God of Life and Death

Chapter 4609: Aboveboard Bribery

Baguio couldn't help but be speechless after hearing this.

In fact, she has heard about the Fang family. The Fang family has made great contributions to the human race. However, after the elites of the Fang family left, they were besieged by thousands of races and have never recovered.

Nowadays, the Fang family is like a candle in the wind, in danger, but the power of the Ten Thousand Clans is too strong, they are unable to compete, and even protecting themselves is difficult.

However, all the forces in the human race are helpless and can only stand by and watch, for fear of getting themselves involved.

Baguio was wrong and she bit her red lips lightly.

"The human race is already surrounded by enemies from all sides. Now if the human race starts internal strife again, won't it be even more declining?"

Fang Yue sneered.

"When fighting outsiders, you must first settle down the inside. A family like the Ling family, which is always trying to get in and out, is a scourge to the human race. It would be better to get rid of them and make the human race more peaceful!"

Fang Yue's tone was decisive, without any wavering.

"They colluded with the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races. If the human race suffers, guess who the Ling family will turn to! As for the fate and genius of the human race, I think that only when the worms like the Ling family are eliminated will they make greater use of unity and unite. The human race has truly become a clear stream in this chaotic realm!"

Fang Yue's words were clear and powerful. For a moment, Baguio didn't know what to say.

"Actually, it is not difficult to shape a genius from the human race. One person like Fang Mu can be resurrected and is worthy of several Heavenly Lords from the Ling family!"

Fang Yue looked at Fang Mu with high hopes.

Fang Mu also puffed up his chest, feeling extremely confident and proud.

"Fang Mu...he's not dead?"

Baguio was surprised, and then she looked at Fang Mu.

It’s not that Baguio hadn’t seen Fang Mu before, but that Fang Mu just looked like a ball of soul power, who the hell could recognize him!

His figure is extremely vague. You can say he is Fang Mu, but no one will say anything if you say he is Fang Shui.

"Fairy Baguio, you must not listen to this Fang Yue's nonsense here. Our Ling family is loyal to the human race. This time we seek refuge in the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races. This is an act of betrayal. We are risking our lives and sneaking into the enemy to find out their information. If the Wan Races The alliance dares to start a war with the human race, and launches a sneak attack from within immediately, disrupting the internal affairs of the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races, and then allowing the human race to win!"

Ling Qingyun even improved his cultural level in times of crisis.

His idioms one after another really look like a cultured person.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Fang Yue's mouth.

"Is it?"

Fang Yue didn't believe even half of what Ling Qingyun said.

"In order to join the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races, you killed the geniuses of our Fang family? The price you paid is really high!"

Fang Yue's smile became increasingly sarcastic.

Baguio was also hesitant at this moment. She was a little wavering and didn't know who to listen to.

At this time, Ling Qingyun said again.

"In any case, if our Ling family is expelled from the Chaos Realm, it will definitely affect the destiny of the human race. When the destiny of the human race is shaken and the power of disaster invades, you Fang Yue will be a sinner for the ages."

Ling Qingyun took out his trump card.

When Baguio heard this, her mind became firmer, and she decided to favor Ling Qingyun.

"Fang Yue, although Ling Qingyun's behavior is a bit extreme, what he said is not unreasonable. Every strong person in the human race is related to the destiny of the human race. There are thousands of strong people among the Ling family. If they all die, the turmoil in the human race will be unstoppable!"

Baguio looked at Fang Yue, her eyes were cold.

She stands on the overall situation of the human race and must put the overall situation of the human race as the top priority.

When Fang Yue heard this, he couldn't help but reveal a sarcastic smile.

"Aren't you worried about the luck of the human race? No problem, I will make up for whatever luck the human race has lost!"

Fang Yue said domineeringly.

Fang Yue took a shot with his palm.

Three members of the Ling family who were at the Da Luo Jin Fairyland level were taken in by him and sacrificed alive in front of Baguio.

"Ah! Sir, help me!"

"Fairy Baguio, help!"

"Fang Yue, you are so cruel and unforgivable, you will not die a good death!"

Various voices came one after another.

Baguio also angrily scolded Fang Yue.

She had already said all her good things, but she didn't expect that this Fang Yue would be so indifferent, would not listen to good or bad, and even sacrificed the members of the Ling family alive in front of her.

But just when she was about to get angry.

Fang Yue's fingers lightly traced across the void.

"Tianzun Shuiyue, send three immortals here!"

Fang Yue opened the door to time and space and connected with his Yongfeng Kingdom.


A crisp voice came from another layer of the time and space gate.

Shuiyue Tianzun teleported three practitioners at the Spirit Fairy Realm level.

They appeared in front of Fang Yue, and when they saw Fang Yue again, they immediately knelt down and knelt down in excitement.

In Yongfeng Kingdom, every citizen has a deep-felt admiration for Fang Yue.

The moment they saw Fang Yue, their inner excitement was beyond words.

"No gift!"

Fang Yue nodded and accepted it calmly.

Without him, these cultivators in Yongfeng Kingdom would never have such a good cultivation environment. They need resources for resources and skills for skills. Therefore, he can still bear the worship of these people.

