God of Killing

Chapter 127 The burial place

"Corpse slaves?" Shi Yan said with a sullen face, "Is the Corpse Slave from the Corpse God Cult?"

"The Corpse God Sect and Yin Yang Cave Sky are very close. They are both warrior forces in the Tuta Sea. Every believer in the Corpse God Sect can control corpses and are good at refining corpses. Most of the martial arts they practice are related to corpse control. ." Xia Xinyan frowned, her eyes full of disgust, "The more advanced the disciples of this sect are, the more corpses they can control. A corpse that has reached the realm of a hundred calamities, after being refined by the Corpse God Cult, can Even scarier than before!"

"These corpses are all corpse slaves of the Corpse God Cult?"

"Well, these are corpse slaves that have not been refined yet. They just use the simplest method to keep the corpses from rotting. But once they are refined by the Corpse God Cult, these corpses will become very terrifying. Some corpses have been refined for thousands of years. After being refined, it is incredibly powerful, invulnerable, and can even use the power of the five elements. It is a magical weapon in the hands of the followers of the Corpse God Cult."

Shi Yan's heart trembled, and his face became even more ugly.

"The Yin-Yang Cave Heaven also collected these corpses when collecting medicinal materials. This time the Yin-Yang Cave Heaven should send these corpses to the burial place of the Corpse God Sect. It seems that we have to go through the burial place of the Corpse God Sect. Damn it, this trip has added some variables."

"The burial place?"

"The burial place is where the Corpse God Sect refines corpses. In the Endless Sea, the Corpse God Sect has hundreds of corpse burial places. In each burial place, there are many corpse slaves buried. The disciples of the Corpse God Sect, When fighting people outside, if the corpse is destroyed, they will go to the corpse burial ground to choose new corpses to supplement their combat power. Some core disciples can get very powerful corpse slaves. Corpses that are more than a hundred years old are refined in the corpse burial ground. , The fighting power is extremely fierce!”

"How many corpse slaves can a disciple of the Corpse God Cult control?"

"Depending on the level of cultivation, it also depends on the level of the corpse slave. Corpse slaves under a hundred years old are called human corpses by the Corpse God Cult. Corpses over a hundred years old are called earth corpses. Corpses that are thousands of years old are called heavenly corpses and ten thousand year corpses. , is called the Corpse King! The human corpse is pretty average and can only exert 30% of the power of the corpse before death. A century-old earth corpse can exert 100% of the corpse's power. A thousand-year-old celestial corpse can exert 10% of the power of the corpse before death. 20% of the power! The Ten Thousand Years of Corpse King is the most terrifying. It is said that he can exert twice the power of his corpse, and he also knows how to use the power of the Five Elements! The Corpse King who knows how to use the power of the Five Elements is equivalent to possessing five martial arts spirits. !”

"Human corpses, earthly corpses, heavenly corpses, corpse kings!" Shi Yan's expression changed, "How many corpse kings are there in the Corpse God Cult?"

"I don't know. It is said that there are only one or two. Those two corpse kings were both powerful men in the heavenly realm. I heard that the leader of the Corpse God Sect once again fought with a strong man in the divine realm. He only used that corpse king. It makes the strong men in the divine realm miserable, but the corpse king refined from the corpses of the strong men in heaven is as powerful as the strong ones in the divine realm! It is extremely terrifying!"

"Awesome!" Shi Yan looked horrified.

"It is indeed very powerful." Xia Xinyan looked solemn, "The Corpse God Cult can become one of the fifteen major forces in the Endless Sea, and the corpse slaves have contributed a lot. The followers of the Corpse God Cult bring the corpse slaves, which is equivalent to a few more lives. . When fighting with people, you only need to hide aside and control the corpse slaves, and you can grind people to death with just the corpse slaves."

"...the burial place, I hope this Yin Yang Cave Ship will not stop at the burial place first. It is better not to go to such a gloomy place." Shi Yan said with a bitter smile.

"It's not up to you and me." Xia Xinyan sighed, "Let's be careful. If we see other ships in the past few days, we will leave immediately. I don't want to stay in this ghost place for a moment."

"I re-sealed the box." Shi Yan nodded, used the Finger Spear Technique again, and pressed down the steel nails that had been pulled out.

After a while, Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan sat down in the wing again.

After the two of them knew that this floor was full of corpses, their faces were a little ugly, especially Xia Xinyan, who felt wrong all over. It took a long time to breathe evenly and enter a cultivation state of mind.

Shi Yan frowned, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes again to meditate.

A night of silence.

The next day, Shi Yan continued to move potted flowers onto the deck. Xia Xinyan followed her, unwilling to stay alone on the lower floor.

On the deck, Li Wei and his disciples from the Yin Yang Cave Heaven looked at the two men with sinister eyes and sneered at the corners of their mouths, wondering what they were thinking.

Shi Yan pretended not to see it, busy as he was, secretly on guard.

To his surprise, Li Wei and others did not come to provoke them. They just looked at them coldly from a distance, as if they had some countermeasures.

Shi Yan was silent, quietly paying attention to Li Wei and his party, looking from the distance on the deck, looking for an opportunity to leave.

Before the sun set, he moved the flowerpots back to the lower level. Xiaofeng arrived as scheduled and brought food and fresh water for the two of them.

"I don't know how to lift!" After putting down the things, Xiaofeng muttered in a low voice and left with an unkind expression.

This time the food was no longer abundant, it was still salted fish and steamed buns, and the fresh water was only enough for daily drinking.

Shi Yan had already expected this outcome, so he didn't care and ignored Xiao Feng.

Time flies. It's said to go out and it's going to go down.

