God of Killing

Chapter 323: Regaining Confidence

Ye Changfeng and Lin Yaqi returned to the manor in the evening and were secretly surprised when they looked at the huge pit.

The huge pit was seven or eight meters deep, and there were piles of gravel in it. It was obviously directly crushed by some kind of force. Ye Changfeng squinted his eyes and judged, and he knew it in his heart.

"It seems that there must have been a battle here. To be able to cause such a powerful attack all at once must be the masterpiece of a Nirvana realm powerhouse with the help of secret treasures." Lin Yaqi just glanced at it and said with some disappointment: "I should have known that I should have left The auction house in Lingbao Cave that came down is really boring, there is nothing exciting at all."

Ye Changfeng had a smile on his lips, but shook his head slightly and said: "I think this huge pit was not caused by the Nirvana warrior. According to my guess, it should be made by that guy Shi Yan. I can't believe that this is In just one day, he noticed the source of changes in his body."


Lin Yaqi kicked a piece of gravel, raised her eyebrows, and said in disbelief: "Isn't it possible? Isn't that guy unable to reunite with his Jingyuan? According to you, he only has power in his right arm, but he can't use it in his Jingyuan Under such circumstances, with the power of one arm alone, can he create such strong destructive power?"

"You underestimate him too much." Ye Changfeng said with a serious look on his face: "He is much scarier than you think. This guy is very strange, and the aura on his body is also quite weird. Even if the essence cannot be gathered temporarily, , it’s not that easy for ordinary people to deal with him.”

Lin Yaqi was dubious.

Ye Changfeng didn't say much. After coming over, he walked straight to the hall where Shi Yan and others were.

In the hall, only Shi Yan and Yi Tianmo were communicating in low voices.

After Ye Changfeng and Lin Yaqi came over, Shi Yan immediately stopped talking to Yi Tianmo, raised his head calmly, nodded to Ye Changfeng, and said, "How is the situation at the auction house?"

"Don't mention it." Ye Changfeng sighed, "I still have a high opinion of the energy of the Lingbao Cave here. I thought they could come up with some exotic treasures. Ha, I have prepared enough exchange items. It’s a pity that I didn’t see anything valuable at that auction.”

"It's very boring." Lin Yaqi pouted, her red lips were quite attractive.

Shi Yan smiled, shook his head, and said: "Perhaps your requirements are too high, or your vision is too high. Things that are precious to ordinary people may become sparse in your eyes." It’s a normal thing.”

Ye Changfeng, who possesses the Heavenly Fire, and Lin Yaqi, who possesses the Holy Treasure. These two young men from the Dark Magnetic Fog Miasma are obviously much richer than the successors trained by most of the forces in the Endless Sea.

The masters behind these two people must be richer and richer. In that kind of environment, their vision is naturally different from ordinary people, and their knowledge must be extremely high.

In this way, they will look down upon the things in Lingbao Cave that are rare to ordinary people, and will only think that they are nothing rare.

After telling Shi Yan, Ye Changfeng realized something. He chuckled, nodded, and said, "Maybe that's true."

"There are many vacant rooms in this manor. You can choose as you like. I won't arrange anything specially." Shi Yan pondered for a moment and said to Na Ye Changfeng: "As for the cooperation you mentioned, you might as well think more about it. , my current situation may not be of enough help to you."

Ye Changfeng was stunned for a moment, then smiled casually and said: "Are you saying that if your essence cannot be reunited, maybe you won't be able to reach the same level of power as before with regard to the sky fire?"

Shi Yan nodded.

"It's okay." Ye Changfeng said carelessly, as if he didn't mind at all, "I'm different. If I were like you and couldn't reunite my essence, it might be extremely difficult for me to use the sky fire. But But you are different, even if you can never gather the essence, you can easily use the sky fire if you think about it."

Lin Yaqi's eyes suddenly lit up.

Yi Tianmo and the other three were a little confused.

Shi Yan frowned and said nothing.

"Because your relationship with Tianhuo is completely different from mine." Ye Changfeng's face straightened, "I temporarily erased Tianhuo's consciousness and directly and domineeringly took everything about it as my own. I am using its At any time, I have to beware of its possible backlash at any time. Once my power cannot suppress it, its consciousness will regroup in an instant and burn me to ashes. Playing with fire [***] is what the saying My kind of person."

Shi Yan nodded secretly in his heart. He knew that the leader of the Corpse God Sect should have the same method of controlling sky fire as Ye Changfeng.

"You are different." Ye Changfeng smiled, "Although I don't quite understand why you can live in peace with Tianhuo, I am extremely envious of the way you and Tianhuo share each other. Although it may be difficult for you to Fully unleash the power of Sky Fire, but this way you will never worry about backlash, even if your essence is exhausted, you can still use the power of Sky Fire."

