God of Life and Death

Chapter 4640 You are finally here

"Gathering Gloves, Gathering Gloves. A magic weapon at the level of the true fairyland. It can increase the power of an elephant after wearing it. It is a must-have for combat training. All it takes is ten low-grade immortal stones. All it takes is ten low-grade immortal stones." The sound of shouting came from the shop.

Nangong Shouyue couldn't help but look in the direction of the store.

There were two true immortals from the ancient tribe stopping at the door of the store.

They looked carefully at the Gloves on the stall.

"Boss, give me a pair," one of them said after trying it.

Similar scenes are constantly happening in this city. The customers of these shops are not limited to the human race, but come from different ethnic groups in the underworld. Some ethnic groups are even hostile to the human race.

When Nangong Shouyue saw this scene, he couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

"How could this be? I remember that the relationship between the Ancient Clan and the Human Clan has reached an extremely tense level. Even a few years ago, the Ancient Clan announced that it would intervene in the Human Clan's ranks among the hostile ethnic groups!"

Nangong kept his promise and said to Fang Yue.

A faint smile appeared on Fang Yue's lips.

"What you are talking about are all high-level interest disputes among all ethnic groups, but for some people at the bottom, they don't care about the relationship between ethnic groups. As long as it is profitable, it will become a business. Even between two ethnic groups. If the relationship between them is not good, these traders will be happier.”

"For example, this pair of power-gathering gloves is a specialty of the human race. The weapon refiners of the ancient race cannot condense it out."

"But the Ancient Clan is extremely welcoming to this kind of magical weapon. So if this magical weapon is resold to the Ancient Clan, its price may double."

Fang Yue said that Nangong Shouyue found out that the ancient tribe who bought the Gathering Gloves was carrying a large sack on his body, which contained a variety of different magic weapons.

"You mean that this ancient tribe is now coming to the human tribe to buy various magic weapons. Its purpose is not to use it for itself, but to resell it back to its own tribe?"

Nangong Shouyue said in surprise.

"Yes, that's what it means! If you give me 50% of the profit, I dare to kill people. If you give me 100% of the profit, I dare to trample on all laws! Therefore, it is not enough for the ancient people to make this choice. strange!"

Fang Yue is still defending this ancient clan.

"This ancient tribe is just a microcosm! The same goes for the strong men of other ethnic groups. Some of their ethnic groups have a prohibited trade relationship with the human race, but the bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish! The stricter the ban, the higher the profits of these traders. , the enthusiasm for trading becomes even greater!”

Fang Yue said.

Nangong Shouyue heard Fang Yue's words.

It was a real eye-opener for him.

"If you hadn't brought me to see this scene, I really wouldn't have believed it."

Nangong Shouyue said with emotion.

"Xiao Ming's life is such a rough one, and he can't get into the eyes of big people like you, but these low-level people are the pillars supporting the bottom of this big world. It's like a pyramid. What you see All are the top of the pyramid, the dazzling side, but these little people carry the entire pyramid with their own backs!”

Fang Yue's words made Nangong remain silent.

He finally understood why the human race had no shortage of resources.

They could not tolerate the transactions on the surface, but the ban also made the transactions behind the scenes even crazier.

"Boss, here are ten pairs of strength gloves!"

A young and handsome boy appeared and spoke.


The boss agreed.

When Nangong Shouyue looked at the young and handsome boy, his body stiffened instantly.

Because that young and handsome boy is a member of their Celestial Clan.

It turns out that this situation also exists in the Celestial Clan under his control.

"Although the human race is not good at fighting, they are the most proficient in human nature, and they also know how to make gadgets such as talismans, formations, elixirs, and magic weapons! As long as the human race can control the price, there will never be a lack of resources flowing in. All of you Under the ban on basic resources, the human race is miserable, it’s just what the human race wants you to see!”

Fang Yue said with a smile.

"So, we have been fooled by the human race for so many years?"

Nangong Shouyue said angrily.

"You can't say that. In fact, the human race has not tricked you. It's just that they have endured the humiliation for so many years and have been building high walls, hoarding food, and slowly making preparations for becoming king. After my influence on the human race gradually recedes, you Only then can we see the true side of the rise of the human race.”

Fang Yue introduced in a calm tone.

Nangong kept his promise and fell silent.

He finally admitted that the human race was the deep-water behemoth in the underworld universe. It had been silent under the calm water for all these years, and now it had just revealed its sharp claws.

"The future of the human race is in my own hands. I can help secretly, but I will never continue to let the human race shelter from the wind and rain, because only after being baptized by the wind and rain, the human race will thrive and become stronger."

Fang Yue's tone was calm, and Nangong Shouyue nodded, agreeing with Fang Yue's idea.

"So next, will you ignore the human race in the underworld universe? Even if the human race in this underworld universe is included in the list of slaughtering holy sacrifices by all races?"

Nangong Shouyue asked.

