God of Life

Chapter 571 Finally Going to Open the Treasure Chest

The people over there were all stunned.

Yes, what do we want?

Li Fu and Zhang Kui secretly looked at each other, and couldn't help aiming at Gao Yang at the same time.

In fact, it's not that they don't know what they want, the main reason is that they suddenly "dare not" to ask for it.

Wang Yan, who was amiable, calm and low-key outside just now, seemed to be a different person when he entered the door.

Pressing the table with both hands, leaning forward slightly, with sharp eyes and knife-like brows, it doesn't look like he's here to solve the problem, but rather to ask for a crime.

Damn, why don't you play your cards according to the routine? !

It's obviously a big day, how good it is to talk nonsense and bicker, but when it comes up, it seems like the table is going to be turned over? !



The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, Wang Yan is not Huang Yiqing, but a rising top newcomer in the circle.

Zhang and Li, one started out as a smuggled car, and the other started as a wedding company and became a nobleman, their status in the world can be seen at a glance.

Although they were the founders and presidents in name, they were actually not qualified to stand up to Wang Yan.

Therefore, when Wang Yan showed the domineering attitude of the young master, the two immediately softened.

As a last resort, he could only turn to Gao Yang for help.

Gao Yang was in his early twenties and was not good looking. This was the first time Wang Yan saw this person.

Gao Yang didn't go to the reception banquet in the imperial capital last time, obviously he wasn't a friend of Hongying's small circle.

But don't ask, the person who can stand out in this kind of thing must have a worthy background of Hongying Liu Chang.

Gao Yang crossed his legs and swung his red wine glass, his posture was leisurely and classy.

He looked Wang Yan up and down, and then said slowly, "Young Master Wang, everyone says you are a friend worth making. As for me, I don't care much about face, I only care about benefits. So as long as you are friends, I can double the face you need."

Gao Yang's first sentence was very inexplicable.

The clouds, mountains and mists seem to be interpreted in any way, but the posture is so high.

With a taste of stereotypes in the officialdom, it seems quite compelling at first glance, but it is actually a typical blackmail routine.

Wang Yan wasn't used to him.

She raised her eyebrows and asked directly: "So, have you thought about what to talk about?"


Zhang Guang coughed violently, and Gao Yang's expression changed slightly.

That's essentially what happened.

Today is not a good time to negotiate at all. It is meaningless to talk shallowly, but it is meaningless to talk deeply.

So their idea is very simple: if you have dates or not, just try it out.

It would be best if you can suppress the Speed ​​Alliance, and you can make requests at will.

If you can't hold it down, that's okay, at least you can vent your grievances and say something comfortable.

As a result, it was exposed by Wang Yan as soon as it came up, without any tact or face.

It's too uncomfortable...

Gao Yang finally understood what his friend reminded him of "that man Wang Yan is difficult to deal with\

,"While feeling extremely uncomfortable, I was also somewhat unconvinced.

Miss me, the dignified Gao Yanei...

With a hint of beating, the yin and yang said strangely: "Young Master Wang, what to talk about depends on our relationship. Friends have the atmosphere of friends, and only fists are left for enemies. Do you understand?"

Wang Yan smiled easily, and replied in seconds: "Then just be a stranger."

The implication is: I have nothing in common with you, and we won't be able to fight, so it's better that the two have nothing to do with each other.

Gao Yang's face suddenly changed from indifference to gloomy.

He did not expect Wang Yan to be so shameless.

Miss me, the dignified Gao Yanei...

"Brother Wang, have you made up your mind?"

Wang Yan couldn't help but laugh, and his evaluation of Gao Yang suddenly dropped several points.

Do you even need to think about this kind of thing?

You don't really think that if you scare me with a few words, or give me two sweet dates, I'll flatter you, right? !

No, no, no, no?

Anyone with a little brain should know that brother has long been tied to Hongying Liu Chang and the others...

Their friends will be their friends, and their enemies will be their enemies, it's that simple.

In the mixed society, being clear is a very important quality.

Large and small circles are there, and you can mix in each of them, but the price is that you will always linger on the periphery.

You can also choose to integrate into a certain one in a down-to-earth manner and become the core of the circle. The price is to advance and retreat with everyone, and share prosperity and humiliation.

After becoming the core of the circle, flirting with the enemy, that's called Erwuzi.

If you put it on the rivers and lakes, you will be punished with three swords and six holes.

So in fact, Wang Yan had no choice.

