God of Illusions

Chapter 940: You can definitely control it!

"Asshole!!! Come on, get it for me!!!"

After two seconds of silence, the presiding officer suddenly became furious. With an order, a group of guards rushed up and immediately surrounded Bai Xiaofei.

"Who dares to touch him!"

Being attacked by the guards with swords, Bai Xiaofei once again experienced the feeling of silence, but Tan Xin was not a good person.

Bai Xiaofei can be bullied by her, but not bullied by others!

"Didn't you hear what your manservant said?! He was provoking the entire Yuehua! Do you want to share the same sin with him?!"

As soon as the presiding officer finished speaking, some of the guards immediately separated and surrounded Tan Xin. At this moment, Tan Xin also felt the feeling of being unable to mobilize energy.

Not even a puppet master is immune!

"Sir, I would like to ask, what is my crime? The border war is urgent. If I guess correctly, this so-called male servant election contest is to find a reason for men to go to the battlefield."

"The first level tests physical strength, the second level tests eyesight, and the third level tests the ability to obtain information? Is the border level now deceived? We don't even know anything about the enemy, so we urgently need a group of scouts, and Because of the special nature of Yuehua, women will be extra cautious."

Having said this, Bai Xiaofei paused.

"And I am the most suitable person to be this scout. Let alone this Blue Ming City, even if you come to the imperial capital, there will be no one more suitable than me. Therefore, you cannot bear the responsibility of my death, unless, you I want Yuehua’s border to explode completely!”

When Bai Xiaofei spoke, the presiding officer's expression changed again and again. When Bai Xiaofei finished speaking, she was completely confused.

Where did he hear these things? !

Hasn’t the news been strictly blocked? Could it be that the Sak clan has already penetrated to this extent? Is the situation at the border known to everyone? !

Various questions arose in the mind of the presiding officer, but no one except Bai Xiaofei could give her the answers.

"Stop talking nonsense! Take it! Don't let those four people go either!"

In any case, the presiding officer did not intend to lose in terms of momentum. He said coldly and several people were directly escorted down.


Bai Xiaofei showed no signs of panic, and was even comforting Liaokuo and others.

As Bai Xiaofei's episode passed, the selection continued at the request of the presiding officer, but this time, the male servants were obviously not as active as before.

They all heard what Bai Xiaofei said. Whether it was true or false, few people wanted to go to the border area.

Well, this is Yuehua’s man…

And most of them!

The selection was completed in an extremely negative process. In the end, the presiding officer managed to gather thirty people, but at this time she was no longer interested in the remaining people.

Blue Underworld City Dungeon...

"Open the door. From now on, no one is allowed to come in without my order!"

A cold voice sounded, and along with a chorus of responses, the people in the cell retreated one after another. Not long after, the presiding officer in official robes came to the cell where Bai Xiaofei and several people were detained.

"Look, I was right, brothers, our good days have just begun."

Seeing the presiding officer, Bai Xiaofei did not talk to her immediately, but confidently comforted the four Liokuo people who were ready to die.

"Are you really not afraid of death?"

In the first sentence of his mouth, the presiding officer directly asked a question that could scare most people.

"How can I not be afraid, but I know that even if I die, I will not die here and now, or in other words, if the person hosting the competition this time was not you, I would not be standing here at all, because I’m not going to say those things.”

Bai Xiaofei said lightly, and the presiding officer frowned.

"What do you mean?!"

There was a hint of vigilance in the cold voice. If Bai Xiaofei said anything wrong next, the presiding officer was definitely planning to silence him.

"You are from the Imperial Capital, right? Unlike the people in Lan Ming City, your knowledge will never allow you to do anything that may cause Yuehua to suffer losses. And if I die, Yuehua's losses will be Maybe the whole north!”

Bai Xiaofei spoke with great seriousness. To anyone else, this would sound like nonsense.

However, the presiding officer was moved at this time.

She doesn't think that Bai Xiaofei has the ability to turn the tide now, but if the current situation develops, what Bai Xiaofei said is very likely to happen.

The border can no longer hold on...

"Who are you?"

Staring at Bai Xiaofei, the presiding officer asked coldly.

Now, she no longer believed that Bai Xiaofei was just an ordinary manservant.

"Of course it's my servant Xiaobai. Why, don't you accept it?"

Tan Xin stood up again. If Bai Xiaofei was asked to answer this question, it would definitely sound problematic.

"Can a servant have this kind of inference ability?"

"What's the matter? I'm well-raised!"

Tan Xin looked like she was in a fight with the presiding officer, showing no fear at all.

Not because of anything else, but because this dungeon can only restrict the puppet master and cannot seal Tan Xin's abilities. In other words, as long as Tan Xin wants to, she can leave with Bai Xiaofei and others at any time.

"Then tell me, how did you raise him?"

With a sneer, the presiding officer responded directly. Bai Xiaofei and others on the side were already dumbfounded.

Why did you start bickering all of a sudden? !

Aren’t we supposed to talk about business?

Is this the way a woman’s brain works? !

"Free range!"

Tan Xin yelled two words domineeringly, and Bai Xiaofei and the others almost spat out a mouthful of blood after hearing it...

What the hell is freeing...?

"I can take you to the imperial capital, but you have to promise me one thing!"

Unable to defeat Tan Xin, the presiding officer turned to look at Bai Xiaofei. For some reason, she just felt that the one who had the best say here was not Tan Xin, the master, but Bai Xiaofei!

"Don't worry, I won't cause trouble again. After all, you can't guarantee that you can spare my life next time."

When Bai Xiaofei spoke the truth, the presiding officer snorted and turned away.

"Someone will come to pick you up in a while, but I will announce to the public that you have been executed, so it's best not to make any announcement!"

The presiding officer's voice echoed in the cell, while Bai Xiaofei shook his head and sighed.

Women, they are women after all!

"How do you know so many things about the border?"

After the presiding officer left, Tan Xin finally came to her senses and turned to ask Bai Xiaofei. Liaokuo and others also looked curious. As "good family men", they could be said to be interested in what happened outside Lan Ming City. Nothing.

"I said I guessed, do you believe it?"

With a smile, Bai Xiaofei fell down and lay down.

Wouldn’t Yuehua’s Imperial City be more interesting?

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