Tan Xin's sky blue dress showed her slender figure to the fullest. Not only did the inconspicuous protrusion not become a point deduction, but it enhanced Tan Xin's temperament. It felt like one more point would be excessive. , one point less is a pity.

"Now that you are satisfied, let's go. It's not good to keep others waiting."

Tan Xin's mood instantly improved after being praised by Bai Xiaofei. She grabbed Bai Xiaofei's arm and led Bai Xiaofei out gracefully.

Along the way, everyone in the Imperial Guard barracks gave them blank stares. In a place like the barracks, it was rare to find a woman, let alone someone like Tan Xin.

"Lord Governor, the eldest prince ordered me to pick you up here."

As soon as he walked out of the military camp, the people arranged by the eldest prince were already waiting here. After Bai Xiaofei got on the sedan, the imperial guards also started to move.

The vast procession started from the palace to Yaoyue Pavilion.

Along the way, the garrison cleared all pedestrians,

Although everyone is curious about who dares to have such a big show at this time, let alone ordinary people, even the guard chief does not know why he was ordered to clear the road this time.

"Here we are, my lord."

The sedan stopped in front of the door of Yaoyue Pavilion, and the Imperial Guards, under the command of Tian Hai, surrounded the entire Yaoyue Pavilion three times inside and three outside.

Bai Xiaofei helped Tan Xin get down from the sedan chair. At the door, the eldest prince and others were waiting here early.

"Your Highnesses are really subordinates of Zhesha. I..."

Looking at the five people with expectant faces in front of him, Bai Xiaofei felt a rare sense of embarrassment, but before he could finish his words, the third prince had already walked over and put his arms around his shoulders.

"There are no superiors or subordinates here today, only relatives and friends. So, Brother Bai, please stop being so formal."

The third prince really called Bai Xiaofei old when he called him "old brother", but the relationship between men is like this. You can't just wrap your arms around Bai Xiaofei and call him "eldest nephew"...

"Well, brothers, I'm just being arrogant once!"

With a loud laugh, Bai Xiaofei instantly integrated into the atmosphere. At the same time, his eyes couldn't help but linger on the two princes who were meeting for the first time.

"Come on, third brother will introduce you. This is your sixth brother, Ling Zong, the only bachelor among the five of us."

It was originally a good thing to be introduced, but Ling Fan's way of introduction immediately made Ling Zong have three more black lines on his forehead.

"Brother Six."

Bai Xiaofei and Ling Zong looked at each other and smiled, and Bai Xiaofei helped Ling Zong avoid this embarrassment.

"This is your myna parrot, oh... no, it's your myna Lingming."

Lingfan hacked one of his younger brothers again. Only then did Bai Xiaofei realize that Lingfan was already very restrained in the palace!

"Third brother, don't think that I am afraid of you because you are older. I will go with you..."

"My dear eighth brother, I seem to have a jar of fine wine stored there. If you have time, how about we open it?"

Before Ling Ming finished speaking, Ling Fan decisively bribed his conscience with a "heavy sum of money". At the same time, Ling Fan subconsciously looked in the direction of his wife.

Fortunately, the girls were introducing each other to Tan Xin and did not notice the exchange.

"Okay, do you want to stand here all night? If you have anything to say, we can talk about it inside."

Ling Yue spoke, and a group of people laughed awkwardly. Then, with mutual courtesy, a group of people came to the private room on the top floor of Yueyue Pavilion.

Normally, this place is used when the courtesan wins the first prize.

At the banquet, a group of people chatted all over the place and also talked to each other.

They became familiar with each other, and in the exchange between them, Bai Xiaofei excluded the sixth and eighth princes from being the puppeteers.

But in this case, doesn't it mean that the puppet master's words were deceiving him?

But it doesn’t look like it!

Bai Xiaofei's heart was filled with doubts, and Bai Xiaofei had fallen into an endless loop.

At this moment, Ling Yue planned to get to the point.

"In late autumn, you take all the ladies for a walk in the Yueyue Pavilion. We have something to talk about."

As soon as Ling Yue spoke, his wife immediately stood up, and the rest of the people also followed and left very knowingly.

Although Tan Xin didn't want to, she had already set an example and there was nothing she could do.

"Brother Bai, now you can tell us your specific plans. If possible, the five of us will definitely abide by the agreement."

Ling Yue said and looked at Bai Xiaofei. For a moment, Bai Xiaofei became the focus of everyone's attention.

"it's actually really easy."

Bai Xiaofei, who had already thought about the specific implementation method, immediately entered the state, and Ling Yue and others immediately followed suit.

"Since it is a fight for the throne, let's have a real fight for the throne. Before the end of the half-month period, select a day, and several brothers will be scattered throughout the city. Whoever can be the first to ascend the hall and sit on the throne of God will be the last. The winner."

"But during this period, the offer has three chapters. First, you must not threaten your family and friends. Second, you must not cause irreparable harm. Third, no matter who the final winner is, the others must accept it, brother, forever. It’s a brother!”

Bai Xiaofei spoke word by word, making sure that everyone heard clearly.

"Uh... Is it that simple?"

After hearing this, Ling Hai couldn't help but swallow his saliva, his face was full of disbelief. He originally thought it would be a very complicated process.

"It's that simple. It's just a friendly match."

Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, and the reactions of the five people in the audience were all reflected, and no one showed anything wrong.

"Okay, I agree, especially the last sentence."

Ling Yue stood up first and looked at the others.

"Brothers, always brothers!"

PS: Here comes the third update. I won’t write it for today. The remaining one will be updated tomorrow, and the third update will be tomorrow. Sorry everyone, I’m really out of date today.

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