God of Illusions

Chapter 911: Nine levels of illusion, releasing the situation and becoming a god!

The battle for the Great Emperor came to an end when everyone was confused. The eldest prince Ling Yue became the heir of Emperor Linglong. Then the whole country mourned the death of Emperor Linglong. The whole process lasted for a whole week.

During this week, the eldest prince and all the royal family members guarded the soul of Emperor Linglong for seven days.

After the seven-day period passed, everyone was stumped by a question that no one could answer.

What happened that night!

All everyone could see was the result. The five princes reached an agreement, and the four major families came together for the first time. There was supposed to be a bloody battle at night, but only a few people were scratched.

This situation has exceeded everyone's cognition.

Even the people in the center of the vortex are confused about all this. Whether they are several princes or people from the four major families, they only know one thing.

I am trapped in an illusion...

They all had no idea who did it or where it was done, but many people had a direction in their hearts...

"It's really hard to find you."

On Wangduan Mountain outside DìDū, Bai Xiaofei sat quietly on the edge of the cliff, with Ni Xue and Tan Xin sitting on the left and right beside him.

However, this comfort was interrupted by Ling Yue's sudden voice.

"Isn't it that the Emperor wants to take care of everything? Why are you still chasing me here?"

Tan Xin turned her head and looked at Ling Yue with eyes full of disgust.

Now let alone Ling Yue, anyone who comes here to disturb them will have this expression on her face.

"Don't talk nonsense. The people who come here today are friends, not some great emperor."

Bai Xiaofei said and patted Tan Xin on the head, and then Ni Xue stood up from the other side.

"Sister Xin'er, let's go back and buy some things. If it's any later, the Chamber of Commerce will close."

Compared to Tan Xin, Ni Xue was obviously more rational, and Tan Xin did not continue to make trouble unreasonably. She snorted coldly at Ling Yue and followed Ni Xue away obediently.

"Thank you so much for considering me a friend."

After Ni Xue and the others left, Ling Yue sat down next to Bai Xiaofei and looked out into the distance along the cliff.

“I have been in Linglong for so long, but I didn’t know there was such a beautiful place in Linglong.”

Ling Yue stretched his waist as he spoke, and there was a hint of emotion and melancholy on his vicissitudes of life face.

"So Xin'er said that you have a lot of things to do every day, but Linglong should not be that troublesome now. You will have many opportunities to come here to appreciate it in the future."

Bai Xiaofei chuckled and then lay down on the grass.

Seeing this, Ling Yue also lay down and wanted to speak, but didn't know where to start.

"Just say what you want to say, we are friends, and I am a person who is willing to explain."

Although he didn't look at Ling Yue, Bai Xiaofei could fully imagine his troubled expression at this time.

"What happened that night?"

With Bai Xiaofei's permission, Ling Yue came straight to the point. There were more than one or two people who wanted to know the answer to this question, and he was just a representative.

"It's a long story!"

Bai Xiaofei sighed suddenly, and Ling Yue couldn't help but become nervous.

"What? Is there something unspeakable?"

"There is no unspeakable secret. I'm just thinking about where to start."

Bai Xiaofei spoke slowly, and Ling Yue's heart dropped.

"Let's start from the beginning. I'm here specifically to attend classes today, so I have a lot of free time."

Ling Yue smiled slightly and lay down on the grass completely relaxed.

"In this case, we have to start with the puppets."

Taking a deep breath, Bai Xiaofei finally found the starting point of the topic.

"Not long ago, my main job was to investigate the origin of the puppet. By chance, I had a conversation with the creator of the puppet. He told me that someone would use the puppet to interfere in the election of the emperor. Not long after that , I was summoned into the palace by the emperor.


"He told me a lot of things. In the end, he asked me for a few things with an attitude that I didn't expect at all. He wanted to resolve the conflicts between the four major families, find a suitable heir to the emperor among the five of you brothers, and completely resolve the human race. Puppet problem."

