God of Killing

Chapter 1,460 Shocking Aftermath

The depths of the void sea.

Clusters of ink-like clouds were quietly suspended in the void. On the sea of ​​dark clouds, there were mountains, rivers, lakes, and palaces and towers. Countless soul clansmen were haunted, and many ghosts and ghosts flashed across the sky.

This place is the gathering point of the Soul Clan.

On the boundless clouds, a dark mountain range stretched. In a dark cave, a fierce ghost was crawling, and there were waves of suppressed roars.

Many Soul Clan members gathered beside the cave, their faces dark and whispering secretly.

"Lord Napton's trip... was really unlucky. He was at the realm of the ancestors and managed to escape with severe injuries."

"I heard that at the bottom of the Sea of ​​Destruction, the primordial creature 'Huang' suddenly appeared and instantly reversed the situation, massacring many immortal strong men in the Sea of ​​Destruction."

"Isn't it rumored that 'Huang' is in the midst of a serious split?"

"What a coincidence. The three clones of the 'Desolate' on the bottom of the sea are actually there. After the three clones condensed, the sudden surge of power was earth-shattering, causing Lord Napton to be injured and escape."

"Oh my god, how powerful must that 'Huang' be? It's just the fusion of three clones, and it can hit Master Napton hard?"

Most of these Soul Clan members were in the realm of the First God and the Immortal Realm. They gathered around the entrance of the cave, responsible for guarding Napton and waiting for Napton's orders.

A thin figure gradually emerged from the sea of ​​clouds in the distance. It was a handsome man with a feminine temperament. He looked to be in his thirties. He was wearing a simple gray-brown gown.

The Earth Ghost Ancestor was hunched over, following behind like a dog, respectfully.

When the Soul Clan members who spoke saw the man appearing, their eyes showed hot admiration. They sincerely knelt down and shouted in unison: "Welcome to the Elder of the Netherworld Clan!"

The handsome and feminine man, with an indifferent expression, nodded slightly and went straight into the cave.

The Earth Ghost Patriarch came in with him.

Inside the cave, hundreds of millions of ghosts hang upside down like bats on the stone wall. A pool of ghost souls is freezing to the bone. Knapton is naked, and his face is ferocious in the pool of souls. His divine body emits a dazzling light from time to time. Whenever there is a strong light, In a flash, Knapton screamed.

The Soul Pond is connected by ancient secret formations. It uses the countless ghosts of this mountain range as its energy source. It is specially used by the Soul Clan to heal elders and leaders.

The handsome man walked into the cave, glanced at Knapton, and sighed, "You are so unlucky."

Napton was stunned for a moment. Seeing that Hell was coming in person, he bowed slightly in the pool of souls to show respect, and then said: "I really didn't expect that the three clones of Huang were all together, because of my... The threat of the Soul River made Huang's consciousness hidden deep in the boy's secondary soul realize that something was wrong, and used a strange technique to temporarily gather the three clones, causing me to be hit hard..."

The Earth Ghost Ancestor had already reported the encounter at the bottom of the sea to Nether Prison, so Nether Prison naturally knew, "How long will it take to recover?"

"I don't know." Napton's face was ugly. "The light sphere is in my body, constantly eroding my flesh and blood. If I don't return in time, it will be difficult to save this body. Without the help of heaven, material and earth treasures, I It will take at least three hundred years to restore it to its original state. The Soul Refining Cauldron... is also lost, and my strength is greatly reduced."

"I came here to give you a domain soul that my clan has supported for many years. This soul has been cultivated by our clan for many years. I hope that you can recover as soon as possible after swallowing it and increase your own strength." Nether Prison said.

Knapton looked shocked and said: "Why?"

Territory souls are hunted by the soul clan to hunt down the immortal peak powerhouses. They are cultivated and raised using secret methods to gradually reach the strength of souls in the domain ancestor realm. They were originally used by the soul clan to help the younger generation break through the domain ancestors. A domain soul is immortalized by the immortal. After the peak juniors absorb it, they have a great chance of being able to penetrate dark energy and transform into domain ancestors.

Domain souls are extremely precious, and there are only a handful of souls in the entire soul clan. Generally speaking, unless the domain ancestor is in a state of near death, the domain soul will not be given to help him recover.

Napton was very surprised, because his current state was not that desperate. Although the recovery period of three hundred years was very long, it was only a blink of an eye for people of their level.

It takes at least several thousand years, or even longer, to cultivate a domain soul.

In addition to time, it is also necessary to provide a steady stream of souls for the domain soul to help it grow. The preciousness of a domain soul is far beyond what Napton's three hundred years can compare with.

"The clan needs your power. If it were in the past, the clan would definitely not give you a domain soul. But now... the situation in the Void Domain Sea is very bad. A war may break out within three hundred years, so we must Ensure that the strength of the clan is at its peak." Youjing looked solemn, "After you absorb this domain soul, not only will it return to its original state, but I hope you will also get closer, so that in future battles, our clan can have the upper hand. "

Knapton was silent for a moment in the pond of souls, bowed, and said solemnly: "It will definitely live up to expectations."

Hell nodded.

...the territory of the Xuantian Clan.

