God of Shuratan

Chapter 1067: The decline of the Jedi Pavilion

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"Dear brothers, we have also been friends for many years. Are you really going to be such a sword when our Jedi Pavilion is in distress?"

The Lord of the Jedi Pavilion chilled, these sites ceded away, and the Jedi Pavilion swept the prestige.

And inside the Jedi Pavilion, people must be heartbroken.

"Jedi Pavilion Master, you Jedi Pavilion are not so secretive in secret! So, we can only do business officially, Jedi Pavilion meets our requirements, we leave, if the Jedi Pavilion does not meet our requirements, we can only choose to communicate with the Jedi Go to war! "


"Xianghe, you choose!"

The powerful ones spoke without any concessions.

Knowing those black materials, these people have fire in their hearts, and getting a large area is very good for their forces. Even for the benefit, they will not be soft-hearted at the moment!

Xiang Xinghe fist clenched, if Jedi Pavilion has strength, he really wants to harden these people.

But now the Jedi Pavilion faces unknown enemies, and with so many forces acting together, the Jedi Pavilion is definitely not an opponent.

"Are there any good ways for you?"

He sent a message to Xinghe to the other strong men present at the Jedi Pavilion. No one squeaked. What can I do in this situation?

I had a good relationship with the Jedi Pavilion before, and now I'm on the opposite side.

"You guys, can you pay with treasures and some industries?"

Xiang Xinghe said, the site was knocked down by the ancestors of the Jedi Pavilion, and the loss has a great impact. The loss of treasures and the loss of industry is relatively low.

"Jedi friends, no!"

"Can only pay on site!"

The powerful ones spoke.

Qin Yang has such requirements, and Qin Yang knows a lot of secrets, and they don't want these secrets to be revealed!

One more thing, getting the site is better for them, they have enough motivation to cooperate with Qin Yang.

"Dear everyone, after this, no matter what kind of contradiction we have had before, all of them will be written off. If there is another force against our Jedi Pavilion, we Jedi Pavilion can only defend the dignity of our Jedi Pavilion!"

A few minutes passed, and gritted his teeth to Xinghe tunnel.


"There is no problem with this."

Everyone promised that they came up with the treaty, and it didn't take long for them to sign Xinghe on a ceding treaty. These sites were ceded out, and the Jedi Pavilion ’s site was reduced by half!

For the Jedi Pavilion, this is a huge blow.

"What's going on, our Jedi Pavilion, how to cede so many sites?"

"Yeah, and ceded to so many forces."

"What's the matter?"

The other powerful men will not keep it secret. They soon announced the good news. These good news are bad news for the Jedi Pavilion.

When the Jedi Pavilion's powerhouse heard these news, they couldn't believe it at first. After they were convinced later, they all panicked.

Mowing, this kind of thing, the general forces will make every effort to ensure that it will not happen.

When it happened, it showed that the situation was extremely serious.

Before the Jedi Pavilion, one hundred and dozens of taboo strong men died. Knowing this, many of the Jedi Pavilion were angry, but not panic because they believed in the strength of the Jedi Pavilion and believed that the Jedi Pavilion would surely kill the killers.

But nowadays, even if they are very powerful people, their hearts are still very panicked. Those sites have been ceded by one powerful force and want to get them back. How easy is it?

Without so many sites, the benefits of the Jedi Pavilion will definitely decline, and many strong men will have to tighten their belts to live.


"Elder Li, should you be sure of the authenticity of the information?"

Chen Tianhe summoned out.

After receiving the rumor, Li Zhan took a deep breath and stood up. He did check it and confirmed the news. His baby daughter Li Mengyue was indeed killed by the Nangong family of the Nangong family.

The Nangong deputy knew the news, and he helped cover up the evil.


Li Zhan preached.

Li Zhan was very entangled. If Qin Yang and his side let him do things that are not conducive to Zongmen, would he do it?

After all, the strength of the Jedi Pavilion is very strong!

But now, Li Zhan has made up his mind. The Jedi Pavilion has ceded almost half of its territory, and its power has been greatly damaged. Moreover, so many forces have obtained the Jedi Court ’s ceded territory, indicating that the relationship between the Jedi Pavilion and them has become worse!