"Didn't I just sacrifice three Da Luo Jinxian of the Ling family? Even if their bloodline level is protected by the shadow of the ancestors of the Ling family, they are only at the level of the third level of Xuanji. You are optimistic about these three Yongfeng Junior High School The cultivators are all of the highest level of Xuanji. In terms of bloodline level, they are not inferior to those three losers from the Ling family. The human race has lost three Daluo Golden Immortals, so I will give you three more Daluo Golden Immortals!"

"Daluo attains enlightenment and transcends in one thought!"

Fang Yue flicked his fingers, and three elixirs instantly fell into the bodies of the three practitioners. The bodies of the three practitioners shone brightly under the nourishment of the elixirs.

In the blink of an eye, all three of them had broken through to the level of Da Luo Jin Fairyland.

This kind of breakthrough is not about using the power of pills to force them to break through the potential of overdraft in the body.

Instead, the power of the elixir was used to replenish the origin, and the Tao overflowed, allowing their cultivation to continue to move forward, and naturally reach a higher level.

Three Da Luo Jinxian were born.

The luck of the human race was immediately improved.

Moreover, the increased power of luck of the human race exceeds the power of luck lost just now.

this moment.

Baguio was speechless for a moment.

Fang Yue could raise his hand to create three Daluo Golden Immortals to supplement the consumption of the human race's destiny power, which was beneficial to the human race.

These three people are stronger than the three Ling family disciples who were just sacrificed by Fang Yue. From a certain perspective, this is a disguised enhancement of the human race's heritage and combat power!

Ling Qingyun looked at Fang Yue with a look of resentment: "Fang Yue, don't be arrogant! You can create three Da Luo Jinxian, but the Da Luo Jinxian in my Ling family is like the crucian carp crossing the river, countless. It is difficult to count. Can you still kill one and create one? There are also Immortal Lords, Supremes and Tianzun in my Ling family. Could it be that you can create one to supplement them after killing them?"

Ling Qingyun looked at Fang Yue with a strong look of oppression.

"As for Daluo Jinxian, I can make as many as I want. I also have a lot of these pills, called Daluo Foundation Establishment Pills. I have a magic weapon specifically for refining pills. These are all refined after practicing with it. Pill!"

Fang Yue said as he took out a big basket.

It was filled with Daluo Foundation Establishment Pills.

These elixirs appear.

Not only did Ling Qingyun's eyes widen, but Baguio also showed a surprised expression and covered her mouth with a small hand. She originally thought that she had seen the world. But when she saw these pills, she couldn't help but tremble in her heart. Fang Yue was too rich, too exaggerated!

Yaochi is extremely transcendent and can be regarded as the top example among the human race.

There are several experts at the Emperor Senior level in Yaochi, and they have even trained a large number of alchemists.

However, elixirs of the level of Daluo Foundation Establishment Pill are quite precious even if they are placed in Yaochi.

It is their limit to store hundreds or even thousands of this kind of elixir.

Who the hell looks like Fang Yue used a basket to pack them, and after a quick scan, there were at least thousands of them.

"You have so many elixirs, but you may not have a corresponding number of powerful people at the peak level of the Immortal Lord Realm. These elixirs are for people to eat. If you don't have enough powerful people, these elixirs will no longer be used. It’s all in vain.”

Ling Qingyun suddenly found an excuse to refute Fang Yue.

His expression grew excited.

Fang Yue's Yongfeng Kingdom has only been established in the underworld for a mere thousand years. No matter how hard Fang Yue trains him at all costs, it is impossible for a strong person to train thousands of peak Immortal Lords in such a short period of time. The presence.

If there were no strong men to take these pills, how could he get a corresponding number of strong men at the Great Luo Jin Immortal Realm level to offset the losses caused by killing the geniuses of the Ling family.

"There are a lot of geniuses in our Yongfeng country. You don't need pills. And even if the number of geniuses is not enough, our Fang family will always have geniuses! The Fang family has been rooted in the realm of chaos for so many years. Those who are trapped at the peak of the Immortal Lord Realm There are definitely a lot of geniuses. We don’t have enough geniuses in the Fang family. There must be geniuses in Yaochi! I will give away these pills for free. Baguio, I will give you a hundred Da Luo Foundation Building Pills. You can guarantee that you will cultivate hundreds of them in Yaochi. Daluo Jinxian, come to make up for my loss in killing the Ling family?"

Fang Yue not only said it again, but also did it. He actually took out a hundred Daluo Foundation Establishment Pills from his basket and forced them into Baguio's hands.

Baguio was holding the unexpected pill, her eyes were confused.

Such a precious elixir.

One hundred pieces, just give it to me?

"Just tell me if you can!"

Fang Yue continued to ask.


Baguio blurted out subconsciously.

Ling Qingyun was furious when he saw this.

"This is an honest bribe!"

Ling Qingyun originally asked Baguio to administer justice.

But now that Baguio has taken advantage of Fang Yue, how can she handle the matter at hand from a fair and just perspective. (End of chapter)

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