God of Life

Chapter 569: Opening Speech

Even when everyone was targeting He Miaomiao, the little princess was foolishly teased by the dog.

"Shall we talk about something fun?"

"Huh? What?"

Miao Miao was a little flustered, and thought: The thing that would make me the happiest is that you and Liu Li broke up, but it's obviously unrealistic, so the next best thing is to coax me!

It's rare for the two of you to be alone, my sister wants to hear a few sweet words...

As a result, Wang Yan opened his mouth like an old duck king: "For example, what birthday present did you prepare for me?"

Miss He's face collapsed, and she was furious: "I haven't seen you for so long, and this is the only thing you miss?"

"Otherwise, what are you thinking about?"

Wang Yan raised his eyebrows and smirked: "I miss your body, are you willing to give it?"

After a big turning point, He Miaomiao immediately calmed down.

Asked flatteredly: "Really miss?"


Wang Yan was taken aback.

something is wrong with you!

He Miaomiao was indeed very wrong, and set the time with great interest: "How about after the dinner party today? 20th birthday, what a commemorative significance!"

Wang Yan wore a big helmet and turned to look at her. His sharp eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the shield.

"Are you serious?"

The little princess raised her chest: "Of course! If you dare to take me away, I will give it to you!"

Hehe, I have learned how to force the palace...

Is it too hard to be stimulated by them today?

Wang Yan could probably guess what she was thinking, but it was a bit tricky.

It was originally a script of a dog bullying a cat, but now, it was the dog who was put up by Miaomiao instead.

Seeing He Miaomiao's smug little expression, Brother Gou clicked his eyes and said, "Hey, can you accept the three of us together? I'll discuss it with Liu Li..."


He Miaomiao elbowed him, very angry.

"Bastard, I'll kill you!"

Wang Yan let her slap her twice, and burst out laughing.

Small sample, play hooligan with me?

You are too young!

The little wild cat really didn't have much ability. It hammered four or five times, but it didn't hurt Wang Yan, but he was so tired that he was panting heavily.

Puckering his lips, he started to scare people again.

"You can figure it out! Anyway, I'm going abroad this summer. Don't regret it until I find a boyfriend. Let me tell you, the chance is only once or twice. I may not be able to wait until your next birthday!"

Brother Gou sneered silently.

It's useless to say anything now!

If you dare to send it today, I dare not accept it...Brother is not crazy!

After thinking about it, he continued to let go: "Don't make trouble, I'm doing it for your own good, you can't stand me alone."

"Oh my God……"

Miss He suddenly widened her eyes, as if she couldn't believe it, how could Jie Tiaogou be so shameless?

It's really embarrassing!


Suddenly, a man talked about this kind of topic with her, and the innocent little princess couldn't help being curious...

She was so well protected by the Nursing Madman, she rarely had access to that knowledge.

However, when a girl reaches her age, when she meets someone she likes again, she will inevitably start to be curious and even fantasize...

This is the law, and no fairy can hide from it.

He Miaomiao was already used to Wang Yan's appearance, and when she was half angry, curiosity welled up, she worked harder with her competitive spirit, and blurted out a question.

"Blow it and you will! Then how did she withstand it?"


You are getting more and more wrong...

He Miaomiao's reaction surprised Wang Yan, but he could act, so he pretended to be calm and replied, "If you don't believe me, ask her!"

"I bother!"

He Miaomiao finally realized that the reaction just now was not suitable for her status as a princess, so she spat lightly and hurriedly ended the topic.

"I believe you ghost, you stinky rascal!"


Wang Yan just smiled lightly, and didn't try to defend himself anymore, which made He Miaomiao both ashamed and indignant, but also a little lost.

Tch, pretending!


In a sense, Na Wu's judgment was not bad at all.

He Miaomiao seems difficult to deal with, but in essence he is just a rookie.

With her amazing talent, she never needs the consideration and judgment of a normal girl——

When other girls are contacted by men, they have to spend time to make sure: Is he interested in me? Is it the stage of good feelings, or the stage of secret love?

She doesn't have to.

As long as there are boys coming over, they all like this princess!

Simple and crude, but never missed.

So she only needs to watch the other party's performance quietly, and "find fault" from the other party condescendingly.

If you don't like it a little bit, just pass it directly.

As a result, she has been chased by many people, but her love experience is about zero, all thanks to that little theory pretending to be a teacher.

However, once you encounter Wang Ergou who doesn't play cards according to the routine, that theory becomes four words: nothing!

