God of Life

Chapter 500: Watch Your Lives 【Super Chapter】

Wang Yan and his party found a place, ordered food and wine, and when Wu Wu Zaza was about to start fighting, Na Wu and Chen Xi still hadn't arrived.

Wang Yan called the driver directly: "Did you catch them?"

The driver replied cautiously: "Chairman, I'm still waiting downstairs in the hotel..."

The driver is a full-time driver of Wang Ting Entertainment. Today, he drove the young and old G65, not only to pick up Na Wu and Chen Xi, but also to drive Wang Yan back to Hengdian.

It's very annoying, but it doesn't embarrass the driver.

"Okay, let me ask them what they are busy with."

I called Nawu, but I didn't answer.

Send WeChat, no reply.

Ouch, are you getting angry? !

Looking for Chen Xi again, there was still no movement.

So Wang Yan knew that he was probably caught up in some kind of small accident.

Thinking about what the accident was, Li Xiaoduo started to charge with his wine glass in his hand, interrupting all unnecessary thoughts, so he had no choice but to drink.

While Young Master Wang was trying to defuse the siege from all walks of life, Na Wu and Chen Xi looked at each other in the bathroom, doubting their lives.

"This... what is it?!"

Na Wu was not very sure, or not quite sure, picked up the dress and asked Chen Xi.

After all, Chen Xi has more experience. Taking a deep breath, he replied with difficulty: "One-piece close-fitting combat uniform without rims and hollowed-out lace for special operations..."


Na Wu sprayed.

"Wow, why didn't I realize that you are so naughty before? Do you dare to explain it more bluntly?!"

Chen Xi broke the jar and yelled, "*****!"

Yes, the reliable Wang Youcai specially invited a waitress to inquire about the size, favorite style, and color. At that time, he gave Na Wu and Chen Xi the feeling that he should be more caring and caring.

In the end, what I bought back was a bunch of these things.

Specific description... Well, I can't describe it.

Anyway, there is no cover function.

Na Wu and Chen Xi's bodies are both explosive. If they really wear this stuff, no man will live.

However, that is impossible.

"Are you kidding me?! There's no way I'll ever wear something like this in my life!"

It was Na Wu who stood upright, with awe-inspiring righteousness.

Chen Xi was not so sure, she shrank her head, not knowing what she was thinking.

Xiong Da threw away the torn clothes, sat on the bathtub and began to sulk.

"Why is that poor housekeeper so unreliable?! Who do you think we are?! How do you go out to meet people?! No, the more I think about it, the more angry I get, I have to complain to Wang Wang!"

Na Wu was about to go out, but was grabbed by Chen Xi.



"That... you're talking... Is it possible..."

Chen Xi hesitated, which made the impatient Na Wu very impatient: "What are you trying to say?!"

"That's...is it possible...that Mr. Wang arranged for the butler to buy the clothes?"



Na Wu's eyes were wide open, and she felt that Chen Xi's thinking angle was too tricky.

Now that the question has been uttered, Chen Xi simply stopped hiding it and began to analyze it carefully.

"Look, Mr. Wang often lives in the presidential suite of this hotel, and that Rich has been serving Mr. Wang all the time, so he must know Mr. Wang's preferences!

And today, when buying clothes, how could Rich not ask Mr. Wang for instructions? !

Even if he really didn't ask for instructions and made his own decisions, then it's impossible for Rich to misunderstand us for no reason, right?

There must be some reason for the housekeeper to think that the underwear we need is this...

That reason can only come from Mr. Wang's preference or will, right? !

So, actually, could Mr. Wang want us to wear these? "

Chen Xi's analysis made every detail reasonable and reasonable, but Na Wu was dumbfounded.

Afterwards, she shook her head violently, as if trying to get those horrible thoughts out of her mind, she collapsed and denied: "No, it's impossible! Wang Wang is not that kind of person!"

Chen Xi curled his lips, quite disapproving.

Little sister, have you just seen how big the world is?

For Mr. Wang,

I know a lot more than you...

The reason why Chen Xi is so confident is because the last picnic, Wang Yan left her to mess with Bai Jie and Wang Yufei, talking nonsense, eating and drinking...

In the tent next door, the straight-line distance is less than 5 meters, and the barrier is only two layers of canvas. Any small sound can be heard...

