God of Illusions

Chapter 935 Get back the dignity of a man!

Little sister, there is Lan Mingcheng in front. We have to go back to the captain to return to life, so I won't send you. Don't worry, you are absolutely safe in the city. "

After walking all the way, Bai Xiaofei finally heard what he wanted to hear the most, if the two female guards didn't leave, he would really go crazy.

"Thank you two beautiful sisters."

Tan Xin rarely left her humanoid "car". Facing the two female guards who let her enjoy the journey, Tan Xin was not ordinary.

She was definitely the first to enjoy this kind of treatment.

Bai Xiaofei called the master all the way! ! !

With the departure of the two female guards, Bai Xiaofei, who immediately raised his eyebrows, went straight into the frantic mode.

"Tan Xin!!!"

With a roar, Bai Xiaofei's hands were already stretched out to Tan Xin's tender cheeks, and the grievances in his stomach were about to be output frantically in the next time.

"Have you thought about it, are you planning to leave Yuehua directly?"

Tan Xin didn't mean to panic at all, and a faint sentence made Bai Xiaofei's hands stop in front of her.

Along the way, Bai Xiaofei has been thinking about how to deal with Tan Xin, while Tan Xin is thinking about how to kill Bai Xiaofei!

Now it turns out that Tan Xin won...

People have to bow their heads when they are under the eaves! ! !

"You also think about it, we won't stay in Yuehua forever."

Although he stopped, but for the sake of his future life, Bai Xiaofei threatened Tan Xin in turn.

"I'm too lazy to think about the future. The most important thing is to be happy now."

Looking up, Tan Xin's face was full of arrogance.

"Oh! Have fun in the moment?"

After listening to Tan Xin's words, Bai Xiaofei let out an "oh" in a meaningful way, and then a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Seeing Bai Xiaofei's expression, Tan Xin realized a problem.

It's over, you said the wrong thing!

Consciousness is in place,

It's a pity that it was a little late, and before Tan Xin could run, Bai Xiaofei's big hand was already rubbing her smooth and tender face...

"Haha! Cool!!!"

After a frantic output, Bai Xiaofei, who was relieved, felt that his whole body was transparent, while Tan Xin, whose face was rubbed red, stared at Bai Xiaofei with resentment.

"I tell you, you are dead!!!"

Tan Xin, who was so angry that she stomped her feet, spoke viciously, while Bai Xiaofei took it out.

Her expression just now.

"Why do you think so much about the future? Have fun! It's a big deal that we hurt each other! Haha!!!"

Bai Xiaofei burst into laughter as he spoke, and the words "complacent" were vividly expressed by him.

"Okay, then let's hurt each other and see who is more powerful!"

With a cold snort, Tan Xin walked to Lan Mingcheng without looking back.

"Enter the city!"

As soon as Tan Xin's voice fell, Bai Xiaofei's heart tightened. Now, if you want to ask him what he is afraid of, Yuehua's guards will definitely take the first place!

However, the city still has to enter...

Swallowing his saliva, Bai Xiaofei followed behind Tan Xin, completely losing the domineering he had just now, and the only thing left was the cuteness that belonged to "Xiao Bai".

Like Linglong, Lan Mingcheng is one of Yuehua's border cities, and the inspection of entering the city is not generally strict. However, after passing the inspection, the attitude of the guards suddenly changed 180 degrees.

Before Bai Xiaofei came back to his senses, Tan Xin and the guards were already screaming.

Bai Xiaofei didn't pay special attention to the communication between women before, but now from a pure third perspective, he found that women are really scary!

There is nothing that can't be solved by two words beautiful, if there is, then say it several times!

Moreover, in such a short exchange with the guard at the gate, he has seen no less than ten times of intrigue, all surrounded by them!

Appearance, possessions, strength, age...

As long as there is something that can be compared, in such a short period of time, Tan Xin is actually finished with the guards!

"Uh... did you tell her that that makes sense?"

After successfully entering the city, Bai Xiaofei couldn't hold back his curiosity, and asked in a rare manner of a beginner.

"Of course it makes sense! Women must not lose to women! No matter who it is!"

Tan Xin said righteously, the natural expression on her face made Bai Xiaofei stupid.

I'm darling, it seems that I really didn't know enough about women before!

"But, next time, can you stop comparing me as a cargo?"

Bai Xiaofei said coldly, and in his mind he couldn't help but recall the scene when Tan Xin and the guard were talking about the servant...

"Why, don't forget, you are my servant now. Without me, you can't do anything here, believe it or not?"

Looking back, Tan Xin's playful face was full of words you can try. After holding it for a long time, Bai Xiaofei didn't dare to push back.

Because, it's a fact...

After entering the city for such a long time, Bai Xiaofei could count all the men he saw with one hand. On the street, whether it was stalls or just hanging out, women took up more than 99% of the total. Occasionally there were two men. behind the woman.

And this is not the most terrible thing, the most terrible thing is that whenever Bai Xiaofei tries to ask someone something, all the women are either full of contempt on their faces, or they ask if Bai Xiaofei has a master...

Don't say it's hard to walk, without Tan Xin, Bai Xiaofei might be sold by others before Yue Huadi could even arrive.

At this time, Bai Xiaofei's last illusion in his heart was shattered. In Yuehua, men really have no status!

Even the slightest!

"Where are we going next?"

Beyond Bai Xiaofei's most worrying topic, Tan Xin blinked and looked at Bai Xiaofei.

"Aren't you the master, shouldn't it be your decision?"

Bai Xiaofei said coldly, as if planning to strike.

"Oh! Yes, I am the master."

Biting her index finger, Tan Xin seemed to remember something, and then...

"Now the master has ordered you to give the master a suggestion. What are we going to do next? If the suggestion you gave is not enough, I will immediately send you to the Servant Management Office for re-education!"

Tan Xin said while pinching her waist, Bai Xiaofei was stunned when he spoke directly.

The Servant Management Office, where Tan Xin just got out from the guards at the gate, is a nightmare for the men in Yuehua!

"The Mercenary Union."

Bai Xiaofei chose to accept his fate again. In Yuehua, he may not be able to raise his head...

"What are you going to do there?"

Tan Xin thought of all kinds of possibilities, but she didn't expect Bai Xiaofei to choose the mercenary union. Shouldn't he eat first according to the usual routine?

"For the sake of the news, didn't you realize that Yuehua looks like a big enemy now? Or do you really think the group of people we met outside the city is really doing a routine? If you don't know what these women are busy with, We can't take the initiative!"

It's not that Bai Xiaofei doesn't want to go to dinner, but it's more important to find a man's dignity than eating!

PS: Thank Emgrand Haoge for his monthly ticket support! ! ! The first is more offered! ! !

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