Bai Xiaofei said, and Ling Yue on the side couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

I’m afraid no one in Linglong would dare to take on these three things!

None of them are fatal problems!

"After that, I became the overseer of the Guards. After solving the problem of the Guards, I started investigating."

"After my understanding, I found that none of the five of you brothers are the kind of people who can use people as puppets. At the same time, I also learned that the relationship between the four major families is not as rigid as imagined, but this cannot make My foothold in solving these problems.”

"So, I spent a long time looking up Linglong's past, and then I discovered a very interesting question, that is, in Linglong's history, there was a huge turning point in history. It is not about pacifying civil strife or forging... Puppet Saint Mountain or Linglong Chamber of Commerce were stabilized, but a person disappeared!"

"Second Prince Linghuang, when I noticed this person, my sixth sense told me that I had found a breakthrough. Unfortunately, no matter what means I used, I could not dig out any information about the Second Prince, and this What disappears together with a person are all his experiences, and it feels like someone has deleted everyone’s memories of him.”

"However, the more this happens, the more firmly I believe that this second prince is probably the one manipulating people behind the scenes!"

"After that, I began to use my ability to monitor the entire DìDū. Every day, I used my eyes to pay attention to what happened in every corner of DìDū, in order not to miss anything.

It's possible that this could happen, but I've never seen it. "

When Bai Xiaofei said this, Ling Yue suddenly became excited.

"You mean, Linghuang has really come back?!"

Turning his head to look at the startled Ling Yue, Bai Xiaofei smiled.

"Do you want to listen any more?"

Bai Xiaofei asked in return, and Ling Yue immediately calmed down.


After weakly replying with one word, Ling Yue explained with practical actions why he said he was here to represent his friends this time, not Emperor Linglong.

Because Linglong cannot afford to lose this person...

He's so cowardly!

"Fortunately, after I had been monitoring for nearly a week, a special stranger finally came into my sight. His actions in Linglong had a very clear purpose. At the same time, he also deliberately or unintentionally laid out plans in the city. something."

"He thought he did it perfectly, but he might not have thought that I could monitor the entire DìDū at all times."

"Then, the day comes when you compete for the throne. In order to prevent you from making any irreparable mistakes, I did something big that I never dared to think about."

As he spoke, Bai Xiaofei's eyes shone with light, and there was a hint of pride on his face.

This thing is really an epic masterpiece!

"I opened an illusion to you five brothers, and it was a simultaneous illusion! From the moment you set off, the five of you were already in five identical illusions. Except for you, everyone in the other four directions was me. Created out of illusion!”

Bai Xiaofei said excitedly, and Ling Yue was completely stunned after hearing this.

All of them realized that they had entered an illusion, but none of them dared to think that the illusion they entered was independent! ! !

"Wait! But in the battles we experienced, many people used the puppet master ability. Your illusion..."

"As long as I have seen it, I can imitate it. I let the enemy get closer in the illusion, and you naturally launched an attack, which also showed your abilities. Then I will pass your abilities to you in other illusions. The fake persona is released, so that no one will think it is fake.”

Bai Xiaofei interrupted Ling Yue's words. After some explanation, Ling Yue changed from stunned to dumbfounded.

It's not that Bai Xiaofei's explanation is difficult to understand, but that he finds it incredible that Bai Xiaofei controls five illusions and a total of twenty army illusions at the same time!

This...is something a human can do? !

"No! You not only pulled the five of us into the illusion, but also the four major families!"

Ling Yue suddenly remembered something. The four major families suddenly became harmonious. He originally thought it was because the five brothers were of the same mind, but then he thought of what Bai Xiaofei said at the beginning about his father's request...

"Well, that's right. Fortunately, they were divided into two factions, so they just created two additional illusions. They spent all their foundations in the illusion, and then I gave them some guidance after the war, and they woke up. Some of them woke up. They actually understand the matter themselves, the only difference is an opportunity, and I happened to give them this opportunity."

