God of Life

Chapter five hundred and ninety seventh: Gou Zi Chong Duck

"How are you feeling, Adam."

The two met in the morning to have morning tea, Brother Xu asked with a smile.


Brother Gou gave a thumbs up, praised sincerely, and then his expression turned pale.

"But I don't like him."

Brother Xu smiled and gave a thumbs up: "That's right, accept the correct part of his theory, but don't be like him.

I knew before I brought you here that you would not be affected too much.

You, like Adam, are truly strong men with a strong will. "

First Young Master Wang felt that he could no longer agree.

"It's really eye-opening... The useless knowledge of human nature and psychology has increased significantly."

"Hahaha! Useless knowledge...good image!"

Brother Xu laughed and slapped the table.

Wang Yan suddenly looked into his eyes with deep eyes.

"However, the girls there should all be voluntary, right?"

Brother Xu nodded seriously, and explained seriously: "Of course, the club only accepts voluntary fans, and the review process is very strict.

Like Chen Muyan, she actually came to ask for help, and everything after that was voluntary.

Otherwise, you thought Adam would touch a girl from that kind of family?

Gouzi, this world is diverse. Some people with strange hobbies are not recognized by the public, but they still have a need for recognition, so we hold together to keep warm and entertain ourselves.

But there is one thing: we will not do criminal things, there is no need for that.

As Professor Adam said, conquest is not evil.

You and I both have the ability to do evil, but have you actively used it?

That strange knowledge is no different from our power and wealth, it is just a tool.

Also, haven't you noticed?

There are no fees in the building, the club is a purely non-profit organization, and my membership was not bought.

Including Adam, no one profited from it, it was just a strange meeting place. "

Wang Yan was relieved.

Li Yixu is really a good big brother, and Wang Yan doesn't want to lose him.

Keeping silent in the building and even accepting Brother Xu's kindness is because he wants to experience.

However, experiencing does not mean that you will integrate.

If this group of people went too far, Wang Yan could only part ways with him.

Fortunately, not yet.

Brother Xu is just kind, and wants to show him the other side of society.

Li Yixu didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly laughed.

"Although you are powerful, Gouzi, you are too young to see too much. You can't imagine how many strange things there are in our group."

"I don't even want to think about it."

Gouzi lowered his head to drink the porridge, and casually gave the final conclusion: "It's none of my business?"

This is his attitude.

Although everyone was rich and idle with no lofty goals and could be classified into a group, Wang Yan did not intend to accept them or be accepted by them.

So be it.


After having fun that day, Brother Gou should still do what he should do, and the rhythm of life has not changed because of this.

Reading books, researching papers, being asked out by friends for dinner, occasionally going to the track, and playing with Chuxin who are not far or near.

Everything that day seemed like a dream.

However, after all, some changes are really happening.

In fact, Professor Adam did not teach Wang Yan any substantive skills, but only revealed a possibility to him.

Or, as you might call it, a more holistic mindset.

Before that, Wang Yan had a gentle view of the world, an immature view of emotions, and a respectful view of human nature.

Actually this is not right.

It's not that it's wrong to treat the world with kindness, but you must first know that there are good and evil in this world, and then choose to treat the world with kindness.

The difference is that one is passive and the other active.

Professor Adam is just the opposite, his eyes are extremely cold.

It's understandable because the experience is different.

But Wang Yan didn't like that cold perspective,

Absolutely rational at all times, always watching the weaknesses of others, and deeply analyzing the most naked darkness in the depths of human nature.

Too tired to live.

Indeed, Professor Adam's theory has many insights.

But that stuff is so extreme.

Therefore, it can only be used to broaden horizons, and it must not be imitated.

With the current level of mixing, Wang Yan will definitely come into contact with more dark sides in the future.

The secret war between countries, the filth in the industry, the madness and ugliness in human nature...

Wang Yan is already a big banner, so he must no longer use the thinking of a child to look at problems.

Only by having a deep understanding of the nature of the world, social laws, and the complexity of human nature will we have enough strength to protect ourselves and those we love.

The kindness that knows nothing is the white lotus, fragile and vulnerable.

After seeing the evil of human nature, you still choose to be kind, which is the real strength.

No loss in this class.

As for how to face Liu Li, He Miaomiao and the others...

In fact, the core idea is to stare at the weaknesses of the girls and pull them repeatedly.

Normal chasing girls: show yourself like a peacock spreading its tail, care about each other, eat and play with each other to cultivate feelings.

The routine after strengthening: Accurately demonstrate one's own strengths, accurately provide protection for the other party's weaknesses, and strengthen needs while cultivating feelings.

Where is the difference?

In fact, there is no essential difference, except that one is played with low EQ, and the other is played with high EQ.

It has to be admitted that insight into human nature is indeed helpful for all communication.

Picking up girls is essentially two-surname communication.

However, what Brother Gou is thinking about now is not the so-called communication skills, but the following questions:

What do they want?

Can I give it?

If not all can be satisfied, who should be satisfied first?

Do they have an accurate answer to this?

Is there room for compromise?


In deep thinking, some things gradually became clear.

