God of Life

Five hundred and fiftieth eight chapters look at the sky

Wang Yan left the hotel, but did not return to the club.

In fact, today is a very crucial day for the Speed ​​Alliance.

The news that the yellow dog was thrown into the hospital for a natural delivery, under the deliberate spread of Chuxin and the others, spread throughout the second-generation circle of Shanghai in less than an hour.

Many old members are rushing to the club to hold a meeting about the future of the supercar circle.

Jianwu sent a WeChat message to ask Wang Yan for his opinion, and Wang Yan only replied in eight words: "You handle it, I won't participate."

Incorporation is a big deal, but it doesn't have to be done by Brother Gou.

Even, it may be better to sit on the Diaoyutai.

If the founder of the company has caused such a big scandal, if there is no external force to intervene, it will definitely dissipate directly, and slowly disappear without a sound.

But it so happened that a more powerful supercar club appeared in Shanghai, which gave the members a way out.

If you feel discouraged and want to quit the circle, yes, we can help you contact people to sell cars.

I still want to continue playing, no problem, after passing the assessment, we will be a family from now on.

Even if the Speed ​​Alliance does nothing, they can still get the best deal.

Active or not, roughly the difference between faster and slower.

Therefore, although this matter is very important, Wang Yan can freely decide whether to come forward.

Giving Brother Gou freedom, the result is almost certain.

Just a few words can fool a group of tool people.

"Sister Xinxin, Jianwu, you show an attitude of active acceptance. I am responsible for playing the role of the patriarch of the town faction. I will not lack sincerity, nor will I appear low-key and downgrade the style of the Speed ​​​​Alliance.

Remember, we are not begging them now, the Speed ​​Alliance is already the only one in the Shanghai Triangle, so it should be a bit pretentious. "

Chu Xin and Jian Wu deeply agree.

Then Brother Gou blatantly went lazy.

It would be a disaster for normal entrepreneurs if they love to be lazy and have fun, but with Mr. Wang, everything is logical.


However, in the end, Brother Gou still failed to be lazy.

He was arrested by Wang Yunxi and taken to Wang Ting Entertainment.

The company is growing so fast that two things are imminent—

First, the new contract.

Second, the development plan under the new environment.

Let me reiterate again: Entrepreneurship is really hard work, so don't be like a dog if you don't hang up.

When they arrived at Haiguang Building, Wang Yan buttoned his hat and got on the elevator in a low-key manner.

The young lady who was riding with her saw that the floor was Wang Ting Entertainment, so she sneaked a few glances at Wang Yan.

Fortunately, Wang Yan didn't have any photos left outside, so he came to the company smoothly.

As soon as I went out, my ears were full of noise.

The headquarters building, which was expected to be relatively ample within two years, is actually a bit crowded now.

The expansion of fame has brought about a rapid expansion of the staff size.

The logistics can be squeezed, but the anchor can't.

However, even though the live broadcast room was already overwhelmed, there was still an endless stream of young girls and boys who signed up.

The influence of Wang Yan's crazy activities radiated to an entertainment company targeting young people, and the advertising effect was hard to buy.

In fact, this year is only the first year of live broadcasting. Regardless of the crazy layout of manufacturers in the industry, ordinary people outside are still dull and dazed.

Can Live Streaming Really Make Money?

What platforms are there?

Why do you want to sign a guild?

There are many problems that I can't understand, and I don't even have a clear concept.

However, as long as you know the new industry of live broadcasting, you must have heard of Wangting Entertainment.

Especially in the third-tier cities and below, local entertainment companies have not yet started. Those young people who aspire to become anchors and make a lot of money can only go to the platform and sign online with a certain guild.

What's particularly funny is that it might be Yujia, Haiyu, or other guilds who brought them to know about the live broadcast industry, but in the end, the first priority will always be Wang Ting.

"Don't tell me what resources you have, what experience you have, what consortium you have, do you have God Wang and money?"

The guild operation was vomited blood on the spot.

"No matter how rich Wang Shen is, what's the use if he doesn't give you money?"

"Oh, then are you generous?"

Guild Operations: Pawn.

Wang Ting Entertainment is really generous, even to the extent that the company's executives are a little headache.

The new contract was confirmed today because of Mr. Wang's crazy spending of money.

The executives sat down in the conference room, and Chen Handong, the director of operations, couldn't wait to talk about this.

"Mr. Wang, now that we have established an absolute advantage barrier, shouldn't we cut off the salary of the anchor? If we continue like this, the profit will not come up..."

Wang Yan looked around, and all the executives were watching their hearts, their noses and their hearts, and remained silent.

