God of Illusions

Chapter 932 Farewell...

Disciple, I am glad that you can read this letter. At least it means that you are still alive and the storm has passed. As for my master, I should be gone. But for me, this may be the best destination. After all, I owe too many debts, and these debts may not even be repaid by my death. "

"You must already know that Ran'er is actually a human puppet, but I believe you won't mind this, because once she reaches the black gold level and goes through the adaptation period, she will become no different from ordinary people. However, , it is very likely that she will not be able to recover for a long time, but my teacher believes that you will definitely be able to bring Ran'er back to you."

"Anshang has got what they want. According to their style, they should not bother Linglong or you and Ran'er anymore. At this point, you can rest assured. As for the debt owed to the teacher, As a teacher, I don’t ask for anyone’s forgiveness, I just hope you can protect Ran’er.”

"The former exquisite craftsman, Pinocchio..."

At the end of Pinocchio's letter, it is the way to restore Yan Ran'er, and the black heart left by the corpse-eating insect is the core material to repair Yan Ran'er.

Pinocchio made perfect predictions about everything that happened here, meeting An Shang's requirements and giving Yan Ran'er a way out.

He even considered his own death...

The puppet incident was completely over, but what was left to Linglong was devastation.

The Nine Li Burning Heaven Formation was destroyed, the Puppet Forging Holy Mountain lost its foundation, and a large number of Puppet Forging masters were injured and killed. For a time, Linglong's Puppet Forging ability reached a low point.

The envoys from various countries left with satisfaction, and Ling Yue led Ling Long to start recuperating.

Regarding Pinocchio, Ling Yue did not pursue anything. In his words, no matter what, he had made an indelible contribution to Linglong. Without his support, the Forging Holy Mountain would not have been integrated.

"What are you going to do next?"

Rarely being alone with Ling Yue once again, Bai Xiaofei asked the only question he had now.

"Pinocchio donated all his drawings. Although the Holy Mountain for Puppet Forging is gone, Linglong is still Linglong. As long as the puppet forging masters are still there and the technology is still there, we will still be the strongest Puppet Forging Holy Land on the continent. "

Ling Yue smiled slightly, not as helpless as Bai Xiaofei imagined.

"Can you think so?

That's the best.


After laughing twice, Bai Xiaofei looked like he was hesitant to speak.

"Brother Bai, just say whatever you want. Without you this time, Linglong would not have been able to survive this disaster smoothly."

Ling Yue is not stupid. Although he has not completely understood Bai Xiaofei, he has figured out his character of not going to the Three Treasures Hall for anything.

"Hehe, I know I can't hide it from you, brother. I do have something to ask my brother for help with."

Bai Xiaofei showed his usual mean smile, making Ling Yue shake her head helplessly.

"You want to talk about that little girl?"

Before Bai Xiaofei could say anything, Ling Yue had already guessed it.

"I only have a few good brothers. Now Ran'er is Shi Kui's spiritual sustenance, and I also believe that he will not do anything excessive. As long as you give him enough time, brother, he will definitely make Linglong proud of him." .”

Bai Xiaofei looked at Ling Yue very seriously, and the latter laughed again.

"I believe in your vision, Brother Bai, and I'm also looking forward to that day. As for sister Ran'er, not many people know about her affairs. I have already taken care of everything. Linglong is no longer a puppet."

Ling Yue spoke slowly, her answer obviously already prepared.

"Bai Xiaofei thanks me here!"

Standing up, Bai Xiaofei bowed to Ling Yue sincerely.

Although Pinocchio made compensation for what he had done, in the eyes of more people, this was what he should have done, and it could not achieve his purpose of protecting Yan Ran'er.

However, Bai Xiaofei must ensure Yan Raner's safety.

Just like what he said, Yan Ran'er is now everything to Shi Kui!

At the same time, it is also an opportunity for Shi Kui to change!

"Brother Bai, after you finish asking your questions, I also have one thing to ask you."

Faced with Bai Xiaofei's thanks, Ling Yue tried to strike while the iron was hot, but what she didn't expect was that Bai Xiaofei divided things up unusually clearly.

"I will definitely leave."

It was also useless for Ling Yue to speak. Communication between smart people can be complicated or direct.

"Why? Isn't Linglong worthy of your stay, brother? I promise, as long as you are willing to stay in Linglong, I can take any position you choose!"

Ling Yue threw out a positive

It was a temptation that ordinary people could never refuse, but unfortunately, Bai Xiaofei was not interested.

"It's not whether it's worth it, but I have something I have to do, but I can guarantee that no matter where I am, I can always help Linglong if she needs it. At the same time, I also believe that if I have anything Trouble, brother, you are definitely not going to sit idly by and ignore this."

Bai Xiaofei's words were not generally mellow. However, this mellowness was not meant to be polite, but to calmly state the facts.

"I guarantee as the Great Emperor Linglong that wherever I, Linglong, can touch, there will be a safe place for you, Brother Bai!"

Looking straight at Bai Xiaofei, Ling Yue spoke word by word, and at the same time handed a piece of clear topaz into Bai Xiaofei's hand.

"From now on, Brother Bai, you will be the lifelong national master of the Linglong Empire. There has been no one else in this position before, and there will be no one else in the future."

Looking at Ling Yue, Bai Xiaofei stood up and took the yellow jade. Looking at the word "fly" dancing on it, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't forget to pay me my salary!"

Farewell to Ling Yue, Bai Xiaofei left the imperial city. Tan Xin jumped out of nowhere, holding a candy man in her hand and looking at Bai Xiaofei curiously.

"What's wrong, aren't you happy? Why do you look so worried?"

Tan Xin's eyes were as vicious as ever. After getting along with him for this period of time, she got to know Bai Xiaofei better and better.

"We have been staying in Linglong for almost half a year."

Bai Xiaofei spoke earnestly, his eyes wandering along the bustling streets.

"Oh! I understand, I have to leave, are you reluctant to leave? Why, you couldn't have hooked up with someone else's girl while I wasn't paying attention, right?"

Tan Xin never asked much about Xueying's departure, but occasionally brought it up to stimulate Bai Xiaofei.

"Maybe. Although I am full of curiosity about the future and the way forward, the thought of leaving here feels a little heavy inexplicably. Maybe I am such a nostalgic person."

With a wry smile, Bai Xiaofei regrouped his mood and looked up into the distance.

"Let's go, there are still a lot of things waiting for us!"

PS: The second update is a little late. Thanks to book friends 58300983 and EndlessGreed for their support!

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