God of Life and Death

Chapter 943 One at a time

"don't want!"

Fang Yue deliberately flinched.

Like a clown whose conspiracy has been exposed.

At this time, those veterans were more certain of their inner thoughts.

Damn the natives, you actually tried to deceive them with such poor acting skills!

This native really deserves death!

The veterans are all gearing up and eager to try. Only by killing this native can they relieve their hatred!


One of them moved, holding a half-meter-long scimitar in his hand, and slashed towards Fang Yue's neck.

The scimitar was sharp and emitted a penetrating cold light.

The cold blade was filled with a faint smell of blood.

The blade presses.

The corner of Fang Yue's mouth suddenly raised a strange arc.

The pistol in his left hand is the handle of a laser sword in his right hand, and the button on the handle is turned on.

A crimson sword appeared.

A sword stabbed him down.

The veteran's abdomen immediately felt severe pain!



While the veteran was seriously injured, Fang Yue's pistol was not idle either.

The bullet had penetrated another veteran's forehead.

"It's just killing people! You don't necessarily need to use a gun!"

Fang Yue smiled faintly.

The long sword was pulled out from the veteran's abdomen, and the blood on the sword was directly evaporated by the high-temperature laser.

The veteran felt a chill in his heart, finally understanding the horror of Fang Yue!

However, with the gurgling blood flowing from his abdomen, he no longer had the chance to regret it.

His vision turned black, and the life in his body was leaving him.

Two comrades were killed by Fang Yue at the same time.

The other soldiers also showed timid expressions.

Fang Yue's strength far exceeded their expectations.

"Kill this native boy. If we don't kill him, we won't be able to survive!"

When we meet in the canyon, the brave wins.

If they turn around and leave, they can't escape.

The room was too narrow, and the moment Fang Yue turned around and ran away was enough to kill two more people.

Once their numerical advantage was gone, the others were no longer lambs to be slaughtered in Fang Yue's eyes.

Yuan Li was shocked. He just picked up a random person on the street. Unexpectedly, this person turned out to be a rare master!

"Fang Yue, kill them all!"

Yuan Li was vaguely excited, and he was freed from his previous fear.

If he kills all of these people, the military merits exchanged will be enough for him to become a centurion during his lifetime!

The captain of the guard is just the lowest officer. When he reaches the centurion, he is the real middle-level general.

"Take orders!"

Fang Yue's tongue licked his chapped lips.

The long sword in his hand struck at the soldiers of the Beidou War!

The soldiers all fled in panic.

Although they were carefully cultivated by the Beidou Conflict and were the most favored among the people, they were still able to run away in confusion when they encountered an unreasonable existence like Fang Yue.

Fang Yue didn't have many skills, but he was crisp and quick. Whether it was marksmanship or swordsmanship, he always followed a simple and concise route.

One sword for one, one gun for one.

Fang Yue killed without blinking an eye, and in the blink of an eye there were corpses all over the ground.

Dozens of corpses were strewn all over the ground, and they all died with their eyes open!

Fang Yue's laser sword was not stained with blood, but there was no one left alive under his gun.

Yuan Li and others were imprisoned. In their eyes, these people can be called evil spirits!

If in normal times, so many powerful people in the Heaven and Earth Realm were besieging them, even if they had guns in their hands, they would definitely end up dead. The most lucky thing is that they could drag a few people to hell before they died.

"Let the military merits of these people be counted on me! After all, I have accumulated two thousand military merits. If I add the military merits of these people, I can already be promoted to the second stage of centurion!"

Yuan Li looked at Fang Yue, feeling uneasy. In fact, Yuan Li himself felt that his request was a bit excessive.

Each corpse of a heaven and earth invader represents three hundred military merits. Fang Yue killed a total of thirty-five intruders in the Heaven and Earth Realm, with a total of 10,500 points, which was more than the two thousand military merit base he had before.

If Fang Yue is given these military merits, he can also become a centurion.

"It doesn't matter! I came here just to kill these hateful intruders. As for military merits and so on, I don't care! Just give me the resources and armor of these people!"

Fang Yue spoke quite freely, as if he was not interested in military achievements or anything else.

Hearing Fang Yue's words, Yuan Li's eyes lit up.

He had indeed found a fool who didn't even care about military merit.

Military merit represents wealth, power and status!

If one can accumulate enough military merit, it is not impossible to even become a marshal and rebuke Fang Qiu!

As for the resources of those who descended, what do they matter?

Only cultivation, no rights, shouldn't it be restricted by physical constitution?

In Yuan Li's mind, tens of millions of thoughts flashed through him in an instant.

Fang Yue was too lazy to think about Yuan Li's petty thoughts.

Fang Yue had Fang Yue's plan, and he had no intention of staying in this Great Cloud Realm for a long time.

It is unrealistic for him to achieve military success and get promoted and make a fortune.

Moreover, the more military achievements and official positions there are, the stronger the opponents you need to face.

You are a general and I am a soldier. When the enemy soldiers come, they must first see if you will kill me or not!

If Yuan Li could become an official, he would be giving Fang Yue a shield!

