God of Life

Chapter 202 Young Master Wang is still a child

Wang Yan has no plans to have a story with He Miaomiao for the time being.

Because Brother Wang is upright?

nonono, because Brother Wang has no time.

In fact, He Miaomiao didn't intend to do anything to Wang Yan.

When I first came to university, I saw everything new, but I didn’t like to study, and I was under too much pressure. How would I spend my free time?

Meet an interesting person, something interesting happens, let it be.


Hurrying out, Wang Yan directly dialed Zhang Ya's number.

This is an idler in the 505 group, a senior agent of Aijia Real Estate Agency. Wang Yan rented the current rental house from her.

The villas in Furong New City were basically built three years ago, and most of them have owners at present, so they are essentially second-hand houses, and it is difficult to negotiate a deal without going through an intermediary.

To save worry and trouble, it is best to find an intermediary, isn't it just to spend some intermediary fees?

It took two more breaths and came out.

"Hello, Mr. Wang, what's the situation with the house? Do you want me to check it out for you?"

As soon as the connection was made, Zhang Ya called out Wang Yan's surname directly, and she was extremely enthusiastic.

The big business didn't work out last time, but Zhang Ya was very impressed with Wang Yan, so she made extremely detailed notes when saving the number.

Mr. Wang, the tenant of 303, Building 17, Furong International.

(A 20-year-old young fresh meat with a good temperament and a big brand, not very flirtatious, so you need to be cautious)

There are many times when people will be deeply impressed by a passing figure.

But once the real in-depth contact is made, there is a great chance that the perfect fantasy created by the brain will be broken by the actual situation.

However, the impression Wang Yan left on Zhang Ya was everlasting.

When the phone rang, she was overjoyed.

Men will always like 18-year-old girls, and adult women also like fresh meat, which is fair.


Wang Yan was quite puzzled, hey, my manager is of high quality, isn't he?

The service attitude is really good!

All right, people who work hard deserve to be treated kindly. If there are no accidents, this order must be yours!

He felt that Zhang Ya was quite reliable, so Wang Yan explained directly why he came here.

"Miss Zhang, if you have time, I would like to visit the villa in Furong New City."

"Ah? Ah! Mr. Wang, I'm here anytime. When are you coming?"

"almost there."

Go out from the north gate and walk for about 5 minutes to the front of Aijia.

Wang Yan strolled over there, thinking about his current experience and cash along the way.

Today is the 16th, Wednesday.

Since the last inventory, the past 9 days have passed, and the salary has increased by more than 900,000.

The total cash should be 14.07 million.

In fact, 2.01 million was spent yesterday, 2 million for radar upgrades, and 10,000 for detection.

Recently, I spent about 5,000 yuan sporadically.

How did you spend it?

Sorry, don't know.

All I can think of is the 30,000 ticket, meals, meals, and supper.

Money is really a terrible thing, it can actually lead to memory loss in teenagers!

Wang Yan is only 19 years old, but he can't even remember how much money he spent three days ago. What kind of shit is this?

So Wang Yan decided that in the future, all daily pocket money will be taken from WeChat change, and 100,000 yuan will be transferred to it every month, and the list will be drawn on a monthly basis.

In addition, take another 50,000 cash as a reserve. There are many occasions where you cannot scan the code, and you can always use it.

As for why not PayPal...

Because Mr. Teng has an inconspicuous small company with a 404 killer in his hand, where he can flatter, let's shoot it...

All in all, there are now 12.06 million in cash.

And the experience of 1806/2500.

The distance to upgrade is only 700 experience points and 7 million consumption.

However, it is unrealistic to expect that villa to be filled directly.

Wang Yan checked online, and the villas in Furong New City are townhouses, the price is about 6000 + less than 7000, and the largest apartment seems to be less than 300 square meters.

Counting it down, the 2 million mark.

So, at least one more car, and some others.

Since he wanted to focus on experience but didn't have enough consumption, Wang Yan simply took down the new products that had been put on hold in the mall.

When I first saw the new products that appeared on Monday, Wang Yan was thinking——

Do you have a mess? !

【Time Accelerator】

【Disposable props】

[Accelerate the internal time of the system and complete a week in an instant]

[Price: 1 million]

[Note: This item can be kept for up to 15 days, and if it is not used within the time limit, it will become invalid]

The explanation is easy to understand. In essence, this thing has two uses——

First, an extra 7 days of breathing wages.

Second, refresh the mall once.

The current 7-day breathing salary is 700,000, while the selling price is 1 million, which is a blood loss.

Refreshing the mall is somewhat useful, but unfortunately Wang Yan is not in a hurry, and there is no need to be in a hurry.

One item a week is often due to money shortages, not insufficient items.

