God of Killing

Chapter 1,388 Soul is like the sea

On a piece of gray-brown meteorite, Audrey's eyes were closed tightly, and there were waves of violent soul-trembling aura coming from her body.

The three Tianmu tribe members, Evelin, Adams, and Mahisha, gathered around her, their expressions became extremely solemn, and they hesitated whether to take action.

The moment the evil spirit incarnated by Ming Hong rushed into Audrey's mind, the three of them could see clearly. They also saw clusters of clouds disappearing into Audrey. Seeing that Audrey's soul fluctuated extremely strangely at this time, the three of them They all felt bad, thinking that Audrey had been taken away by Ming Hong.

"That evil soul was refined by Singer, and it contains the secrets of Singer!" Evelin said this, and prepared to condense the secrets to target it.

"I'm afraid we are no match for that fierce spirit." Adams also looked horrified. He turned away and looked around, and suddenly his expression changed, "Hey! That's the ancestor of the dragon lizard!"

Above the meteorite sea in front of them, amidst the turbulent energy fluctuations, the humanoid clone of the Dragon Lizard ancestor, as well as Tu Shiqi and Yayun, all appeared and were searching anxiously.

Just because the section where Audrey and the others are located is a spatial blind spot deliberately found by Shi Yan, so that the ancestors of Dragon Lizard and Tu Shiqi cannot detect it. Unless they calm down and use their soul consciousness to sense, they are afraid that It was also impossible to search out Audrey and the others in a short time.

"You can ask them for help." Adams suggested.

Mahisha immediately shook her head, "They will kill Audrey together so that they can avoid future troubles. This cannot be done."

They don't know that Audrey Shiyan and Tomiki are old.

"What should we do? Her strength alone will definitely not be able to compete with the evil spirit. Once the evil spirit succeeds in seizing the master, we... will all be in bad luck." Adams was worried and muttered, "How about we evacuate first?" Come on and don’t care about her affairs?”

“This is the only way.” Evelin hesitated for a while, feeling that this suggestion was quite reliable, otherwise not only would he not be able to help Audrey if he stayed, but he might also be killed by the evil spirit.

"We can't leave until those three people have left and are no longer aware of this place, otherwise we will be exposed." Mahisha sighed secretly and looked deeply at Audrey, "Sorry, we can't help you, you can only rely on yourself. , I hope you can break free."

The clones of the Dragon Lizard Ancestor, Tu Shiqi and his wife, searched this area and left in a hurry.

The three Adams did not stay too long and quietly escaped from the meteorite. When they flew away from the meteorite, they looked back and were stunned.

Behind them, there was nothing. The meteorite where they stayed just now seemed not to exist at all.

The three of them were dumbfounded, and then they realized how special their and Audrey's location was. Likewise, they had a deeper understanding of the profound knowledge of the stone space.

"Hoo ho ho!"

Not long after they left, the Dragon Lizard Ancestor, Tushiqi and his wife immediately reversed direction and came back.

The clone of the Dragon Lizard Ancestor instantly blocked the way for the three of them. He opened his mouth and spat out, and a magma barrier condensed, trapping the three of them.

The Dragon Lizard Ancestor looked at these three people with extremely unfriendly eyes. He snorted, pointed at the three of them, and said to Tu Shiqi and his wife: "That evil spirit incarnated by Sing is escaping this way. He You must take someone's body to avoid our detection. We have also checked, and there is no aura of life nearby, only these three people who just appeared..."

Adams' expression changed drastically.

"I would rather kill him by mistake than let him go!" the dragon lizard ancestor yelled.

Tu Shiqi and his wife frowned. They knew that the Adams trio had an old relationship with Shi Yan and Audrey, but they also believed that the incarnation of Singer's evil spirit was most likely hiding among Adams, Mahisha, and Evelin. , hiding in their minds.

Because even if the evil spirit escapes quickly, it cannot escape their pursuit in an instant. There is only one possibility - attaching itself to one person's soul and instantly melting with the other person's soul to avoid their aura induction.

Here, because of the mass killings of the masked women of the Phantom Tribe, those who were lurking in the dark were all dead.

In a deathly sea of ​​meteorites, the survival of Adams, Evelyn, and Mahisha was too abnormal. In their eyes, Singer's evil spirit could only escape their perception and had to cling to the minds of the three of them.

——They didn’t know that there was an Audrey in a blind spot in space that they couldn’t see.

"These three people...hey, forget it, you just have to figure it out." Tu Shiqi hesitated for a moment and looked helpless, agreeing with the statement of the dragon lizard ancestor that he would rather kill by mistake than let go.


The ancestor of the dragon lizard shouted in a low voice, and the magma barriers slowly gathered closer, submerging Adams, Evelin, and Mahisha together. The three of them screamed miserably. Adams knew that if he did not express his stance, he would If the situation is not explained, they will all die miserably.

"It's not like that! It's not like that!" Adams yelled crazily.

The dragon lizard ancestor was stunned and said in a deep voice: "What?"

