God of Life and Death

Chapter 4569 The sacrifice cannot stop

Was robbed?

When Fang Yue heard the news, he felt confused.

Why are people snatching everything now?

Also, who can snatch the food from Pluto's hand and snatch half of the sacrifices?

Fang Yue's face was dark, like the bottom of a pot. He had always been the one to cut things off from other people's hands, and the situations he had set up had always been taken advantage of by others.

Fang Yue couldn't bear this tone.

"Let me know who it is, I want you to look good!"

Fang Yue felt angry, and he used the Great Cause and Effect technique to start looking for the person behind the scenes.

Fang Yue's Great Cause and Effect Technique had just been unleashed.

He saw Rhoda dangling in front of him.

The guy also burped.

The other section of the Great Karma Technique happened to be tied to Roda's body.

The rightful owner has been found!

It's Rhoda.

Fang Yue was about to get angry.

Roda suddenly heard a message.

"Brother, we are peers. You are the spokesperson for the strong in the Tomb of Doubt, and so am I!"

Rhoda looked like a fellow countryman meeting a fellow countryman, with tears in her eyes.

Fang Yue was so embarrassed that he lost his temper for a moment.

What a companion!

Fang Yue's face turned darker.

Who is this Roda?

"There are three imperial tombs in the city, two of which are suspected tombs. In fact, it is not very accurate, because the real emperor's tomb does contain the body of a great emperor, but the two suspected tombs also contain the remains of two emperors. Emperor Zun is incomplete. I don’t know who the Emperor you are communicating with is, but I can tell you that the Emperor I am communicating with is the legendary ancestor Wutian. He is lawless, uses demons to enter the Tao, and finally achieves righteousness! What is buried in the tomb of doubt is his demonic shell from back then!”

Rhoda said.

Fang Yue's eyes widened when he heard this.

This Roda is actually his colleague.

"I was also there to facilitate this sacrifice! The Five Elements Clan that sacrificed this time is a large clan, and the power of flesh and blood is quite strong. Let's take half of it, it's not too much!"

Rhoda said matter-of-factly.

"Not too much? Of course it's too much! Do you know that if you do this, it will delay the recovery process of our Lord Pluto!"

Fang Yue rolled his eyes.

Naturally, he didn't want the meat on his plate to be taken away.

Roda gritted his teeth: "Let's do this! We don't want your flesh and blood power this time in vain! How about we bear the reward for the zombie tribe this time?"

Fang Yue was silent.

He didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Roda's gourd, let alone the origin of this ancestor Wutian.

"Promise him!"

Pluto's voice echoed in Fang Yue's ears.


Fang Yue agreed without hesitation.

Even Pluto, the real master, has no objections. Why should he worry about it?

After a while.

On the altar, a mass of flesh and blood squirmed.

This mass of flesh and blood did not even have the slightest stench of flesh and blood, but instead exuded bursts of refreshing fragrance.

"What kind of meat is this?"

When Fang Yue saw this mass of flesh and blood, he also showed a curious expression.

Fang Yue prides himself on being well-informed, but he has never seen such flesh and blood that can exude a delicate fragrance.

"Could this be the legendary longevity meat?!"

After Chen Luoxue saw this mass of flesh and blood, her indifferent eyes shone brightly.

"Eternal meat? This kind of thing really exists?!"

When he heard the words "immortal meat", Zhang Beixuan almost grabbed it.

There is no other reason, this thing is too tempting.

In fact, anything with the word "immortality" on it is not a vulgar product.

Immortal meat, if mortals take it, can live forever, at least for one civilized era.

And if a strong person at the Tianzun level takes longevity meat, all the hidden wounds in the body can be healed and the physical body can be restored to a perfect state.

The powerful people in the Heavenly Realm seem to be aloof and flawless.

The strong men who have reached this level have all stepped on the blood and bones of countless enemies.

Their seemingly flawless bodies actually hide countless hidden wounds.

Some hidden wounds cannot be healed at all.

These hidden wounds are usually not visible.

But once you encounter a fierce battle or break through in seclusion, you will do evil.

Some deities would even fail and be killed due to hidden injuries during battles.

Immortal meat can heal hidden wounds and allow a strong person at the Tianzun level to restore his perfect physical body. This is an unimaginable temptation for a strong person at the Tianzun level.

"This piece of longevity meat only weighs five kilograms and six taels in total. It's not very big, and it's only enough for one person! If it's divided among three people, I'm afraid they won't be able to restore their bodies to perfect condition! You've already gotten a lot of it before. Why don’t you give me a piece of longevity meat?”

Chen Luoxue said.

Now that she has spoken.

Zhang Beixuan and Ximen Hanxue had no choice but to give up.

It’s not that women and children are given priority, please show your gentlemanly demeanor.

It's because this woman is not easy to mess with, like a poisonous snake.

I really offended her in this matter, and I don’t even know how I died in the future.

Chen Luoxue can be said to be notorious throughout the entire frontier battlefield.

Although she has not yet cultivated to the level of the mastermind behind the scenes.

But she had used various methods to assassinate two mastermind-level masters.

She is good at using poison, curses and tricks.