In short, a deep memory.

It can be said that Chen Xi has seen both Wang Yan's self-control and Wang Yan's profligacy.

So, that understanding is pretty comprehensive.

In her opinion, with Wang Yan's ruthlessness, it is very possible to do such a thing.

Na Wu was a little shaken by Chen Xi's blind analysis at first, and her mind was in a mess, but when she started to give up thinking, a miracle happened.

She asked decisively, "Has Wang Yan slept with you?"

Chen Xi shyly shook her head: "No..."

"That's not what he meant."

Ok? !

Chen Xi asked back in astonishment: "Why?!"

Xiong Da glanced at her arrogantly but contemptuously: "I can tell from your nymphomaniac look, if Wang Wang wants to sleep with you, there is no need to do so much work!"


Chen Xi almost spit out her aunt's blood.

It sounds reasonable, yes, but can you stop saying it so bluntly? !

Mom, I don't want to lose face, do I? !

The boat of friendship turned over as soon as it said it would, and Chen Xi angrily began to put underwear on his body.

Now, it was Na Wu's turn to be dumbfounded.

"Hey! Are you really wearing it?!"

"if not?"

Chen Xi looked up with a sneer, and asked plausibly: "I have done such a shameful thing today, and I don't want to find a way to make it up. How can I have the face to see him next time?"

Na Wu asked stupidly: "How to find love?"

Chen Xi raised her chest: "Guess?"

Na Wu finally understood and covered her eyes in fright.


I don't guess!

However, it doesn't matter whether she understands it or not, because Chen Xi has already given up everything.

What happened today is a cruel trample on self-esteem for any girl.


Act like nothing happened?


To break this knot, the only way is to fight fire with fire, to deliver more, and to do more shameful things—and at the same time get back the handle of the other party.

Chen Xi, who had been vacillating all this time, finally made up his mind and completely succumbed to obedience.

In fact, it's not that Na Wu is not shy, but she prefers to use less drastic means to solve it.

for example……

Make an appointment to keep this a secret.

She is willing to believe in Gouzi.

However, the bad thing was that there was actually Chen Xi sandwiched between them, so she was completely lost.

what to do? !

It's so hard...

However, at this moment, the instinct to defend the dog's ownership still prevailed.

So she immediately threw Chen Xi down on the carpet, pressed her tightly, and announced viciously: "No! You can't touch barks!"

Chen Xi was furious: "What's none of your business? Who are you, Mr. Wang? What right do you have to control me?"

"I... I'm his girlfriend's best friend!"

Chen Xi suddenly realized: "Oh!"

Then he sneered: "Fire prevention, theft prevention and best friend protection, it seems Mr. Wang's girlfriend doesn't understand this truth..."

Can this be tolerated? !

How can you slander my pure friendship with Gouzi?

Na Wu went straight to grab it: "You can say whatever you like, anyway, you can't go anywhere today!"

Of course Chen Xi would not spoil Na Wu.

If it's Boss Wang's genuine girlfriend, then there's nothing to talk about, Chen Xi promises that she won't fight back, she'll be as good as a chicken.

But, you are just your girlfriend's best friend...

We are all the same, right? !

Where does your sense of superiority come from, that you dare to control me? !

Chen Xi grabbed Na Wu's bath towel with his backhand...Tear it!

Na Wu has rich experience of being crushed in the dormitory, so she turned over and rode on without taking care of her bathing suit...

Downstairs, the driver couldn't sit in the cab for a long time. He walked back and forth in the cold wind, looking at the hotel gate eagerly, almost crying.

As a result, the upstairs was inexplicably torn apart, not to mention an hour or two hours, whether I can go out tonight is a matter of two.

In the hotel staff lounge, Wang Youcai looked in the mirror, full of ambition.

ε=(′ο`*))) Oh, why am I such a genius? !

Mr. Wang will definitely be satisfied with my arrangement, absolutely!

Wow Kaka Kaka!


In the food stall, the wine was hot and there was a commotion.

Wang Yan really couldn't care about Na Wu and Chen Xi anymore, he couldn't take care of himself.

No matter how good the drinking capacity is, it can't hold back the two sides attacking at the same time!

Toasted one after another, almost without stopping.