First of all, Liu Li absolutely cannot give up. Today, she is not only an anchor, but also a part of her spiritual world.

Giving up on her is tantamount to denying my hard work and growth along the way.

And what she wants is very simple: most of the feelings, sincere love.

Yes, today, what she wants is not all.

Wang Yan was keenly aware of some changes. The acquiescence was very subtle. She never admitted it, but it did exist.

So in fact, Xiao Liuli allows herself to roam around outside, and her tolerance is not high, but it is definitely not the kind of cleanliness that does not rub sand in her eyes and does not accept any flaws.

And this means that, in fact, there is still room for both parties to continue to compromise.

Since both sides had to compromise, Wang Yan would of course give in.

His concession is likely to be Chu Xin.

Because there is a high probability that Brother Gou will not be able to give what Chuxin wants.

Miss Chuxin's Mu Qiang mentality is the strongest, and she is the easiest to be conquered by Wang Yan, but at the same time, her request is also the firmest - to share the glory by Wang Yan's side.

I want to stand beside you openly, my glory is you, my reliance is you, and my everything is you.

If she is the main palace, then there is no doubt that her tolerance is absolutely the highest.

As long as I am the one standing by your side openly, nothing else matters.

What little three little four little seven little eight, I can turn a blind eye.

How can a man not spend?

I've seen you a lot.


Yet herein lies the contradiction.

Wang Yan couldn't give her the position in the main palace, so her core requirements could not be met, and everything else might cease to exist.

Moreover, her family is engaged in private equity, and Wang Yan does not intend to touch the domestic financial industry in his life, so naturally he lacks common interests.

How ridiculous is it to talk about relationships without a foundation of interests and without a formal marriage?

Therefore, once the situation reached a critical moment, Wang Yan was likely to give up Chuxin.

Distressed, sad, but there is no way.

There is little resolution to this fundamental conflict.

The only solution is actually Professor Adam's theory: complete obedience is forcibly adjusted by biological nature.

But Wang Yan wouldn't do that, it was so boring.

That kind of thing, if the other party is voluntary, it is called fun; if the other party is not willing, it is evil.

So Wang Yan didn't ask Adam to teach him any specific skills at all. He didn't learn, didn't want to, and didn't bet on his self-control.


Next is He Miaomiao.

Little princess, Wang Yan doesn't intend to give up.

In fact, she didn't fully understand what she wanted.

Wang Yan figured it out.

Miao Miao has a stubborn personality, and she is a person who doesn't care much about the opinions of the outside world.

Her material is too rich, what she wants is nothing more than spiritual happiness.

The simplest and least simple.

She was very greedy for the freshness and security that Wang Yan gave her, and she had a strong need to be conquered.

However, unlike Chuxin, she doesn't care about glory, she doesn't need to share it, as long as she is happy.

But it's hard to make her happy.

On the material level, she already had nothing else to ask for.

Her biggest hobbies are nothing more than eating fruits and wearing beautiful clothes, which she can do by herself.

On the spiritual level, what she needs is too complicated.

Playmates, bodyguards, fathers...

To match her whimsy, to be able to drive her crazy, to protect her and give her a sense of security, to spoil her with spending money, to feed her delicious fruits...

All the requests were concentrated on a young boy, and one word was highlighted: Trap!

However, once she can be satisfied, then her feelings will be very simple and pure.

Does she really care that Wang Yan has other women?

it's not true.

In fact, she only cared more about whether Wang Yan could accompany her and whether she took her to heart.

Now, Princess Miao Miao has not realized the essence of her feelings, but Wang Yan can feel that her possessiveness is not particularly strong, and it is not reflected in the external form.

So, if done right, there is a chance.

The really difficult ones are the Diwu sisters.

What a hell.

Originally, they were not too difficult to deal with, and they were all rookies when they were pulled out alone.

However, the undead Piansheng gathered together in the same dormitory, and Sanwan and Sanwan were like sisters, and the problem suddenly became extremely complicated.

Fortunately, none of them are evil.

If you like it, you like it, but no one wants to hurt Liu Li.

This is a good thing, but it is also difficult.

Taking it apart and analyzing it separately, what Fu Yushi wants is the simplest.

She wants to be famous, to make money, to give herself a sense of security, and to bloom independently.

Brother Gou can fully meet all her needs.

In terms of emotion and reason, she couldn't leave Wang Yan even if she cared about her feelings and interests.

So just leave it alone and let it marinate slowly.

Lin Weiwei was the most awkward among them.

This brother Pingzhi is generous, kind, and has a high emotional intelligence.

Analyzing it to others, one set of one set can be understood, but once the matter falls to one's own head, one immediately starts to struggle.

She sincerely hoped that Liu Li and Wang Yan would be happy. She liked Liu Li and Wang Yan as well.

Then she got numb.

What should I do?

How about... Shall I stay away?

He was very thoughtful, and he refused to admit it, so he closed his eyes and fooled around, thinking that he could get past it with time.

She didn't want much, she hoped that Liu Li and Wang Yan would not be separated, she hoped that she and Liu Li would always be good sisters, and at the same time, she hoped that she could have a little love from a dog.

So in fact, she is also easy to handle.

