God of Illusions

Chapter 907 Begin!

The half-month deadline came as promised amidst the preparations of several princes. According to what was agreed before, each of the princes came to the outermost courtyard in DìDū.

The soldiers who had been transported into the city through various means were now getting ready to go. As the midnight clock struck, everyone immediately started to move!

"Remember, tonight will be a hard battle, but it will definitely not be a bloody battle. We have agreed with each other that as long as the vital parts of your body are hit, you must immediately withdraw from tonight's battle, and you can no longer participate in it. If there is any Anyone who violates this rule will be directly disqualified as your leader!"

The eldest prince was doing the final mobilization before the war, and what he said was almost what the other princes and his own people said.

To put it simply, this is a fierce friendly battle!

Compared to deathmatch, this is more difficult!

"Go to war!"

Finally, following the orders from several princes, five troops moved from the five corners of DìDū.

At the same time, four troops who were still outside the city launched an attack on the four city gates at the same time. Unlike the third prince, the other princes still had many people outside the city, and the city gate was where they had to go. The first level to break through.

"Have things been arranged?! This is not our battlefield! Free up manpower and rush into the city to assist His Highness as soon as possible!"

On the city wall, the captains of the garrison roared at the top of their lungs, and it didn't take long for the response to come back.

Immediately afterwards, all the garrison troops evacuated from the city wall. At the same time, due to the withdrawal of the garrison troops, the city gate was completely lost, and four troops poured in indiscriminately.

But at this moment, with the sound of explosions, all the city gates were shrouded in flames. The power of the explosion was specially adjusted and was not fatal, but all the soldiers shrouded in the explosion stopped in awe.

If the garrison really wanted them to die, this explosion would be enough to blow them to pieces.

But after all, only a part of the city was enveloped by the explosion. More soldiers poured into the city and rushed in the direction agreed upon in advance.

However, the garrison had no intention of letting them run smoothly. Although the garrison was evacuating, the direction of the evacuation was not towards the third prince, but towards the location of the other four princes.

Along the way, there are various traps

It was temporarily arranged, and all the reinforcements on their way were held back!

Not only that, the garrison that arrived first also fought with four groups of soldiers and horses. There was no intention of total annihilation, and there was only one purpose in all.


Because of this, in the first round of confrontation, the third prince took the lead by virtue of the advantage of the garrison, and became the person closest to DìDū.

However, this development was not something that no one expected. The third prince had just reached halfway when a group of mercenaries stopped his troops.

"Your Highness, you'd better not go forward, otherwise, it would be bad if the whole army is annihilated."

The leading team leader said coldly, but what he received in return was the contempt of the third prince.

"I'm afraid you have never fought against regular troops."

As soon as the third prince finished speaking, the exclusive private army immediately formed a formation, and the pressure on their morale immediately slowed down the energy of all the mercenaries present.

The military formation capabilities of the third prince's private army are overwhelming!

This crushing is not just as simple as affecting the speed of Yuanli's operation, but also restricting and weakening it in all aspects. Moreover, the harder the opponent is suppressed, the higher the response of one's own side will be improved.


With a cry of killing that pierced the sky, the third prince's private army pressed forward directly, while the third prince himself walked forward as if no one else was around, as if the fighting around him had nothing to do with him.

And it turned out that the third prince was not trying to convince him.

Anyone who came close to the third prince was immediately stopped and dealt with by his private army. Until the third prince passed through the blockade area, the mercenaries were completely wiped out.

"My brothers, this shouldn't be all you need."

There was no sign of relaxation on the third prince's face, but his pace never slowed down for a moment.

"It's solved, Your Highness, we have to hurry up."

On the eldest prince's side, the garrison troops that came to interfere were finally cleared away under attack from both front and rear. Just like the eldest prince's side, the garrison troops in the other three directions also lost their blocking effect.

"The only one who can get to the front now is the third brother, but he can't go deeper. The eighth brother's people are waiting there."

The eldest prince said calmly, with no trace of panic on his face.

"Let's go, no matter what, we can't be slower than the remaining three people!"

As the eldest prince said, the troops accelerated their advance. At the same time, the eighth prince's private army, which had come forward under the guise of an envoy, also appeared in front of the third prince.

"After I get past you, there should be no obstacles in front of me!"

Looking at the Eighth Prince's private army, the Third Prince showed no signs of worry, but instead had a hint of excitement on his face.

"Come on, let me see your strength!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the third prince personally participated in the battle for the first time!

What he wants is the person who can deal with the Eighth Prince before the people behind him catch up!

"Brothers, our mission is not to deal with His Highness the Third here, we must hold on until the reinforcements come from behind!"

Just after the third prince took action, he heard the words he least wanted to hear.

He is not afraid of head-on confrontation, what he is afraid of is that these people are as stubborn as they are now!

"Open the gap! Protect the third prince and rush over!"

The Third Prince's men also reacted, giving up their plan to annihilate their opponents, and began to gather elites to cover the Third Prince's breakthrough.

But breakthrough is easier said than done...

Just when the third prince was about to rush through the blockade of the eighth prince's private army, a cry of death came from behind!

The nearest sixth prince has arrived!

The power of the Linglong Chamber of Commerce was scattered throughout the city, so the Sixth Prince chose to disperse first and then divide it. However, he secretly passed through the major blockades quietly and stayed where he was supposed to stay. It's just a substitute he found!

"Everyone under the Eighth Prince, I believe you also know who is the most troublesome!"

After the Sixth Prince appeared, he shouted loudly, directly putting himself and the Eighth Prince's people on the same front. Because there was no leader, the Eighth Prince's people made a wrong decision.

Listen to the sixth prince and stop the third prince first!

Make way for the Sixth Prince's people, and watch helplessly as the Sixth Prince rushes over with his people and gets mixed up with the Third Prince's people.

The third prince's people had already experienced a hard battle. At this time, facing the intact troops of the sixth prince, the third prince immediately fell into passivity.

The scales began to tilt for the first time!

PS: I played it today, so this is just one update... Sorry...

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