But she was a quick learner.

Compared to before, today she has practiced to level 6, well, she has chosen a level 1 big move, gratifying to congratulate.

Of course, it was ridiculous to use it to match up with Wang Yan, who was level 18.

The convoy wandered around the outer ring for more than an hour, Miss He was clearly arranged, happy and sad, happy and sad.

But she managed to keep the last bottom line——

Wang Yan didn't let Wang Yan find out about her birthday present.

There is still a chance, I can come back!

The little princess clenched her fist silently.

An hour later, the team returned with more than ten hot searches.

The road in front of the club has been blocked.

Both sides of the road are full of temporary spectators, each holding a mobile phone or a long lens, spreading out for three or four hundred meters.

The security guards were no longer enough, and Sister Fang had to ask the officials to help evacuate the traffic.

However, the uncle of the traffic police could not dispel the enthusiasm of the audience.

The whole road is full of buzzing noises. In fact, the voices of everyone chatting are not loud, but when they gather together, it is almost like a torrent.

Wang Yan drove the flame slowly across the congested road, surrounded by cheers.

[Wang Shenniu beep! 】

[Speed ​​​​League come on! 】

A lot of members opened the car windows and waved to the outside with a smile on their faces.

The supercar club has never been an organization that is close to the people, but on today's big day, no one will smile miserably in the face of the support of the local people.

However, Wang Yan never showed up.

Are you proud?

A little bit, but it is no longer ecstatic about it.

If you want to activate the system rewards based on the scene in front of you, it is impossible to strengthen them ten times.

Well, I'm a little tired.

He picked up the walkie-talkie and informed the main station: "Remove the roadblock, I will go back to the exhibition hall."

After crossing the railing and coming to the closed road section, the eyes finally opened up.

He drove the 918 back to the exhibition hall and parked in the center of the hall. When he got off the car, he was greeted with applause.

"Young Master Wang, you're handsome!"


"Hot search tops the rankings, Speed ​​Alliance is a blockbuster, amazing!"

The guests are almost all here, with Wang Siming leading the way, and a row of stars behind him.

Wang Yan whispered to Dave: "Don't let the live broadcast come in."

Only then did he walk over quickly, shaking hands with the guests one by one.

There were too many big names and surnames, and it was too late to make friends with each other. Wang Yan could only get acquainted with each other, and then went upstairs to change clothes.

Jeans, white shoes, and a windbreaker with the Speed ​​League logo printed on it.

Just after putting on a big wave, Wang Yan deliberately kept a low profile.

Finally, I put on my NY cap, picked out a pair of sunglasses that were big enough to cover half of my face, and went downstairs to the podium at the door.

Today's schedule is too tight, the official ribbon-cutting will be at 10:58, and it is already 10:30, and Wang Yan still has to give the president's speech.

The speaking platform is set at the entrance of the exhibition hall.

There wasn't a single car parked in the small courtyard of the club, but it was already full of members and guests.

Originally, everyone’s plan was to build a high-end and niche club with a self-enclosed area, so we didn’t put too high requirements on the size of the venue, just think it’s enough.

It turns out that what is called a plan does not change quickly.

No one expected that Brother Huang would be so cooperative and directly send the biggest club in Shanghai to the crematorium, forcing the Speed ​​League to swell.

There was only one single seedling left in the Yangtze River Delta, and everyone was playing in the same circle. The Speed ​​Alliance had to bear some responsibilities, and Wang Yan couldn't avoid it.

Therefore, the first sentence of Wang Yan's speech was based on this.

"Brothers and guests, hello everyone. I'm Wang Yan..."

"it is good!"

That bastard Liu Fang yelled, interrupting Wang Yan's speech.

The rest of the members laughed and applauded, cheers and slogans rang out.

Under the podium, there were densely packed mobile phones, some were for taking pictures, and some were for Wang Ting's live broadcast.

Somebody yelled [Wang Shenniu beep] at the top of their voices, the scene was chaotic for a while, and the screens were filled with dense bullet screens in the major live broadcast rooms.

All excited, understandably.

Wang Yan had no choice but to pause, wait with a smile, and when everyone had vented their emotions, he raised his hand and pressed down.

"It's okay, it's okay, we have a tight schedule and heavy tasks, my speech has been written very hard, don't read it endlessly..."

Making a simple and effective joke, the misty wind became the main body of his temperament, making Wang Yan look like a leader of a cult, with a gentle breeze, a warm breeze, distant and kind.