And the licking, so Young Master Wang can't stop drinking.

"God Wang, what a god you are! The moment I saw you jumping out, my fucking eyeballs almost hit the ground, the chrysanthemum tightened and the back of my head shrank, and all the hairs on my body stood on end!"

"God Wang, you have to tell me, what did you think at that time?!"

"Yes, yes, tell me!"

"Damn it, I'm so far away, I didn't see anything, I just heard them working for nothing... God Wang, how did it happen?"

The first wave of praise for Wang Yan was when he first saved someone.

Everyone was shocked, and the emotions at that moment were more moved and grateful, and they were talking about fate, life and death.

The second wave of hype after that was in the hospital.

Knowing that Liu Fang and Liu Chang are fine, I feel relaxed, mainly to talk about kindness and gratitude.

Now at the wine table, there is no burden, and I finally start to look back on the thrills and excitement of that moment.

In short - it's time for massive bragging.

As a result, more people began to inquire about what happened at that moment, as well as the specific details.

After all, there were not many people at the scene at the time, more than a dozen at full count, and not everyone saw what happened at that moment.

For example, Chuxin and Sister Jiao were so curious that they couldn't help it.

Chu Xin shook Wang Yan's arm coquettishly like a younger sister: "Say it, say it! How did you do it?"

hang up...

Alas, how can you explain to you women about men cheating and exporting?

Besides, I can't explain it clearly...

So, the young and old had no choice but to pretend to beep.

Yun Danfeng smiled lightly and took the initiative to raise his glass: "Let's not talk about the past, it was just a lucky struggle in a desperate situation, I personally think that it is neither worth advocating nor looking back.

It's just that at that moment, there is no other way, and you can't just watch your friend die in front of your eyes, how can you break it?

No way!

In desperation, it was just a desperate gamble.

In fact, at that time, I only wanted a clear heart, no hope, and success. It was Liu Fang and her two blessings.

Come on, let's not talk about it, come on, guys, drink!

This cup, respect life, respect luck, respect caution!

May all of us never encounter such a desperate situation again! "

Everyone clapped loudly, cheered, and all stood up.

"Respect life!"


"Be careful!"

"God Wang!"

"Oh, cheers!"

The atmosphere was so high that the entire food stall was staring at it.

Especially the last sentence "Respect Wang God", after the fat man toasted, he shouted hoarsely: "Respect Wang God, I have to have another drink!"


Everyone cheered and poured wine, raised their glasses in unison, and wailed and drank another glass.

It's all because the current dog brother is too good at talking.

It's as if the chat skill is about to be full, and you can always speak the right words at the right time to arouse everyone's emotions.

Of course, it's not just EQ, IQ, plus the effect of being cautious.

In addition to the strong magnetic attraction brought by [Extreme Beauty], as long as Young Master Wang speaks, people will always listen carefully.

In addition to the increase in the importance of the three major temperaments, there are audiences for laughing and cursing.

As well as a solid record - referral is the foundation and core.

In short, it was determined early on that the Extreme Alliance would be convinced by Wang Yan, and now, DìDū, the fearless gang of young and old, is also convinced.

However, although the wine was drunk happily, after sitting down, these guys were still not satisfied.

"It's a pity... after all, I didn't feel the demeanor of the car god..."

"Ham, who said it wasn't?"

"It's all about playing with cars. I really want to see the details of that moment!"

"Wang Shen is too modest, doesn't take credit, doesn't take pride, doesn't like bragging, who the hell is wrong with that?"

"I'm so depressed, it just happened right under my nose, but I was blocked by Fatty Fu and that domineering car, and I didn't see anything!"

"God Wang, look at Fatty Fu and Li Xiaoduo's bragging after drinking some wine, you have to learn!"

"Fuck! Roll the ball!"

Everyone roared with laughter, but Li Xiaoduo didn't take it seriously, and raised his eyebrows happily.

"That's right, I'm not bragging. I'm bragging about my accomplishments. There are not many people in the industry who can beat me...Is it, Jiaojiao?"

"Bah! What do you like to brag about, why are you asking me?"

Sister Jiao laughed and cursed, which caused everyone to burst into laughter. The jokes with a little bit of meat on the wine table are always the most popular.

Li Xiaoduo and Xu Jiao really knew each other.

