God of Life

Chapter 602 The consequences of making Brother Gou unhappy are serious

When Wang Yan returned to the villa, Ye Yingying was already waiting in the living room.

It's just that she hasn't seen her for an afternoon, and she is haggard as if all her energy has been destroyed.

His hair was disheveled, his eyes were bloodshot, his eyes were sad and sad, and his expression was blank.

The moment she saw Wang Yan, she shuddered and subconsciously clenched her fingers.


Wang Yan stretched out his hand to Ye Yingying, with a calm attitude.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wang, I..."

Ye Yingying's expression was cautious, her lips trembling slightly, presumably because her fear had reached its limit.

Wang Yan raised his eyebrows and smiled playfully: "Sister Ye, are you afraid of me?"

Ye Yingying bit her lower lip tightly, not knowing how to answer.

Wang Yan asked again, "Why?"

Ye Yingying couldn't keep silent, she stood up and bowed deeply: "I'm sorry, Mr. Wang, it's all our fault, and I'm willing to do my best to make up for it..."

"Don't rush to apologize."

Brother Gou waved his hand to interrupt her, and asked again: "You answer me first, why are you so afraid of me?"


Ye Yingying didn't know how to answer.

Because you are powerful and wealthy, we are afraid of your revenge.

The reason is so simple, but can it be said?

Wang Yan could tell what she was thinking at a glance, a little sad and a little funny in his heart.

"You don't have to be afraid of me, I'm a law-abiding businessman, I don't intend to interfere with judicial justice, and I don't plan to retaliate in private, for such a small matter, it is impossible.

What you should be afraid of is the law. The price of your wrongdoing is not collected by me, but I will definitely pay it. "

Wang Yan's attitude was very serious, but it also made him look very upright.

Ye Yingying's heart was more or less stable, and her IQ returned to normal.

She smiled wretchedly, sat down again, hugged her shoulders and retracted into the sofa.

"Can you please give me a little time and listen to my story with him?"

Wang Yan nodded and called to Dave: "Pour Miss Ye a cup of hot water. If there is red wine at home, bring me a cup."

Then she looked back at Ye Yingying: "You can say it, but please note that my time is not cheap."

Dave came and went quietly, left hot water and red wine behind, and then disappeared around the corner of the stairs.

Only Wang Yan and Ye Yingying were left in the living room.

She was not in a hurry, she held the hot water cup, seemed to be deliberating, seemed to be remembering, and spoke slowly.

"Fang Ruo and I were college classmates, and even our first love.

My family is considered a middle class in the city, and his family is more difficult. Therefore, he has always worked very hard and has a firm goal.

Apart from designing, I have always been naive in other aspects.

Fang Ruo, on the other hand, joined the student union early, not only didn't delay his homework, but also seemed to be able to do everything with ease.

If there is anything wrong with him, it is that he is too jealous.

After being together, any man approaching me will arouse his vigilance.

Of course, under normal circumstances, he wouldn't say anything, but kept it in his heart and observed silently.

After entering the society, I gradually realized that the reason for being overly nervous about me should be due to his inner inferiority complex.

I don't think I'm a goddess, but no matter in college or out of society, there are many men who express their affection for me.

In fact, he knows me very well, and knows that I am not the kind of woman who will be moved by material things, and it is impossible to do things that are sorry for him.

However, the man is so strange, his reason clearly knows everything, but he can't control his anger, inferiority complex, doubt, and pain.

I hadn't actually realized this before.

Until this afternoon, when I went to question him, he suddenly broke out.

We quarreled for a full three hours and he scolded me for the first time.

I broke down first, then he broke down too, we cried for a long time, and then we finally talked.

You may not have experienced that kind of situation, like squeezing toothpaste, you a little, I a little, the truth that you usually dare not say, squeeze out sentence by sentence.

Occasionally there are inappropriate expressions,

It takes a lot of effort to correct it.

Then, gradually, perhaps mustering up the courage, or perhaps starting to break the jar, many things that should not be said have also been said...

Of course, until the end, he was still trying to trick me.

He said he married me for our future, to buy a house, and to replace me with a real Porsche...

Do you remember?

You once made a joke about my prestige, Fang Ruo and I mentioned it as a joke, but unexpectedly, he still remembered it in his heart until the end, and even used it as a weight...