Of course, Gao Yang didn't necessarily understand, maybe he just didn't expect that Wang Yan would be so stubborn.

Gao Yang was stunned and angry when Wang Yan suddenly straightened up.

With a slight smile, he glanced at Gao Yang condescendingly, and said softly as if reminding him: "The well water does not interfere with the river water, it is for your own good."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

"I have something else to do, excuse me."

Leaving Li Fu and Zhang Kuan looking at each other, Gao Yang gritted his teeth.

Jianwu and the others felt elated, giggling, and issued an invitation with malicious intent: "Brothers, I booked a table nearby, let's go for a drink!"

"That's right, I'm a guest from afar, so I have to let you eat and drink well!"

"Our president is really busy, there is no way, the business is big, but don't worry, brothers have designated to accompany you!"

Gao Yang's Erlang's legs couldn't move.

With a cold snort, with a livid face, he walked towards the door without saying a word.

Li Fu and Zhang Kuan hurriedly followed, and neither of them was in the mood to speak harshly.

How crazy they were just now, how painful their face is now.

They were arguing to only talk to Wang Yan, but Young Master Wang slapped him back with a big mouth, and the talk didn't work out.

However, now that he's born, he doesn't dare to turn his back on Wang Yan - just three or five people, why should they turn their faces on other people's territory?

Anger is really angry, but you can only hold it back.

If he was as stubborn as he was at the beginning, who knew if Wang Yan would get mad?

Damn, mental illness!


When Wang Yan went out, he immediately returned to his previous state, smiling and amiable.

Brother Gou is not worried at all about Gao Yanei and even the second generation.

Contradictions cannot be reconciled, so there is no need to get used to them.

But it will not be a full-scale war, so there is no need to rush to make trouble.

Soldiers will block it.

It is impossible for anyone or any enterprise to not make enemies after reaching a certain height.

The road to greatness will inevitably be covered with the bones of the enemy.

However, in fact, many people don't understand that victory does not come from how many enemies you crush with your own hands. On the contrary, if you focus all your attention on your opponents, you will not reach the end.

A true king must have spent most of his energy on self-improvement.

Take one step at a time to the throne instead of fighting ants.

So Wang Yan didn't regard it as any great opponent at all, and forgot about it when he went out.

He called Dave and ordered: "Take the guests to the banquet hall, and then arrange departures in batches... Does anyone need me to accompany you in person?"

Dave replied in seconds: "I don't know your specific inclination in terms of work. You have the following five choices: partners of Wang Ting Entertainment, advertising sponsors, financial investment circles, celebrity guests, Wang Siming and Zhang Yang and other top young men."

Wang Yan rubbed his forehead, feeling that he still needs a general assistant at work.

Dave is very detailed, but his training direction is a private butler, and he lacks the vision and ability to control the overall situation in the business field.

The above five choices obviously missed a more important group——

Small platform representatives.

Today is a carnival for big platforms, but there are more guests from various small and medium-sized live broadcast platforms, most of whom are major shareholders or founders of the platforms.

Most of them did not appear at the club scene, but went to Wangting Entertainment for investigation, and they will participate in the music festival all the way in the afternoon.

It doesn't matter which one of these platforms is taken separately.

Taken together, it is equal to 80% of Wang Ting Entertainment's profit source.

They are even the key to Wang Ting Entertainment's breakthrough.

The top 10 platforms all have big companies behind them, and Wang Yan can't beat them at all when playing with capital.

So I can only learn from great men and play out of the countryside to encircle the city.

Give full play to the sixteen-character mantra, hide online, squat in the grass, and wait for a good opportunity.

With a plan in mind, Wang Yan decided to take advantage of today to sow seeds to see if he could grow a few patches of grass.

"You can contact Wang Yunxi, I will sit at Wang Siming's table for a while, and then I will go over immediately."

Dave nodded: "Okay, Rich will be with you, and I'll stay here until the last flight."

What followed was a flurry of footsteps.

Chat, call, chat, answer the phone, talk on the phone...

It wasn't until 4 pm that Wang Yanfang boarded the last chartered flight to Sanya.

What awaits him is blue sea and blue sky, a feast of music.

And, a completely unknown treasure chest.

The personnel are exhausted, and it is finally time to reveal how much can be harvested.


There is a CD for the baguette transformation, and the doctor said that the eyes need to be raised for a week to half a month.

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second:. Mobile version reading website:

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