It's a pity that Yuan Li couldn't figure out this level of relationship at all, and he was still complacent. In troubled times, heroes emerged, and finally found a fool who was willing to give up his general power to him.

"Sir Yuan Li, we have just wiped out a group of soldiers who came down from the Beidou War. They must be organized and have a lair. We might as well pursue the victory, reach their lair, and strangle them all!"

Fang Yue proposed to Yuan Li.

Yuan Li was a little hesitant. Although the fact that he was about to be promoted made him feel a little happy and excited, just being happy and excited was not enough!

He is not strong enough. If he follows Fang Yue to the lair of the descendants of the Beidou War, he will die!

"Sir Yuan Li, I know what you are worried about. You are worried that the two of us are outnumbered! In the midst of alerting the snake, those guys from the Beidou Conflict escaped, but you don't have to worry about this kind of thing. Our civilization in the Great Cloud Realm The system is different from the civilization system of the Beidou War. They can easily sense changes in the breath of life, but their explorability and sensitivity to energy bombs are not high! As long as we take advantage of this, we can kill those hateful Beidou War without any blood. All the strangulation of descendants is not a dream at all!”

Fang Yue continued to confuse Yuan Li.

To be honest, Yuan Li still has a little bit of excitement in his heart.

A horse will not be fat without night grass, and a man will not be rich without windfall.

If you are willing to kill yourself, you dare to pull the emperor off his horse!

Fang Yue's instigation made Yuan Li feel excited.

Yuan Li felt that what Fang Yue said made sense.

He dared to pull the emperor off his horse even if he was completely shaved.

If he could use a strategy to kill all the soldiers in the Beidou War without risking his life, wouldn't his merits keep rising?

If he could truly be promoted to the leadership level, he might even hope to retreat to the first level of the underground world.

Although the world on the ground has been destroyed by descendants from all sides and is in a mess, the world underground has always remained intact.

It is a paradise, a place where the flames of war and gunpowder smoke cannot reach it.

Yuan Li's eyes were full of yearning.

"Okay! Since you want to take risks, I will risk my life to accompany you once!"

Yuan Li finally agreed.

But he pondered for a moment and said: "Before I leave, I have redeemed my military merits. This mission is quite difficult and dangerous. If I have all my military merits but haven't redeemed them, and then die on this battlefield, that would be too much." What a tragedy! Who can I argue with?"

Yuan Li has a delicate mind.

Fang Yue was speechless for a while.

How long has it been and you are still thinking about becoming an official?

What an addiction this must be!

Yuan Li's exchange process was very simple. He took off the heads of these corpses as tokens, and then scanned them with the optical brain on his wrist to complete the military certification.

The corresponding military merits will be received.

Yuan Li immediately converted and became a second-level centurion.

From Yuan Li's current position, he reached the second level of centurion in one step. Yuan Li only spent a total of five thousand military merits in his hands.

In Fang Yue's words, this military merit seems to be quite valuable.

At least it has not yet been affected by inflation and suffered devaluation, but it will soon.


"Sir, I have a request. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the mission, I hope that the military industry can exchange for three K4-type plastic bombs."

Fang Yue saw that there were military merits in Yuan Li's account balance, and he immediately started thinking about these military merits.

It's not that Fang Yue doesn't have high-tech bombs and explosives in his hands.

Simply talking about the level of development of mechanical civilization, the Deep Blue Planet is much more advanced than the terrestrial civilization in the Great Cloud Realm.

However, Fang Yue felt a little unbalanced because he was obviously working for people in Dayun Realm, so why should he pay for it out of his own pocket?

Yuan Li hesitated.

A plastic bomb requires 800 military credits to be exchanged.

Three coins equaled 2,400 military merits. Before he met Fang Yue, such a large number of military merits had never appeared in his account. He was too poor to live in poverty, so if he was asked to come up with so many military merits in one go, Yuan Li would still It's really a bit reluctant to give up.

"Senior Brother Yuan, you can't let go of your children, but you can't trap the wolf! Although these three plastic bombs are not cheap, if they can really kill all the other officers of the Beidou War, even if they only kill thirty or fifty people, you It’s also a lot of money! What’s more, if the military merit is gone, you can earn it again. If you lose your life because of greed for this temporary advantage, all the military merit will not be worth it! "

Fang Yue advised Yuan Li.

Yuan Li thought for a long time and finally stopped worrying.

"Fang Yue, what you said makes sense! This time, I will believe you for once!"

"Exchange me for three plastic bombs!"

Yuan Li gritted his teeth and said to the optical brain on his wrist.

Other methods in this big cloud world are not very developed, but the space folding and wormhole technologies are quite impressive.

Yuan Li fell down with a sound, and the 2,400 military achievements in Guang's mind were immediately erased, and a black vortex the size of a palm appeared vaguely in front of Yuan Li.

Snap, snap, snap!

Three plastic bombs fell in front of Yuan Li.

"Fang Yue, don't let these three plastic bombs down!"

Yuan Li's palms were trembling, and he reluctantly sent three plastic bombs in front of Fang Yue.

Fang Yue then smiled: "Master Yuan Li, you must believe me!"

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