But in fact, I know very well that he is just not reconciled, he is fed up with the poor life without money, and the hard life of depending on other people's faces.

Even if I don't feel bitter, he only wants him to feel it.

I separated from him in the afternoon, and while I was waiting for you, I contacted all my college classmates I could reach, and I asked everyone the same question: What does Fang Ruo look like in your eyes?

I want to confirm whether it is my fault, whether it is because I, or my family, put too much pressure on him to make him what he is now.

The results surprised me and shocked me.

It turned out that when he was a sophomore, he began to desperately squeeze his juniors to earn a commission from their part-time jobs.

It turns out that the self-motivation I always thought was actually just hysteria from poverty...

Haha... woo... woo woo woo..."

Speaking of this, Ye Yingying finally collapsed.

The crying went from small to loud, from suppressed to released, with a kind of indescribable despair.

Wang Yan felt emotional, and felt a little bit sympathetic.

Really, it is impossible for people who have never been poor to experience that kind of depression.

Chen Fangruo's story is not new, but because it is not new, it is representative in a general sense.

Too many people fall on poor characters.

Parents of urban families are often very resistant to boys born in the countryside, and even forcibly coined a proper term "phoenix boy", which has its own reason.

However, if Ye Yingying wanted to explain Chen Fangruo's motive for deceiving, then Wang Yan would not accept it.

Not all people born in poverty will be demonized because of poverty.

So many children from poor families are struggling on the right path. They neither succumbed to their fate nor complained about the injustice of the heavens. They became the backbone of society by their own efforts, and proved with self-improvement that poverty is not the reason for degeneration.

Forgiving people like Chen Fangruo is the greatest injustice to them.

"So, what's your decision?"

Ye Yingying was awakened by Wang Yan's calmness and coldness. She finally remembered that she was here to solve the problem.

She stopped crying, wiped away her tears, and tried to regain her strength.

"I hate him, hate him for lying to me for so many years.

I regret it, I regret that I didn't listen to my parents and my best friend's advice, I'm sorry for them.

I am very angry, angry that he treated me like this.

So, in the afternoon, I had officially broken up with him.

But I did love him, really, really, completely.

You say I should be afraid of the law, of the consequences of doing something wrong, yes, I am!

I'm afraid he will go to jail!

In that case, he would really be finished, and so would his family!

His mother's health is particularly poor, and he has a younger sister who is in high school. A family like his really can't afford to lose!

Just a little bit of twists and turns can knock their family into dust, let alone such a big thing?

So, I want to ask you, don't call the police, let's keep it private, okay?

In this order, he stole 1.5 million from you and returned all of it to you.

He still has about 800,000 deposits, and my deposits plus the house my family bought for me can make up another 2.2 million.

Then I will go to a friend to borrow it, and I will give you a total of 4.5 million in compensation, three times the compensation.

I know you are not short of money, I just want to try my best to express my apology, as long as you are willing to give him a chance, we will do everything..."

Ye Yingying was a little confused, "I" for a while, and "we" for a while, I don't know if it was a slip of the tongue or an unstable stance.

Wang Yan understood that she wanted to protect Chen Fangruo to death, but she had already distinguished you and me emotionally.

What a caring woman.

But unfortunately, Wang Yan couldn't agree.

"It should be my money, and the court will recover it for me. It shouldn't be my money, and I don't care about a cent."

Seeing her desperate expression, Wang Yan was silent for a moment, and finally gave her a reason.

"My foundation is not as stable as you think, and if anyone can blackmail, extort, steal from me things that don't belong to them with impunity, then my prestige will be seriously damaged.

If someone is ready to move because of this, should I put my energy on guarding against such things all day long? "

Ye Yingying hurriedly said: "But no one will know! Let's solve it in private..."

"You can guarantee that you won't tell, but can you guarantee that Chen Fangruo will keep it a secret?"

Wang Yan looked at her indifferently and slightly mockingly, which made her feel cold.

"That kind of person loses the money he cheated, loses his girlfriend, and loses most of his future, and will only become more and more extreme in the future.

What do you think he will do?

Slander you behind your back, tell others that you are a bitch, brag about his glorious history of playing with me and escape unscathed, and call me a fool..."