Shi Yan gets up every morning, moves the flowerpots onto the deck, and then helps Xia Xinyan clean up the stolen goods.

Before the sun went down, he put the flower pots back to their original places, received salted fish and steamed buns, talked to Xia Xinyan about the endless sea at night, and then closed his eyes and practiced hard.

In the blink of an eye, a month has passed.

Xia Xinyan's strength has recovered a lot, and the essence in her body is as strong as that of a warrior. Although she cannot use the reincarnation martial spirit, she is no longer without the ability to protect herself.

Shi Yan was not idle either.

In the past month, although he has not practiced the second level of violent walking, he has been studying the possibility of practicing the second level of violent walking, looking for ways to integrate negative power into his blood, and he has gained some vague insights.

However, he did not practice on the ship. The practice of violent martial arts requires the activation of negative power. After each practice, the body will be very injured.

There were many unpredictable dangers on the ship. Although Li Wei did not take action, Shi Yan did not dare to relax. He remained at his peak and was ready to break the ship and leave at any time.

late at night.

Shi Yan, Xia Xinyan and others closed their eyes and meditated in that small side room.

Suddenly, the iron ship slowed down and tended to stop slowly.

Shi Yan suddenly opened his eyes and shouted: "It seems we have reached somewhere, we have to be careful."

Xia Xinyan's long eyelashes fluttered, her bright eyes opened, and she said calmly: "Use the Xuanyin Jue to sense and see if there is strong yin energy nearby. Remember, never fully activate the Xuanyin Jue. , so as not to cause a big accident, once you and I attract attention, we will definitely die!"

"Yeah." Shi Yan nodded.

During this period, from Xia Xinyan's mouth, Shi Yan learned many secrets of the Endless Sea, as well as the strangeness of Xuanyin Jue.

Xuanyin Jue is a special martial art that nourishes the Silver Moon and Star Martial Spirits of the Three Gods Sect. Like the Xuanyang Jue, it is an untransmitted magical power of the Three Gods Religion. The Xuanyang Jue and the Xuanyin Jue have the same purpose and require the collection of strong Yang Qi to practice, which can nourish the Yanyue Martial Spirit.

Whether it is Xuanyin Jue or Xuanyang Jue, they are very precious in the Three Gods Sect. Even ordinary core disciples are not qualified to participate in the research.

Only the three gods, elders, and sons of the Three Gods Religion are qualified to understand the secrets of Xuanyang Jue and Xuanyin Jue. It is said that with the assistance of Xuanyin Jue and Xuanyang Jue, the three martial spirits of the Three Gods Religion can obtain different levels of increase.

Although Xuanyin Jue is only a mortal-level martial skill, if it absorbs enough Yin Qi from heaven and earth, it can reach the intensity of Xuan-level and spirit-level martial arts!

If you use Xuanyin Jue to absorb the infinite Yin Qi of heaven and earth, you can even reach the height of holy level martial arts!

According to Xia Xinyan, Xuanyin Jue is one of the few martial arts that can evolve, with unlimited possibilities.

Of course, the premise is that there must be enough Yin Qi from heaven and earth to absorb. This condition may seem simple, but it is extremely demanding.

The Yin Qi of heaven and earth is not found everywhere. In the Endless Sea, the strange places with the Yin Qi of heaven and earth have been collected by the people of the Three Gods Sect. Therefore, the Xuanyin Jue may seem powerful, but it is extremely difficult to evolve. .

The place where corpses are buried in the Corpse God Cult is a strange area where death energy and corpse energy are mixed. Death energy and corpse energy are often mixed with a little yin energy. Those yin energy come from deep underground and are overflowing from the corpse slaves. What came out was very little, but it was enough for Shi Yan to notice.

Xia Xinyan asked him to use the Xuanyin Jue to investigate, just to find out whether the place where the iron ship settled was the burial place of the Corpse God Cult.

"There is Yin Qi!" Shi Yan's expression changed. "The Yin Qi is divided into strands and spreads in every corner of the island. You can be sure that the place where the ship landed is the burial place of the Corpse God Sect. What are you really afraid of? What's going on, damn it!"

"Let's wait and see what happens. If we encounter danger, we can jump into the sea to escape." , otherwise we won’t even have a chance to escape.”

Water corpses are corpse slaves refined by the Corpse God Cult using a special method. They sink to the bottom of the sea and use seafloor vortices to gather corpse energy. After many times of tempering, the water corpses are like fishes and can float on the bottom of the sea, although not as good as the corpse king. He can control the water flow as he pleases, but it is also quite strange.

However, this type of corpse slave has a fatal weakness. Although the water corpse is powerful in the water, its power will be greatly reduced once it encounters fire.

Although this type of corpse slave has special uses, it also has obvious weaknesses.

Therefore, the Corpse God Cult will not spend too much energy refining this type of corpse slaves. Only a small number of these corpse slaves have special uses, and they are used by the Corpse God Cult to mine medicinal materials in special areas. Specially refined.


The sound of an anchor falling into the water suddenly came from outside.

Not long after, Na Xiaofeng appeared at the top of the stairs and said with a cold expression: "You two can come down now, we have arrived at our destination."

There was a hint of pity in Xiaofeng's cold eyes.

Xia Xinyan was as careful as her hair. She just stared at Xiaofeng for a moment, her heart sank to the bottom, and she realized that something was wrong.

"Hey, come out, I'll give you some insights." At the top of the stairs, Li Wei also showed his head and sneered: "The burial place is extremely famous in the Endless Sea, but ordinary people will never have the opportunity to step in. You are lucky, you can See the burial place of the Corpse God Cult, hehe!"

(To be continued)

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