God of Life

Chapter 587 Di Wu's Underworld Sisters

"Life Department Shenhao ()"!

"Oh, I'll go, I can bear you calling me Congcong, and you provoke my sister Li, who gave you the courage?

The whole show with us, right? That sister will give you a lot of insight!

Little virgin, I will tell you right now that beauty and wealth are worth nothing in front of sexiness! "

Na Wu screamed wildly, then raised her chest, reached out and grabbed the neckline, and yanked...

With a "click", the neckline of the little dress was torn open.

Two of the buttons collapsed, revealing a black corner inside...

Not a winter jacket, but a lace... corset? !

Brother Gou: (⊙?⊙)! ! !

Oh my God!

What the hell are you hiding in your dress skirt? !

One after another, what a fright!

I really can't hold it anymore!

He Miaomiao was also taken aback by Hasna's sudden berserk, her small mouth opened slightly, and subconsciously shrank back.

I'm afraid that I'll be hurt internally by those two lumps.

Seeing Na Wu aggressively continue to provoke the Crab God, at the critical moment, Fu Yushi rushed forward and hugged her.

"Don't, don't, don't! Just wait! Calm down!"

Lin Pingzhi also frantically helped Na Wu pull up her skirt—pull it up.

Pretty face flushed with anxiety.

"Don't be impulsive! There are too many people now, we have no place to change clothes! Hold on tight, ah, hold on!"

The two of them protected each other like this, and the burst of spring light was covered back again.

Many men suddenly sighed.

Mina and Bitch also rushed over to help, jumping like crazy.

Wang Yan was almost dumbfounded, and looked at Xiao Liuli in astonishment: "What kind of hooligan program did you prepare for me so that I might not die?"

Thirty thousand's little face turned pink with shame,

Hesitatingly covering up... explaining.

"They arranged a whole set for you...well...compared to that...well...it's the sexyjazz style, uh, it will be more close to you...dance."

Brother Gou swallowed his saliva with difficulty, only to feel his head buzzing: "A whole set... How many people are there?!"

"No, not many...just, just a dozen..."

Liu Li lowered her head, feeling extremely ashamed.

Brother Gou was so scared that he almost went into cardiac arrest.


More than a dozen people took turns to enter the stage...

You really want to kill me, right? !

Wang Yan was already familiar with all kinds of dances, but now that Wang Ting Entertainment has a large number of female dance anchors under it, he understands what a close-fitting sexy jazz is.

Just use the simplest and most popular language to explain——

In-body performance with lots of simulated glued poses.

A good dancer can be a demon but not flat. The inferior point is naked debauchery and seduction.

However, no matter how high the level is, the human pillar used as a performance prop will have the same result.

Jill Bond tough guy.

Down to 13 and up to 83, the only man who can carry it is the barrel!

Anyway, with the level of girls like Di Wu, if you really want to let go of your performance, Brother Gou will definitely not be able to hold it.

Raise the flag to rebel every minute.

"You're crazy."

Wang Yan's expression was heavy, and his direct statement made Liu Li feel even more guilty.

"Oh, it's actually just a joke... Rehearsals are rehearsals, and practice has been practiced, but everyone thinks that unless there is a more extreme accident, they will never perform... Look, Na Wu was held down. Is it gone?"

Scheduled, practiced, you call that a joke? !

"What if you don't hold it down?"

"Then you two will die together..."

Little Liuli muttered, and Brother Gou's mentality exploded again.

"What the hell am I!"

As soon as Wang Yan raised his hand, Liu Li said "wow", "Wow...you're killing me!"

It was a bit fake, but Wang Yan was the same.

In fact, he was even more wronged today, and now he is holding on.

"It's alright, alright, tell Na Wu to stop messing around...Damn it, I was just about to back you up, but I was messed up by her!"


Thirty thousand smiled sweetly, and took the initiative to hold Gouzi's arm.

"I knew you were the best...Come, let me take a look at your new watch...Wow! It's so beautiful! It is indeed a legendary treasure worth tens of millions..."

Well, it's not over yet.

Brother Gou sighed silently, feeling so tired.

Liu Li has also learned badly, and now she uses excuses to cover up her mistakes... I haven't taught this before!

It is said that he is close to Zhu Zhechi, why didn't he learn something from my decent Wang? !

Obviously, being shameless doesn't solve the problem.


On the other side, He Miaomiao finally came to his senses.

She was indeed frightened by Na Wu for a moment, but Na Wu was suppressed by her own people and failed to release her ultimate move, so she was resurrected with full blood.

"Cut! Are you here? Let me see your priceless sexiness, comeon, scallion!"

Na Wu is so angry!

"Let go, don't pull me! I... I'm going to fight her!"