Ye Yingying was chilled by Wang Yan's words.

She didn't want to believe it, but Wang Yan's expression was too determined, calm and confident, with a powerful force that was unbelievable.

She doesn't have any brains now, but she can still make a judgment just by feeling: Wang Yan is right.

However, she was still unwilling to give up, and instead became even crazier because of her despair.

"Mr. Wang, this is not a big deal for you, you can bear the consequences, right?

I know we don't have enough chips.

Money, or whatever, you don't care about, what about me?

I've only had one man, and he's pretty clean, as long as you let him go, I promise I'll be there for you in the future!

Even... You can receive my compensation in advance today! "

Ye Yingying was really anxious, she took the initiative to tear off her self-esteem from her face, and stepped on it in the mud.

Wang Yan was extremely speechless.

"does it worth?"

Ye Yingying shook her head sadly, her big bright eyes filled with tears.

"Everything started because of me, and now only I can save him... If he goes to jail because he opened a studio with me...I can't bear it!"

Ye Yingying was already beautiful, but at this moment, she possessed a special sense of beauty.

Like a flower knocked down by the rain, delicate and poignant, the kind of temperament that I still feel pity for, makes people feel sorry, but also makes people want to destroy it.

Wang Yan couldn't help sighing.

"You think you can save him, but have you ever thought that once there is another chance to cheat or embezzle, he will still not give up, and will only do it more covertly.

Today, no matter what price you pay to let him escape, he will not appreciate you for it, let alone wake up.

The moment you asked to break up with him, he already hated you.

A person like him will not find reasons from himself.

Everything is the fault of the world, and everything is the fault of social injustice.

If he knew how you saved him, he'd ruin your reputation to cover up his fault.

A woman like you is always swayed by emotions, and always takes the despicableness of human nature too simply.

The courage to sacrifice is a virtue, but only the right sacrifice is called sacrifice. What do you call it?

Meat buns beat dogs! "

There was a rare time when First Young Master Wang spoke earnestly, and he sent it out of feeling, but Ye Yingying laughed out of the blue in exchange for it.



"That... I follow your Weibo... a lot of people call you Wanggou..."


Brother Gou was blown away by her brain circuit.

Woman, really Nima's magic!

Ye Yingying smiled embarrassedly and stared deeply at Wang Yan.

He said softly: "Actually, I know. When he knelt down to beg me, I knew what he was planning. Don't underestimate a woman's intuition in this regard.

But I still decided to do it.

Maybe it's not for him, but just for peace of mind...

If it's someone else, I should change another method, but if it's you, I don't think it's so difficult to accept...

Now, I am Roubaozi, at your disposal.

He is a bedbug, it doesn't matter if you shoot him or not.

Can you satisfy my wish and let me end this relationship with peace of mind? "

Brother Gou was dumbfounded.

Beauty, it's boring for you to do this!

Why are you giving me such a problem?

In fact, Brother Gou was very emotional in his heart, and his emotions were complicated and difficult to understand.

The brilliance and darkness of human nature were intertwined into a painting at this time, and presented to Wang Yan at the same time.

Ye Yingying was not gluttonous, she just didn't dislike Wang Yan, so she could accept the greatest sacrifice.

But what if instead of Wang Yan, it was an old man with a hideous face?

There is a high probability that after a fierce ideological struggle, she will still sacrifice herself.

It's love, it's hate, it's despair, it's self-abandonment, it's despair, it's humiliation.

It's not sane anyway.

Wang Yan didn't admire this approach, but he had to admire her.

It's rare for her to be so kind and righteous to do this for a scumbag.

You know, as long as you cut it in time, this matter will not affect her at all.

So Brother Gou is in a rare embarrassment.

Bah, don't think about it, it's not about whether to break her, but whether to let Chen Fangruo go.

His experience is not enough to support such a complicated decision.

At the critical moment, Wang Yan calmed down and began to solve the problem according to Professor Adam's thinking mode.

First, make a summary of Chen Fangruo's character.

The lowest level of Chen Fangruo's character is a combination of inferiority complex and arrogance.

Inferiority makes him extreme, and arrogance makes him ambitious.

According to Ye Yingying, if Chen Fang coaxed her to come to work as a supervisor, he would first supervise the decoration, then accompany her to shop, and finally undertake the purchase.

