God of Shuratan

Chapter 1065: Black Jedi Pavilion

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Within the penalty formation, the Jedi Pavilion's seven Jiupin taboo powerhouses began to summon Qin Yang.

Ten minutes later, Qin Yang let three of them out, and the other four remained in the penalty formation.

"Brother Cao, you!"

One of the strong men in the Penal Array yelled angrily. They had just communicated secretly, and probably said a lot.

This strong man talked a lot, but he stayed in the penalty formation.

There is no doubt that the three that came out said more.

"The four of you will have a good rest here, and I'll see you again in a few days!"

Qin Yang said that the three strong men who had been brought out disappeared.

"The three of you are good and say more, but believe it or not, they will say more when they pass by? Then you will have to go back to the penalty formation, and you will die later. It's you! "

"So tell me some very important secrets, you understand?"

Qin Yang was faintly authentic.

The three strong men looked at Qin Yang entangledly.

"You said, no one will know what you said at that time, if you do n’t say it, soon the people in the Jedi Pavilion will know what you have said! That way, will your family die, if you go back What to do, you think about it yourself. "

One of them smiled bitterly: "Sir, if we honestly explain, can we live then?"

Qin Yang smiled lightly: "It's totally possible, if you betray the Jedi Pavilion completely, you can even become the people of this seat!"

"Just rest assured, as long as you are obedient, the rest of the Jedi Pavilion will not know what you said!"

The three began to send messages to Qin Yang again.

This time, they were talking about the core secrets.

I have said a lot before, I have betrayed, and now I say that the obstacles in their hearts are much smaller.

Five minutes later, Qin Yang's face showed a smile. He knew some very important secrets. These three are all Jiupin taboo powerhouses. They know the very secret of the Jedi Pavilion!

"You are doing well."

Qin Yang disappeared after speaking, the three strong men look at me, I look at you, the expression is a bit unnatural.

"Elder Li, do you know how your daughter Li Mengyue died then?"

Qin Yang controlled a fifth-class taboo character in the Jedi Pavilion, and he summoned it out to a nine-level taboo strong person in the Jedi Pavilion.

"Chen Tianhe, what's the situation with you?"

Elder Li was called Li Zhan. He immediately asked that Chen Tianhe was missing and he should have been caught alive.

"Elder Li, what matters here is not important. What is important is that Li Mengyue died very badly at the beginning. Nangongbi was unsuccessful in pursuing Li Mengyue. He did not want Li Mengyue to become a woman of others. He kidnapped Li Mengyue and forcibly Had a relationship with her and killed her. "

"The deputy chief of the Nangong knows this, and the master also knows that the strongmen who were investigated by the ancestors at the time were found out. They were suppressed by the deputy of the Nangong, and the master also acquiesced."

"Nangongbi was later sent to the rest of the place, just because he was worried that he was found by you at the headquarters. Now he only has five-character taboo cultivation. With Elder Li's strength, you should know from his mouth that it really is not difficult, even if Elder Li still can't remember his baby daughter. "

Li Zhan's face was extremely gloomy. Of course, he remembered his daughter Li Mengyue. His favorite woman only gave him a boy and a daughter, and then died. Li Mengyue was his favorite daughter. In order to find out the cause of death, Li Li Checked before and after the war for five years!

The results of the investigation were, of course, not found.

Now Li Zhan knows why it can't be found out. If the master and the vice-minister of Nangong jointly cover up, it's no wonder that he can find out!

"Are you serious?"

"Elder Li, you should know such a thing. It is not necessary for me to tell you a lie. Knowing the goal, this is not difficult to verify!"

Li Zhan was short of breath, and in all likelihood, the news was true.

"Elder Li, check it first, and contact later!"

After finishing the battle with Li Zhan, the strong man controlled by Qin Yang circulated to another person, who was also a great figure in the Jedi Pavilion.

There are many strong Jedi Pavilions, but they are by no means monolithic.

There are more contradictions inside than can be said.

Because of interests, there are a lot of gangsters.

