God of Life and Death

Chapter 3791 Thousand Paper Cranes

"In addition to these, we also hope to invite you two to participate in the excavation and opening of ruins No. 1043 in Yunyi City in the afternoon! Now the situation in Yunyi City must be clear to you! Yunying City, the strong on the outside and the capable on the inside, has arrived To a certain extent.

If consumption continues like this, the combat effectiveness of the grassroots in Yunyi City will be exhausted in less than half a year! Although the dimensional world also suffered huge losses, the door to space was always open, and their reinforcements could be said to be endless! "

Zhuge Liuyun said to Fang Yue.

A faint smile appeared on Fang Yue's face.

Sure enough, those who are willing take the bait.

As expected, Wang Han chose to cooperate with them.

Presumably, Wang Han has now figured out that they are not as simple as they seem on the surface.

"As much as I wish!"

Fang Yue smiled faintly.


Under the leadership of Wang Han, Fang Yue and others came to a ruins.

Two powerful men at the Spiritual Fairy Realm level stood beside them, one on the left and one on the right.

"Is it just a few of us?"

Fang Yue looked at Wang Han, with a slight doubt in his eyes.

"This is a small ruins, and it should belong to the Fulu Civilization! In fact, this time I mainly hope that Zhuge Liuyun can help me solve some key levels! The things in the ruins will also be distributed according to their respective contributions during the exploration process!"

Wang Han's smile became brighter and brighter.

At this time, Fang Yuecai slightly understood. No wonder Wang Han was so relieved to let them participate in the exploration of the ruins.

On the one hand, this relic is not a big relic. Even if Fang Yue and others are uneasy and kind to Yunyi City, they probably won't gain much.

The second aspect is that this ruin is related to runes, and it requires the participation of people who are proficient in runes to fully tap out the various resources in the ruins!

Fang Yue has roughly understood some of the tricks.

However, Wang Han probably could not have imagined that among Fang Yue and others, the one who had the most profound research on the way of runes was not Zhuge Liuyun but Fang Yue.

Zhuge Liuyun is just for fun, he has nothing to do, he just studies and researches. His achievements in runes are probably at the pinnacle level of the master realm, while Fang Yue specializes in the study of runes and has reached the level of Zhuzi. The realm of the third level.

"Is it an ancient rune?"

The ruins are a castle with three floors. There is also a stone monument at the entrance of the castle.

There is a line of ancient runes on the stone tablet.

No one can understand the meaning of these ancient runes.

"If you want to enter this castle, there are two ways, one is to use brute force to crack, and the other is to use runes to crack! Only using runes to crack runes is the right way! But the words on this stone tablet It’s an ancient rune.”

Wang Han introduced to Fang Yue, Zhuge Liuyun and others.

Fang Yue took a deep breath.

Zhuge Liuyun turned his attention to Fang Yue.


Zhuge Liuyun asked Fang Yue.

"Well enough!"

Fang Yue nodded.

"The runes on this stone tablet are actually a piece of spiritual power. The rough record means that this is a failed castle! There are some results and samples of rune creatures sealed in it. However, unless it is a last resort, the castle's The seal must be opened, otherwise, the appearance of the rune creatures inside will cause a huge disaster!"

Fang Yue translated and said.

A spirit immortal couldn't help but sneer and said: "Compilation after editing! We have invited dozens of rune masters to interpret this stone tablet. Can you, a mere virtual immortal, understand it?"

That spirit fairy is the person in the city who is responsible for guarding the castle.

He has seen too many people who think they are proficient in runes fail here!

"I'm not making this up. What Fang Yue said makes some sense. Recently, I found some introductions about this castle in some ancient materials from Yunyi City. The content recorded in them is similar to what Fang Yue just said. And those ancient books , is a top secret in Yunyi City, and it is absolutely impossible for Fang Yue to have access to it with his current identity and status, so Fang Yue should have really read the origin and taboos of this castle from the stone tablet!"

Wang Han said.

"I thought that only Zhuge Liuyun was proficient in runes, but I didn't expect that Fang Yue could even understand ancient divine inscriptions!"

Wang Han's eyes changed color slightly.

He once again paid attention to Fang Yue.

"I just know a thing or two by chance!"

Fang Yue smiled.

"Do you still want to enter the castle now? I think it's time to turn around. This Yunyi City has not yet reached the critical moment of facing destruction!"

Fang Yue looked at the castle. Although the castle was still sealed, it was completely silent.

But Fang Yue could vaguely feel the treacherous clouds and waves in the castle, as if there was some huge fear facing a resurgence.

"What kind of horror can a ruin at the Da Luo Jin Fairyland level have? Once the method of making the rune creatures is discovered, maybe the strength of my entire Yunyi City can reach a new level!"

Wang Han clenched his fist.

He knew that the ruins might contain endless terror.

But the situation in Yunyi City is no longer optimistic.