Moreover, looking at Xu Jiao's attitude, she seemed to be coaxing Li Xiaoduo.

Xu Jiao's father is the most powerful private equity boss in the Yangtze River Delta, which shows the power of Li Xiaoduo's family in the financial sector.

And Li Xiaoduo, among the young masters who came today, is really not the highest status.

Therefore, Wang Yan had to reassess the energy of this batch of young and old.

Of course, it's not to curry favor or anything, it's not necessary.

There are two main purposes -

One is to know what is in mind and establish an accurate evaluation and comparison system.

This is the only way to understand the superstructure.

Because this field is completely different from shopping malls, it is necessary to explore but not too deep.

Let's not mention it for now.

The other is to observe and select partners.

Prepare for the future villa.

That piece of barren mountains and wild mountains looked inconspicuous now, but Wang Yan had a hunch: in the future, the influence of the Wang Family Villa would be astonishing.

No need for any qualifiers, nothing could, maybe, feared, should, nothing at all, it would just be amazing.

So you need to plan ahead and plan ahead.

Today's accident would actually provide him with such a perfect stage to show off and convince many young and old in one fell swoop, which was completely unexpected by Wang Yan in advance.

I can only say that good people are rewarded...

Amidst the joyous laughter, everyone drank another round of wine, and when Gu Hailin turned back to call the waiter, he glanced at the back of the wall, and his eyes suddenly remained fixed.

"Hey, boss, boss, broadcast it back and broadcast it back!"

Gu Hailin suddenly jumped up and called the boss, making everyone stunned.

However, Lao Gu was anxious and excited, and asked at the top of his voice, "Boss, the TV channel is turned back! What channel did you broadcast just now?!"

The boss finally came to his senses, and called back with a smile: "Are you asking that? The local TV station in Allamado!"

As the channel was broadcast back, the volume was turned up, and the group finally heard the voice from the TV clearly.

"At noon today, a bizarre and thrilling car accident happened on the viaduct of the expressway around the city..."

Li Xiaoduo yelled out: "Fuck! Look, look, there's a fucking video!"

Twenty or so people, nearly thirty people, stood up in unison with a huff, and flocked to the wall.

The nearby drinkers beeped in bewilderment, and poked their heads curiously.

Wang Yan glanced at him, shook his head with a wry smile, and glanced at Zhou Jianwu.

Zhou Jianwu spread his hands innocently: "Shen Wang, we really have no ability to delete the internal video of the traffic control department, but the other party promised me not to release it, maybe it is a step behind other TV stations?"

To be honest, Zhou Jianwu did his best.

But how could other TV stations not have their own channels and relationships after so many years of stability?

Now that the matter has come to an end, Young Master Wang has no choice but to relax and watch the news with everyone.

"Look, this is the thrilling scene captured by the high-definition camera at the scene of the accident..."

As soon as the hostess cut to the video, there was a burst of exclamation in the food stall.

"I'll go! In the afternoon, my buddy told me that he crashed a ONE: 1 on the road around the city. I thought he was talking nonsense. I didn't believe a word. Is the feeling true?!"

"What's the name of that car?"

"You don't need to care about the name, you can get it if you know the price... 100 million RMB!"


"What the hell! How much is it?!"

"One! One! Billion!"

"Oh my horse...help me, I'm dizzy!"

"The 100 million thing really hit? It's so exciting!"


Fatty Fu almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

MMP, why are you so happy when my car is scrapped? !

Wang Yan and Jianwu beside him looked at each other and smiled.

In fact, the so-called price of 100 million is completely based on rumors spread by netizens, and laymen followed suit.

Its source is the hype when the prototype car was unveiled in China, and it was claimed to be "pre-sale price of 100 million yuan".

However, in fact, when the ONE:1 prototype car debuted, the official announcement of the limited production of 6 cars was not fully booked, and only 3 cars were pre-sold.

Koenigsegg's plan to harvest domestic leeks went bankrupt. Even with the cooperation of Fatty Fu, the general agent of Koenigsegg in China, no one bought it.

The actual reservation price at that time was about 2.6 million euros, equivalent to about 21 million yuan.

It took a year to finally book all 6 cars, and there was another customer who couldn't refuse, so Koenigsegg decided to adjust the original plan of 6 cars to 7 cars.

