In Ye Ting’s eyes, except for Professor Quirrell in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, the professors at Hogwarts are undoubtedly professors with advanced knowledge.

Even the gloomy and awkward Snape was still worthy of a master of potions in his eyes.

The only things he had a hard time accepting were two classes: History of Magic and Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Ye Ting felt that for him, the history of magic lesson was really of little use, and it was meaningless to remember the time when the goblin uprising and the magic law were established.

And Quirrell, the teacher of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, was not only stupid, but also had a ghostly heart, and Ye Ting couldn’t learn anything from him at all.

So every time these two classes, he always skipped class and hid in the library.

Professor Binns, who had lived for almost a thousand years, had no idea about this—the ghost, who had lived for almost a thousand years, knew very little about his students, and he never even called them by their names.

Professor Quirrell, on the other hand, dared not speak out. He himself was a cowardly man, and he had Voldemort living on his head, which made him suspicious every day, and he did not dare to cause trouble.

In addition to studying, other parts of Hogwarts life are quite interesting, such as the stairs of Hogwarts.

In total, there are one hundred and forty-two of these stairs. Some of them are wide and large; Some are narrow and small, and wobbly; Some go to different places every Friday; Halfway up some steps, a step suddenly disappears, and you have to remember where to jump over.

In addition, there are many doors, and if you politely ask them to open, or poke the right place, they will not open the door for you; Other doors are not real doors at all, just solid walls that look like doors.

It’s hard to remember what’s where, because everything seems to be constantly moving.

The people on the portrait are constantly visiting each other, and even the knight’s armor can walk.

For Ye Ting, just seeing all this in movies and actually experiencing them are completely different things, and these moving stairs, which are very interesting in movies and novels, have brought a lot of trouble to his daily actions.

He felt that anyone who was even the slightest road nerd would get lost at Hogwarts.

The characters in the portrait will not affect him much, but as a polite person, it is also tiring to greet the portrait frequently.

However, the administrator Filch, who is the most timid to the little wizards in the original book, and his old cat, Lady Loris, did not cause him any trouble.

On the one hand, it was because he didn’t cause much trouble, and on the other hand, the existence of Crimson Ju made Lady Lores always stay away from Ye Ting.

As a cat demon, Scarlet Ju is considered a big sister of all the cats at Hogwarts, and all cats, even with cat blood, listen to her.

When Ye Ting was in class or in the library, Crimson Ju would sometimes wander around the castle by herself, and no one would hurt her: the students liked her, even the twin trick-or-treaters George and Fred, and Peeves who were the most teasing would subconsciously stay away from her, probably because she was a cat demon.

As a result, it is common to see a white kitten with a group of cats of different sizes and colors swaggering around the castle, which has become a new wonder of Hogwarts.

Sometimes, even Oriana would ride on her and hang out with her.

In addition to the above, at Hogwarts, there was another thing that Ye Ting paid the most attention to

This incident made him both look forward to and entangle.

That’s broom flight.

In fact, Ye Ting still has expectations for Mrs. Hooch’s flying lessons, after all, flying is a long-standing dream of mankind. He himself always dreamed of one day being able to fly freely in the sky.

At his current level of magic, flying is still an unrealistic fantasy – also because the Harry Potter world itself does not have the magic associated with direct flight.

But right now, there’s a shortcut to that goal: the flying broomstick.

For Ye Ting, flying is cool, but riding a broom is too stupid.

How cool it is to fly with a sword, how stupid it is to ride a flying broomstick. That’s his point.

But Hermione didn’t think so, perhaps because of the cultural differences between the East and the West, even Zhang Qiu, a Chinese who grew up in England, felt that riding a flying broom was not a big deal.

Ever since news of Neville’s broken leg during flight lessons reached Ravenclaw, Miss “Jack of All Trades” became even more nervous about the flying lessons that had not yet begun. She borrowed a copy of Quidditch Traceability in the library and carefully read it several times.

In her spare time, she has been reading some of the flight instructions in this book, and pestering Zhang Qiu, who has outstanding flying skills, repeatedly asking her to describe the feeling of flying on a broomstick, even the good-natured Zhang Qiu was bored.

The rest of the little wizards were also a little uneasy, and as the flying lesson approached, more and more young wizards began to talk about flying and Quidditch.

Among the freshmen, students from wizarding families would talk about how they used flying broomsticks to play during their holidays, while Muggle-born freshmen could only express envy for them.


Thanks to Baili Zhehou’s 588-point tip has urged the ticket, the newcomer was reminded and urged for the first time, which is really moving, which makes me feel that my writing is valuable.

I am an old book lover, and I am also quite involved in Japanese ACGN, and I have also seen European and American works such as Marvel, Harry Potter, DND, Ice and Fire, Blizzard games, steam, P club games, etc. These are my sources of inspiration and material.

I have been thinking about writing novels for a long time, and I have tried a little in the past few years, but I can’t even get through this level myself, so I have never released it.

To write this novel, I have been thinking about it for a long time, and finally officially decided to write – after so many years of watching and playing, how can it be done with only input and no output for a long time?

In fact, the outline has already been prepared, Harry Potter is only the first world, I can’t say how many thousands of words I am going to write, but I have actually prepared the plots of several worlds, and now it is just the beginning.

Thank you all for your support, such as collections, flowers, monthly passes, evaluation tickets, etc., I will try to write a good plot and bring you a unique magical journey.

If you have comments and suggestions, please leave more messages in the comment area, the author will respond in the comment area, everyone’s opinions, views on the plot and the content you want to add I will carefully consider.

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