Immediately afterwards, the smile faded away, and the quiet temperament permeated spontaneously, making the field gradually quiet.

The magnetic voice resounded immediately.

"[Wang Shen] was originally called by the brothers of the Speed ​​​​Alliance.

It is both an honor and a responsibility, and it weighs heavily on my heart.

So I often think about: Where should I take Speed ​​League?

At the beginning of the establishment of the club, we jointly discussed the eight-character purpose-to meet friends by car and go beyond the limit.

The nature of the Speed ​​League is determined by this.

I don't want to say those hypocritical words, I don't want to say, 'We are one big family, the Speed ​​​​League is the home of supercar lovers', I don't agree with it from the bottom of my heart.

The Speed ​​League is not a home, and we veterans are not parents.

It's simple, it's a community of enthusiasts.

Emotional freedom, freedom of speech, freedom to come and go.

Communication is the sole purpose for which we set it up, and communication without results.

If you can chat, make a friend, if you can't chat, find another friend.

It doesn't matter.

There are no restrictions on you in the rules of the club. What should restrict you is moral conscience and laws and regulations.

So please keep in mind: Speed ​​Alliance is also Freedom Alliance, and each of you is a unique and precious friend.

There is no superiority or inferiority here, only the division of labor is different.

The so-called "beyond the limit" is a personal pursuit of some members and me, not a stand-up idea imposed on everyone.

Look at Sister Fang and Sister Jiao, they never pursue transcendence, they only pursue to lie comfortably, we are still good friends. "


Suddenly being named, Xu Jiao raised her middle finger dumbfounded.

Everyone burst into laughter, and the atmosphere was so happy.

Fortunately, Wang Yan raised his hand and pressed down in time, so the applause didn't spread too warmly, allowing him to continue.

Of course, because of the excellent performance and the concept of freedom, everyone listened more seriously.

"So as a club focused on ourselves, we don't have too much ambition, whether internally or externally.

Internally, the club will not force everyone to participate in any activities.

Externally, the Speed ​​Alliance does not raise flags, provoke wars, or establish prestige.

If you are personally ambitious, well, there is a team under the club that is ready to participate, and you are welcome to join.

The above is speaking from the overall level of the club.

Well, as the chairman, I personally have some expectations for everyone, let's just listen.

Speed ​​League is a club with a relatively high positioning, and our members, frankly speaking, are a very lucky group of people.

We are not rich because we are many times better than our peers.

I always firmly believe that luck has made me, and hard work can only be regarded as an external cause.

So I always remind myself to know how to be in awe and be grateful.

The awe is very simple, the world, the law, and life.

I want you to do three things -

First, don't drink and drive.

Second, don't drive speeding in the downtown area.

Third, don't bomb the street in the middle of the night - the entrance of the bar is random, and the residential area should pay attention.

The absolute freedom given to everyone by Speed ​​Alliance does not include the above-mentioned dangerous behaviors.

The sense of social responsibility we should have must be possessed. I do not accept any excuses such as age, wealth, and power.

Gratitude is simpler, thanks to parents, to the country, and to all the good things in the world.

From time to time, I will organize club members to engage in some public welfare activities, and transform our influence into some beneficial actions for the society.

In this regard, everyone has absolute freedom to participate, and there is no need to force it.

I personally have a little ambition: I sincerely hope that Speed ​​League can become everyone's honor, instead of being characterized by public opinion as a "platform for showing off wealth created by a group of idle rich second generations".

On flaunting wealth, I have a lot of experience, but I can't accept the evaluation of doing nothing.

what about you?

Well, time is running out, so that's all for my speech, thank you all. "

Bow down and step down without dragging your feet.

In the next second, thunderous applause, accompanied by cheers, erupted together.

"Wang Shenniu beep!"

"The president is the most handsome!"

They were originally a group of unscrupulous second generations, and they were really emotional when they shouted.

Wang Yan did deserve those cheers.

The simple and straightforward speech showed an extraordinary bearing and demeanor. Compared with Huang Yiqing's original speech, it was simply crushing.

In the live broadcast room, those sour sunspots were also gagged.

The screen is full of rainbow farts and crazy highs.

After a few minutes, the video was intercepted and uploaded, and the energy of the godhead, which had been stagnant, began to surge again.

#Wang Yan Positive Energy Speech#

It is a matter of course that I like to mention hot searches.


The days are getting longer and longer, and sooner or later the crisp will turn into a baguette.

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second:. Mobile version reading website:

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