Silence is actually an attitude.

"Lingya, what do you think?" Wang Yan named the shareholder representative Lingya who was present.

Now Ling Ya, who has been firmly established as a first-line anchor, is still as straightforward as the little girl before: "Whatever you say, we don't have any opinions."

Interesting Hey!

Shareholders don't feel sorry for spending more and earning less, but executives feel that their role has not been maximized.

Wang Yunxi moderated and presented the facts.

"Other guilds generally give new anchors a 25% gift commission, and there is no basic salary.

If it is a contract with a minimum guarantee, it is about 3,000 yuan a month, and the corresponding share will be cut.

The basic salary of our offline anchors is 5,000, and the highest in the capital city is 12,000, and the share ratio is a whole level higher than the average level in the industry...

It doesn't matter when there are few people, but the pressure is indeed a bit greater when there are more people.

We are now going to sort out the company structure. The first thing is to resolve the differences in the contract.

Discuss a result, then adjust the development strategy accordingly, and finally implement it without compromise. "

Wang Yunxi spoke too politely.

Isn't that just stressful?

Wang Ting Entertainment can be regarded as a mudslide in the live broadcast brokerage industry.

No matter offline or online, the basic sharing ratio is 30%. If you sign a contract, you will have a chance to be exposed to the top three on the platform's hourly list, and this is only the worst C sign.

For a large platform, the top three on the hourly list at a good time needs at least 100,000.

More than a thousand anchors, each of whom calls once, how much is that? !

Even though the anchor doesn't get a share from the rankings, the company returns 50%, so it still loses half!

If you change to a smaller guild, you won't be able to afford to hit the leaderboard 10 times.

In fact, Wang Ting Entertainment also couldn't afford to lose money, so from the beginning, Wang Yan paid for the ranking fee personally.

Squad leader Yu Qiuli didn't care about anything else, she just did this.

Wang Yan didn't feel sorry for him, the executives felt sorry for him.

But this thing, I really can't explain it.


The C sign is above the B sign, so there will naturally be more resources, such as a weekly cover recommendation, such as a better set of live broadcast equipment...

Same as the C sign, regardless of online or offline.

The step-by-step ratio can reach up to 40%, and the requirements are very loose——

You only need to meet the two conditions of live broadcast duration and 200,000 effective monthly turnover.

In other guilds, only a big anchor with 500,000 turnover can get that much.

Starting with the A sign, it is even more powerful.

First of all, the A sign is only for offline anchors. Currently, there are four first-tier cities + Suzhou and Hangzhou + Xingcheng + Fengtian, with a total of 8 city branches.

More resources, and at least 5,000 basic salary, full-time housing management, operation team, communication access subsidies, the best live broadcast equipment, etc.

And no need for the anchor to make any achievements, the newcomers can sign.

Adhere to the one-month trial period, no matter what the grades are, as long as you are sure that you want to do this job, and the company is sure that you have the potential, OK, sign the contract.

Full implementation of all benefits on the same day.

On this condition, hang all the guilds in the industry.

Compared with the A sign, the improvement of the S sign is even greater.

Depending on the city where you live, there is a guaranteed minimum salary of 8,000 to 12,000.

The 12K monthly salary in Modu does not sound high, especially if it is so urgent, it is simply impossible to live.

However, in fact, in the entire magic city, those with a monthly income of less than 10K accounted for 74%.

With a population of 24 million, 18 million cannot survive.

Of course, for a beauty who can sign an S contract, 12K is nothing.

They can earn that 12K for whatever they do.

But if you don't engage in crooked ways, I'm afraid you won't be able to earn what you are now.

For the first few S-signed anchors, Gao Ya, Wu Jiaojie, Bao Zi, Ji Mo, Liu Lulu, etc., everyone's gift sharing is more than 10 times the basic salary.

It can be said that Wang Ting Entertainment's S-signed guaranteed minimum salary has never been lost.

However, the meaning of the bottom guarantee is not in the amount or loss, but in providing a guarantee——

Make sure that they can learn and progress comfortably at their own pace without being affected by life when they first start live broadcasting.

Which guild dares to play like this?

If it doesn't exist, it sounds incredible.

Therefore, Wang Ting Entertainment does not need to compete with other guilds at all, and newcomers always come to the door on their own initiative.

It's just that the cost is really high...

Why do executives have a problem?

Because I feel that there is really no need to burn so much money.

What does it matter to them if the company burns money?

Because executives have options and year-end dividends.

High cost, low performance, and low dividends.

The cost is high, the development is slow, the time to market is late, and the recognition of investors is low, so the stock is not so valuable.

