God of Killing

Chapter 1174: Watching with cold eyes

Hege and the Light Shenzhou were bitten together, dragged into the depths of the blood sea by the bone claws, and disappeared in an instant.

Hassen was still floating under the bloody tombstone, his eyes as dark as ink looked at the people in the sea of ​​blood coldly and sinisterly.

In the sea of ​​blood, Cang Yun and Audrey struggled to resist the evil spiritual power invading their souls. Among them, Cang Yun turned into a white tiger demon body and lay on the ground. The demon body trembled as if it was accumulating strength.

Audrey's tall body was completely void, like a ghost floating in the sea of ​​blood, giving people an unreal feeling.

Audrey in this body shape is not immune to physical attacks, and all kinds of mysteries of heaven and earth cannot cause serious damage to her. Unfortunately, this sea of ​​blood contains spiritual power that corrodes the soul, which can penetrate her soul altar and affect her soul and spirit. .

However, Audrey is extremely skilled in the mysteries of the soul. When she devotes herself to resisting spiritual evil, her eyes are always clear and clear, without a trace of confusion.

She seemed to gradually stabilize.

In the sea of ​​blood, Philp and Mia from the God Clan were fighting each other. Mo Huo, Wu Feng, Jiao Shan, and Sha Qian were also crazy, fighting to the death regardless of the enemy or ourselves.

In the strange land of the vast sea of ​​clouds, new dead people gradually appear. Whenever someone dies tragically, Shi Yan will be shocked and harvest their lost energy.

Shi Yan looked at Hasen with a solemn expression, silently running the secrets of power, ready to adapt at any time.

Hasen's dark eyes stared at the depths of the blood sea. He didn't care about Audrey and Cang Yun for the time being. His main target was still on Haig.

Haig's traces sank in the depths of the sea of ​​blood, but the aura on his body... was still full of vitality!

Obviously, Haig is still alive and should be accumulating stronger power.

"Dong dong dong!"

Everyone could even hear the strong beating of his heart!

Every time his heart beats, he can transform a bit of power from the Ancient God Continent. If he is given enough time to prepare, his divine power will increase to an unknown level of terror.

"You should kill them."

Hassen stretched out his hand to point to Cang Yun and Audrey, and suddenly rushed into the depths of the sea of ​​blood. The blood-red tombstone floating above his head was submerged into the sea of ​​blood together with him. Suddenly, there was a terrifying blood wave in the blood sea, and there were streaks of bloody energy. The light beam penetrated and reflected the world in scarlet.

The milky white divine light penetrates the spirit of the five elements, connecting the five elements with their subtle meanings, presenting the wonderful array of five-pointed stars, quietly appearing in the sea of ​​blood.

In the center of the wonderful five-pointed star array, a ruthless god with a black grid sits upright, his pupils are dancing with blazing flames, and a dark golden copper ball appears between his eyebrows. The ball is covered with astral lines, and it is vaguely the epitome of the ancient god continent, such as Beating like a heart.

From the moment the sphere emerged between Haig's eyebrows, he seemed to be no longer affected by the sea of ​​blood, and seemingly endless power emerged from his body.

"You burned in purgatory to increase your strength at the cost of sacrificing flesh, blood, and soul, and became instantly powerful. But I have fused with the ancestral star. I can draw power from the ancestral star to replenish myself without sacrificing any body or soul. What...are you going to do with it? Do I fight?"

The five-pointed star array under Hege suddenly shone brightly, bursting out with circles of dazzling divine light. The divine light changed like a vast galaxy, swirling around Hege endlessly.

Waves of fluctuations shot out from Hege's feet, forming the power to seal the world. After spreading, the sea of ​​​​blood gradually faded and slowly returned to silence, causing the traces of blood to dissipate and letting the evil spiritual energy disappear. .

In the blink of an eye, except for the blood-red tombstone above Hassen's head, this sea of ​​​​blood was stirred up.

When Hege stepped on the five-pointed star formation, he felt like he was in a dreamy star realm, like the God Lord of the Starry Sky, with endless magic power from the ancient continent Pengpei contained in every move and every move he made.

"Sky Cage!"

Haig slowly closed his hands tightly, as if holding something in his palm, giving him direct restraint.

Everyone could clearly see that as Haig clasped his hands together, the blood-red tombstone above Hassen's head was compressed bit by bit, as if it was deformed by being squeezed by the giant hand of God. The bones of Hassen's skinny body actually snapped. There was a snapping sound, as if it was about to shatter.

The dark red bones pierced the skin and flesh during the squeeze, and protruded outside the divine body. Looking at it suddenly, Hassen looked extremely miserable, and he became less human than a ghost.

"Now do you know why the ancestors of the clan chose me instead of you?" Hege looked indifferent and spoke in an emotionless tone: "I have an innate advantage. I was selected by the ancestral star. You and To be my enemy is to be an enemy to the continuation of the entire race, and it is simply impossible to succeed.”

"Bah bang bang!"

As he spoke, he clasped his hands together, and Hassen's bones exploded, as if he was squeezed into a line by two giant mountains, and his whole body was twisted and deformed.

Even the bloody tombstone turned into a blur of blood, exploded, and turned into streaks of violent blood that disappeared into Hasen's bones.

The people who had just fought returned to normal consciousness one after another. Some people's bodies were severely injured, with wounds so deep that their bones were visible. Some people became cold corpses, withered and without blood and moisture, as if they had been weathered for many years... "What's going on?"

