After the Ravenclaw and Slytherin match, the young wizards were surprised to see a spectacle on their way back to the castle.

On the ceiling of the corridor behind the castle hangs a cage with three mice, and under the cage are cats, and there are more than a dozen of these cats, probably all the cats at Hogwarts – even Lady Lores is inside, you know, not without a little wizard who has thought of using his cat to make Lady Loris merciful, but no one has ever succeeded, because Lady Loris never mixes with other cats.

The cats were clearly attracted to the attention of the mice, and they jumped up one by one, trying to reach the iron cage hanging from the ceiling, and whenever the cat jumped, the mice in the cage would be frightened and spinning in place.

Several times, the cats almost succeeded, but in the end they fell short.

But even so, the caged rats were scared enough.

The little wizards watched this trick curiously, and talked about who the perpetrator was, until an eyewitness revealed the news, the little wizards were shocked – Ye Ting actually turned Malfoy and his henchmen into rats and put them in a cage to play with the cat.

The cage immediately became a rare sight for everyone, and the Gryffindor lions rushed here to watch the Malfoy trio.

Harry and Ron had also arrived, they had always been at odds with Malfoy, and this time they could see their appearance and immediately gloat.

Ron’s twin brothers, George and Fred, also arrived, and they praised Ye Ting’s tricks and offered to recruit Ye Ting into their joke prop making team.

“He has a lot of knowledge and is quite good at potions and alchemy.” George said of Ye Ting: “Now that we have seen that he is creative enough in pranks, it is clear that there is no one better suited to join us than him. ”

The professors were the last to arrive, and Snape rudely separated the little wizards, squeezed around the cage, waved his wand to drive away all the cats, and then put the cage down.

Professor McGonagall, an expert in Transfiguration, also arrived. Together with Professor Snape, she lifted the spell for the Malfoy trio.

In full view, the three rats turned into Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle.

The three of them crawled towards the corner in disheveled clothes, making a chirping sound, looking very flustered and frightened, presumably not yet recovering from the state of rats.

Seeing the ugliness of the three of them, there was another burst of laughter around them, Ron laughed the loudest, only to be caught by an angry Snape to deduct five Gryffindor points, and Professor McGonagall on the side had a very ugly face.

The three were then sent to Madam Pomfrey by the other Slytherins who hurried in.

Lucius Malfoy’s revenge came very quickly, and that same night, he rushed into the headmaster’s room and loudly asked Dumbledore to expel Ye Ting, but Dumbledore sternly refused.

Then, in the headmaster’s room, he cursed in front of Dumbledore, and took out his wand and pointed it at his nose, but was hit by Ye Ting’s wand silent disarming spell, and flew his wand on the spot.

“How dare you… How dare you use a spell on me? Who do you think you are? He yelled at Ye Ting in annoyance, trying to cover up his embarrassment and embarrassment at being shot away by a first-year student with his wand.

“You should apologize to Mr. Malfoy,” Dumbledore said to Ye Ting gently, “Mr. Malfoy only took out his wand because he was too excited, you have always been safe at Hogwarts, so you don’t need to defend yourself so fiercely.” ”

When he said the last word, he accentuated his tone and winked at Ye Ting playfully.

Ye Ting also blinked meaningfully.

“Well, I’m sorry, Mr. Malfoy.” He turned to Lucius Malfoy and nodded politely at him, “I’m just subconsciously ‘self-defense’, I didn’t know that your wand could be used so easily… Oh, anyway, I’m sorry. ”

He noticed that Mr. Malfoy’s already pale face had become even paler after hearing these words.

“Don’t let me find an opportunity, or I will definitely send you to Azkaban!”

After realizing that Dumbledore could not get results here, Lucius Malfoy glared at Ye Ting, wrapped his body in a cloak, and hurried away.

Then, Dumbledore looked at Ye Ting again.

“I know, you’re a great kid and you’ve always been great. You are mature, kind, studious and willing to help others, and I have always considered you one of the best students here. He said to Ye Ting gently, “I also believe that if it weren’t for Miss Granger, you wouldn’t have done this, right?” ”

“Yes,” Ye Ting nodded, “I never know these children. ”

Dumbledore nodded gratifyingly, “You’ve always been more mature than them, I’ve always thought so.” However, you have to understand that not everyone is as sensible as you, especially Malfoy. ”

Speaking of this, he paused and glanced at the door.

“You see what kind of person his father is, right? He grew up in such a family, he was just a spoiled child who didn’t understand anything, but he wasn’t a bad boy at heart. You’ve taught him enough lessons this time, and I’m sure he won’t be so reckless in the future, so please don’t get to know him in general, okay? ”

“Okay, okay, for your sake.” Ye Ting nodded indifferently: “As long as he doesn’t come to mess with me anymore.” ”

“Thank you, Mr. Ye, you can go back.” Dumbledore smiled and opened the door of the headmaster’s room and sent Ye Ting out. “By the way, I love your Christmas presents, no one has given me socks for a long time, they are always not enough to wear.”

“Ah, this is a specialty brought back from Eastern Europe, if you like it.” Ye Ting waved his hand and left the principal’s room.

There was a sound of stone machinery moving behind me.

However, the next day, Snape also took revenge on Ye Ting.

In Ravenclaw’s potions class, he loudly announced that Ravenclaw would deduct twenty points for this, and decided on the spot to lock Ye Ting in the tower and confining him for a week.

The Slytherin snakes finally got their wish, congratulating each other and announcing that the Ravenclaw genius and goddess would pay for what he had done.

However, the next day they were punched in the face.

At breakfast the next day, Crimson rushed to the lobby with a dozen cats, including Lady Loris, and surrounded Malfoy and his two attendants.

Malfoy, who had just finished her treatment from Madam Pomfrey, immediately recalled the nightmarish experience as soon as she saw the cats, and they screamed and ran away, while Scarlet chased after her little brothers without mercy.

Malfoy would never forget this day – Crimson Ju had used the entire Hogwarts Castle as her hunting ground, and for a whole day, she and her little brothers had brutally hunted down Draco Malfoy – although without actually doing anything, Malfoy would run away as soon as he saw them – they would pop up from any corner at any time and place, and pounce in front of Malfoy, scaring him into holding his head, which made him almost unable to do anything but escape for the day. In the end, I had to hide in the lounge, wrapping myself in a quilt and shivering.

Finally, before dinner time, the door of the tower was opened with a “bang”, and Ye Ting looked around, only to see Professor Snape standing in the doorway with a gloomy face.

“You win.” He said in a hoarse voice, “Take your cat and leave for me, don’t let me see you using magic in the corridor in the future!” ”

That night, everyone was surprised to find that after just being locked up for a day, Ye Ting appeared in front of everyone again.

All the little wizards firmly believed that Ye Ting had defeated Professor Snape.

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