"We've seen that evil spirit! He didn't take away our bodies, and none of us were affected by him. The people who were taken away by him! There!" Adams pointed to Audrey's position, "It can't be seen with the naked eye. , is a blind spot in space, we just came out of it!"

"Wait a moment!" Tu Shiqi shouted.

The dragon lizard ancestor stopped his hand, hesitantly relaxed his mind, and used the secret of his immortal peak realm to detect. Immediately, his red eyes lit up, and two strange beams of light shot at the direction named by Adams.


Like the rock wall being melted, like the space being corroded, the hidden meteorite and Audrey on it appeared together.

On the gray-brown meteorite, Audrey sat cross-legged. Countless dense ghosts, like mountains, spread out with her as the center. Above her head, clusters of dark cloud-like souls floated like black stars. With.

She was gathered in the center by countless souls and ghosts. Her expression was indifferent, her eyes were tightly closed, and there was a small vortex between her eyebrows. The vortex rolled like a mark, absorbing the power of many souls.

Adams was horrified. He took it for granted that Audrey had been snatched away, and that Audrey was bound to die.

At this moment, he felt no guilt in his heart and felt that Audrey on his left and right were dead. He named the direction to avenge Audrey.

Among the clusters of ghosts, a clear soul emerged from the vortex between Audrey's eyebrows.

——That’s Audrey’s main soul!

"I found you!" The grinning dragon lizard ancestor saw this posture and without thinking, he raised his hand and prepared to kill Audrey.

Yayun suddenly screamed: "Wait!"

"Huh?" Dragon Lizard Ancestor had a sullen face.

"No! She's not Singer!" Tu Shiqi also reacted, pointing to the main soul that escaped from the vortex between Audrey's eyebrows, and said: "Her main soul is still alive, and she has definitely not been taken away. Otherwise, what we would say is that her main soul is still alive." What we saw should be Singer’s soul, not her main soul!”

The dragon lizard ancestor was not stupid either. He had just lost his mind due to anger and hatred, but he also reacted after being reminded by the two people.

"The situation is different from what we thought." Tu Shiqi touched his chin, pondered for a while, and said, "Don't act rashly. Let's just wait and see what's going on. When it's over, we'll know what happened."

The dragon lizard ancestor thought for a while and nodded in agreement, not in a hurry to start killing immediately.

"Whirring whirring!"

Audrey's main soul emerged from the center of her eyebrows, like a witch reciting a spell that goes straight to the soul. The tens of thousands of souls floating around her, under the influence of her soul spell, were spinning one by one, one after another. Pounce on her and get into the center of her body.

A sea of ​​souls appeared in her vortex, and the interior was full of souls.

Audrey's main soul is like a net that collects fish, covering all those souls.

During the spell, a ferocious giant crocodile suddenly solidified under her body, making the dragon lizard ancestor's face turn cold and his mind suddenly tense.

Tu Shi Qi hurriedly raised his hand and made a calming gesture to calm down the dragon lizard ancestor.

I saw the giant crocodile, in response to Audrey's spell call, spit out one after another evil souls. Those evil souls were the ones it had swallowed before, and they were also the other five of the seven evil souls refined by Singer. That one All these evil spirits, touched by Audrey's main soul, were all submerged into the soul ocean between her eyebrows.

When even the giant crocodile disappeared, the clusters of souls surrounding Audrey's head suddenly changed into the form of the evil soul of the underworld.

The fierce soul of Ming Hong had deep and cold eyes, as if he possessed completely independent wisdom. He was like a huge shadow floating behind Audrey. He looked deeply at the ancestor of the dragon lizard, and a thought came to him: "Singer is swallowed up by me." Got it!"

The dragon lizard ancestor was shocked and shouted: "What did you say?"

"Singer was swallowed by me! He is dead!" Ming Hong said this, and suddenly opened his mouth. Inside his dark and huge mouth, the remains of Singer's fragmented soul could be faintly seen, like pieces of broken soul. The clouds, those soul fragments, are still being dissolved, being divided into smaller and smaller pieces.

"Oh my God!" Yayun exclaimed, "Singh has been fierce for so many years, and finally he was bitten by the evil soul he refined. What retribution!"

Emoticon Qi was also stunned.

"So, Singer...is really dead?" The dragon lizard ancestor asked uncertainly.

Tu Shiqi and Yayun nodded together.

The ancestor of the dragon lizard breathed a sigh of relief obviously, with a strange look on his face, "It's better to die. It will save you a lot of trouble. Not all the soul clan members want to kill me. Well, I hope that Singh's death can make Soul Clan, please wake up and stop being so crazy."

Tu Shiqi and Yayun ignored it, showing bitterness. They had a deeper understanding of the Soul Clan than the Dragon Lizard Ancestor, and they understood that the Soul Clan would never give up.

However, the two of them did not explain. The more the Soul Clan stares at the Dragon Lizard Clan, the more the Dragon Lizard Clan will rely on them and be tied to their Xuantian Clan. This is exactly the result they want. .

The group of people did not continue the discussion. They all looked at Audrey blankly and saw her changes.

(To be continued)

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