Although the top management has Mr. Xiang Yu as the backbone.

But once the main forces at the virtual fairyland and true fairyland levels are wiped out, even if the city can be protected, the final result will be nothing more than an empty city and ruins.

"what ever!"

Fang Yue shrugged.

Anyway, he is just a support staff, a wage earner.

The development and future direction of Yunyi City still have to be decided by the senior management of Yunyi City!

Then Fang Yue's palm gently pressed on the stone tablet.

The three ancient divine inscriptions that resonated with Fang Yue's spirit actually fell off the stone tablet and were imprinted on Fang Yue's palm.

If those three ancient divine texts were translated into current texts, they should respectively represent: "Jue", "Feng" and "Destroy"!

Each of the three runes was more powerful than the other, and the energy contained in them made even Fang Yue a little frightened.

"These three runes may be the last seal for the rune creatures in this castle!"

Fang Yue thought secretly in his heart.

The people who designed the castle should know that sooner or later the seal of the castle would be cracked by later generations.

There is no seal in this world that cannot be broken.

Once the seal is opened, it means great disaster.

In fact, Fang Yue knew that the seal of this castle could not be easily opened.

But he still listened to Wang Han's words and untied it, because if he didn't untie it, Wang Han would not be willing to do it. He would also find other people to untie the seal of the castle. In that case, the things in the castle would be even worse when they came out. Will not be controlled.

Instead of doing this, Fang Yue might as well take action himself to unlock the seal, and perhaps seal it in again after Wang Han and others know the power of the sealed rune creatures in the castle!

However, the following facts made Fang Yue know that he was still a little too naive after all!

The horror of these sealed rune creatures far exceeded the limits of Fang Yue's imagination!

"Thank you, sir, for your blessing and helping us unlock the seal!"

In the castle, a charming voice came from it.

I saw a beautiful woman in a black dress opening the door of the castle and slowly walking out of the castle.

She was dressed in black hair, hanging down around her waist, and her red lips made people feel a little confused and confused.

"The Immortal King is at the top of his realm?"

Fang Yue's eyes narrowed.

This beautiful woman is not weak, but she is far from a level that even Fang Yue can feel terrifying!

She came at a leisurely pace, and her every frown and smile made people feel confused and confused!

"You're welcome, you're welcome!"

Wang Han's eyes also showed a bit of confusion.

Then, this beautiful woman set her sights on Fang Yue.

First, her eyes rested on the stone tablet in front of the castle for a moment, and then she set her eyes on Fang Yue!

"This lord is really knowledgeable! He can even conquer ancient divine texts!"

The woman said to Fang Yue.

Fang Yue felt that there was always a bit of ridicule in Fang Yue's praise.

"Easy to say, easy to say!"

Fang Yue smiled.

"I wonder, is there anyone else in this castle? Time has passed, and this castle has existed for at least one civilized era! Time is like water, and years are like smoke. If you are trapped in the castle for one civilized era, you can still be young. Yongzhu, the fellow Taoists in the castle really opened the eyes of someone on our side!"

"This castle is my home. I'm afraid it's not appropriate for this young master to come in uninvited! As for the existence of this castle, it's not even a civilized era! It has been sealed for three full years. It’s time for the Civilization Era! If not for the passage of time, the seal in this castle would not be loosened, and the young master would have no chance to untie it! But we are not just good at keeping good looks, but the castle will remain sealed for eternity. Station, so whether it is one civilization era or ten civilization eras, to us, it is just a flash in the pan, and it is gone with the wave of a hand!"

The woman and Fang Yue exchanged fluent replies, but there was always a bit of hostility in their words!

Fang Yue smiled softly.

"I see, it's someone on our side who asked an abrupt question!"

Fang Yue apologized.

"Young Master, unlock the seal in my castle. Although we cannot open the castle, I also know that the city where this rune castle is located is experiencing internal and external troubles, and strong men from the dimensional world are invading the city! Although we are not talented, we can You can also go into battle to kill the enemy, repay the kindness of the young master, and settle the cause and effect!"

As soon as the woman said this.

Wang Han's eyes suddenly lit up.

Why did they work so hard to open the ruins?

Could it be that they don't know that there are many dangers and treacherous clouds in these ruins?


Their real purpose is to accumulate enough strength to fight the creatures in this dimensional world again.

Now, by opening a ruins, you can get the help of a powerful person at the peak level of the Immortal King Realm. This business is already a huge profit!

Fang Yue lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes. He knew that with his current position in the city, no matter what he said, it would be useless.

When this woman just walked out of the rune castle, Wang Han was fascinated by her.

After all, Da Luo Jinxian is just Da Luo Jinxian, how can he compare with the powerful ones at the peak level of the Immortal Lord Realm!

Fang Yue said nothing.

Then retreated.

But suddenly a paper crane flew from the woman's palm and landed in front of Fang Yue.

There are also delicate handwritings on these thousand paper cranes.

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