After a pause, Ye Changfeng continued: "The most important thing is that your way of communicating with Tianhuo can maintain the existence of Tianhuo's consciousness and the ability of Tianhuo to continue to evolve. I am actually very envious of this. If It's possible, I really hope that my relationship with the True Fire of Purgatory can be like yours."

Ye Changfeng's expression was frank, and it didn't seem like he was being hypocritical.

Shi Yan was stunned, and then nodded slightly, "Yes, between me and Tianhuo, it is indeed what you said."

"Looking at you like this, you should not be affected by the inability to reunite the essence. That's good." Ye Changfeng pondered for a moment and then said: "The mutation of your martial soul should not really go towards harm. You are so This change is not the final form. When the mutation of your martial soul is really over, the problem of your essence not being able to reunite should not exist. During the mutation process, there will always be problems of this kind, but when it is over After that, many problems will disappear, and this may also be a necessary process.”

Shi Yan looked moved.

Yi Tianmo and others also looked excited.

"Why didn't you say that before?" Shi Yan snorted, somewhat displeased.

"I forgot." Ye Changfeng laughed loudly, then glanced at Lin Yaqi, and walked out without waiting for Shi Yan to say anything. When he left the hall, the voice came out again. : "By the way, you should prepare for tomorrow's parliament. In your current state, it may not be easy to climb the Holy Light Mountain."

Shi Yan was surprised.

"Master, have a good rest." Yi Tianmo's eyes were a little more smiling, "We know that you can definitely recover. With your condition, I think that after the essence can be reunited, the realm can enter a new world. "

Jiameng and Kaba nodded together.

Shi Yan smiled and said, "I hope so."

Before, he was discussing the matter of Xuelong Island with Yi Tianmo and the others in this hall. After Jingyuan could not be reunited, he became a little negative and deliberately told Yi Tianmo and others not to take a trip into this muddy water. I hope they will find a way to leave immediately after getting the supplies on the islands in the Endless Sea.

However, Yi Tianmo and the others did not agree, but insisted on being with him. This was beyond his expectation. He did not expect that the three leaders of the Yin Mei Clan would be so optimistic about him. The three of them agreed that , he will never be able to reunite his essence like this.

Shi Yan was not particularly confident at first, but after Ye Changfeng said this, some vague thoughts in his mind gradually became clear.

At this point, he finally regained his confidence in the reunion of Jingyuan and no longer mentioned the idea of ​​letting Yi Tianmo and others leave.

Before the sun set, he communicated with Yi Tianmo and the others for a while, then asked the three of them to go back to rest, and he stayed in the hall.

As his mind sank into his body, his consciousness extended and slowly entered his right arm, placing all his awareness in the muscles of that arm.

The muscle fibers seemed to be infinitely enlarged. Shi Yan's consciousness wandered among the muscle fibers that gradually became thicker, and he found that his consciousness seemed to have entered an ocean of energy. The muscle fibers that could only be detected by consciousness were filled with so much energy. His amazing energy.

This is the new energy after the fusion of Jingyuan and the mysterious energy. This energy is contained in it, and it seems to be full of vitality, making the thick muscle fibers full of vitality, and possessing power that ordinary people can never have.

Is the fourth stage of petrified martial soul a transformation of the muscles of the whole body?

Shi Yan thought to himself.

There are 639 muscles in the human body, composed of about 6 billion muscle fibers. The longest muscle fiber is 60 centimeters, and the shortest is only about one millimeter. Large muscles weigh 200 grams, and small ones weigh 200 grams. There are only a few grams of muscle.

The muscles of an average person account for 35 to 45% of the body weight. The total length of capillaries in the muscles can reach 100,000 kilometers, which can circle the earth twice and a half... wisps of memory about muscles quietly come from the mind. Overflowing, these memories come from his anatomy in another world.

In that world, because of his crazy hobby of extreme sports, his body was much stronger than ordinary people. In order to exercise every muscle in his body, he had done in-depth research and taken several related courses.

These memories were deeply ingrained, and when he had the idea of ​​the fourth stage of the petrified martial soul in his mind, these memories naturally emerged.

There are six billion muscle fibers in the human body, but what has changed in his body now is only one right arm, which has only about one billion muscle fibers at most. After the fusion of his essence and the mysterious energy, he quietly changed and had Some unknown force.

The change of just one arm consumed all his essence and mysterious power. The energy required for this change was a bit too astonishing.

What's more, he is not sure yet whether the changes in his right arm have ended or whether it will continue to absorb more energy.

If according to his guess, this change will gradually spread throughout his body, how much power will it consume?

A random blow from an arm can create a giant crater with a diameter of thirty meters. If all the muscles in his body change and the change ends perfectly, what level of strength will his body reach?

Shi Yan squinted his eyes, his eyes shining brightly.

(To be continued)

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