If the system is upgraded to a salary of 10 million per day, it will be a bloody profit to speed up once, and you can get 70 million yuan in an instant.

Unfortunately, I can only think about it for the time being.

But now in order to gain experience, we can only win it first.

The system will definitely be upgraded within 15 days. At that time, the acceleration will be more than 1.4 million, which can make a little profit.

Cash: 11.06 million.

Experience: 1906/2500.

The calculation is almost the same, the agency of Aijia is far away, and a young woman is waiting at the door.

The second time we met, Zhang Ya was prettier than last time - it should be a matter of makeup.

As soon as she saw Wang Yan, her eyes lit up, and a warm smile immediately appeared on her face.

"Mr. Wang, you are so handsome today! Wow, you really know how to dress!"

Wang Yan smiled and thanked: "Thank you for the compliment, when shall we go to see the house?"

Zhang Ya hurriedly pushed the door open for Wang Yan: "Please come in first, I'll show you the topographic map and the floor plan first, you circle the general target before we set off."

"it is good."

Entering the store, Wang Yan was led into a separate reception room, and then Zhang Ya began to busy himself.

"Mr. Wang, this is the floor plan. Take a look. Is there anything you like in particular?"

The size of the apartment was not important to Wang Yan. Anyway, no matter what the size of the apartment, at most one bedroom could be used.

Location first, area second.

Zhang Ya became more and more happy: "If this is the case, there will be a batch of three-storey villas with an area of ​​263 square meters in 2013, with 5 bedrooms, 2 living rooms and 5 bathrooms, facing north and south, and the location is super good. How about we go and see that batch first?"

"Only the third floor is 263 flat?" Wang Yan was a little puzzled.

"It's like this. There are two independent garages on the ground floor of the villa. The area is not calculated, so it is actually 150 square meters on the second floor, 113 square meters on the third floor, and a terrace on the top floor."

"Okay." Wang Yan nodded, "Go and see the room first."

Zhang Ya hurriedly took the key and led Wang Yan into the community.

Furong New City has a large area, and the location of the rented house is quite far from the villa area. Along the way, Zhang Ya introduced the situation in detail.

On the whole, the villas in Furong New City are low-end villas.

Even for a limited number of single-family villas, there are situations where the yard is too small, the distance between buildings is too close, and the driveway is too narrow.

However, Furong New City has unique advantages.

First of all, it is only a 10-minute walk from the school, 700 meters, and it is too troublesome to drive. It is so convenient.

Secondly, the greening is very good. The opposite is Teli Park, and the community is full of green plants.

Again, the east gate is facing the medical school, and the southwest gate is facing the mass media, so there are many beautiful women renting in the community.

Well, the last one is not important.

The important thing is that the broken villa is so cheap, so cheap that Mr. Wang feels like he is buying fruit.

Half a month's breathing salary can win a set, what is there to think about? !

Counting the decoration, get it in the best way, and add another month.

Enjoy for at least three years.

Is it worth it?

So Wang Yan didn't even think about it, and went straight to the best buildings when he came up.

Wang Yan didn't understand the layout of the house, so he didn't pay much attention to it at all, it mainly depended on the privacy situation.

Two buildings were quickly picked out.

The characteristic is that it is a single courtyard. Although it is not facing the lake, the greenery is super good, and the big trees are lush, which can basically block the prying eyes from any direction.

It's nice not to be near the lake, but Wang Yan was annoyed when he saw that artificial water bubble.

If you have one, you can dig it bigger, and now there is a whole fish pond for mosquitoes.

There are two villas, one is well-decorated and the other is still rough.

Needless to say, it must be a rough house.

No matter how much money has been spent, this is Wang Yan's first personal property, which is very commemorative.

So although Wang Yan wasn't particularly concerned about the house, he had high requirements for the decoration.

The outside is dirty, but the inside must conform to my brother's status as a hero!

While thinking about how to decorate, Zhang Ya suddenly leaned on the window, turned her head and asked, "Young Master Wang, look, isn't the scenery outside very good?"

Zhang Ya is wearing a hip-wrapping skirt today, and she doesn't wear stockings in hot weather. She bends over and leans forward, which naturally becomes the scenery.

Wang Yan was a little confused.

Eldest sister, if you don't agree with me, you will pretend to be a poser, what are you going to do?

Before she could say anything, Zhang Ya raised her hand to fan the wind again, and exaggeratedly murmured, "Ah, the weather is so hot..."

At this moment, different men should have different coping methods.

Ordinary youth: just take off the heat.

Erbi Youth: It's really hot, I'll take it off as a respect, you can do whatever you want!

Literary Youth: How about we sweat a little?