Three years later, Koenigsegg's major shareholder suddenly wanted one, so it increased production again.

The eighth ONE:1, numbered 7117, will be delivered in the middle of this year.

Now, the valuation of a ONE:1 is about 5.8 million Euros, or 45 million RMB.

If you want to go to the domestic license plate, it is estimated that it can explode to 70 million yuan, which is still far away from 100 million yuan, and there is a whole Lafa in the middle.

There are quite a few netizens in China who talk about 100 million yuan with their mouths open, and they are convinced of this.

The main reason is that those nasty self-media don’t confirm at all, and they post rumors everywhere, saying that “if you buy a domestic license, it will cost at least 150 million”, which is simply mindless.

Of course, even if it is only 45 million, such a crash is enough to make people feel distressed.

But it wasn't Fatty Fu who was distressed, it was Liu Xin who felt distressed - he must be the one to blame.

It's bad luck for Liu Fang to pay Fatty, but if Liu Fang doesn't hang up, he has to pay the bill. It's as simple as that.

The people who eat melons gloat over others' misfortune, but it's actually Er Biliu who laughs.


The new high-definition camera has a shooting distance of up to 200 meters, and can clearly capture the picture of ONE:1 overtaking.

Then, amidst the exclamation all over the sky, everyone finally saw clearly how the car accident happened.

It was the first time that Wang Yan knew the details of that time.

In fact, at the moment when ONE:1 is parallel to the large truck, the body is no longer in a fully controlled state.

The specific explanation involves very advanced knowledge of aerodynamics, and few people can understand it, but the conclusion is very simple——

Liu Fang's technology is really not enough to control this kind of power beast.

When getting out of the gap between the large truck and the car in front, the front of the car tilted and the rear floated, and then the car in front scrambled to the right to avoid, ONE: 1 turned the steering wheel again and again...

The emergency brake of the car before Lane 1 blocked the road still scratched the rear of ONE:1, and ONE:1 hit the central guardrail. Liu Fang braked forcibly, starting the prelude to the rebound and rollover.

In the video, at this moment, the 918 that heard the screeching brakes jumped out from behind like a fish.

The next scene begins to feel like a movie.

Wang Yan thought that he was struggling and hesitating for a moment, but in the video, 918's actions were so smooth that it seemed that there was no reaction time at all.

Overtaking from the emergency lane, then jumping to the 2nd lane, drifting on the line.

The bright yellow 918 draws a beautiful arc of a full moon in this short moment, and it is so wonderful that it is connected obliquely below ONE: 1.


At the moment of the collision, no one could see clearly what Wang Yan was doing.

The people who eat melons can only see that the airbag of the 918 pops up instantly, and there is a burst of exclamation.

"Damn it, the fuck is going to die?!"

However, the outcome of the two supercars overturning at the same time was different from what was expected.

ONE: 1 actually pushed the 918 and slid forward for a long distance!

"This unscientific!"

No, it's very scientific, it just seems a little unbelievable.

The downforce and sideslip force are perfectly unified on the body of the 918 to achieve a dynamic balance. Although the time is only two seconds, it is enough to unload the largest wave of explosion.

Immediately afterwards, when the rear of the 918 was about to hit the outer guardrail, the 918 just recovered its handling.

So, the driver was dizzy from the impact of the airbag, and lightly kicked the accelerator to leave.


ONE: 1 bumped into the cornerstone of the guardrail alone, arched up twice, still wanted to roll, but had no strength left.

The 918 came to a complete stop, the driver kicked the door, dug out the fire extinguisher from the front trunk, and strode towards ONE:1.

There should be BGM at this moment.

Anyway, all the melon-eating people who saw the picture were collectively stunned. They felt full of emotions, but they didn't know how to vent them.

In the food stall, foul language suddenly exploded.

"WQTMLBD, isn't this really a movie?!"

"Cenna, is that too ridiculous?!"

"Awesome, so fucking awesome!"

"Wait a minute! Is "Fast and Furious 8" filming started in our magical city? I feel like that's the only movie that dares to shoot like this..."

"Fart! Look at that kid, he's obviously from China!"

"It's dangerous..."

"Hey? Did the people in the car survive?"

