God of Illusions

Chapter 919 This is Linglong!

"You won't be able to finish all the killings like this. You must get rid of the man outside, otherwise he will continue to send puppets in."

In the auction house, General Pang and his people kept cleaning up the puppets. Although the safety of the puppet masters was ensured, the continuous flow of puppets did not give them a chance to breathe. Moreover, they were now in Burning vitality makes it impossible to persist for a long time!

"He is outside the formation and we can't break through it. Who can break through this formation?"

General Pang split two puppets open with an axe, and asked a topic that embarrassed everyone.

"Hold on, I believe Brother Bai will definitely solve this problem!"

Although he hasn't seen Bai Xiaofei yet, Ling Yue still has an almost stubborn trust in Bai Xiaofei.

However, the one who was really in trouble at this time was not Bai Xiaofei.

Moreover, no one at the auction site expected that everything that happened here would be broadcast throughout the Linglong Empire through photo-taking eyeballs!

Chaotic DìDū, a fight to the death in the auction house!

Everything is being watched by the entire Linglong Empire!

Among the many pictures, the three most important ones are the three eyes of the closed formation!

"If I'm not mistaken, you are a puppet forger from the Puppet Forging Holy Mountain. A puppet forger can achieve your level, which is already very good. However, there is no possibility for you to defeat me."

The sad man let out an almost shrieking laugh, and promised not to do anything, but in fact, as soon as Shi Kui made a move, he responded with a fatal counterattack!

"I don't just plan to be beaten like this by you all the time."

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Shi Kui, who had been battered and bruised, finally smiled.

"Thank you for torturing me for so long, otherwise, I really wouldn't have had a chance!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Shi Kui raised the giant hammer in his hand and slammed it down on the ground!

The next second, a dark red formation lit up, directly covering the entire battlefield!

"This is a puppet given to me by my master. He said that it is a defective product. Although it is very strong, it will take a long time to arrange. But fortunately, it is now completed."

"Xumi Formation!"

As Shi Kui spoke, he was already moving. What was different from before was that this time Shi Kui's speed surged to even faster than the secretly sad killer in front of him!

Shocked by Shi Kui's speed, Anshang's killer reacted decisively, his right hand lit up with light, and he met Shi Kui's hammer. Just now, he had received countless attacks from Shi Kui using this method!

But this time, what sounded was not the sound of Shi Kui flying backwards, but the crisp sound of the bones of his hand shattering inch by inch!

"Do you think the Xumi Formation only enhances my speed? No, it enhances everything about me!"

With a roar, Shi Kui once again caught up with the flying Dark Shang Killer, and struck him directly on the waist with a hammer, directly hammering him into a half cripple!

At the same time, all the "audiences" who saw this scene cheered. The audience knew very clearly that the fate of everyone in the entire auction house now depends on whether this formation can be broken!

After defeating Anshang's killer, Shi Kui walked towards the little girl who was the base of the formation, with a trace of tangle on his newly mature face.

"Kill her! Kill her and the formation here will be useless. If you don't kill her, you will all be dragged to death, not just you.

, and the exquisite emperor! And that Bai Xiaofei, everyone must die! ! ! "

A hoarse voice sounded, and the secretly sad killer was extremely enjoying the pleasure of playing with human nature, even though he was now dead.

"Don't listen to him, uncle will definitely ensure your safety."

Shi Kui said, untying the rope around the little girl and carefully comforting her.

From the very beginning, the reason why Shi Kui fought so hard was not to destroy the little girl, but to save her. This dispute was not something she should be involved in.

"Big brother, thank you. You are my hero. Can you tell me your name?"

The little girl who was already frightened finally felt a sense of security now.

The big eyes that were already red from crying were filled with happiness at this moment.

"Shi Kui, don't listen to that bad guy. We must have other ways. There is a very powerful person here. As long as he returns to the battlefield, all problems will be solved."

Shi Kui also firmly believed that Bai Xiaofei would come back, but he was worried that Bai Xiaofei would not come back in time enough.

After all, it's been so long...

"I know, Brother Shi Kui, the bad guy made it very clear what will happen here. I'm not stupid. Thank you, thank you for saving me, and I know what I should do."

The little girl whispered, and then kissed Shi Kui gently on the face.

"Big brother, if I can, I will marry a hero like you when I grow up. And, if I have another chance, I will be a powerful person and go save you, big brother."

