After participating in the International Wizarding Chess Tournament, Ye Ting hid in the village of San Ketchibol, as if he lived in seclusion here, no longer caring about the outside world.

However, through wizard radio and the daily Daily Prophet, he was able to get a little insight into the outside world.

In fact, after Ye Ting made a shocking championship acceptance speech, the media reported on him madly, and the topic about him began to become boiling. It is no exaggeration to say that in the wizarding world, he completely dominates the front pages of all newspapers.

Just look at these titles:

“The winner of the International Wizarding Chess Tournament is decided, only twelve years old”

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Regains the Wizarding Crown after Thirty Years

The Dark Lord has arrived! Will rule the wizarding chess world for fifty years? 》

“Declaration of Champions no longer playing? The uncrowned king deserves it! 》

“No One Before! Look at the twelve-year-old chess king extreme more exercises”

“Shock! This man was twelve years old…”


It seems like some strange title is mixed in.

However, this does prove that Ye Ting has become popular, and he and his declaration have become the hottest topic in the entire wizarding world in mid-July, and everyone is very interested in this young champion, hoping to know more about him.

Today, journalists are constantly trying to interview him, learn everything about him, and dig into the stories behind him. But Ye Ting wisely hid in a remote village like St. Tachibole’s village, and now the only people who knew his location were Dumbledore and the Weasleys, but they were reliable enough not to reveal the news to reporters.

So, so far, no newspaper has been able to get an interview about Ye Ting.

Even local newspapers in the UK are no exception.

Barnabas Gouffy, the editor-in-chief of the Daily Prophet, has personally traveled to Hogwarts several times, but has never heard Ye Ting’s location from Dumbledore.

This made him very distressed, so he had to retreat to interview Ye Ting’s professors and classmates instead.

Thankfully, it’s summer vacation and all students are back home, otherwise Hogwarts today would be overwhelmed with journalists from all over the world, and maybe even interfere with regular classes.

And Ye Ting’s popularity reached its peak after the release of the latest issue of “Spell Innovation”.

Originally, academic journals such as “Charms Innovation” did not receive much attention, only real researchers and professors would subscribe to it, and most wizards preferred to follow some entertainment publications, and even “Singing the Contrary” had more readers than it.

But this time, when someone found out that Ye Ting’s name actually appeared on “Spell Innovation”, everything was different.

The youngest champion in the history of the International Wizarding Chess Tournament actually published a paper in a journal like Charms Innovation? And it was put in the place of the first edition!

Wizard chess masters actually have such achievements in magic!

This is simply a legend, as if everyone has seen a big man like Dumbledore, Grindelwald or Voldemort rising.

Ye Ting became more famous, and even the Romanian dark wizards knew his name.

And his professors, his classmates, are all proud of him.

At this moment, the Floo Company also announced Ye Ting’s new invention – the mobile fireplace, which can allow wizards to enter the Floo network anytime and anywhere.

By using a mobile fireplace spell and using Floo powder, you can access the Floo network anytime, anywhere.

In short, it is a movable teleportation array, which only needs to be built and can be used anywhere.

This technology, not only can facilitate ordinary wizards, but also reduces the workload of the Ministry of Magic’s Floo Network Administration, is indeed a subversive invention.

The moving fireplace was a hit, and countless wizards said after learning about Ye Ting’s new invention that it would change their travel patterns.

The Moving Fireplace Charm began to become mandatory in many magic academies, and Floo companies around the world turned to Floo for cooperation – or risk bankruptcy.

Floo Company and Ye Ting both made a lot of money.

But that’s all about later.


But in fact, after returning to San Cachipol Village, the noise in the outside world had nothing to do with Ye Ting.

Today, he spends his days in the greenhouse garden on the roof of his car and becomes a greenfinger.

He wore dragon skin gloves every day, surrounded by dragon dung, and was busy planting barbo tubers, mandrake roots, fangs geraniums, etc. into the fertile soil.

In the corner of the greenhouse, he also planted some devil nets, poison tentacles and pimple vines, and even transplanted a young beating willow sapling, which can become his automatic defense force when they grow up.

In order to speed up the growth of these seedlings, Ye Ting simply hung his flying broom “Ri Wheel” in the greenhouse, trying to use the solar power of the “Sun Wheel” to help plants grow.

If the Nikkra had an instrument spirit, his instrument spirit would cry.


After completing the construction of the greenhouse garden, Ye Ting no longer spends too much time on this, the daily care is carried out by Oriana, and it only takes a while to wait for this greenhouse garden to continuously provide Ye Ting with a large amount of magical materials.

Of course, for some precious materials, he still needs to buy them on the market or go to the Forbidden Forest to collect them.

But in most cases, this greenhouse garden will meet his needs.

Now, it’s time to shift your energy to something more important.

The first target in front of him was the Philosopher’s Stone—or Philosopher’s Stone.

The Philosopher’s Stone is a mythical substance, the holy grail of Western alchemists for a long time, believed to be able to turn ordinary base metals into precious metals, or to create elixirs of immortality. Therefore, its titles include “Philosopher’s Stone, Stone from Heaven, Philosopher’s Stone, Raw Materials of Gold and Silver, Red Liquid, Fifth Element” and so on.

The Philosopher’s Stone is the culmination of mortal alchemy and the beginning of entering the realm of God.

Countless great alchemists have added countless words of praise to the Philosopher’s Stone:

– “The Museum of Alchemy” says: This is the oldest, most mysterious or least known, the most incomprehensible in nature, and also the blessing and divine of heaven.

– Raz, the master alchemist of Persia in the 9th century, said: It is a substance composed of four homogeneous properties and three homogeneous forces, and this substance and power do not cancel each other out, which can make it noble… Water cannot dissolve it, fire cannot destroy it, and according to its effectiveness and delicacy, it is spiritual. Due to its strength and robustness, it is metal.

In all magical worlds, the Philosopher’s Stone is the greatest treasure: Diablo, World of Warcraft, Fullmetal Alchemist, Showy Magister, Oriental Project, Magic High School Inferior Student, Rose Girl, Moon World…

Now, this treasure is in front of Ye Ting, and although it may not be perfect, it is indeed a philosopher’s stone.

He hoped that through his research on the Philosopher’s Stone, he could learn how to make the real Philosopher’s Stone, but it was certainly a long subject.

After all, even a great alchemist like Nicole Flamel only had such a Philosopher’s Stone, and no one before him had been able to make it.

Ye Ting hopes that his research on the Philosopher’s Stone will bear fruit.

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