Looking at the whole car accident from a high-altitude perspective of a third party, the audience can't feel any details, but they can experience the thrilling and critical moment from the overall perspective.

Rolling and broken ONE: 1, the real collision, the thrill of chasing down the elevated road just a little bit, the wreckage scattered all over the place...

The calm and intuitive perspective brings a kind of original death oppression.

This is completely different from the sharp scenes edited in the movie, more complete, colder, and crueler, and life and death are only in one thought.

If the people who eat melons are just shocked, then the people involved are simply crazy.

Three groups of people.

Fatty Fu, Gu Hailin, and Li Xiaoduo saw half of the passage with their own eyes.

Looking back from the panoramic view at this moment, combining the details of the two perspectives in my mind is simply amazing.

"God Wang, this lady riding a horse..."

Gu Hailin's mouth was trembling, stuck, he didn't know how to blow it down.

Li Xiaoduo's eyes were red, and he almost didn't cry.

"Fangzi is so fateful...Knowing you, really, really...You shouldn't die!"

Fatty Fu clicked his lips, shook his head and sighed.

"Looking at it again, my heart is still beating wildly. It's too dangerous..."

In another wave, Zhou Jianwu, He Li, Zhang Wang and other four buddies from DìDū had never seen the incident before, and now they are learning the details for the first time.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and finally understood why Gu Hailin was bragging about Wang Shenniu beeping.

"Who's going to slap me? Why the hell do I feel like I haven't woken up from a dream?!"

"This is all right?!"

"Fangzi's life is really taken back..."



"Ah bah bah! Immortal..."

Well, that's right.

The last wave was Chuxin, Sister Jiao, and Xia Yu. They had never experienced the scene at all, and they just found out what happened.

One by one, they were covered in cold sweat, but their hearts were beating violently and they were extremely excited.

"Brother Dog, go back and sit down, let me pay my respects!"

"Yes, yes, yes! God Wang, take your seat, come, touch the back of my head... the forehead is also fine!"

your sister!

Mental illness? !

The young and the young just felt dumbfounded, but the gang of bastards didn't care so much, they sat down with Wang Yan in their arms, rubbed their shoulders and legs, poured tea and wine, as if they were serving the emperor.

The only few girls were even more excited.

Chu Xin held Wang Yan's arm tightly, and would not let go of it no matter what.

What made Wang Yan particularly surprised was that Sister Xinxin was scorching hot, and she could feel the amazing heat through several layers of clothes.

Drank too much? !

"You are amazing! Brother, sister is proud of you!"

Didn't you just complain that I shouldn't be a hero? !


Wang Yan was comfortable on his body, and even more comfortable in his heart, so he put his backhand around her waist and drank tea happily.


Chuxin snorted, completely softened.

Everyone who saw this scene smiled knowingly, then turned their heads and continued watching TV.

There is no time limit for the news of local stations. As long as there is a breaking point, it will generally be introduced from multiple angles to tap the potential as much as possible.

DìDū and the boys stopped drinking and stared at the TV vigorously.

On the screen, interviews with passers-by and Wang Yan were soon released.

The driver of the cart is a middle-aged man with a simple and honest face and dark skin. When he was interviewed, his face was full of shock.

"Scary! Why not scary?"

"Scared! That guy is scared..."

"What's going on? How do I know what's going on!"

"Just swish, go over there, and then start crackling..."

"Then there was a f*cking swish, and then it went over again, and then it slammed on and slid forward..."

"What do you think?"

"How can I see, wait for the traffic police to give an explanation!"

"People are fine, nothing else matters, right?"

Toyota's domineering owner is a chatterbox, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, in his early 30s, and starts bragging as soon as he comes up.

"At that time, I knew right away that there was no way to overtake the parking space. When you overtook the big car, there were a few bums running side by side, occupying the immovable space in the overtaking lane. They were particularly unqualified. If you speed up, you must not get in with anyone...

Look, let me forget the result, right?

The owner of that sports car was also very impulsive, and kept honking at me, then I will give way to you, and I will see how you get there!

what's the result?

I've always thought that you can't be angry when driving, and that you can't get angry with yourself. The young people nowadays are really impulsive and tasteless..."

Blah blah blah, beep beep.