It is a matter of vital interests, and today it was hard to block the boss, and the executives finally decided to speak freely.

"Mr. Wang, our salary cost alone is 40 to 50 million more than other companies a year! And it will get higher and higher!"

"Insisting on renting a large space in first-tier cities to operate offline anchors, the additional decoration costs, rental costs, subsidy costs, and operating costs are all huge pressures, aren't they necessary?"

"Why can't we just keep the headquarters, turn to second- and third-tier cities to open branches, and try our best to make an online model?"

"The current situation is that we bear the biggest cost and subsidize the anchors, resulting in widespread hostility from peers, and some anchors also show a certain degree of slack because of the high guarantee..."

Wang Yan reflected on similar issues.

The conclusion is interesting.

In fact, the executives' doubts were reasonable, but they couldn't change Wang Yan's mind.

Because Wang Ting Entertainment's wages are high enough, even if it's their heads, they have to do things with all their heart.

However, positivity will definitely take a hit.

So Wang Yan had to use legitimate reasons to conquer them.

After pondering for a moment, Brother Gou asked instead: "What is our mid-term goal?"

The executives looked at each other and replied uncertainly: "Nasdaq listing?"

"That's right."

Wang Yan nodded, and asked again: "Why didn't the previous brokerage companies grow big, and could only maintain the small workshop model?"

Everyone looked at each other.

It's not that I don't know how to answer, but that I don't know from which angle to answer.

Wang Yan took out his notebook and put on a posture: "Come on, let's put other issues aside first, and concentrate on discussing this issue thoroughly."

So everyone discussed freely for half an hour.

The conclusion is out.

The shortcomings of the guild model are that there is no modern company management.

It's not that there is no such awareness, but that the need does not exist.

Signed online anchors, stocking all over the world, if you don't pay attention, 50 employees are enough to manage 1,000 anchors.

At this time, the cost is the lowest.

Because the output of anchors has great uncertainty, the benefits of refined management may not be able to cover the additional costs.

Hire another 50 employees, use 100 people to manage 1,000 anchors, and the overall operating cost will increase by 130%. How much can the streamer's turnover increase simultaneously?

Most likely not.

There may even be a collapse in income due to a few big brothers and local tyrants going up the mountain.

The nature of the live broadcast industry naturally determines one thing: the only thing the guild can control independently is its own operating costs.

The lifeline of the guild will always be the cost.

Because you can't make the expected income statement, let alone calculate any growth curve.

So what's the point of corporatization and formalization?

The small workshop mode is the safest and most viable.

Conversely speaking, without a formal company and an excellent management system, it will be difficult for the guild to continue to develop after reaching a certain level.

As a result of the stagnation, it is still a small workshop.


Second, being a guild is actually running a capital-intensive company.

No matter which platform, if you want to support your own anchor, you need a lot of investment.

Game anchors with vertical signboards have to sign, which is very expensive.

The leading male anchor needs to be raised, playing Zhou Xing and playing the year, watching the bustle and bustle, but in fact they are all losers.

The top electric mothers have to be ranked, and the official list is indispensable to maintain their status and not to make money.

How much is the investment now?

It all depends on the small and medium-sized anchors, especially the female anchors in the entertainment area, to pay back.

The water flows for a long time, and it will definitely make a lot of money after a long time.

But the question is, what if there is an accident?

Is it all supported by its own funds?

In the era of the crooked royal family, tens of millions could build a large guild with 200 anchors. Now, there are no 500 anchors, and no one dares to say that he is big.

And once it comes to cross-platform, the required investment doubles and rises.

There is really so much cash flow, why not?

Why do you want to fight the live broadcast guild?

Financing cannot be obtained, loans cannot be obtained, coupled with natural high risks, the result is still only small workshops.


Third, it is extremely difficult for guilds to form brands.

Fans of players have always been anchors, there is no fan guild.

The guild neither outputs standard products nor content, but is just a behind-the-scenes manager.

The one who directly outputs the content is the anchor.

And the anchor has never been an assembly line product, even if the brand is established, it is only her own personal brand.

How does a brokerage firm shape its brand image?

It's not that I don't want to, it's that I can't do it.

All over the world, the brokerage company with the most so-called "company fans" may be South Korea's S.M.

However, they didn't rely on the brokerage business to attract fans!

The more important thing is to cultivate idols, produce music, design stages, shoot variety shows, and finally create a company brand.

The live broadcast brokerage company doesn't even produce a fart, how can they become fans?

Even for Wang Ting Entertainment, which is now well-known, its brand image does not originate from itself.

That was Wang Yan's forcible binding to the company!