Fu Yushi and Lin Pingzhi hugged her from left to right, not letting go.

I dare not let go.

"Wait less! Be good, let's use her as a pillar later and molest her to death!"

Pingzhi was more tired than Wang Yan, so he felt that it was not that difficult to coax the children.

From another perspective, Xiao Gongju follows the guidance:

"Long onion... ah bah bah! Nawu, you're going to be a star soon, you need to pay attention to cultivating your idol temperament. There are too many outsiders right now, so you take it easy, and we'll settle the score with her when the guests leave later!"

Being pinned to the G-spot by the idol temperament, Na Wu finally became a little more stable.

As a result, He Miaomiao was not forgiving.

"Come on, come on, come on? Congcong, come and educate me?"

Several girls immediately glared at Wang Yan murderously: I learned this cheapness from you, right? !

Wang Yan:? ? ?

What does it matter to me? !

She wasn't... well, well, before she met me, she wasn't...

It doesn't itch if there are too many pots, Brother Gou pretends he didn't see anything, and continues to hold on.

However, Na Wu couldn't hold back!

Seeing that it was about to run away again.

"Ahh! I'm so mad! Look at her? Let go, let go!"

Can't loose...

As soon as you release it, it will be 404!

Miss Chuxin finally couldn't sit still anymore, and felt that Gouzi would really die if it continued like this.

It's not that a dog can't die, but it can't die like this... disgraceful.

The current status of the Speed ​​Alliance is entirely supported by "God Wang".

Therefore, jealousy is fine, but it must be controlled within a "quiet and elegant" limit.

The word "quiet and elegant" is quite funny in the current situation, try to understand the meaning.

Chuxin hastily stepped forward two steps, came to He Miaomiao's side, and yelled in a low voice: "Have you had enough trouble? Do you really want them to take off their clothes and dance?!"

"They dare!" Princess He blurted out.

Chu Xin was so angry that his teeth itched.

You looked smart before, why are you acting like a fool now? !

"Will girls from Diwu be afraid of performing in public?"


"They keep it now, not because of us, but because of Wang Yan!"

"I care so much!"

He Miaomiao was stubborn, but she finally knew what she was talking about.

Chu Xin was puzzled: "Why do you love to compete with her so much? Does it make sense?"

"Look at her..."

He Miaomiao pointed at Na Wu's chest, her brows were slightly wrinkled, and her expression was particularly disgusting: "How despicable!"


envy, jealousy, hate!

Chu Xin finally understood, and then burst out laughing.

Na Wu is probably the only one who can make Princess Miao Miao feel jealous.

That is indeed a talent that you can't have no matter how hard you try, even if you are a princess, you still want it.

no wonder no wonder...

Sister, I understand you!

In fact, Chu Xin also felt uncomfortable seeing Na Wu: How could there be such a large-scale and beautiful shape? !

Growing blind on her body...

Forget it, let's put aside the blindness for nothing, now, the most important thing is not to let the girls of Diwu play big.

I squatted in the grass and ambushed for half the time, not to let you directly demolish the house!

Chu Xin suppressed the anger in his heart, and comforted He Miaomiao with a good voice.

Efforts will soon bear fruit, because the little princess herself is unwilling to make trouble anymore.

She had already gained the upper hand, and she didn't want to give them a chance to come back.

"Hmph! I don't care about you."

Princess Miaomiao snorted arrogantly and took the initiative to take a step back.

Hasna whimpered softly, but finally stopped baring her teeth.

Lin Pingzhi and Fu Yushi looked at each other, and Panasonic breathed a sigh of relief.

The girls of Diwu are indeed not afraid of performing in public, but for those kind of performances, if you can do it in public, try not to be in public...

It's a bit of a loss for a dog to see it alone!

How sweet is it to hide it in your hand as a nuclear weapon to deter all directions?

There was a lot of turmoil, and under the guidance of Chu Xin, Pingzhi, Xiao Gongju and others who put the overall situation first, the calm before the war was finally restored. At this moment, there should be applause.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

He Meng applauded lightly, smiling, and the timing of jumping out was just right.

Still stir? !

Wang Yan was really scared, and immediately glared at her: "Shut up!"

Huh? !

Vicious? !

He Meng raised his eyebrows, and was about to continue talking unbelievingly, but Brother Gou's expression calmed down miraculously.

The expression is calm and the tone is calmer.

It's just a little spooky.

"If I hear even one more provocation from you, I'll fuck your sister."


Can you say this kind of threat to your face? !

He Meng was so shocked that he trembled all over, while the little fairy was extremely excited: "Really? Really?!"

At the beginning of Shi Shiping, they were completely speechless.

What kind of brat is this? !

How do the adults in the family usually manage it? !

Qi Shushu turned to look at Wang Yan, wanting to see how he would respond.

