God of Life and Death

Chapter 4572 Falling into madness

The five major ethnic groups are fighting against doomed creatures.

The battle was brutal.

The doomed creature embodies the four words of being brave and not afraid of death to the fullest.

The oppression of countless civilizational eras.

The rage of countless civilizational eras.

At this moment, they all expressed their feelings with the swords, guns, swords and halberds in their hands, and no one could resist them.

Even if you die, you must die with value.

Even if it is a sacrifice, it must be meaningful.

The war lasted for half a month.

The land in this frontier battlefield was torn apart, and the sky was dyed red.

Rivers of blood flowed, and mountains of bones formed.

After endless killing.

After using the treasures in their hands, the five major ethnic groups finally captured Luo Chuan, the leader of the mastermind level behind the Doomed Creatures, at the expense of eight Heavenly Lords. The other Tianzun among the Doomed Creatures also died and were seriously injured. .

These doomed creatures were sent to the altar.

This was the largest sacrifice ever.

When you see these sacrifices being delivered to the altar.

The hearts of Ximen Hanxue and others were trembling with excitement.

The day has finally come.

So many precious sacrifices, so many powerful beings.

Now that they are all being sacrificed, I really don’t know what kind of precious rewards the mysterious Emperor will give them.

After all the gods of doomed creatures were sent to the altar for sacrifice.

Emperor Zun’s feedback is here.

A cloud of chaotic energy emerged, glowing dimly.

Ximen Hanxue became even more excited and excited.

He had seen this scene before, it was a manifestation of the birth of a treasure.

"Quickly, send Luochuan to the altar quickly!"

Ximen Hanxue shouted loudly.

This chaotic light cannot be extinguished.

A high-quality sacrifice must be offered in order to produce a stronger treasure.

Luochuan was sacrificed.

At this moment, Pluto's Human Skin and Wutian Ancestor were more excited than Ximen Hanxue outside.

What a precious offering.

The sacrifice of so many doomed creatures, even if divided by two of them, is enough for both of them to step into the sixth level of the mastermind behind the scenes.

What's more important is that the best product this time is pure free prostitution, and they don't need to pay any price.

This feeling of eating and drinking for free is simply so satisfying.

The sacrifices continued.

All doomed creatures were brought to the altar.

The chaotic light became more blazing, more dazzling, and more eye-catching.

However, the treasure still has not taken shape.

"Damn it, so many doomed creatures have been sacrificed, why haven't any treasures appeared yet?"

Ximen Hanxue began to feel anxious.

"The treasure conceived here is too extraordinary, and the sacrifices we made before were not enough."

Fang Yue possessed Chen Qingyuan and said in a deep voice.

"Damn, all these sacrifices are not enough. Where do you want me to go to find more sacrifices?"

At this moment, Ximen Hanxue's heart was filled with anxiety.

If he cannot find enough sacrifices within a short period of time, according to the previous rules, the chaotic light will begin to gradually dissipate.

When the light of chaos completely dissipated, all their previous efforts were in vain.

"Don't we still have some corpses at the Tianzun level?"

Fang Yue said.

"Be bold!"

A Heavenly Lord from the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races roared angrily.

They are all human beings, so they can naturally understand the meaning behind Fang Yue's words.

Fang Yue was planning to sacrifice the corpses of those strong men who died in the battle with the doomed creatures.

But those are their tribesmen, their compatriots!

"My lord, it's too late to think about it. The light of this chaos is gradually dimming."

Fang Yue shouted eagerly.

Sure enough, the light of chaos on the altar was gradually dissipating.

Once these lights completely dissipate, all their previous efforts will be in vain.

He hesitated for a long time.

Ximen Hanxue finally made a decision.

"These dead strong men all died for our tribe. They had great justice in their hearts. So they would definitely agree to sacrifice their bodies as sacrifices in exchange for powerful treasures for our tribe. "

Ximen Hanxue actually found a high-sounding reason.

After Fang Yue heard this, he refreshed his understanding of Ximen Hanxue's shamelessness.

The lives of these people were given to them, and their bodies could not be preserved.

If they knew anything about it, they would definitely regret coming to Yuhui City to fight for them.

But after all, the dead man cannot speak.

Just say whatever Ximen Hanxue says!

Everyone is dead, and there is nothing to care about.

What's more, the situation in front of him will be more in line with his expectations.

What Fang Yue wanted was to sacrifice all the corpses of these powerful men. The more they sacrificed, the faster the two big men in the Suspicion Tomb would recover.

One corpse after another was brought to the altar.

The hearts of the Corpse Tribe, Ten Thousand Tribes Alliance and others felt chilly.

There was helplessness and sadness in their eyes.

The strong men among these tribes can be said to be exhausted.

Logically speaking, they are the heroes of the ethnic group and should be respected and given a generous burial.

Who would have thought that they would actually become sacrifices without even leaving a complete body.

These people are like this, but what about them?

What would happen if he died in battle?

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Fang Yue's mouth.

People's hearts turn away.

This is his true purpose.

People's hearts are scattered.

It’s hard to lead the team.

The chaotic light on the altar became brighter and brighter as the sacrifices were offered.