The little girl said so seriously, and her adorable look made Shi Kui couldn't help but reach out and touch her head. However, what he didn't expect was that the little girl actually pushed him away at this moment! By the way, I also picked up a broken tile on the ground...

Without any hesitation, the little girl directly grabbed the tile and scratched her slender neck. The next second, the blood dyed the little girl's clothes red...

"Big brother, thank you. It's not that I don't trust the person you want to wait for, but the Emperor may not be able to wait. I'm just an insignificant little girl..."

The little girl's voice became weaker and weaker as she spoke. Shi Kui rushed over with tears streaming down his face. While blocking the little girl's wound with his hand, he took out the recovery elixir from the storage ring.

However, the little girl, who was struggling to even speak, closed her mouth tightly. No matter how hard Shi Kui tried, he could not get the elixir into the little girl's mouth...

In fact, everyone knew what the little girl had not finished saying.

She is just an insignificant little girl, and this is all she can do for Linglong. Although she is still young, I am very sensible...

The vitality was completely drained from the little girl's body, and Shi Kui couldn't help but cry.

Turning back, with red eyes, Shi Kui glared at the secretly sad killer.

"I want your life to be worse than death!!!"

What Shi Kui experienced here was no accident. After Yan Raner used violence to deal with the secret killer, the drunkard in front of her also made the same choice.

And he left a message for everyone to think deeply about.

"I used to be trash among trash. Because of my addiction to alcohol, I hurt my family. Everyone looked at me like trash. I was decadent for thirty years. Maybe that's why they chose me to be the base. The reason, maybe in their eyes, I am selfish

People. "

"But actually I want to be a hero, but I really don't have that ability! I'm not a puppet master, I'm not a warrior, I'm just a waste who loves drinking, a waste who can't even keep his family, but it's different now Well, if nothing else happens, I will be remembered as a hero, girl, thank you for helping me and giving me this opportunity."

"Goodbye Linglong, this is all I can do for you. Also, my lovely child and my most kind-hearted wife, I was the one who was sorry for you before..."

Yan Ran'er watched everything that happened in front of her quietly. It was not that she didn't want to stop it, but she didn't know if she should stop it, until the drunkard in front of her... No, the hero slowly fell into a pool of blood...

In the final direction, Ni Xue really used a bunch of seemingly useless universal puppets to kill Anshang's killer. However, during this period, the evasive skills she displayed were completely unlike those of an ordinary person.

On her side, serving as the base of the formation, was a white-haired old lady.

And she was chosen as the formation base because of her specialness. Everyone who knew her had a common view of her. She was mean, selfish, and a profit-seeking person.

But this time, everyone knew why she was mercenary and mean.

The old lady has no heirs, but she has been supporting the poor child anonymously for fifty years! No one knew about this except her, because she didn't think it was necessary.

But this time, she told this matter because she needed people to continue to support those poor children who had dreams but no conditions. After entrusting this matter to Ni Xue, the old lady also made the same choice... …

At this point, the three formation bases have been broken one after another, and the three stories have been remembered by the entire Linglong!

Just like the Drunkard Hero said, from this moment on, the three of them have been forever engraved in the history of Linglong!

At the auction, Tan Xin reacted decisively when the formation disappeared. After a long period of recovery, she had already regained her fighting strength. The reason why she had not taken action was because she had been waiting for this moment!

A killing moment!

"Ice Hell, Linglong Tower!"

With the power of creation fully activated, the secret assassin who released his puppet on the roof was immediately eroded by the cold air. A moment later, a crystal clear ice tower sealed his life at this moment forever.

At the same time, under the leadership of General Pang, a total of thirty-one people launched the final attack on the remaining puppets.

After the battle was over, General Pang and thirty soldiers stood neatly in front of Ling Yue, and the flames burning his life force gradually extinguished.

"Reporting to the Emperor, Pang You led thirty personal guards. Fortunately, he lived up to his command!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Pang You and thirty others knelt down on one knee in front of Ling Yue. After kneeling down, they never got up again, and this bow became their last allegiance to Ling Yue...

"Okay, you did a good job. I will take credit for your success in this battle..."

Tears slid down the cheeks silently. At this moment, the entire auction house became quiet. Everyone watched quietly, watching the thirty-two people freeze...

This is Linglong!

PS: This is the first update today. I really can’t continue writing this chapter. It took me a long time. Now, you know what Linglong is...

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