Brother Gou chuckled and nodded: "Really. Are you looking forward to it? Or go upstairs with me later?"


He Xiaolu smiled sweetly, then raised an eyebrow at Liu Li: "Sister Lili, I'm sorry, you are about to abdicate soon!"


Why is this girl more difficult than her sister? !

He Meng, He Miaomiao, and Chu Xin all turned to look at Liu Li.

Can you bear it?

Liu Li didn't want to bear it anymore.

But he didn't pay attention to anyone at all, and took Wang Yan's hand, seemingly helplessly, but also softly exhorting him.

"You can make trouble if you want, but you must pay attention to safety, she is still young, and she can't stand your full strength.

I'm right next door to you, call me if you need help, don't come to me!

In addition, today is a special case, don't push yourself too hard, don't think about her sister anymore, I don't like her, can you do it? "


All the people around, whether male or female, were all dumbfounded.


Is this scientific?

Only Di Wu's girlfriends were not shocked, they had truly seen Liu Li's strength.

Na Wu finally found a chance to take revenge, and told Wang Yan earnestly: "Need is so big, you really need to pay attention!"

Is this a warning?

Is this crazy? !

The brains of the people who eat melons are buzzing, and they feel red and scary, and their bodies are shaking.

Everyone turned their heads to look at the rest of Diwu's girlfriends.

Go and grab her!

Lin Pingzhi didn't pull Nawu, but calmly chimed in: "Money should be given, compensation should be given, and the relationship should be handled clearly. Don't give them a chance to mess around."


Fu Yushi finished calmly: "Boss, let's help you raise the money. It can be regarded as compensation for not dancing."


Lu Yuanyuan kindly reminded: "Hey dog, who do you need to help make arrangements in advance! Don't come up and drive the little girl away..."


Bitch bowed her head and took out her bag: "It's okay, it's okay! I have a baby oil here that is very easy to use... Really, it's super slippery and doesn't foam!"


What the hell are these fairy girlfriends? !

Can you speak on the hour? !

The people who eat melons are completely stupid, they feel fluttering, and their minds are full of shit.

Sure enough, people should not be judged by their appearance, and the underworld should not be trespassed.

They are really good sisters in the underworld who sleep together in the same dormitory every night and sing yellow accents after thousands of years of hard work.

Then, everyone saw Wang Yan nodding solemnly at Xiao Liuli and making a promise.

Just two words, heavier than Mount Tai——

"rest assured!"

He Meng collapsed.

I let you Ma Dexin!

He Xiaolu moved quietly, retreated behind her sister, lost her skin.

From Wang Yan's expression and eyes, she felt that this animal seemed to be coming for real...

What's even more frightening is that Liu Li's reaction didn't seem fake either...

If she didn't resist and dared to go upstairs, she would definitely be a woman tomorrow...

It doesn't matter if she's a woman or not. In fact, she really likes Wang Yan, but she can't be clicked off under such circumstances!

Little fairy, do I want to lose face? !

Anyway, He Meng didn't intend to save face, so he gave Wang Yan a hard look, and pulled his sister hard: "Let's go!"

There were only three words in total, and she yelled out the momentum of "Song of Righteous Qi".

He Xiaolu smiled and waved at Wang Yan: "Next time, definitely next time!"

Liu Li was not the one to be unreasonable and unforgiving, so she smiled lightly and let it go.

But Na Wu is!

With a whoosh, she rushed over and stopped the sisters with open arms: "Who will be with you next time? It's been a night of trouble, and I don't take anything with me. Do you think our dog is not entertaining well?!"

All the people were trembling with fright.

Do you want them to take something with them? !

And, how do you want Brother Gou to entertain you? !

Such words of tigers and wolves, spewing out of your mouth is really surprisingly tasteful...

He Meng's chest trembled with anger, far exceeding the normal scale.


Squeezing Na Wu away, turned around and left, so angry that he couldn't even speak.

Hasna waved her paw and said, "Master, come play again when you have time!"


Laughing like crazy.

Seeing He Meng's back tremble slightly, He Miaomiao felt the same feeling, her expression was a little dull.

who am I?

where am i

What just happened?

Their fighting power... so fierce? !

This princess is alone, a little scared...

But after thinking about it carefully, he suddenly straightened his chest again.

its not right?

He Meng sisters are afraid of that, I am not afraid!

Liu Li, if you dare to let go, I really dare to go all out!

As for face-saving...

This princess is going to go abroad soon, what face do I want from you? !

Gouzi, Gouzi, if you dare to touch me, just wait for me to lead you abroad!

Princess Miao Miao held her head high and felt that she was doing well again.

Liu Li raised his head, glanced at her, then at Chu Xin, his expression became thoughtful.

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