Gu Hailin and the others raised their middle fingers angrily, cursing non-stop.

But there is no way, no one can really find someone to PK because of such a trivial matter.

Being old or young is not the same as being mentally ill. In real life, there are so many nonsense about killing your whole family with just one glance.

While cursing, Wang Yan's interview video was finally released on the TV.

The first two interviewees didn't code, but Young Master Wang did. He could only hear the mellow voice and see the big check mark on the sportswear.

Then, the passage that was about to cause huge controversy in the future was broadcast.

"...Looking at our car, you should be able to understand what shouldn't be filmed, written, or reported. Even if you film, write, or report it, it will definitely not be broadcast in the end, so in the end It's good that we all save a little trouble, okay?"

The gentle and forceful response made Chu Xin go crazy: "Wow, my brother is so handsome!"

However, the expressions of Wang Yan, Fatty Fu, Li Xiaoduo, Zhou Jianwu and others suddenly became serious.

Immediately afterwards, the host's voice-over came: "Unfortunately, because the owner of the Porsche 918 was not willing to cooperate, we were unable to interview more details. Here, we would like to remind everyone affectionately again, cherish life and be safe." drive.

Alright, here is "What's New in Shanghai", every day we..."

Gu Hailin suddenly complained: "Is this program group sick? Damn, who is this disgusting?"

The buddies who felt uncomfortable were filled with righteous indignation.

"Then why don't you broadcast anything at all, or you can broadcast the whole thing, just this one section, isn't it fucking intentional to cause trouble?"

"Hey, we have nothing to do with this crappy show, is there some bastard out there who wants to play with us?"

"The question is, how did the news get out?"

The biggest difference between the son of a merchant and the post-official official is that the latter always associates it with conspiracy theories whenever something happens.

People like Chu Xin, Xu Jiao, and Xia Yu don't have this sensitivity.

"Hey, wow, what did you say in the whole interview?"


Wang Yan shook his head, frowning in thought.

The young and old were a little undecided, not knowing how to treat this half of the news.

Interested in making trouble?

Or just simply feel that there is no need to broadcast the second half of the interview?

Among them, the possibility of deliberately provoking troubles also has two different original intentions.

First, it may be that the TV station unilaterally wants to find a hot spot, spark discussions, and heat up the show.

Second, it may be that he was instructed by someone to come here to make trouble for Wang Yan.

With the information currently available, it is difficult to judge which situation is the case.

"How many people know about this today?"

Wang Yan turned around and asked Jianwu.

Jianwu frowned and rubbed his temples: "There must be a lot... There are so many people at the scene, and each of them made two phone calls outside. Think about it, how many people received the news immediately?"


Everyone is the second generation with a little status, and they hit ONE: 1 again, what a sensation?

From noon to now, many people's phones have not stopped, and people are constantly asking for news.

"So, it is indeed possible that someone has been targeted..."

Fatty Fu nodded and said, "The question now is, who is it aimed at?!"

The DìDū young and old looked at each other, and finally turned their eyes to Wang Yan collectively.

"Our opponent shouldn't stretch his hand so far..."

Yes, the biggest possibility is that they are here for Wang Yan or the Speed ​​Alliance. After all, it is a local station in Shanghai.

Gu Hailin comforted: "Actually, it's nothing. You can only be disgusting and disgusting at most. With such a half-interview, who can it hurt?"

Herein lies the problem.

It was supposed to be a happy event for the rest of the life after the catastrophe, but it would be so disgusting to ask the opposite party to change the rhythm.

There is no actual harm, but being disgusted in vain is enough, right?

If you don't believe me, listen to the comments of other idlers in the food stall.

"Hehe, that kid has such a hot temper!"

"Why are the rich second generations so awesome now? Threats are all set!"

"Isn't the son of a capitalist always like that!"

"Driving a broken sports car, fucked to the sky..."

"Break the country and eat jujube pills!"

"Don't be dissatisfied, money is awesome! If you don't believe me, just watch it, this shit can be settled in two days without using it!"

"Crap! I don't even know where the money came from!"

Basically one-sided.

Television stations are used to controlling public opinion, is it not easy to guide emotions?

How the previous two interviewees responded is a mystery now. Anyway, the content that was cut and broadcast did not benefit the supercar team at all.

