God of Killing

Chapter 1581 Searching

In front of Shi Yan was the ocean of life. Strong and surging life fluctuations came from the milky white ocean, beating like a big heart, making the blood all over his body boil.

His face was a little ugly, and there was a look of horror in his eyes. He was fiercely trying to stop the struggle of the life sphere in the mystical layer!

In the soul altar, his transparent ball burst out with powerful life fluctuations. The primordial talisman representing the word "life" was like a wild dragon, dragging the ball of life to merge into the ocean of life in front of him. .

It seemed that the Origin Talisman should be integrated into the sea of ​​life, submerging it with Shi Yan's vitality, divine body, and soul.

Shi Yan doesn't feel good!

He had a great fear that he would be annihilated and all the imprints of his soul would disappear. This feeling came from deep in his heart, like a warning from some kind of prophet!

"Hoo ho ho!"

Although he was struggling with restraint, the transparent ball that represented the condensed essence of life still stubbornly flew out of his altar and suddenly appeared three feet above his head.

The Taichu Origin Talisman, which represents "life", is shaking in the transparent ball, desperately trying to enter the sea of ​​life in front of it.


The essence and blood in his body seemed to be burning, and an endless stream of life energy burst out from his body.

The violent life energy unexpectedly broke away from the control of his soul, and with his divine body, the transparent ball and the source talisman, it suddenly surged towards the ocean of life.

"Dong dong dong dong!"

In the sea of ​​life, intense and endless life fluctuations roar and vibrate like drums.

The terrifying explosion sound rushed into Shi Yan's mind like thunder. His soul altar shook violently. The sea of ​​consciousness, soul pool, stars, space, and many mysteries were swallowed up. In the violent earthquake, it seemed to be shattered. To be rushed out of his mind by the fluctuation of life!

This is an extremely self-rejecting surname!

The origin of the mysteries in the ocean of life, the purest law of life, does not allow other mysteries to exist on its altar. All mysteries that are different from the mysteries of life will be completely destroyed the moment they enter the ocean of life!

Shi Yan was so frightened that he realized that he was going to be alive. He used all his potential, even if he transformed into the original body, and forcefully restrained his body from entering the ocean of life. With a loud roar, blood spattered on the surface of his body. Step back with difficulty, stay as far away from the ocean of life as possible!


In his eyes, the strange lights of the sun, moon and stars were like a waterfall of meteors, condensing on the transparent ball. The starlight turned into ferocious crystal claws, grabbing the transparent ball and pulling it back violently.

Fall back to the soul altar!

No longer daring to hesitate, like an ancient beast roaring and retreating, he gradually moved away from the ocean of life.

After a long time, when he could no longer feel the violent and arrogant fluctuations in the ocean of life, he breathed a sigh of relief, shrunk his body again, and showed himself as a human being again.

He was sweating profusely and looked towards the ocean of life in the distance, with undisguised fear and fear in his eyes.

He understood...

If you want to merge with the ocean of life and refine the origin of the mysteries of life into the altar, you must first explode all the other mysteries of cultivation. You must use the purest life body, and you must only preserve the only mysteries of life in the mysteries layer. Qualified to enter the ocean of life and try to integrate into the mysteries of life.

A kind of Mysterious Origin that only accepts the purest cultivators, such as the Ocean of Life Mysteries. Only those who devote all their life's energy, blood, and wisdom to the Mysteries of Life will only cultivate the Mysteries of Life throughout their lives and never touch other mysteries. Only then can one be recognized by the source of the mysteries.

He clearly didn't fit the bill.

For him, the mysteries of life are just one kind of mysteries. Among his many mysteries, it is just one of them, not the only one!

He also practiced the mysteries of space, stars, swallowing, and the eight evil forces at the same time. Once he enters the ocean of life, first of all, the imprint of other mysteries will be wiped away. His hundreds of years of study, understanding, and understanding of other mysteries will Memories will be erased abruptly.

Only retain the mysteries of life, and only then can you truly be qualified, qualified for fusion!

"Damn it, who made this to break the rules? For fellow cultivators of various mysteries, this is not a place of blessing, but a place of disaster!" Shi Yan looked livid and cursed angrily, but he couldn't do anything about it. No.

It is difficult for him to give up the mysteries of space, stars, swallowing, etc., and even if he abandons those mysteries, he cannot guarantee that he will be able to integrate into the origin of life!

It’s just that I have obtained the qualification to integrate the mysteries of life!

The price is too high!

He hesitated because of this, cursed angrily, and cursed the rule makers. Looking at the ocean of life, he gritted his teeth and pondered.

After a long time, he found that his knowledge and memory could not give him an excellent method - he was at his wits' end.

"Don't worry about it for now. Let's take a look at them first and understand other people's situations before making a decision." After pondering, he calmed down and kept a distance from the ocean of life. He began to operate the two mysteries of life and soul control. His divine body was condensed with the essence and blood of Taichu, and a split soul was attached to the divine body.

