God of Illusions

Chapter 924 The final arrangement!

The conversation with Bai Xiaofei completely enlightened the Ling Yue brothers. According to the method Bai Xiaofei said, everything was arranged one by one, but it was also according to Bai Xiaofei's intention, and the meaning of all the arrangements was not so obvious.

However, anyone who is not stupid can see the purpose of what Linglong did at this time.

And what I have to admit is that doing this is indeed more uncomfortable!

That feeling is that you know that others are trying to mess with you, and you also know that they are messing with you, but they just don't tell you, so they just hang on you!

The first arrangement Ling Yue made was to summon the five great craftsmen to forge the puppet!

According to Ling Yue, this was to put on a "performance" for envoys from various countries!

If it was really a performance, these craftsmen would never accept it. They are craftsmen, not actors, but this time, none of the five people refused!

Because they can also guess what Ling Yue's real purpose is.

Refusing at this time is tantamount to indirectly admitting that people are forged by themselves, so sometimes it is the smartest people who suffer the most.

However, most of the envoys who were outsiders did not see these things clearly. Originally, they just wanted to cause trouble for Linglong. Being able to appreciate the forging of a divine craftsman was completely for them. An interesting experience.

Watch the five great craftsmen forging puppets at the same time! ! !

Do you dare to think this? !

Ever since, with no different opinions from all parties, a unique "performance" was officially held at Forging Puppet Holy Mountain!

The selected location was the public forging room of the Forging Holy Mountain. In addition to the envoys from various countries, the remaining people watching were the forging masters of the Forging Holy Mountain. For them, this was also an indispensable task. Lots of opportunities.

But it's also because of their existence that if the five of them can't come up with anything persuasive, they will definitely not be able to pass this level!

In addition to the people watching, the most present were Linglong’s troops.

Three elite brigades of the Imperial Guard, five garrison teams, the elite private armies of the four major families, the elite private armies of the four princes, plus all the members of Ling Yue's personal bodyguards of the Great Emperor!

This "performance" definitely brought together the best power in the imperial capital.

According to Ling Yue, these people were gathered to ensure the safety of envoys from various countries...

It's full of excuses!

"Master craftsmen, thank you very much for being here today. As mentioned before, our puppet forging today is proposition forging, and the topics are chosen by you among these ten propositions. Each proposition can definitely show your identity. The ability of a divine craftsman, so we believe that this forging will definitely open our eyes!”

Ling Yue personally became the host. Although the five master craftsmen were all very young, they still had to give the current emperor face. Under everyone's gaze, the five of them stepped forward and drew out their own questions.

After seeing the title, the five people frowned in unison.

Not because of anything else, but because this topic is actually a bit abstract!

Pinocchio, Huansha.

There is no sound in the south, chanting the moon.

Thousands of flames, bright stars.

The snow is unintentional and the sound is falling.

Hundreds of flowers, boundless.

Not to mention starting puppet forging, just figuring out what the hell this proposition is is going to give the five of you a headache. Qianshuba

But after the headache, it was replaced by a hint of fanaticism on his face.

Challenge is the puppet master’s favorite!

I didn’t expect that there would be such an interesting topic!

"Master craftsmen, this is just a title. There is a number after your proposition. That number represents a person's puppet. In other words, the puppets you create must be able to be used by the same person. , and it must correspond to his ability level. As for what level of puppet will be created in the end, it depends on your arrangements."

, Ling Yue spoke again, the enthusiasm on the faces of the five people deepened, and at the same time they looked at each other and the other people.

The purpose of this requirement is obvious.

Let the five of them exchange opinions!

This exchange of opinions is not as simple as imagined. If you are not careful, you will fall into the pit again.

For example, you are a king-level player. Among many players, your consciousness is already outstanding. It is very likely that you can enlighten others with just one or two sentences. However, one day, you meet someone in the gaming world. After communicating with the top four peak kings, you will find that your consciousness is still far behind!

This is the meaning of this round of communication. The fake person cannot communicate seamlessly with the other four people, and the other four people must also understand the meaning of this communication.

Therefore, those who are innocent are already ready for the first round of confrontation! ! !

However, the communication between the five people was carried out in secret. No one knew what was communicated between them, and no one knew what one of them thought of the other four. But what everyone can see is that the puppet forging began. Got it!

How would the five people deal with such an abstract proposition? !

For a time, everyone was filled with expectations, but this expectation was destined to be very long.

It is possible to forge a puppet for ten days and a half in one breath!

This is why everyone feels that Ling Yue has made a big move this time, because his attitude is completely intended to be spent here for these ten days and a half!

Whether Linglong is paralyzed or not seems to be completely out of Ling Yue's consideration.

If he doesn't have any purpose, no one will believe him even if he is beaten to death!

At the same time, Bai Xiaofei was not idle either. Taking Ling Yue's money, Bai Xiaofei released an unlimited mission with a very high bounty in the mercenary union!

The name of the mission is just two words...


Search all places where the energy cycle is not right. As long as there is available information, the task will be deemed to be completed once. There is no limit on the number of people who can accept the task, no limit on the time to complete the task, no limit on the number of times to complete the task, no failure penalty, and every time it is completed, a bounty will be given. For ten thousand amethyst coins!

In the words of the mercenaries, Bai Xiaofei was going to turn the whole Linglong upside down!

But what has to be said is that there must be a brave man under the heavy reward. What's more, the risk factor of this task is frighteningly low. For a while, almost everyone in the Imperial Capital Mercenary Union chose to take on this task!

Problems that can be solved with money sometimes really aren’t a problem at all!

In this way, Bai Xiaofei started his leisurely life again. What he had to do every day was to take Tan Xin for a stroll around the imperial capital. This state lasted for half a month!

Until the day when the puppets of the five master craftsmen were forged one after another, the situation suddenly changed!

It's time for the mystery to be revealed!

PS: The first update, the third update will start today! It was Xiaoying's birthday the day before yesterday. He drank too much. He had a bad day yesterday and went to work during the day. But now he is alive~

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