All the influence and reputation are Wang Shen's personal.

Once Wang Yan leaves the company, who will take Wang Ting Entertainment as a dish?

Therefore, a guild cannot form a brand, and it does not have that function by nature.

The result is: No amount of publicity is useless, and it is impossible to snowball and monopolize high-quality resources in the industry.

It's not realistic!

At this point in the discussion, everyone suddenly fell silent and glanced at Wang Yan quietly.

Uh, don't say it so absolutely, there is a miracle sitting here.

First Young Master Wang smiled and asked, "So, it's impossible in theory, but I'm an isolated case outside of theory, right?"

Everyone nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

Wang Yan asked again: "Three impossible things, branding, corporatization, and low-cost large capital, we have achieved all of them.

So, next, where do we go?

Should we go back and keep up with the small workshops, or continue to move forward and break out a new path? "

Executives were dumbfounded.

After half an hour of comprehensive discussion, they fully realized how hard-earned Wang Ting Entertainment is today.

It can be called a miracle.

There has never been such a brokerage company before, and there may not be another one in the future.

The window will only open for a short period of time, and if you grasp it, you must grasp it. If you fail to grasp it, it is impossible to turn back time.

So how can you go back?

During the discussion, they never thought that Wang Yan would actually make himself realize the reality from this perspective, and now they suddenly realized that they were completely convinced.

Of course, he was only convinced by Wang Yan's vision and pattern, not that he had no doubts about the future.

"Then how do we go on?"

Only then did Young Master Wang come up with an overall consideration, and said in a deep voice: "Continue to share, grow together with our anchor, don't compete for gains or losses at any time, and solidly form a comprehensive monopoly on the industry, and finally..."

The executives said in unison: "Nasdaq listing!"

One by one, all excited.

When it comes to painting cakes, Brother Gou is a professional.

"How big is the difference between a listed company and a listed company? You should all understand.

The goal of Wang Ting Entertainment has never been to go public for a while, just to join in the fun and then be pulled down.

The valuation of two or three billion US dollars is a failure for me.

Wang Ting Entertainment has achieved something that all guilds dare not even dream of. Such a hard-won start must not be wasted!

Therefore, everyone should unify their thinking, cultivate their inner strength in a down-to-earth manner, and stare at the sky and work hard.

One day, we will fly to the sky and watch our colleagues crawl slowly in the mud! "

"it is good!"

huh huh huh...

The executives started clapping, their faces agitated, their eyes wild.

It's full, it's almost overflowing with chicken blood!

Holding back tears, Wang Yunxi asked in a trembling voice, "How should our new contract be changed?"

Wang Yan had no intention of taking money from the anchors at all, and was even thinking about how to continue to improve their salaries so that they would be more devoted to the company.

Now, there is a conclusion.

"Add a level to the A sign and the S sign, called A+ and S+ respectively, and the other things remain unchanged, and the nature is changed to a labor contract."

! ! !

As soon as he said a word, everyone in the room was shocked.

What is the concept of labor contract?

To put it simply, compared with the labor contract signed before, there is one more thing-five social insurance and one housing fund.

The cost instantly soared by at least 50%.

Lao Hu, the financial director, hesitated and asked: "Is it necessary? It is good for small anchors, but the personal tax of big anchors will also skyrocket. Few S-signatures are willing to change it?"

In the previous labor contract, the nature of reward sharing is "labor income", with a fixed tax deduction of 20%. If you are a big anchor, you can sign with a personal studio, and the tax rate can be as low as 7%.

Once it is changed to a labor contract, the tax rate for reward sharing remains unchanged at 20%, but the personal studio can no longer be used to avoid tax, and salary + signing bonus + bonus must be taxed according to the 7-level progressive tax rate table, and the big anchor will deduct more. less money.

However, Wang Yan wasn't thinking about money at all.

Said softly: "The four major first-tier cities, it's not easy to get a hukou anywhere, we have to think about our employees in advance..."


The executives suddenly realized, and then they were shocked beyond words.

Where is Wang Yan's proposal, Niubi?

As an anchor, if you want to settle in the four first-tier cities, there is almost only one way: settle with points.

Except for a very small number of wonderful anchors—for example, women who graduated from Tsinghua University, most anchors cannot meet the conditions for talent settlement and fresh graduate settlement.

Then, the only option left is to settle down with points.

Among all the conditions, the rigid indicators of social security for 5 to 7 years can only be resolved by signing a labor contract.

At present, there is no guild in the entire network that pays social security to the anchor.

Only Wang Ting Entertainment can qualify as an enterprise for the talent introduction conditions in the point settlement policy.

