God of Killing

Chapter 1,135 Bones and Blood Refined Ghost Tomb

Haig settled at the Jedi restricted point in charge of Mo Huo, Sha Qian, Wu Feng and others.

This is also the least dangerous area, because Mo Huo, Wu Feng and others had exhausted the secret treasures in their hands before, causing Mia to pay a heavy price, so that there was no sharp weapon to use.

Haig stood still here. As his thoughts changed, a ball of silver metal appeared in his palm. When the silver metal ball landed on the ground, it suddenly looked like a hedgehog, with countless sharp thorns, and rolled in front of Haig.

Bang bang bang! Boom boom boom!

Golden thunder and lightning shot out, and the sound waves that tore the eardrums exploded. The ground was like a hidden dragon wandering around, shaking out terrifying fluctuations. The fluctuations spread like patterns and rushed towards Haig.


Haige's clothes exploded, and his body was covered with armor like silver fish scales. Spikes flashed ferociously, instantly forming the immortal body of the gods.

Maintaining a perfect fighting form, Haig's eyes were calm and frightening, and the silver scales on his body generated countless violent energy fluctuations. It was like a human-shaped volcano that spewed out incineration-like fireworks, covering the surrounding area like a sea of ​​fire.

Bang bang bang!

With him as the center, all the weaker restrictions exploded one after another, and the ferocious energy was detonated by the flames, forming an endless explosion of turmoil.

In an instant, this area was turned upside down, like the world after being burned by heavenly fire. Everything was scorched, and the earth was scorched black, as if it had been burned and cracked by fire, like a flaming rock filled with raging fire.

The ferocity and ferocity of this flame actually greatly exceeded the burning power of the Shiyan Sky Fire. This was a powerful manifestation of the high degree of fusion of the original flames.

A bright cold light flashed in the corner of his eyes, and the next moment, a breath of bone-chilling coldness quickly filled the air, covering the surroundings like a vast white mist. It was like the world of flaming hell was changing rapidly, and the earth froze extremely quickly, forming a A cold ice peak.

The flaming hell turned into a world of extreme cold, all due to the changes in Heig's mind. The transformation of extreme cold and heat was skillful, natural and perfect.

When Mia, Philp and other members of the God Clan came over and looked at the world of Bingfeng, they were all stunned, showing horror.

"Didn't we go to the forest? Did we make a mistake? We went to the ice world?" one person said in surprise.

There were many people who were as confused as him, with confused eyes and puzzled expressions.

Mia frowned, shouted coldly, and pointed her jade finger forward: "Idiot! Can't you look further?"

Following her fingers and looking into the distance, everyone was shocked to find that in the far distance, ancient trees covered the sky, the forest was vast and boundless, and the land looked endless.

Immediately they suddenly understood, and they all looked at Haig in shock. They all secretly became wary and cautious, knowing how powerful Haig was.

"Sure enough, they went in the direction of Hassen." As soon as Haig arrived in the forest, his consciousness turned and he immediately determined the movements of Audrey and Shi Yan, and said: "It's a day or two away from us, we have to go Hurry! Also, notify Hassen and ask him to hide as much as possible to avoid being swallowed by the other party."

Mia's pretty face changed, she hurriedly took out the sound stone, and shouted: "Hassen, be careful, the fish that have slipped through the two sections are gathering together and heading towards you. You should evacuate as soon as possible, and be sure not to confront them." Conflict, their overall power is very strong!”

"Oh." An impatient voice came from the sound stone, and immediately there was no reply... "Hasen! Hasen! Are you still there?" Mia's face was ugly, and she shouted while holding the sound stone, but the sound stone There was no response, and the luster disappeared. "Damn guy!" Mia yelled.

"Let's go there immediately!" Haig shouted: "There is something wrong with this lunatic's brain. I'm afraid he will act randomly!"

...the boundless sea.

Ancient trees are floating on the ocean. On each ancient tree are several members of the Charteris family. Sitting on each ancient tree is Hasen, who is as thin as a ghost and has crazy eyes covered with fierce bloodshot eyes. A bloodthirsty beast.

The ancient tree traveled like an arrow across the ocean, and soon arrived at a huge island. The island seemed to be at the end of the ocean, in a thick fog. The fog covered the sky, making it difficult to see what was in the distance.

Ancient trees stopped on the shore of the island. Hassen led the thugs of the Charteris family onto the island one after another, and came to the other side of the island, where the dense fog was the densest. On the other side of the thick fog, it seemed that there was a completely different place. A different world.

"The other side is the forest territory. This island is also the main point to enter the central area. We will wait here for those guys to come." Hasen's fierce eyes wandered in the thick fog, and suddenly he laughed evilly: "I want to Those low-level creatures are really naive if they want to kill me, it looks like we can have some fun."

"Master, do you want to make arrangements?" A warrior with a bloodstained face came forward and asked, licking his lips.

"Tuwu, what do you think we should do to give them a surprise?" Hasen smiled sinisterly.

"The Ghost Tomb Refined with Bones and Blood?" A member of the Charteris family, known as Tuwu, chuckled ferociously.