"Yu Chengzhu, two thousand and two hundred years ago, your uncle ’s family suffered a great disaster. Your grandfather, your parents were killed, your uncle's family killed many people. At that time, you happened to have escaped, and you know why your uncle's family had A disaster, do you know who killed it? "

"who is it?"

The master of the city said sternly that he always remembered his vengeance.

Although more than two thousand years have passed, the master of the city of Chengyang has turned from a young man in his twenties to more than two thousand years old.

"The Lord of the City, just blame your uncle's family for getting top-notch good things, and it just happened to be known by the fourth son. The fourth son wants to obtain that treasure to enhance his competitiveness. Who the fourth son is now, you should know. "

The unbelievable color appeared in the eyes of the master of the city.

The original four sons, but now the owner of the Jedi Pavilion, he had no chance to become the owner, after all, he was only the fourth son!

But the master of the city remembered that after his retreat once, his strength suddenly skyrocketed, and then in the duel, he won the grand dude at the time.

"That surge in strength was after our uncle's family accident."

The master of the city murmured to himself.

"What evidence?"

"Yes, there were more than a dozen strong hands at the time. Not all of them have reached a high level of cultivation. You can check with Wei Zi'an. He only has five-level taboo cultivation. , But it's really good! "

In the eyes of the master of the city, Jing Man flashed. His nine-pin taboo level was revised, but the treatment was not much higher than Wei Zi'an of the fifth-pin taboo level!

For a long time, the master of the city only thought that Wei Zi'an was the owner of the cabinet, so he was taken care of, and there were other reasons!

"I will verify."

"If it is true, we will contact you later."

The master of the city of Wucheng is surging, and he estimates that in all likelihood, it is true, and such things are totally meaningless.

If it is ordinary revenge, the Lord of the City of Clan gritted his teeth, but his parents and many of his relatives were killed. This is a family feud!

"Master of the city, don't act lightly, you will have a chance!"

"it is good!"

Time passed minute by minute, Qin Yang controlled the strongest player of the five-class taboo level and talked to many people. These people were both strong men of the Jedi Pavilion and strong men of other forces.

Now gathered on the side of the Jedi Pavilion, there are many strong forces in the remaining forces, and it is convenient to contact some strong ones.

"Sovereign, Chen Tianhe, who was missing from the Jedi Pavilion, contacted us and told us a lot of information, all of which were Jedi Pavilion's secret materials against us."

In the Jedi Pavilion, a middle-aged strong man hurried to an old man's room.

The ancestral gate of this old man is weaker than the Jedi Pavilion, but now many of the Jedi Pavilions have died and many of them have disappeared.

As usual, the relationship between this gate and the Jedi Pavilion was okay, so this time, this old man came to help.

"What are they?"

"Master, I'll send you a message!"

Soon this old man got a lot of information, his face became unsightly, and he got a lot of black material!

Although the two big forces secretly have some black tricks for the benefit, if you do n’t know each other, you can still be friends with a smile. If one party knows what black tricks the other party uses, there is a problem.


The old man scolded.

Those black means, including killing some of their ancestors!

Judging from the level of detail of the information, it is likely that it is not fake. Many things can be easily verified by him!

"Sovereign, the other party said not only gave us good things like this, but also gave some other forces such good things."

"If we have a need, we can connect with those forces, which have the Liang family, Akabane Valley, Sky Spider Island, Suzaku Villa ..."

The old man took a deep breath. If not, he knew that the Jedi Pavilion was in big trouble this time, and it was the kind of big trouble that might destroy Zongzong!

"How did the other party get these secrets?"

The old man is a little confused. The Jedi Pavilion is a strong person with a taboo level of nine grades, and the strong one with a taboo level of seven grades falls into the hands of the other party. There will be means to prevent the leakage of secrets.

Even tortured strong men who are tortured to death, it should be difficult for them to speak.

"You go in there and verify that some of the black materials are correct."

"Yes, lord!"

The old man urged: "Be careful, don't let the strong men in the Jedi Pavilion find out!"

"The lord is assured."

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