When the time is right one day, if you force her a little harder, she will admit it.

Pay attention, toughness is not a strong base. When she is half-pushed and half-assed, she will be less beeping and move her mouth more. That is the correct toughness.

Among the Di Wu sisters, Na Wu was the most troublesome one.

Brother Gou really doesn't understand what she is thinking...

Thinking of her, there is only one sentence left: MMP!

She is very active in everything, but she can also mess around; she can't hold back when she wants to get ahead, and shrinks like a chicken when she doesn't want to take care of things.

Is she greedy?

For sure!

Does she have to be Wang Yan?


After making a fuss, her reaction was the most uncontrollable, and she felt that anything was possible.

Broke her, she should be very good.

But after that, she is very likely to blow herself up and make a big scene.

Wang Yan had nothing to do with her and was helpless.


In fact, no matter who Gou Ge is facing alone, the problem is that they are always mixed together, and they are inseparable.

Therefore, it is most inadvisable to attack alone behind Liu Li's back.

That is tantamount to betrayal, and it is double betrayal.

He could only wait for an opportunity, wait for Liu Li's acquiescence, or wait for an accident that could throw the pot away.

Otherwise, hang on.

From the heart is not cowardice, the sage said: Do what you want without overstepping the rules.

It means: from the heart is good, not bad rules.


As for Sister He Meng, it's not worth mentioning.

The relationship didn't reach that level at all, and Wang Yan didn't intend to do anything to her.

Just flirt with her when she has free time, and she will never make a fool of her classmates, will she be troubled forever?

Play for fun, make trouble for trouble, the real benefits have nothing to do with them.

A pair of black-bellied sisters, their hearts are black when cut open, they can make a date, but their relationship is out of the question.


It was a waste of time to formulate an overall strategy, and Brother Gou was tired and happy.

Strange knowledge is not in vain, at least, the thinking mode is deeper and more comprehensive.

To be honest, opening a harem in modern society is a mind-tiring thing.

After calculating and calculating, I feel that the whole person is dark.

But there is no way.

Or give up completely, be a real decent dog, only guard Liu Li, don't want any little princess Da Nawu, marry whoever you like.

Simple, worry-free, but too cowardly.

If you can't bear it, then you have to think about it.

They are not paper people, they have their own personalities, and they have their own thoughts and desires.

It takes a lot of effort to catch up with one of them, let alone gather them together in a kennel?

Therefore, between morality and selfishness, Wang Yan chose selfishness.

As for morality, what really matters is the bottom line.

The bottom line cannot be too low, and you can do whatever you want online.

Wang Yan's bottom line was that he would not treat them as toys, and throw them away when he was tired of playing and showing off.

Not to use any extreme means.

He will also give his feelings, even if it is divided into several shares, it is still true.

Is it an excuse? no.

It is human nature for the strong to desire more.

——No, in fact, everyone is greedy, it's just that the strong can't hide it hypocritically.

Dare to face your own desires, the constraints that should be restrained, and the indulgence that should be indulged, so that you can live a free and easy life without losing control.

Secretly, if you want to be a whore and want to set up a memorial archway at the same time, it is purely deceiving yourself.

It's boring.

Recently, due to the impact of the conversation with Professor Adam, Wang Yan was always asking himself: Have you gone astray so far?

After repeated calculation and thinking, the answer is: basically not.


The reason is that the system is too strong.

What can I do if I am given more money than I can spend when I am out of breath? !

Go work harder? Are you mentally ill? !

The money earned through hard work is not as much as that earned while panting. What is the point of hard work?

Does not provide a sense of accomplishment.

Think a little more: the country is so strong and stable, it doesn’t need anyone to save it, brother roared and rebelled? !

If the time is pushed forward another 100 years, and the nation needs me, then it is my duty to fight for it all my life.

But now this year... let's all rest.

As a son and daughter of China, at the most, I spend money on scientific research, donate some money for disaster relief, and help the poor.

Brother Gou really can't find his ideal.

The country and the system are so cruel that they completely blocked Gouge's way to become a great man.

What else can I do?


Then I accidentally increased the attribute too high. At the age of 20, I was already full of energy, but now I am suffocating...

Useless, useless, brother's life is completely useless!


Objectively speaking, in fact, not only did Wang Yan's path not go astray, but he had reached the best point under the same circumstances.

He didn't hurt anyone, he didn't poach the corner of the country, and he didn't degenerate to the point of climbing the ladder every day.

Choose your targets carefully, treat your feelings with restraint, and don't act recklessly.

Keep the bottom line, don't do any really bad things, play for fun, and give ten times the compensation that should be given.

Is it off?

Really not.

Any dick who gets the same system cannot live a more decent life than a decent Wang.

Therefore, after Wang Yan thought it through, he no longer had any psychological burden.

For the first time clarifying his will——

I like Liu Li, I like Miao Miao, I like Pingzhi, I like Nawu...

As long as there is a chance, I will try my best to draw you.

If there is no chance, I will not choose to hurt.

So that's it, no more hypocrisy, I'm going to start working hard for Crystal Palace.

The dog rushed to the duck!

Duty is calling, and victory is ahead.


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