God of Illusions

Chapter 930 The final battle (6)!

Bai Xiaofei, who was knocked away, reacted instantly. An illusion formed by a wisp of breeze replaced his body, and Bai Xiaofei himself escaped from his original position by teleportation.

Also in the next second, the black shadow that rushed out once again caught up with Bai Xiaofei who was flying upside down, and destroyed Bai Xiaofei's clone with a direct blow.

Seeing this scene, everyone's hearts were lifted, but as Bai Xiaofei's clone was broken up, everyone's hanging hearts returned to their stomachs.

However, none of this could change the horror in Bai Xiaofei's heart at this moment.

Can't beat it! ! !

Although the clone just now was Bai Xiaofei's clone, Bai Xiaofei knew very well how much thought he put into that clone and how different it was from his original self.

But let alone counterattack, he didn't even have a chance to react.

If Yan Ran'er and several purple-gold level human puppets have reached an extreme in speed and strength, then this black-gold level human puppet is an existence beyond the extreme.


The legend that crushes the legend!

"Everyone, get out of here!!!"

After calming down, Bai Xiaofei gave the most correct judgment he could think of at the moment. He didn't know how long he could hold on or how far he could go, but he knew that if he fell, no one would survive here. !

"Brother Bai, you should..."

"Get out! Don't affect me!!!"

Before Ling Yue finished speaking, Bai Xiaofei yelled out. In the time it took the two of them to speak a few words, Bai Xiaofei, himself and his clones, had already been knocked out four or five times.

Bai Xiaofei's words were really useful. They didn't know if Bai Xiaofei really had a trump card, but they had to admit that Bai Xiaofei's idea at this time was right.

They can only be a burden here...

Not to mention the black-gold level puppets, there was nothing they could do about the purple-gold level puppets that entangled Yan Ran'er.

"Linglong belongs to you! Evacuate the Puppet Forging Holy Mountain!!"

Gritting her teeth, Ling Yue chose to believe in Bai Xiaofei, but this belief did not result in Bai Xiaofei letting go.

But a hint of bitterness.

Damn you have a mean mouth!

I really can’t run away now! !

"Brother Fei, use this!"

Just when Bai Xiaofei was getting ready to continue being tortured, the ground

From the bottom, Shi Kui climbed out with difficulty and threw something to Bai Xiaofei.

Seeing this thing, the black gold-level human puppet visibly froze, then stopped attacking Bai Xiaofei and rushed directly towards the thing thrown by Shi Kui.

However, when the puppet's hand touched the object thrown by Shi Kui, it went right through it.

At the same time, Bai Xiaofei caught the box thrown by Shi Kui from the other direction. When the box was opened, there was a small black insect inside!

Bai Xiaofei didn't feel any special energy fluctuations from this little bug. He even couldn't feel that it was alive.

"The Corpse-Eating Insect can't do anything if there's only one. There's no point in this thing not being in a swarm."

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the Demon God of Pain recognized this little bug. Being recognized by him showed that the corpse-eating bug was not simple.

But quantity is not a problem for Bai Xiaofei!

"Xin'er, I leave it to you, I need time!"

Bai Xiaofei roared and disappeared from the spot. Tan Xin, who did not leave, took over the task of dragging the black gold-level puppet.

Stopping the control of gravity, Tan Xin took a deep breath.

The next second, five rays of light lit up on Tan Xin's body, and Tan Xin's momentum skyrocketed!

"Five layers of genetic lock, if I can't hold you back, I won't be around anymore!"

Tan Xin cursed secretly, and at the same time took the initiative to rush towards the human puppet, with a speed no less than that of the human puppet!

The next second, continuous explosions reverberated throughout the battlefield. Every time Tan Xin and the puppet collided, the explosions of the sound barrier being broken and the sounds of fists clashing shook the entire space.

On the other side, Yan Ran'er, who had just been suppressed, suddenly let out a roar, and the dark purple energy on her body was released independently. At the same time, the color was deepening little by little, turning into black and gold!

At the same time, Pinocchio walked out of the ruins. When he looked at Yan Ran'er, his eyes became cloudy.

"You have finally come this far. From now on, no one should be able to hurt you."

With a smile on his lips, Pinocchio coughed suddenly and spat out a large mouthful of blood. Then, Pinocchio's skin

His skin dried up quickly, and in the blink of an eye, Pinocchio turned into a corpse-like appearance.

Shi Kui on the other side quickly ran up. No one knew what had just happened between the few people underground, but what could be seen was that Shi Kui had already passed the hurdle of being forged by his master.

"Master, you..."

The clumsy Shi Kui didn't know what to say for a moment, and the anxiety written on his face was the same as his bewilderment.

"If I want Ran'er to be completely free, I must break off contact with her, and this freedom is also the last gift I can give her. I promise to be my teacher and treat Ran'er well in the future. Although she now has her own However, she is still a child when it comes to dealing with human nature..."

Pinocchio spoke with difficulty, vomiting blood three times in just one sentence.

"Master, don't worry, my disciple will definitely do it. No matter who it is, no one can hurt Ran'er for any reason!"

Shi Kui cried bitterly and agreed, but before he could finish his words, Pinocchio's hand dropped weakly.

Linglong's number one master craftsman fell, not only to fulfill Yan Ran'er's life, but also to atone for Linglong's sins.

He owes Linglong a lot...

"Die to me!!!"

After the dark purple light on her body was completely transformed into black gold, Yan Ran'er roared angrily, and a black halo spread out with her as the center. The seven puppets surrounding her were shattered inch by inch. In just a few breaths, they turned into a full The scum of the ground.

However, just after the puppet was destroyed, seven purple-gold rays of light flew out and disappeared directly into the horizon.

At the same time, with the last explosion, Tan Xin was directly hit deeply into the ground. The light from the gene lock on his body had disappeared, and the whole person fell into a coma.

At this point, the only ones left on the battlefield are two black gold level beings!

Sensing the opponent's power, Yan Ran'er and the black-gold-level human puppet immediately chose the opponent as their next target. A shocking battle was about to begin!

Bai Xiaofei, on the other hand, was still holding the wooden box in his hand, closing his eyes and accumulating power, with no intention of intervening...

The victory or defeat all depends on Yan Ran'er!

PS: There are more and more friends in the group. Everyone is welcome to join the group to discuss the plot~

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