God of Life and Death

Chapter 3788 Three Talents Formation

"Let's go to war!"

The general at the True Immortal Realm level roared and said.

"Put on your armor and go to war!"

Fang Yue roared.

Everyone put on armor and suppressed their cultivation level to the same level as the virtual fairyland of the surrounding soldiers!

What they have to do now is not to win this war, but to become familiar with the conditions of this era, and not to lose their lives in a daze!

Everyone followed the large troops out of the military camp.

They lined up in front of the city gate, ready to attack.

There are thousands of soldiers at the Virtual Immortal Realm and True Immortal Realm levels with them in Yunyi City.

The real war is actually between soldiers and soldiers, and against generals. In fact, in Fang Yue's era, Fang Yue was the one who broke the rules!

"Go to war! Go to war!"

A series of roars shook the sky.

"The second echelon retreats, and the third echelon goes out to replenish it! The third echelon's mission is to hold the city gate for an hour!"

On the city wall, a military commander shouted.

Then the third echelon of Fang Yue and others set off!

They were well-trained and their movements were uniform. From the time the city gate opened, the second echelon entered the city, to the time the city gate closed, and the third echelon set off, it only took a few seconds.

After Fang Yue and others left the city, the door behind them was closed again!

There was no way out in this battle, and Fang Yue and others could only choose to fight with their last resort.

"Go to war! Go to war!"

The morale of the army is like a rainbow.

Immediately afterwards, soldiers from the dimensional world surged in like a torrential flood.

Both sides formed a group of six.

Fang Yue, Fang Qing, Evil Eye Demon King, Zhang Sanfeng, Wu Kong and Zhuge Liuyun are just the right group!

"Fire Dragon Formation!"

The commander's command came from the city wall.

Fang Yue and others looked at each other.

"Who knows this fire dragon formation?"

Fang Yue asked the five people around him.

Then the five people looked at their noses, their noses looked at their mouths, and their mouths looked at their hearts. Silence was golden, and no one even farted.

This is a battle formation from the medieval era. Who else knows how to do it?

"Let's use the Vulcan Formation instead! They are all fire-attribute formations anyway, so they should be about the same!"

The Evil-Eyed Demon King suggested at this time.

"It can only be a dead horse treated as a living horse doctor! That's it!"

Fang Yue reluctantly nodded.

Then the Evil-Eyed Demon King told everyone the layout method of the Vulcan Formation in the form of spiritual thoughts.

Then everyone formed a formation and activated the power of fire in their bodies.

"Attention, everyone is at the level of Virtual Immortal Realm now, so don't be too showy!" Fang Yue reminded everyone.

If ordinary formations are used in the hands of these people, they can probably destroy the world!


"no problem!"



Everyone responded one after another, and everyone who agreed was good.

The next moment, in the third echelon, fire dragons rose into the sky one after another, ten feet long and majestic!

On Fang Yue's side, a fire god descended.

He is ten feet tall, with a pair of eyes glaring in all directions. He is wearing a golden battle armor and holding an exquisite pagoda. This outfit is somewhat similar to King Li Tianwang's pagoda in Journey to the West!

"What's going on with these guys? Everyone else is a fire dragon, how could they summon a fire god? It's just nonsense!"

The commander on the wall was furious.

In the process of war, the most taboo thing is to disobey military orders!

Fang Yue and others were also helpless.

It’s not that we don’t want to listen to you, it’s just that we really have no choice!

We don't know what to do with this fire dragon formation.

This can make a fool of yourself!

"The matter has come to this, this is the only way! Wait until the end of the war and then take military action against these people!"

The commander of Yunyi City also felt extremely helpless towards Fang Yue and others.

Who the hell would have thought that a fire god would actually appear in the process of a good fire dragon formation and hundreds of dragons flying into the sky!


At the command of the commander, fire dragons shot out of the sky one after another.

The roar and roar of the fire dragon echoed repeatedly in the void!


The army in the dimensional world also arranged the same battle formation.

A wall of copper and iron emerges, indestructible!

The fire dragons hit each other with their bodies, but the hard copper and iron walls did not move at all.

The fire dragon turned into countless sparks, gradually dissipating and fading in the void.

No match!

The battle formations of both sides are decided!

This side of Yunyi City is clearly at a disadvantage in terms of numbers and cultivation.

"It's just an egg hitting a rock!"

On the other side of the dimensional world, a commander at the Spiritual Fairy Realm level showed a proud smile.

In the first move between the two sides, the disadvantage of the human race was clearly revealed!




The heavy footsteps sounded like drums throughout the world.

The god of fire arrived belatedly.

The fire dragons that were born with it have become extinct, and even the sparks have been annihilated.

But this Vulcan had just arrived in front of the enemy's formation.

"Hahaha! Is this a well-trained human army?"

A mocking voice fell.

Immediately afterwards, the Vulcan's hands had tightly grasped the gap in the copper wall and the iron wall. He was like the reincarnation of a powerful god. He used his hands to tear the battle formation of the copper wall and iron wall apart with his own hands. It's coming.


Vulcan's throat roared and growled like an angry beast.

The moment when the iron wall opens.

There is light between heaven and earth, and the clouds are gone!

"Impossible! Take action! Shoot this fire dragon for me!"