Without Wang Yan's proposal, it would be very difficult for the anchors of "Beipiao", "Sea Drift", and "Shen Drift" in the company to obtain local hukou no matter how much money they make.

Take the unspoken rules of the social security of Shanghai points as an example——

In the first year, you have to report as much tax as possible and pay the average base social security.

In the second year, the social security base is adjusted up based on the average monthly income of the previous year's tax declaration.

And so on until the upper limit is adjusted.

After 7 years of payment, the rest of the score is enough, and then the application for settlement can be approved.

If you don't understand the rules, you will become a self-employed businessman and blindly pay social security. No matter how much you pay, you will be a pass.

The social security in the point settlement, the implicit requirement is to work in a "qualified" company.

It is not enough to find a company to pay on behalf of the company, and it is impossible for the company to pay you on behalf of others to handle the talent regulations for you.

There is no doubt that it is so difficult to obtain an account in the Great Demon City.

But if you get it, it's really delicious...

So, what Wang Yan took out was a big killer.

As soon as this plan comes out, Wang Ting Entertainment will completely separate itself from other guilds.

Not one gear and two gears, but the difference between an airplane and a tractor.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the anchor has never been a formal profession recognized by the society. The reality is that there is nothing to do.

Many parents nowadays do not agree with their daughters to be anchors at all.

Similarly, it is impossible for those beauties who live in first-tier cities and are truly high-quality and talented to be anchors.

Basic security and future development are big issues.

Young Master Wang refused to accept this effort, he just wanted to challenge the stereotypes of the society, and spend money on you to make you feel really good.

Of course, an A+ contract is definitely not enough to solve the problem of losing their hukou, but a formal labor contract + high salary + high development potential is enough to make many high-quality girls come to test the waters.

S+ signing is the key to solving the account.

The core point of S+ signing is: the first contract is signed for 3 years, if you are eligible to sign the second S+, and the contract is fulfilled, then Wang Ting Entertainment will settle the local account for the host.

Or the first A+ contract, the second upgrade to S+, the same can be done.

Note: It is not to apply for settlement, but to get it done!

Wang Yan believed that he would have that ability seven years later.

Even, it took less than 7 years at all.

The executives were inexplicably shocked: "Mr. Wang, you are slaughtering chickens with a dragon knife... We are just a live broadcast brokerage company..."

As soon as the Dragon Slaying Knife came out, it instantly flattened the entire industry.

I have already established the threshold, if you feel like it, follow suit.


Who can afford it!

From now on, Wang Ting Entertainment's high-quality beauty anchors will no longer be out of stock, and they will be eliminated and supplemented at the same time.

Online anchors compete for the low-end market, while offline anchors dominate the entertainment industry.

Sweeping the entire network, just around the corner!


But there was one thing, Wang Yan didn't agree with the executives' statement of "killing chickens".

The live broadcast brokerage business seems to be really inconspicuous at present, and a small plate of more than 10 billion seems not worth mentioning.

However, Wang Yan felt the changes of this era firsthand, and always had a premonition: it was more than that.

It's not how great the live broadcast itself will become, but a more macro and hidden trend.

The flow is moving.

The current traffic is in the hands of Taobao, WeChat, and Weibo... and it seems to be shifting to Meituan and Toutiao.

The subtle thing is that no matter how you turn it, the concentration is extremely high.

So here comes the question: In order to realize the final realization, should there be a distribution link?

That distribution must have sufficient carrying capacity, kinetic energy, precision, and speed.

What is it?

Wang Yan couldn't figure it out.

I feel that it may be an Internet celebrity, or in other words, a content creator represented by an Internet celebrity, such as papi sauce, which has become popular this year, such as myself.

However, I feel that the current model is a little bit less interesting.

For example, the birthday party marketing that just ended was indeed a very successful attempt, and it is worth summarizing and pondering repeatedly.

Still something was wrong.

Because it cannot be replicated, it cannot become the norm.

Wang Yan felt that he was only a short distance away from that definite future, but he couldn't break it no matter what.

However, there is one thing he is sure of——

Do a good job in Wang Ting Entertainment, cultivate and master a large number of good anchors, and then catalyze a large number of Internet celebrities, which will definitely intercept a considerable part of the traffic.

It's certainly not enough to fight Ali Tongxun.

There should be a chance to push them to the negotiating table and talk about win-win results.

The war on the Internet in the future must be fought because of traffic and end because of traffic.

Time waits for no one, Wang Fugui!

Since there is no shortage of money, it is even more important to aim high and look to the sky.

The third pole after A and T, maybe... can be named Wang.


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