"After being busy for so long, I think I should find a holiday for myself to rest. In the next time, I will take Wu Siyu to travel in the underworld or other worlds. If I see the human race, I will be tired enough. If I really can't stand the oppression, I will occasionally help others. Of course, I will also go to them one by one to deal with the forces that had a grudge against me. After all, I am not very big-minded, and I like them the most. The only thing is that flaws must be reported!”

Fang Yue said frankly.

"Okay! What happened this time was unfounded, but I didn't come here in vain. At least I saw the strong side of the human race, which further strengthened my belief in the alliance between the Celestial Clan and the human race."

Nangong Shouyue said.

"As you wish!"

Fang Yue said indifferently.

"Actually, the time left for you and me is really running out. As the tides of calamity increase again and again, the level of powerful people appearing in this underworld universe is also constantly increasing. After this sixth tide of calamity, , according to the agreement, all powerful people below the level of the sixth-level mastermind can appear in the underworld universe! Your current strength is no longer enough to support your status as a first-tier powerhouse in the underworld universe. I advise you. If you have time, it is better to put down the big and small affairs in the clan, practice meditation, and reach the level of the mastermind as soon as possible. In this world, the person with the big fist will always have the final say. In the future, the mastermind of the God Clan will be the master. The strong man revives and participates in the affairs of the Tianshen Mountain. If you can't defeat them and are robbed of your position as the leader of the Tianshen Clan, then your words will not count. "

Fang Yue said without mercy.

Nangong kept his promise in silence. He accepted Fang Yue's suggestion and left.

"Fang Yue, where should we go next?"

Wu Siyu said to Fang Yue Xiaoniao lovingly.

This period of time was Wu Siyu's happiest moment. She didn't have to worry about anything. She just needed to be by Fang Yue's side quietly.

"If you are willing, please accompany me back to the universe of all realms! The longer I stay in the underworld universe, the more my awe of the universe of all realms becomes deeper and deeper! We were in the universe of all realms before What we see may be just superficial appearances, but the secrets hidden there should be far beyond our imagination!”

Fang Yue said.

"Okay! As long as you are willing, I will accompany you wherever you go."

Wu Siyu said understandingly.

The next day.

The universe of all realms.

Xuanhuang World, Yan Kingdom, Xicheng.

A young couple appeared in the bustling city.

"This is the place where I rose up. If my soul had not traveled to the Xuanhuang World back then, I would not have had subsequent experiences, let alone be as powerful as I am now."

Fang Yue said to Wu Siyu.

Walking in the city of Xuanhuang World, there is a bustling crowd, and the strength of the practitioners on this street is obviously much higher than when Fang Yue practiced here before.

When Fang Yue just traveled through time, there was a master in this ghost place who was a master of the world.

But now, the Yin-Yang Realm and the Earthly Evil Realm are everywhere, and occasionally there are one or two strong men from the Tiangang Realm jumping around!

This is entirely due to Fang Yue's help in promoting the original level of the universe. When the universe is promoted, the concentration of spiritual energy in all the worlds within the universe he covers will increase by one level.

The richer the spiritual energy, the more natural materials and earthly treasures there will be.

The practitioners in the entire Xuanhuang world have greatly improved.

"This is where you practiced and grew up?"

Wu Siyu looked around like a curious baby.

"Huh? What is this?"

Wu Siyu suddenly stopped at a bookstall.

She looked down and saw a small blue-covered book on the bookstall.

The cover of the book clearly reads: The Biography of Demon Emperor Fang Yue.

Wu Siyu's beautiful eyes widened.

"Demon Emperor Fang Yue? I must read this book!"

Wu Siyu happily picked up the book and started reading.

When Fang Yue saw this, a black line appeared on his forehead.

Who the hell writes a book for himself and tarnishes his heroic and tall image?

Am I the Demon King?

I am the savior!

Who made your world's spiritual energy so rich and its resources so rich?

Fang Yue thought angrily.

"Haha, you made me laugh so hard. When you joined the army, you infiltrated into the demon clan and then took away their warehouse?"

"Although it's a bit exaggerated, I believe this is your style! Oh, oh, and this paragraph, you blew up the military camp with a fireball, and you also had incendiary bombs and oil bottles. This is not the technology and ruthless work of the earth. ?"

Wu Siyu flipped through the books.

Needless to say, I don’t know who wrote this book for him.

The content recorded in it is quite comprehensive.

But Fang Yue couldn't be happy. The more he listened, the darker his face became. Now he was almost at the bottom of the pot.

Damn it!

This book written by any blind guy is all his dirty information. The key is that the contents in it are all true.

Just when Fang Yue was about to get angry.

The country of Yan was shaken.

Cracks in the ground spread like spider webs.

"Ah! The sky is shattering! The devil is about to be born!"

The people in the city screamed and ran wildly outside the city.

Fang Yuegang wanted to drag Wu Siyu into the air.

Suddenly a familiar voice came to his ears.

"Fang Yue, you are finally back. I have been waiting for you so hard!" (End of Chapter)

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