The spirit commander on this side of the dimensional world shouted to take action.

The soldiers from the dimensional world behind him immediately picked up the crossbows in their hands, pierced the clouds with their arrows, and shot the Vulcan!

"Damn it, who among you has injected more mana? Why is this Vulcan so awesome!"

Fang Yue glanced at the people around him.

No one answered.

"I know! It's not that we don't control our mana well, but that our level is too high and our understanding of the laws is too profound! Ordinary battle formations convert the mana in the battle formation into the vitality of heaven and earth, and then from heaven and earth When the power condenses the elemental body, there will definitely be a lot of energy wasted, but we subconsciously control every bit of power and do not waste it at all!"

At this time, Zhuge Liuyun came out to explain!

"Not wasting means becoming stronger!"

Zhuge Liuyun's voice fell, and everyone looked at each other in shock.

"That's it, that's it!"

Fang Yue suddenly realized.

Even though they deliberately controlled it, the Vulcan produced was still stronger than the ordinary virtual fairyland level battle formation. There were too many, too many puppets produced!


The commander in Yunyi City woke up from a dream. Although he was half a beat slower than the opponent's commander in reacting, he finally reacted!

He raised his arms and shouted.

A group of human soldiers rushed out, like a torrential flood, sweeping across all directions!

The sky was covered with layers of dark clouds, and there was constant thunder!

The silver thunder shuttles repeatedly in the dark clouds!

"Thunderbolt Technique!"

How is it possible that the other side of the dimensional world only defends but does not attack, and only gets beaten?

Just a breather.

The opponent's thunder fell from the sky like dense raindrops.

Thunder exploded and the earth shook!

Some human soldiers were killed by the thunder!

"Charge! Charge!"

The commander on the wall of Yunyi City shouted.

His eyes are scarlet!

The human magic cultivators on the city wall also began to take action. They condensed the five qi and formed five-element umbrellas in mid-air to resist the thunder.

The human warriors charge towards the army of the dimensional world!

Fang Yue and others are also fishing in troubled waters!



Fang Yue pretended to assassinate a soldier from the dimensional world at the virtual fairyland level.

The two swords crossed each other and sparks flew up!

Fang Yue casually pulled out a sword flower and bloomed in the sky.

The creatures in the dimensional world resist!

The sword in his hand was instantly shattered by the sword flower and turned into countless fragments and iron filings!

Immediately afterwards, Fang Yue kicked the opponent's heart mirror, and the Void Immortal Realm level heart mirror shattered.

At the same time, the enemy's heart was shattered!

"These guys feel good! They fought bravely and fiercely. Although the Vulcan just released did not follow the commander's order, it finally broke through the enemy's defense. The effect is worthy of recognition!"

On the city wall, senior human race officials had already noticed Fang Yue and others.

Fang Yue's performance just now was too amazing. In fact, even if they didn't want to pay attention, they couldn't!

"Ha! There must be something wrong with these people, something fishy. I just checked. There are no such people in the military roster at all!"

A silver-haired general sneered.

"But since you can kill the enemy, it proves that you can be used by us! As long as these people are obedient, it should be possible to help us fight in the future! But we need to prove that these people are not spies!"

The silver-haired general was cautious.

This war is related to the foundation of the human race. Once Yunyi City is lost, the loss will definitely not be a simple Yunyi City, but will shake the foundation of the human race in this era!


Compared with Fang Yue, the Evil-Eyed Demon King's performance on the battlefield was a bit sneaky!

He, the Evil-Eyed Demon King, was born so powerful that he didn’t even know he was in the Virtual Immortal Realm until the year of the Monkey.

It's not easy to make him stronger.

But it’s not easy to pretend to be a coward!

He was besieged by three virtual immortals from the dimensional world. The other party used the Three Talents Formation to summon wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and repeatedly bombarded him.

However, the Evil-Eyed Demon King seemed to be extremely beaten, but in fact, there was not even a speck of dust on his body.

He grasped every detail of the battle to the extreme!

As a result, the battle lasted less than a cup of tea.

The Evil-Eyed Demon King was still tiptoeing away from the attack, but the Xuxian of the dimensional world who formed the three-talent formation fell down from exhaustion!

Although the battle formation is powerful, it must abide by the basic law of energy conservation! This thing, the Sancai Formation emphasizes a quick decision and overwhelming others with force.

The time it takes to support a cup of tea is already the result of these three virtual immortals from the dimensional world overdrawing a lot of their potential.

"Why is this attack so weak? Could it be that there is a tradition of intermission in battles in the dimensional world?"

The Evil-Eyed Demon King widened his eyes and looked at the few people very innocently.

The three virtual immortals from the dimensional world looked at the Evil-Eyed Demon King with anger on their faces.

"Seniors can be killed, but not humiliated!"

"The pinnacle of wonder!"

The silver-haired general on the city wall turned his attention to the Evil-Eyed Demon King. For a long time, he held back a four-word comment!

He had to admit that the Evil-Eyed Demon King had hid very skillfully just now. This kind of control might not be possessed by an ordinary soldier at the Virtual Immortal Realm level, nor even by a warrior at the Great Luo Jin Immortal Realm level.

These three virtual immortals in the dimensional world were not unjustly defeated!

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