"What does Elder Li think? The Jedi Pavilion is a sinking ship. Does Elder Li intend to sink with it or seek another way? Li Mengxue's enemies, does Elder Li intend to report?"

Li Zhan said, "What do you want me to do!"

The other party told himself those things, Li Zhan clearly must have something to do for himself!

"Elder Li, what you have to do is simple."

"Leave the Jedi Pavilion with your important Li family members! Not only will you leave, but many other strong men will leave the Jedi Pavilion. It is only the first wave to slay the one hundred and dozens of strong men; This is the second wave; many of you strong men leave the Jedi Pavilion, this is the third wave! "

Li Zhan was trembling in his heart, so after the three waves came down, many people inside the Jedi Pavilion would definitely leave.

The Jedi Pavilion is more than just the top taboo powerhouse, there are many below.

Many people are probably panicking at this moment, but they are still afraid to leave and fear to be liquidated at that time, but as long as many of them take the lead in Li Zhan, there will definitely be more people to follow them.

"Zhan Li, some news will be announced at that time!"

"If you choose to stay in the Jedi Pavilion, the consequences will be miserable!"

Chen Tianhe continued his interrogation.

Li Zhan Shen said: "What time?"

"Early tonight."

"it is good!"

As night falls, the Jedi Pavilion headquarters is relatively quiet. In the evenings, many people will die drunk and have fun all night. Now in the situation of Jedi Pavilion, people with such a heart basically have no such courage!

A large number of strong people are basically staying in their own homes.

"Time is up, ready for action."

Qin Yang asked Chen Tianhe to temporarily notify Li Zhan and a few strong players of the Jiupin taboo level. They totaled seven, and the number was not large.

——And one of them was killed by Qin Yang, and seven others are now in Qinyang Space Treasure. It is good to get seven of them.

"Don't resist everyone."


Li Zhan heard the news, and then quickly received many people on the side of the Li family into the treasures of space.


In the end, Li Zhan sighed, and he left directly through a small teleportation team within the family.

Li Zhan is a strong player of the Jiupin taboo level. It is normal to arrange a teleportation array within the family.

At about the same time, the other six Jiupin taboos also left their Jedi Pavilion headquarters with their families.

"Chen Tianhe, I successfully left."


After Li Zhan left, they summoned to Chen Tianhe.


A smile appeared on Qin Yang's face, and he quickly notified that the second group took their family members away!

Now it is night, and coupled with the fact that the Jedi Pavilion is mainly focused on the outside, the Jedi Pavilion did not quickly find the strong men leaving.

Until ten minutes passed, a strong man who did not want to leave was rumored, and he struggled for a while to report the news to Xiang Xinghe.

"There may be many strong rebels leaving?"

Xiang Xinghe's face changed drastically, and he quickly summoned to many of the Jedi Pavilion. The Jedi Pavilion's seven-ranked taboo level strong and the nine-ranked taboo level strong were received.

The strongest of the seven nine-pin taboo levels could not be reached.

Many of the strongest in the seventh grade taboo level and the strongest in the fifth grade taboo level could not be reached.

It was only in Lei Zhan that their seven nine-pin taboo powerhouses, they took away many powerhouses in the Jedi Pavilion.

"Master, Elder Li's house is empty."

"Everyone is gone!"

"Lord, Lord Lord is not."


The strong sent to Xinghe soon reported a lot of news to him.


Xiang Xinghe picked up a jade carving ornament around him and smashed it. He was in a bad mood at the moment.

Before I got the news, Xiang Xinghe knew that there might be strong men leaving, but Xiang Xinghe did not expect that there would be so many.

And nine of the strongest taboos have left.

Eight were missing before, and now seven may fall to the enemy, and Xiangxing feels awful!

"Court, what should I do?"

"The news is spreading at a rapid speed. It is estimated that many people in the Jedi Pavilion will leave the same place as they did in Lebanon.

The three deputy patrons, and some other big men gathered here to Xiang Xinghe, and they all looked very bad.

Xiang Xinghe glanced, his heart was a bit sad, and he was unable to maintain trust in them when they were present!

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