The corpses of five powerful people in the Heavenly Realm were presented.

The altar's light bloomed.

Wisps of light burst out from it, like the sun.

"What kind of treasure is being nurtured here! It can emit such a brilliant light!"

Ximen Hanxue's eyes were full of longing and greed.

Zhang Beixuan is also gearing up.

"It's not enough, it's still not enough. The sacrifice of the corpses of these five Heavenly Lords will only make the treasure gestate to a higher degree, but it is far from complete! We must have more powerful people to sacrifice before the treasure can appear! "

Ximen Hanxue's eyes were filled with greed.

"Where are there any strong men who can be sacrificed?"

An elder of the Corpse Tribe came out tremblingly to dissuade him.

Although he is only at the highest level of cultivation, he is considered highly respected among the tribe because of his age.

He felt something was wrong with Ximen Hanxue and Chen Luoxue.

Although these two people are usually strong and domineering, they are not so crazy and greedy.




If they continue to sacrifice, the Corpse Tribe may not be able to bear the consequences!

One small tribe after another was sacrificed, and the tribes behind them had become extremely dissatisfied.

Although the small clan is small, looking back on the past, there are still a few strong men at the level of masterminds.

One or two may not mean anything. But if a small number becomes a large number, even the zombie tribe may not be able to withstand their pressure if these tribes unite!

"The Ancient Immortal Clan, isn't there another Ancient Immortal Clan on this battlefield? They have always maintained a neutral attitude. They are only responsible for blocking the pace of the army in the dimensional world. They have never participated in our encirclement and suppression of Fang's family. This kind of disobedient ethnic group Why keep it? Just destroy it and sacrifice the whole family!"

have to say.

This Ximen Hanxue is really crazy.

They actually want to attack the neutral ethnic group.

In the frontier battlefield, the neutral ethnic group is a huge faction.

They tend not to participate in the internal disputes among various ethnic groups in the Chaos Territory.

But they are not weak.

Being able to remain neutral is itself a verification of strong strength.

hard to imagine.

Ximen Hanxue would actually extend his evil hand to the neutral group.

Neutral groups are a giant hornet's nest.

On weekdays, if you don’t mess with me, I won’t mess with you.

But once this hornet's nest is poked, the consequences will be so bad that not even the Corpse Race can bear them.

"Ximen Hanxue, you have to think twice before you act! This ancient immortal clan is powerful and profound, and we cannot afford to offend it!"

The elder of the corpse tribe persuaded him earnestly.

However, at this moment, Ximen Hanxue has entered a state of madness.

He only has interests and treasures in his eyes, and he cannot listen to any dissuasion.

This opportunity is rare but rare.

Once the treasure bred in that chaotic light takes shape, it is very likely that his destiny will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Faced with such an opportunity, how could Ximen Hanxue refuse?

"Those who are not from my race must have different thoughts. Since those guys from the Ancient Immortal Clan are unwilling to listen to our call, then they should become our sacrifices. Don't think that I don't know what they are thinking. They are a neutral ethnic group in name. , but in fact, I am reaping the benefits of being a fisherman. I don’t allow such variables to occur on the battlefield. Sacrificing them is considered a waste!”

Ximen Hanxue’s persistence is beyond people’s imagination.

He ignored the dissuasion of the elders and insisted on turning the Ancient Immortal Clan into his sacrifice and a stepping stone on his road to success.

"Ximen Hanxue, please wake up. The decision you make now does not represent you. It also represents the entire group behind you."

When the elder of the corpse clan saw Ximen Hanxue being so stubborn, his tone became more severe. He hoped to wake up Ximen Hanxue through his words.

However, when Ximen Hanxue heard his ancestor's scolding, not only did he not wake up at all, but he became even more serious.

"You old thing. Who are you? I've really tolerated you for a long time. Do you think you can yell at me if you live a few more years?"

"To tell you the truth, you are nothing in my eyes. Don't you want to stop me from sacrificing the Ancient Immortals? Then you should become a sacrifice for them first."

Ximen Hanxue has really turned into a crazy demon.

He reached out with his left hand and threw the white-haired clan elder directly onto the altar.

The raging fire burned instantly.

The clan elder's body continued to burn under the fierce fire, and soon his body was reduced to ashes.

However, when he was dying, he didn't have any regrets at all. His heart was filled with the entire Corpse Man Clan.

"Ximen Hanxue, I hope that I can awaken the conscience in your heart through my own death. You are the pillar of my tribe. Don't lose yourself because of a small gain and let yourself fall into the evil heretic. ah!"

The clan elder's voice became smaller and smaller.

The raging fire also burned more and more fiercely.

Soon the clan elder completely disappeared from the world.

However, Ximen Hanxue did not show any remorse. Instead, he shouted even more crazily: "What qualifications do you have to dissuade me, an old guy who doesn't know how to live or die? In this world, the law of the jungle will always be the law of the jungle. Whoever has the biggest fist has the final say. As long as I can continue to become stronger, the bullshit Ancient Immortal Clan can only choose to tremble under my body. Who dares to say no?" (End of Chapter)

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