Step by step, plan clearly, deliberate.

This proves that his personality is indeed flawed, but his IQ is really not low.

If it wasn't for Dave's omnipotence, Wang Yan wouldn't have realized there was a problem, so he would have succeeded in stealing his home.

Until now, Chen Fangruo hadn't appeared in front of Wang Yan, because he knew that if he appeared, it might intensify the conflict and anger Wang Yan, so it's better to let Ye Yingying come forward.

Ye Yingying wanted to break up with him, his first reaction was not to persuade Ye Yingying to stay, but to take the opportunity to ask Ye Yingying to sacrifice, which shows her decisiveness and viciousness.

The conclusion is: a smart, decisive, tolerant, extreme, and ambitious villain.

So, what are the advantages and disadvantages of letting him go?

The advantage is: I got a Yingying, the score is not low, it is gentle and bright when it smiles, and I feel pity when it cries.

Love and righteousness, ability is not bad.

Get along for a long time, pile up the favorability, and you can entrust a big responsibility.

The downside is...


Young Master Wang couldn't go on with his analysis. Adam's thinking mode is very clever, but it's not omnipotent.

Thinking of letting this kind of person go, letting him go unpunished, cursing himself in a dark corner, scolding Ye Yingying for being a stinky bitch, Brother Gou felt very unhappy.

Indeed, at Chen Fangruo's level, it was impossible to cause harm to Wang Yan.

As Ye Yingying said, it's just a bedbug, it doesn't matter if you shoot it or not.

No matter how smart, decisive, tolerant, extreme, and ambitious Chen Fangruo was, he could only harm some middle-class and small bosses, and he would not be able to reach Wang Yan after 20 years of hard work.

At most, it's just a few words of cursing and howling of some defeated dogs.

But Brother Gou is just upset, thinking of him makes him sick.

In fact, this kind of man is not uncommon in society, so I should be tolerant, anyway, I can't control it... Shit!

It's fine if you don't meet me, if you provoke me, you still want to get by by playing hooligans? !

Your dog brother has been around until today, relying on two words - self-willed!

I don't want money;

Ye Yingying, I won't touch;

You must die!

After making up his mind, Wang Yan felt relieved, but considering Ye Yingying's emotions, he still carefully considered his words.

"If you like me, or even just out of appreciation, and want to play a friendly, I'd be honored.

But you are here to save Chen Fangruo, please forgive me for not being able to accept it.

You do what you feel is right, and that's fine.

But I also want to do what I think is right, such as maintaining the fairness and majesty of the law, allowing criminals to receive due punishment, warning the world, and purifying the atmosphere.

Instead of compensating me, the money should be left to Chen Fangruo's family, so that they will not pay too heavy a price for Chen Fangruo's mistakes.

As for the peace of mind you want, I can give you right now——

You have tried your best, I forgive you, and I sincerely wish you to find a better man and find true happiness as soon as possible. "

Ye Yingying looked at Wang Yan's face in a daze.

The boy's eyes seemed to be wearing colored contact lenses, bottomless and clear.

Just like his personality, from the first meeting to now, he has surprised and shocked her time and time again.

Being rejected by such a big boy, she was surprisingly not ashamed, and even had a little warmth.

At a certain moment, she suddenly thought: Since there is such a beloved person in the world, why do I entrust someone who is not?

Maybe it's because I'm still not doing well enough...

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt relieved.

I am not good enough and I met Chen Fangruo who is not good enough. Some things are probably doomed. Maybe it is not a bad thing to find mistakes early...

When Ye Yingying left, she had completely recovered her composure.

This made Brother Gou very pleased.

Doing a good deed every day will really make you feel happy.

Well, it's time to do second best...

"Dave, prepare the materials and report the crime tomorrow!"

Goubi, such a good woman doesn't know how to cherish it, so go play with men in the hall!

Brother Gou cursed and vented his frustration about being unable to eat when the young lady delivered it to the door, but when he thought of resisting another wave of temptation and not taking advantage of others, his heart felt safe and happy.

Ye Yingying is a good girl, but brother's arms are no longer enough, so I can only help you here.

However, it is best not to have a next time.

Otherwise... I will never let you down!

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