Not long after, when the life energy of his body gradually weakened, nine more clones appeared beside him. The clones condensed with his essence, blood and soul were connected with his body and had the same soul consciousness.

With a thought, nine clones flew out and flew in nine directions to find a solution to his dilemma.

A black shadow wandered in the void, and Ega followed closely in silence.

Every half an hour, a black shadow will come back from a distance and fall towards the black shadow. It will stay for tens of seconds at most, and then the shadow will leave again.

Ejia watched the black shadows coming and going, and understood that these were the soul clones of the ancestors, clones condensed with the secret of soul control. Many of those clones flew out, and each one was filled with energy. An energy can make the clones If you leave for a long time, you will come back again after your energy is exhausted.

Those clones are incorporeal souls, not flesh and blood, and will fly very quickly. However, because they are incorporeal souls, they cannot carry too much energy, so they need to be recharged repeatedly.

Shi Yan's nine clones are condensed from the essence and blood of Taichu. They can carry a lot of power and have a certain combat effectiveness. They do not need to be recharged repeatedly, but the speed of flying is much slower in comparison, compared with Devouring. Compared with the soul and incorporeal body, each has its advantages and disadvantages.

The souls and bodies came and went, moving in and out of the body.

He was like a ghost, wandering aimlessly, constantly searching the surroundings with his soul body. In the world he passed, the soul body spread, and the scope of his search was extremely wide. If he carried out this method, sooner or later , he can find the origin of his corresponding mystery.


The bite suddenly stopped, and Ejia found that his black shadow fluctuated obviously, as if he was concentrating on perception.

In a place quite far away from here, the Sea Shark King is staying above the huge water droplet, condensing his soul consciousness, opening up the secrets, and trying to enter the source of the secrets of water bit by bit.

At this moment, a faint shadow flashed out not far away, like a ghost, with green eyes, looking faintly.

The Sea Shark Emperor's expression changed drastically. He didn't know that the shadow-devouring soul incorporeal body was a special evil creature here. Without even thinking about it, he condensed the secret to attack.


A stream of water shot out from his eyes. As soon as the stream came out, the Sea Shark Emperor was shocked. He found that the secret of water used this time seemed to have resonated with the origin of the secret of water, a kind of The mysterious rules are integrated into the stream, making the stream twist and turn, and actually evolve into many changes of the impermanence of water.


The incorporeal soul of Eater was hit by the stream, and the virtual dark soul exploded into green water droplets. The water droplets shone with green light, like the pupils of Eater's eyes.

They stared at the Sea Shark King with strange eyes, and then suddenly flew away.

There was a chill in the heart of the Sea Shark Emperor. Being stared at by the green water droplets, he felt uneasy about being spied on by evil spirits. After hesitating for a while, he temporarily stopped merging with the origin of water and just watched its changes here. , to see if any changes will happen next.


The other end was twisted by a black shadow, and not long after, green water droplets flew back from a distance.

As soon as they reached the side of the bite, the water beads turned into strips of green light and merged into the black shadow of the bite.

"Ancestor, what did you find?" Ega asked in a low voice.

"That Sea Shark King, by luck, discovered the origin of the secret of water, and began to try to fuse it. My soul body was scattered by his secret because it could not carry too much power." The voice of the bite was eerie and erratic. , "I remember him. When I find the origin of my secret and fuse it, I will devour him."

"Do you want to inform the turtle?" Ega was stunned for a moment and asked again.

"No, if that guy takes the lead in fusing the secret source of water, it will be very difficult." Yan stopped Ega and said coldly: "The top priority is to find the source of my secret, which is more important than anything else. "

"I understand." Ega nodded respectfully.

A land of magnificent and majestic glaciers.

Mei Ji's graceful body was icy in color. She hesitated for a long time, feeling the initiative of the ice secrets in her soul. She finally tried to enter the glacier and enter the magical place that represented the origin of the ice secrets.

"Found it! Finally found it!"

A heartfelt sound of surprise suddenly came from afar, and two figures came side by side, both looking cold and quiet.

They were two Snow Clan members who were invited to join Sauron after becoming attached to them. The Snow Clan lived in the cold capital of the snowy land. Every Snow Clan member practiced the secrets of ice. These two Snow Clan members were two white-haired people. The man is wearing a white fur coat and is dressed in frosty white.

After the two separated from Sauron, they wandered around and after a long period of searching, they slowly found this place according to the intensity of the cold.

As soon as they arrived, they found Mei Ji who was like an ice sculpture goddess. They saw Mei Ji rising above the glacier and trying to blend into the glacier.

The two brothers ignored her, shouted loudly, and turned into two frost and snow dragons, roaring and rushing towards Mei Ji.

(To be continued)

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