Wang Yan... Went upstairs in silence.

Then it was Zhang Ya's turn to be confused.

Is it right to introduce an expansion?

Sis is so sexy, can you at least give me some response?

Could it be because he is too young, Wang Shao is actually... still a chick?

Feeling excited, Zhang Ya put away the knowledge, twisted and twisted, and went upstairs.

On the third floor, seeing Wang Yan looking at the balcony outside the bedroom with his hands behind his back, he praised delicately, "Wow, Young Master Wang, you look really handsome now..."

Wang Yan was a little impatient.

What does it matter to you whether I am handsome or not?

Please remember your identity!

You are just an 80-point girl who doesn't even deserve a name. You have a name because it is useful!

Glancing back at her, he said coldly, "Please contact the owner for me. If the price is reasonable, this is the set."

"Ah... good! I'll call the owner right away!"

Zhang Ya was so pleasantly surprised that she couldn't care less about flirting for a while, and immediately took out her mobile phone to search for the number.

After some communication, the homeowner said that it would take an hour to arrive, and she couldn't help feeling anxious.

A small order of 2 million, you are dawdling like a snail, how can I delay you for an hour?

Young Master Wang is in a bad mood, how will we talk about the price later?


She rolled her eyes, and said delicately: "Young Master Wang, the landlord will take an hour to arrive, why don't we go to your rented room to blow on the air conditioner?"

"Isn't your store air-conditioned?"


No wonder you are still a young man, a straight man of steel, and a zero gun dealer? !

Zhang Ya gritted her teeth angrily, but the play had to continue.

"Oh, it's so inconvenient to do something in our store..."

She flirted coquettishly, and stretched her waist with her arms open, showing her slim lines.

"It's too hot, so sleepy... It would be great if there was a place to lie down for a while..."

I thought: Is this hint obvious enough?

Come on, baby, don't pity me!

An intermediary real estate agent like her has less freedom than first-line sales.

Some of the better new properties are snapped up by customers. The sales lady doesn’t need to wrong herself at all. If a customer makes excessive demands, she can still sell them if she doesn’t sell them to you.

It is very uncomfortable to be listed in the second-hand house of the intermediary, and every client has to try his best to win.

A good-looking broker like her often has to face the choice of "whether to take advantage of the client or not".

The more times you do it, the less important you will be to this aspect.

If you meet a handsome client and come up with some routines, you can make money and enjoy yourself, why not do it?

However, the routine of winning every battle in the past failed again today.

Wang Yan asked back, "Do you have WiFi in your store?"

ah? !

Zhang Ya was completely stupefied, almost unable to turn her head, subconsciously replied: "Yes..."

"Then let's go to your shop."

With the final word, Wang Yan turned around and walked ahead.

Zhang Ya followed behind restlessly, with one question on her mind: What is the posture of WiFi?

When he returned to the small meeting room, Wang Yan put the shoulder bag he was carrying on the table, took out the alien notebook and peripherals slowly, and asked, "WiFi password?"

Connect to the Internet, open the LOL client, and wait leisurely for the match.

Zhang Ya finally knew what Wang Yan was going to do and collapsed on the spot.


The old lady has a protruding lordosis and a white mouth, and her feelings are not as fun as games? !

Your uncle, you are insulting my mother!

While roaring crazily in his heart, Wang Yan suddenly ordered: "Go and prepare the contract. If there are not big differences, I can sign and pay on the spot."

"Alright Young Master Wang!"

Zhang Ya immediately went to work happily.

It's such a pleasure to do things, insults are insults...

Life is so hard, who hasn't been insulted before?

Bingkuo music, fruit, and chocolate were put on the table one by one. Before Zhang Ya went to sign the contract, she shouted again in the office.

"Hey, Xiao Ye, don't you always brag that your League of Legends is particularly good? There is a big client in there, do my sister a favor, go and give me some advice!"

The young man named Xiao Ye asked wretchedly, "Sister Ya, I can help, is there any benefit?"


Zhang Ya roared with a straight face, and Xiao Ye immediately rolled into the meeting room in a dejected manner.

Damn, how can my old lady say it's a flower in the family, is it something you can miss?

Wang Shao doesn't want it, that's because... er, because Wang Shao is still a child...

Yes, it is like that!

Zhang Ya went to work with peace of mind, and the child started playing games.

The last time I got a particularly interesting card called [Grumpy Old Man]

Because the conditions of use were too harsh, Wang Yan planned to try it first.

It doesn't necessarily have to be used today, it depends on the performance.

What if today my brother blocks gods and kills gods, Buddhas block and kill Buddhas, all kinds of runaway 5 kills, and show off the audience?


Come on, use your hands to make your dream come true!

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