There are many ancient castles on the huge land patchwork of continents, and those castles are extremely majestic and majestic.

Surrounding the continent is a mysterious place in the void sea. A lot of free energy is attracted and flows inside. Many rubbles are like stars filling the surrounding area, which hinders the navigation of warships in this area.

Deep in the continent, there is a sealed place, and only those with real status from the Xuantian Clan can visit this place.

The sealed place is a vast valley. In the valley, there are dozens of bright domain gates, and those domain gates lead to different domains.

Those realms are the territories of the Xuantian Clan and are managed by the Xuantian Clan’s rulers.

At this moment, Tu Shi Qi, Ya Yun, Ancestor Long Lizard and dozens of elders from the Xuantian Clan were all gathered in the valley, staring at a domain gate with solemn expressions.

That domain gate is a place of hard cultivation that shakes the sky.

Everyone remained silent, waiting silently, waiting for Shaotian's return.

I don’t know how long it took, but the domain gate shone with bright yellow light. A tall and tall old man walked out of the domain door staring at the bird’s nest-like hair. The old man’s face was red, he was wearing coarse linen clothes, and his feet were bare. Looking at everyone at the door of the domain gate.

"The clansmen at the bottom of the Sea of ​​Destruction, are you and your wife?" He looked at Tushiqi and Yayun.

The two nodded quickly.

Shaantian sighed, "That girl Ling Mei is very talented, but she is too scheming. I knew she was in trouble, but I didn't expect it to come so soon."

Everyone lowered their heads and did not dare to speak.

"Are you sure Shi Yan is the bloodthirsty disciple? The huge shadow that finally appeared is the condensation of three clones of Huang?" He looked at Tu Shi Qi.

Tu Shiqi nodded, "Shi Yan practices the secret of death and devouring. The secret of death is just that. The secret of devouring...according to what you said, only one person with bloodthirsty can master it. It should be passed down from generation to generation. Later, from Shi Yan and those two desolate realms, The huge phantom condensed in the warrior's body should be Huang, and the dragon lizard sensed the unique aura of the primordial creature..."

Huantian was silent for a few seconds, "Bloodthirst is far more terrifying than you think. If he is still in the human world, he can turn the void realm upside down by himself. The wilderness... should still be in a state of division. This is from the fact that it is in the third world. It can be known within the human body, and it seems that the situation in the wilderness is very complicated."

"Ancestor, what should we do?" Tu Shi Qi respectfully asked for instructions.

"Looking for the gate to the wilderness, find it first, otherwise don't do anything." Shaotian expressed his position, then shook his head and sighed, "Please be careful, I have a feeling that a war between the seven clans of the void domain and sea may break out, the one from the Phantom clan , because Meiji was so angry after being severely injured and the Sea of ​​Destruction was stirred up, Hiro also went to the Sea of ​​Destruction in person and took back the two seniors in the clan. Fortunately, those two people did not wake up, otherwise the trouble would be even greater..."




...The Sea of ​​Destruction.

Huge skull islands are sailing slowly on the ocean. On one of the skull islands, a small skeleton is sitting silently.

Two coffins were nearby, and his parents were among them. He stood beside them, motionless.

Shi Luo from the Bone Clan was a little helpless, "Go back to the clan first. We will slowly think of a way to find another powerful person who practices the mysteries of life."

"Shi Yan has obtained the source of life talisman. He is the best candidate, isn't he?" Little Skeleton asked.

"Yes, he is indeed the best candidate - if we can find him." Hiro's eyes dimmed, "I went a step too late, and everything was over when I got there. I searched for a long time at the bottom of the Sea of ​​Destruction. There is no domain gate leading to the wilderness, but I have ordered the clan to search for all the domain gates in the Sea of ​​Destruction. Once there is news, I will handle the matter personally."

"They are all looking for the gate to the wilderness, right?" the little skeleton asked again.

"Well, the seven tribes are now looking for the gate to the wilderness. Once it is determined, many strong people will go to the wilderness." Hiro nodded.

The little skeleton continued to be silent.

...an extremely beautiful broken star land in the void sea.

Pieces of broken stars are piled up like crystals, forming a huge sparkling land. On that shining land, flowers are in bloom, ancient trees are shady, rivers contain amazing spiritual energy, and mountains and rivers are filled with precious birds.

Many exquisite ancient buildings dot the land. Handsome men and beauties walk around on the land, ride on big birds and fly chariots.

A small island on land.

Inside a huge citrine, Mei Ji was sleeping. Colorful beams of light flowed inside the citrine. The beams were filled with surging energy, but none of that energy entered Mei Ji's body.

I don’t know how long it took.

Meiji opened her eyes and looked around in confusion. Her eyes gradually became clearer and she knew she was home.

Then her consciousness moved, and she found that the lost power in her body had returned. Dark energy was gurgling in the sea of ​​consciousness, and even her beginning realm of ice and snow was quietly transforming, expanding toward the boundlessness of the domain.

She knew that she was only one step away from the realm of the Territory Ancestor. She only needed to calm down and complete the transformation of the Beginning Realm to break through the Territory Ancestor.

She thought of the little girl before falling asleep, and murmured gratefully, "Thank you, grandma."

(To be continued)

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