God of Life

Chapter 271 What's going on?

When I got off the plane, the sand sculpture squirrel picked me up outside.

This guy was driving his father's BMW 740, wearing big sunglasses, he was very flamboyant, and his face was full of pride.

"Brother, how was your holiday?!"

Wang Yan looked at him with an uncontrollable shudder, thought for a while, and shook his head: "It's not that good, it's very boring."

The squirrel trembled immediately.

"Hahaha! Brother Dog, you finally have a day that is not as good as mine! Let me tell you, the last time I met that girl in a nightclub, the last week was really... oops! My vacation is really... hi!"

Wang Yan recalled carefully, what did the girl Squirrel knew last time look like?


Anyway, up to 80 points.

Mr. Wang Dashan really couldn't bear to hit the poor child, so he nodded against his will: "Okay, okay, you are amazing."

"Wah ha ha ha ha hiccup..."

It wasn't hiccupping from laughing, but the unbearable Wang Ge slapped Ya on the back of the head, finally slapping the sand sculpture awake.

"Okay, you can dance like this when driving later, and change the program for the dormitory team building event tonight!"

Under the majesty of the big devil, the squirrel immediately shut up obediently.

The departure point is set directly at the passenger terminal, saving the students from having to worry about it.

In the end, there were about 25 students who went with the car. In addition, high-speed rail or connecting planes, they went on their own.

The distance from Xingcheng to Mangshan is about 440 kilometers. The advantage of taking a bus is that it goes directly to the place, but the disadvantage is that it is slow.

It takes more than 4 hours to drive there by renting a car.

The high-speed rail needs to change trains, so it's very fast, and it's a lot of trouble.

Anyway, it is not easy to go to the deep mountains and old forests to play.

All of a sudden, Wang Yan really wanted to own a private jet, and buy a helicopter if there was no flight route.

Otherwise, travel is really tossing.

I have nothing to do when I'm idle, I checked it online, and immediately listed it as a future to-do list.

In terms of expensive, in fact, many small planes are not very expensive, Feng Dapao's plane is only tens of millions of RMB.

As long as you don't buy large business jets such as Gulfstream, Airbus, and Boeing, there are many options within 50 million.

But trouble comes next.

Shutdown, maintenance, overhaul, and operation cost at least one million to more than 20 million every year.

When traveling, it is still very troublesome, and you have to apply in advance.

It can be said that without a reliable team, individuals can't play that thing at all.

Wang Siming's plane is a Dassault 7x, and he can use it as soon as he brings it, and he doesn't need to worry about anything, so he will be happy.

As a rich generation, Wang Yan can only wait for the day when his business expands and he can support Dave before building a full team.


The 4-hour journey would be too difficult without some activities, so under the organization of Loulou and Jiaozi, everyone started a singing competition.

First Young Master Wang was aloof at first, but when it was his turn to sing after the rehearsal, he regained his spirits.

"Ahem, since I'm having fun with the people, then I'll..."


Dumpling groaned, and Peony interrupted like crying blood.

"Your Majesty, you are dignified in body, rich in words, high above you, like a king like a father, how can you participate in such a low-level drama?"

Hey, what do you mean?

Before Wang Yan could react, everyone wrote a blood letter to persuade him.

"Brother, my own people, don't open the door!"

"Your Majesty, sit higher and just watch from the stage!"

"Please be a human being and shut up, okay?!"

Hey I'm going!

You want to die, don't you?

Wang Yan was about to blow up, Loulou pushed Bai Zijiao to the empty seat beside Wang Yan.

"Your Majesty, rest early, Dumplings, go, rub your shoulders and beat your legs, and serve your Majesty to bed!"

Ok? !

It's okay not to sing...

"Go and sit on the opposite side!"

First Young Master Wang opened his mouth and threw the dumplings to the opposite side, then lay down comfortably, putting his legs on the armrest of the chair across the aisle.

"Knock it! If I am satisfied, I will save you from the death penalty!"

Bai Zijiao was confused at first,

Then he was angry, and finally hilariously put his hands on his hips.

Just when they were about to revolt, they immediately received a lot of threatening and pleading eyes.

The threat is as follows: If you dare to make Wang Yan blow his hair and sing, tonight... Hehehe!

The plea is as follows: Sister, just make a sacrifice, we are thinking of you!

In fact, everyone, including Wang Yan, was making trouble.

But Bai Zijiao rolled his eyes wide and actually pinched Wang Yan's leg.

Eyeballs dropped in shock.

While pinching, he asked: "My lord, how is the strength?"

Just kidding, Wang Yan didn't take it seriously, and commanded arrogantly: "Use a little force from the side... Well, pay attention to your nails... Even force..."

Well, my uncle is awesome!

The dumplings are always smiling, not at all, um, ah ah, so gentle.

"Okay, Your Majesty..."

Then he suddenly asked: "Hey, Your Majesty, is my technique better than that noble concubine who was led out of the bar that night, or is it much worse?"

( ̄△ ̄;)

Wang Yan was dazed for two seconds, then suddenly jumped up.

"Brothers, where is my dog-head guillotine?! Cut Wang Shouzhong into eighteen sections!"

The only five boys came to their senses immediately, and turned their gazes to Ruyu, who had been huddled in the farthest corner, who was abnormally quiet.

"Ruyu, you stupid grandson, sell us?!"

The squirrel rushed up first.

"If I don't punch your shit out today, I won't be called Guo Ziyi!"

Holland Bean is furious, um, I finally followed my big brother to be a foreigner, you want to go out of the way?

"Come out tender, come out, face to face execution!"

The boys rushed forward, Ruyu huddled in the corner, protected by the seat, and couldn't handle that guy for a while.

When everyone huddled together, Loulou was criticizing Bai Zijiao.

"What's the matter with you, Dumpling? Didn't you agree to give the dog a hard time after everyone is full at night? Why are you so impatient?"

Dumpling pursed her lips and muttered: "It's not you who was bullied emotionally by him, why don't you rub your legs?"

Wang Yan was shocked.

A group of little white flowers at the beginning of school, so pure, so true, so immature...

Who do you learn from now?

Yin and poisonous!

Seeing that the plan was revealed, the girls stopped covering up and surrounded Wang Yan by the window.

There are three or four heads in the front, one sitting next to it, and three or four heads in the back, and there is a circle of chirping around.

"Squad leader, are you okay?"

"Let's not talk about taking the lead in fighting, you are standing out for your classmates."

"What's that for after that?"


"Are you worthy of your girlfriend like this? Are you worthy of us? Are you worthy of Dumpling and Tiantian?"

"Hey, what does it have to do with me?"

"Aren't you Bai Guifei?"

"Don't be noisy, let's discuss the monitor's mistakes now!"

What am I doing wrong?

Wang Yan felt wronged, but he didn't dare to refute.

Now is not the time for Wang Bazhi's trachea.

Simply play dead and let it go.

"Tonight, the door of my room is not locked. If anyone has any special opinions, please come and have a private chat with me!"

Once a word is spoken, it is hard to follow... Ahhh!

Once a word is spoken, the surrounding fields are all quiet. .

The girls looked at each other, worried.

What should I do when I meet such a cute and shameless master?

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