The rest of the Charteris family members were like beasts smelling the smell of blood when they heard this. Their eyes showed excitement and desire, and they nodded one after another.

"Okay! Let's make the ghost tomb with bones and blood!" Hasen laughed.

A member of the Charteris family suddenly dispersed and stood in a special position. Shocking waves of evil suddenly surged out from their bodies. Tu Wu suddenly screamed and one of his hands suddenly pierced. The divine body was groping for something in his belly... a bloody sharp bone was pulled out of his divine body like a bayonet. He was obviously in great pain, his face was twisted and he roared loudly, but his eyes were extremely excited. crazy.

The other members of the Charteris family were all like him. Each one of them pierced their own body, groped around inside the body, and slowly pulled out the bloody bones one after another. The smell suddenly filled the entire space.

In an instant, the whole world turned dark red, and a fishy smell rose into the sky.

Each member of the Charteris family took out a bloody bone from their own body and inserted it into the ground in front of them. The moment each bone was inserted into the ground, there was suddenly a shrill sound of ghosts crying and wolf howling, and there were bursts of gloomy sounds. The cold wind blew over, making people's hair stand on end.

"Blooded!" Hazen laughed wildly, and a stream of blood spurted out from his mouth. The blood poured on top of the bloody bones, forming a thick sea of ​​blood above everyone's heads.

From a distance, the sea of ​​blood above the "Bone and Blood Refining Ghost Tomb" arranged by the Hassen and Charteris families is somewhat similar to the sea of ​​blood souls activated by Shi Yan with mysteries, and there is also evil inside. The strange fluctuations seem to be able to affect people's hearts, making people's souls sink into it.

Hassen and the others seem to be still active...but their divine bodies are gradually disappearing. Looking down from the sky, you will find that there is a sea of ​​blood. There is a dense tombstone made of blood and bones floating in the sea of ​​blood, but Hassen and Cha are not visible. The traces of the Tris family members seemed to be integrated with the "Bone and Blood Ghost Tomb".

A violent and bloody crazy aura slowly grew from the sea of ​​blood, as if it had evil magic power, and could actually condense the evil energy from outside the territory... A trace of strange aura quietly gathered from the ground, the ocean, and the sky. It seemed that those The last traces of anger of the creatures who have died in the ancient continent for countless years are attracted by this "Bone and Blood Refined Ghost Tomb", increasing the power of this evil formation.

The most astonishing thing is that as this "Bone and Blood Refined Ghost Tomb" slowly formed and increased in strength, it seemed to confuse the energy of heaven and earth, blinding the sky, as if it was invisible, and the spiritual consciousness was not visible at all.

..."This is it."

Cang Yun wiped the sweat from his forehead and pointed to the misty area ahead, looking very tired.

It was an unknown how vast river. One side of the river was in their area of ​​forest, separated by a vast mist. The other side extended to who knows where. The vast mist was a barrier, dividing the river in half. Half of it is in the forest, and the other half seems to be in the vast sea.

"Take us there just as you came here." Audrey nodded with satisfaction and urged in a cold voice.

The moment she stopped in Cangyuan, she released her spiritual consciousness. Her spiritual consciousness slowly passed through the water mist barrier and explored the other side. She found that there was nothing abnormal at all, so she was not worried about anything.

Cang Yun also quietly sensed it and found nothing unusual, but he was very cautious and said: "You must be careful about that madman Hassen. This guy may not be as powerful as Heig, nor is Heig able to be free from the constraints of the ancient continent. , but his level of danger is definitely no less than that of Haig. There is something wrong with this guy’s brain. He is born with a bloodthirsty nature and cannot be treated as a normal person. The guys under his command are all lunatics. Once they feel that Miao, he will kill both the jade and the stone without any hesitation, and use his own sacrifice to kill several of our people in an instant without any hesitation!"

Cang Yun's face showed a lingering chill.

In this vast ocean, he witnessed with his own eyes the crazy cruelty of Hassen's command. A warrior under Hassen's command was surrounded by three warriors of the same level and was seriously injured. However, at the most critical moment, he suddenly self-destructed and killed the three warriors with a sinister smile. A guy very close to him was instantly strangled.

That guy could still escape his soul and return it to Hassen's hands, leaving it to reunite with his physical body later and return to his original state.

Every warrior under Hasen's command is fearless and unafraid of death. They are paranoid and crazy. They obey Hasen's words and are willing to die for Hasen like a believer. This kind of irrational lunatic is the most difficult character to deal with. Anyone who encounters him will be beaten. Headache.

"Everyone, be careful. Hazen is indeed a lunatic. Don't underestimate him." Audrey nodded, knowing that Hazen was scary, and she took Cang Yun's reminder seriously.

"I don't know why, but I always feel that something is not right." Shi Yan frowned, and suddenly felt a strong uneasiness in his heart. He felt confused for no reason, and the acupuncture points all over his body were beating lightly uncontrollably, which made him very nervous. Puzzled.

There was a familiar wave that seemed to be lurking somewhere, resonating with his acupoints!

(To be continued)

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