Bai Xiaofeiyun spoke softly, as if he was talking about something as simple as raising his hands and feet.

"That's right! There are still human puppets!!! If you put it like that, the human puppets we experienced in the illusion, and Ling Huang..."

Ling Yue thought of something again, and then Bai Xiaofei nodded again.

"Well, this is the most difficult thing. In fact, he took action at the same time as you started. The army of puppets almost instantly wiped out your army in the illusion where he was shrinking. In the face of that kind of impact, you There is no room for fighting back.”

"But it's a pity that he didn't have the ability to see through my illusion. I set up an array to control everyone. Then under the purge of the Imperial Guard, his army of puppets became history. This is why I originally To separate the Imperial Guards from your struggle, what I want them to do is help deal with the puppets."

Bai Xiaofei paused as he spoke, and then added something that even Ling Yue wouldn't believe even to death.

"After all, my energy is limited..."

Damn, you are already controlling eight illusions at the same time! You said you have limited energy, who would believe it? ! !

"In the illusion, Linghuang showed great strength and courage, but in the end he was defeated by me. In order not to make things difficult for you brothers, I dealt with him. Currently, except for the imperial guards, I dealt with him. Jun, only you know, and I don’t want more people to know.”

Bai Xiaofei sighed as he spoke.

"What if he has some loyal subordinates who seek revenge on me..."

Bai Xiaofei's words made Ling Yue almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. He thought he didn't want their brothers to be in trouble...

Thinking of this, Ling Yue was stunned again, then shook her head with a wry smile.

"Thank you for the steps."

"You're welcome."

Ling Yue suddenly thanked him, and Bai Xiaofei answered directly as if he had already prepared these two words.

"Illusion puppet master has been around for a really long time... No! There has never been a genius like you!"

Sitting up and looking at Bai Xiaofei lying on the ground with grass in his mouth, Ling Yue sighed sincerely.

"Genius is not what I'm after."

Bai Xiaofei looked indifferent, and Ling Yue smiled.

"Is the matter about the human puppet settled? Do you need me to do anything for you?"

Although Ling Yue didn't want to admit it, in this matter, he could only help Bai Xiaofei. Bai Xiaofei's existence made him feel like he was just an ignorant boy of twenty.


Nothing! ! !

"I have no clue at the moment, but I do have a direction."

With a smile, Bai Xiaofei's words made Ling Yue's eyes suddenly light up.

After this DìDū battle, Linglong might no longer be able to hide the appearance of human puppets. Therefore, he wanted to completely solve this hidden danger before the entire continent came to Linglong to denounce it. Otherwise, once several other empires took the opportunity, It will be very difficult for him to do so.

"Then do you want to move now?!"

The excited Ling Yue couldn't control herself from expressing her thoughts, but to her surprise, Bai Xiaofei saw through him again.

"Don't worry, the human puppet thing won't ferment so quickly. I didn't let everyone come into contact with the human puppet in the illusion, so it's still known to a small area, and I will solve it before the news spreads. of."

Not only saw through it, but solved it!

As soon as Bai Xiaofei finished speaking, Ling Yue couldn't help but feel a hint of embarrassment on her face.

"Then the direction you are talking about is..."

Quickly changing the topic, Ling Yue asked Bai Xiaofei again.

"Before that night, I had always doubted the puppet master's words, but after that night, the facts proved that what he said was true. Therefore, I was sure that he did not really want to be with me. Anshang or Linghuang stand together, it's just that he had something he had to do, and then he had to choose to cooperate with them."

"Furthermore, after that night, I found that Linglong is really a very interesting country. Although it is a huge empire, what I saw after arriving in Linglong was not the intrigues and intrigues under the development and progress, but all kinds of things. All kinds of human touch.”