And what is "waiting for an explanation from the traffic police"? !

Obviously Jianwu and the others immediately told the damaged car owner that they would take full responsibility!

Everyone didn't pay attention before, but now that I think about it, I immediately realized that it was wrong.

In the end, the program team used the edited interview clips to portray Wang Yan as an "arrogant and domineering" young master in one fell swoop, and the whole news changed completely.

The scene of 918 saving lives is indeed brave and handsome, but the car accident was caused by your arrogance, doesn't it deserve it?

There is no doubt that today's news is going to explode.

The explosion point is too much.

I just don’t know, will there be follow-up reports?

The brothers couldn't drink anymore, so they got together and muttered.

Wang Yan asked Jianwu calmly, "Who did you find to handle the interview?"

"The son of a vice-director of Satellite TV wants to join our Speed ​​League. He's your little fanboy. There's absolutely no problem with him!"

Li Xiaoduo said: "This local station of yours should be affiliated with Satellite TV, right?"

Jianwu stared round his eyes, a little dazed.

Xia Yu shook her head: "No, they are all under the banner of Wenguang Group. It is a parallel relationship. In fact, its exact name is Shangshi News Comprehensive Channel, and it does not have a direct relationship with the well-known Dragon TV."

"It means you found the wrong person?!"

Gu Hailin's bluntness made Jianwu's face flush with embarrassment.

Xu Jiao helped out: "It can't be Jianwu's fault, who can figure out the twists and turns in it? A normal son of the deputy director of a satellite TV station can definitely settle this trivial matter!"

Wang Yan waved his hand to conclude the matter.

"If you're not being targeted, then my buddy must be strong enough.

If he was really targeted, it would be useless to find the right person if he did the math mentally or not.

Is there any way to make the person who does the specific work crooked? If you dare to trouble us, your strength must not be bad. "

This is reasonable, so everyone no longer entangles in the minutiae.

"So how should we fight back now? The key point is here!"

Wang Yan turned his head and told Jianwu: "Go to that buddy now and ask for the original video tape. No matter how much it costs, you must get it back. Can you do it?"

"Absolutely no problem!"

Zhou Jianwu patted his chest, got up murderously, and went to contact the little fan.

Although there is no affiliation, but this buddy can definitely do it.

If you have connections and connections and are willing to spend money, if you can't figure it out, just find a piece of tofu and hit the ball to death.

Chu Xin stared and asked, "Stop asking who is behind it?"

"Yellow dog!"

Fatty Fu and Xia Yu shouted in unison.

Everyone suddenly realized and slapped their thighs.

"Yes indeed!"

"Except for that grandson, there is no one else in Shanghai who would hate Wang Shen so much!"

"Yah, I'm sure I can't wait for your Speed ​​Alliance to die."

"He happens to be from the old devil city, and he has friendship with the local station, how close he is!"

"The news is well-informed in the racing circle. I guess, as soon as something happened to us, Ya knew it had passed!"

Let's fight together, and the suspect is locked in an instant.

Not surprisingly, 80% may be that guy.

Young Master Wang has always convinced people with virtue and was kind to others, and he didn't offend many people in Shanghai—San Jin, Lao Huang, and Wang Siming, just these three.

The three gold level is not enough to have that ability, Wang Siming is now in a staged state of "turning an enemy into a friend", and only the yellow dog can match it.

Fatty Fu laughed loudly: "And this thing is so in line with the style of a yellow dog?! I don't have any big skills. I dare not do murder and arson, but I am a toad. I don't bite people, and I only hate people."

I didn't have a clue before, because it was difficult to define things.

But now it is easy to follow the map and turn around to find clues.

After finding out the main messenger, the young master was not in a hurry.

Slowly said: "Then wait and see what happens next."

Sister Jiao had a bad temper and said in a hurry: "Then just wait to be hacked?"

Wang Yan couldn't help laughing: "There is a wronged person and a debtor, and he can't run away. What's the hurry?"

The key question is...

Is it useful?

Who can control Internet public opinion?

He wanted the Keyboard Man to put down his keyboard and shut up the trolls. Frankly speaking, Wang Yan didn't have that kind of skill now.

There's no way to hide what should come, so the young master plans to... just watch the excitement.

What if there is a surprise?

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