"No! I was harmed by that lunatic Hassen again!"

"He didn't even spare his own clan members! He was so heartless that he even lost his last name!"

People of all races screamed and cursed, and even Mia, who had always had a close relationship with Hassen, was really angry, glaring at Hassen fiercely with her beautiful eyes.

Hassan caused public outrage!

Cang Yun and Audrey were the first to break free from the shackles of spiritual evil. The two of them ignored each other and surprisingly had a tacit understanding.


Cang Yu roared loudly, like a tiger coming out of the gate, with a murderous aura like a golden sword. The crystal light in the tiger's eyes was like a torch. The demon body made of steel juice tumbled and suddenly rushed towards Hasen.

Click, click, click!

As Cang Yun's demonic body was torn apart, the joints of Hasen's broken body exploded inch by inch, and he was strangled to pieces.

Audrey's body was void, and in the center of her eyebrows appeared the Turing of the soul altar, which was dozens of times smaller. The soul altar was like a crystal pendant, delicate and agile, with billions of soul threads pouring out, covering the position of Hassen's mind like a net. , the soul threads tightened rapidly, trying to crush the Hasen Soul Altar.

Cang Yun and Audrey are mortal enemies. The two races have been fighting for many years, and they never talk well to each other when they meet.

However, for the sake of Hassen and this madman, these two enemies actually joined hands, just to attack and kill Hassen, the madman, and erase this uncertain factor.

The protoss Mia watched all this with cold eyes, watching Hassen's bones first being exploded by Haig, then his flesh and blood being torn apart by Cang Yu, and finally being entangled in the soul altar by Audrey with the soul arcana, she always remained silent.

She discovered that today's Hasen was no longer the Hasen she knew. Although the original Hasen was crazy and cruel, he would only kill enemies and would not kill his own people. The original Hasen still had a bottom line and his intelligence was still intact.

At this time, Hassen was no longer a member of the God Clan in her eyes, but a complete lunatic, a madman who would not even spare his fellow God Clan members, a thug who even she wanted to kill.

She lost sympathy for Hasen and watched as Haig, Cang Yun, and Audrey took action respectively. She didn't say a word, and she didn't ask Haig to show mercy or ask the Gods to help.

She felt Hassan shouldn't be alive.

Everyone was silent.

The same goes for Shi Yan.

However, he was slightly different from everyone else's silence. In the silence, he maintained a high degree of attention to the secrets of the soul altar, always paying attention to Hassen's signs.

He didn't want Hasen's death to end in an anticlimactic manner. The reason why he looked at it coldly was because... Hasen was not dead!

For some reason, he sensed a deeper threat from Hasen. He knew that Hasen was integrated into Xuanshan's bones and even his will. In addition to being proficient in the mysteries of death, Hasen was also proficient in Frederick's corpse energy, using corpse energy to activate divine power. Resurrection of life, resurrection from the dead!

He has already seen it once!

He felt that Hazen would be resurrected again, because the Hazen Soul Altar was still intact, and his shattered bones had not evaporated into ashes.

Not a single drop of Hassen's blood has dissipated. Within it, there are still waves of astonishing energy, quietly transforming with corpse energy... This is not what scares Shi Yan the most.

He was vaguely aware of this sacred mountain, the World Tree in the sacred mountain, this ancient continent... Some kind of mysterious power in the wilderness seemed to be secretly caring about Hasen, transporting some kind of power into Hasen in a way that only he could detect. in vivo.

Just like the acupoints all over his body absorb the essence of death so that no one can notice it, Hassen is also being taken care of by Huang with special means.

Haige didn't know, and Cang Yun and Audrey didn't sense it beforehand. The powerful men in the major star regions responded coldly, with cold faces, looking at Hasen coldly - they all thought that Hasen was dead.

"Audrey, we should get rid of that Sky Demon Clan person." Haig suddenly said.

"That's fine." Audrey nodded slightly, shifted her gaze, and looked at Cang Yun coldly.

Cang Yun did not panic, and suddenly he laughed. The demon body suddenly changed and became a fat man again. He appeared next to Shi Yan, squinted his small eyes, turned to look at Shi Yan, and said: "Haige and Ao Delly, you choose one."

Haig's expression remained unchanged.

Audrey's face sank and she said coldly: "Shi Yan, this is a matter between our Underworld Royal Clan and the Celestial Demon Clan. I hope you won't interfere."

"I'm very curious." Shi Yan frowned, "If I ignore him, will you kill Cang Yun together with Haige?"

Audrey nodded.

"Then what?" Shi Yan was stunned, "Then you and I join forces to kill Haig, and then, you and I fight to the death to snatch the Origin Fruit?"

Audrey suddenly fell silent.

That's what she thought.

"Do you think it's realistic?" Shi Yan laughed dumbly, "Haig would be so stupid? Let you and I work together to deal with him? Do you think... things will develop as you want?"

"I know it's not realistic." Audrey regained her composure, "You, me, Cang Yun and Hege are all here for the Origin Fruit. If we want to get the Origin Fruit, the four of us cannot have any reservations. We can only ...If one person succeeds, no one can predict how to arrange it."

Shi Yan was stunned. He looked at Hasen, who had turned into a pile of broken bones, and secretly sensed it, and his heart trembled.

(To be continued)

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