When Bai Xiaofei mentioned the word human touch, a group of wretched uncles and aunts appeared in his mind. Once upon a time, he thought they were nightmares, but now he discovered that those were the most precious group of people...

"A human touch?"

After hearing Bai Xiaofei's "direction", Ling Yue couldn't help but frown. This was really a bit difficult to understand.

Can this also be considered a direction? !

"Let me tell you this, if there is another country going through the same experience as Linglong this time, I use the same method as here, but in the end, there is a 90% chance that I will get a completely different result, or even It would go to an extreme.”

"Although it seems that I am the leader of this result, in fact, I am not. I can only be regarded as a facilitator. What really leads this result is you, your own heart, and your unique culture. "

"This is a country built on human touch, brotherly love, father-son love, family and country love... Linglong's current results are not accidental, but inevitable. As I said before, what I gave is nothing but... It’s just a chance to make a new choice.”

Bai Xiaofei said lightly, Ling Yue nodded politely, and then continued to ask.

"So, what does this have to do with human puppets?"

As soon as Ling Yue finished asking, Bai Xiaofei almost burst into tears from laughter.

It’s over, it’s impossible to explain this point, so let’s be direct!

"I want to forge the resumes of all the senior puppet masters in the Holy Mountain after they become senior puppet masters!"

As soon as Bai Xiaofei finished speaking, Ling Yue suddenly realized.

"I told you earlier! Brother! This is too easy! I'll go find my fourth brother right now!"

As Ling Yue spoke, she jumped up and was about to leave.

"Wait, remember, don't make any noise!!!"

Bai Xiaofei said with a serious face, but he didn't know if Ling Yue listened.

"Don't worry, I will let my fourth brother use this opportunity of me becoming the emperor to find a reasonable reason, and I will ensure that no mistakes are missed!"

Ling Yue said happily, and Bai Xiaofei let out a sigh of relief.

Well, although he is a bit stupid, he is still quite reliable in what he does...

Bai Xiaofei thought in his heart, he would definitely not say this sentence. After all, he is the Linglong Emperor now. With one order, he will follow the cool rhythm!

"Wait! There's one more thing!"

Suddenly, Bai Xiaofei stopped Ling Yue again. Ling Yue, who was full of doubts, turned around and saw a face of a profiteer that he would never forget in his life.

"Um... I used up some of the high-end goods in my hand to replenish my energy when creating the illusion, so brother, let's see... if you can subsidize me..."

Bai Xiaofei said with a smile, completely losing the "master" image he had before.

"Is this a problem? Brother Bai, tell me how much you used. I'll give it back to you ten times... No, I'll give it back to you a hundred times!"

Ling Yue slapped her chest, and Bai Xiaofei immediately became excited.

"No more, no more, just one hundred and eighty fire-attribute spiritual plants that are at least 100,000 years old!"

"Brother, I still have something to do. Let's talk next time!"

As soon as Bai Xiaofei finished speaking, the Lingyue people had completely disappeared, leaving only the sound that was getting farther and farther away...

"Damn it! You've become an emperor and you're still so stingy!!! Do you want me to lose all my money!!!"

Bai Xiaofei was roaring on the spot, while Ling Yue, who was leaving, was thinking about everything Bai Xiaofei had just said on the road.

After thinking about it, Ling Yue was stunned.

In addition to the illusions Bai Xiaofei mentioned, there was another one he didn't seem to mention.

That night, although everyone was in the illusion, the person who was the deity did use the ability of the puppet master, but the people of DìDū did not react at all...

Therefore, in addition to those who participated in the war, Bai Xiaofei also used illusions to isolate the entire DìDū from the battle! ! !

Thinking of this, Ling Yue stayed in place for nearly three minutes.

Nine layers of illusion!

He is really not a genius, he is a god!

Phantom God! ! !

PS: Thanks to Wangdongli for the six monthly passes! ! ! Another five thousand word update, the first step to becoming a god has been completed! ! ! Please vote and call! ! !

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