What is even more troublesome is that there is a chess player standing behind this woman. The chess player seems to have taken a crucial step and entered the level of Emperor Senior Realm.

With the support of Emperor Zun, Chen Luoxue has more confidence.

Most people were angry at her arrogance but dared not speak out.

The longevity meat belongs to Chen Luoxue.

Although the other two people were reluctant, they didn't feel any particular regret.

After all, the emperor's tomb is still there.

As long as you continue to sacrifice, you can obtain more and better treasures.


Pots of blood essence and blood from the strong men of the Star Clan were sent.

All races in the city were sacrificed one by one.

No matter how they resisted, howled, or begged for mercy, they could not awaken the inner conscience of these heroes.

Fang Yue suspected that there was no such thing as conscience in their hearts.

One ethnic group after another was sacrificed.

The number of ethnic groups in Afterglow City is rapidly decreasing.

One day and one night passed.

I don’t know how much blood essence and blood from the Star Clan has been sent. Now the essence and blood of the powerful Star Clan at the supreme level can no longer meet the needs of these greedy people.

The essence and blood of the Star Clan in the Heavenly Realm were sent. I don't know which powerful person from the Star Tribe at the Tianzun Realm level was killed, and the blood essence was sent to him.

There were more than thirty ethnic groups at the beginning, but now, after continuous sacrifices, only nine ethnic groups remain.

All these nine ethnic groups are large ethnic groups.

There are at least two powerful people at the Tianzun level in every ethnic group.

They are waiting.

Waiting for Yuhui City to break.

There is an emperor's tomb in Yuhui City, and the treasures in it can be obtained through sacrifices.

This news has been passed on.

Not only the ancient tribe, but also some other ancient tribes are also on their way in a hurry.

Who wouldn’t be tempted by the treasures in the emperor’s tomb?

As long as these ancient ethnic groups break through.

The cruel and inhumane things done by the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races and the Zombie Tribe will be exposed.

They would be denounced across the frontier battlefields.

In the sky, dawn breaks.

At the same time, the coerced ethnic groups in the city also have hope.

"Fellow Taoists from the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races and Corpse Human Race, please open the door. Gu Junqing from the Ancient Race is here to visit!"

A loud voice came from outside Yuhui City.

This voice was so powerful that the heaven and earth trembled.

Gu Junqing, this is a powerful person in the ancient clan who is the mastermind behind the scenes.

If he forcibly breaks through, the restrictions in Yuhui City will not be able to withstand it.

"Is it finally time? Our happy days are over!"

Ximen Hanxue was a little disappointed.

But he has no regrets.

In this sacrifice, he obtained a lot of treasures, and one harvest was equivalent to the accumulation of the previous civilization era.

"Open the door!"

No resistance, no wrangling.

Ximen Hanxue ordered people to remove the restrictions and open the door to Yuhui City.

Since you can't resist the other party, there is no need to fight pointlessly.

The gates of Afterglow City opened.

Gu Junqing entered Yuhui City with three deities from the ancient tribes. In addition, there were hundreds of supreme elites from the ancient tribes.

"Lord Gu Junqing, you are finally here. You have to make the decision for us! Ximen Hanxue and Zhang Beixuan killed us wantonly and sacrificed our companions like pigs and dogs on the altar! You have to help me Judge these two guys, judge these two ethnic groups..."

A surviving member of the water tribe escaped from the previous massacre.

He used secret techniques to conceal his aura.

Ximen Hanxue and others did not discover the existence of such a number one person.

After Gu Junqing and others entered the city, he roared loudly and told the powerful men of the ancient clan about the crimes of Ximen Hanxue and Zhang Beixuan.

He cried bitterly, as if he had been greatly wronged.

However, his crying did not get the slightest sympathy from Gu Junqing.

Gu Junqing slowly lowered his head and looked at the survivor of the Water Tribe with extremely pitiful and indifferent eyes.

"Don't you think it's better to hide yourself? Why do you want to come out and die?"

The survivors of the water people couldn't believe their ears.

He raised his head and looked at Gu Junqing.

"Sir, what were you talking about just now?"

"I was just saying, why don't you live a good life? Why do you have to stand up and die!"

Gu Junqing said coldly and cruelly.

"You are the only one left in the Water People Tribe, who is not even in the Heavenly Realm. What good do you have in letting me uphold justice for your Water People Tribe? If I had to choose one, which one do you think I should choose?”

Gu Junqing asked cruelly.

He is extremely rational and cruel.

The cold words shattered the last hope in the water people's hearts.

Where is fairness and justice in this world?

Who will uphold fairness and justice for a weak person?

"But sir, they are sinners! They slaughter their allies as sacrifices!"

The survivors of the water people kept complaining.

"The strong live and the weak die. Isn't this the most basic rule in this world? Your water race is gone, so you should live well and hide until this incident is over, and then find a place to hide in secret. Hide, multiply, and leave a trace of blood inheritance for your water people. But now you stand up and let me uphold fairness and justice for your water people. My only choice is to kill you and give it to the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races. Let’s explain it to the corpse tribe!”

Gu Junqing said matter-of-factly. (End of chapter)

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