God of Shuratan

Chapter 1369: Enter the second floor

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"Ahem, everyone, this is not the time for everyone to be instigated."

"The Black Tiger Dead Guard does not know when it will appear again."

"And entering the second floor, there will be other dangers!"

Hu Changxin said.


"Everyone calm down."

Ibeka, Liang Peng also stood up.

Feng Zonghui looked down the steps and he snorted coldly: "Lin Lin, you killed my brother, and my family won't be able to spare you!"

"Ha ha!"

Qin Yang smiled scornfully, but never said anything to Feng Zonghui.

Had Zongyang not been too much, Qin Yang would not have killed him now!

"Let's open the access to the second floor together!"

A strong person suggested.

This proposal naturally won everyone's approval.

How to enter the second layer has been judged by the strong, as long as many strong are working together.

Soon, hundreds of powerful emperor-level players shot together.

A horrible force poured into the holy patterns at the entrance to the second floor.

Gradually, the holy pattern that was originally invisible became clear, and then a hundred-meter-high golden gate appeared in front of Qin Yang.

Qin Yang felt a familiar atmosphere.

Through the black tiger's dead guard, Qin Yang can clearly determine that the golden gate leads to the second floor of this general's tomb!

It was just that after the black tiger's dead guard woke up, he went directly to the second floor, and they did not know the specific situation of the second floor!

"call out!"

Qin Yang is thinking about it here. Some strong people can't help it. Some forces, hundreds of strong people quickly rushed into the second floor.

The strength of this force is not particularly strong. What they are thinking about is that they can rush in first, or they can get huge benefits!

Ten meters, twenty meters.

The few hundred people who rushed in in the blink of an eye reached a depth of fifty meters.

Just then, a chill passed instantly.

Within a thousandth of a second, the cold air invaded the bodies of those hundreds of strong men, and they were frozen there while maintaining the sprinting posture!


Outside, many strong men took a breath.

Although none of these hundreds of strong men has reached the level of God Emperor, there are still quite a few of them who have completed the King of God.

There are a lot of strong people gathered outside, and there are a lot of God Kings who have not been successfully completed!

"It's really iron."

Qin Yang shook his head secretly.

Can there be any traps in the place where the Lord died?

In the second layer, Qin Yang estimates that there are many traps in various agencies. Even with his strength, one carelessly estimates it.

However, asylum was obtained before, Qin Yang did not worry that he would die directly.

"You see, there is power flowing out of their bodies!"

"Yes, their bodies seem to be evaporating!"

Some strong are shocked and authentic.

Qin Yang's eyes were scanning around, and he soon discovered that the absorbed power of those corpses should be inside the gate here.

If the door absorbs enough power, it is likely to be more difficult to open.

It is also possible that the gate will be shifted!

"Xiao Jing, avatar."

Qin Yang conveyed that Xiao Jing was in Jinsheng's pagoda at this moment, and she immediately used the magic power, and an identical clone appeared with her, and her strength was the same.

Cultivated as the middle age of the Emperor, the power of the Emperor is complete!

The time this avatar can maintain is related to the power consumed. If there is no battle, the avatar made by Xiaojing can be maintained for a full ten days!

If you fight at full strength, it can only last for five minutes.

General combat, maintaining half an hour is not a big problem!


Soon Xiaojing's avatar went outside, the golden dragon form, and when it was outside, it was a roar. The emperor's mid-term cultivation was clearly and clearly revealed.


Feng Zonghui cursed inwardly, but fortunately, he hadn't turned up for Xi Zongyang before.

Lin Wu even has the pet of the middle of the Emperor!

No strong man at the scene could see it, this is just the clone of Qin Yang's battle pet!

"call out!"

Without hesitation, Xiao Jing's avatar immediately entered the gate. It advanced for dozens of meters, and the same terrible cold appeared.

However, this cold air didn't freeze Xiaojing's avatar!

"Master, the peak offensive power of the early emperor."

Qin Yang received accurate information.

"Just the offensive power of the early Emperor!"

"Those with strength can enter alone, and those with insufficient strength can enter the battlefield with others."

Qin Yang whispered. After speaking, he passed the door and reached Xiaojing's avatar. The cold air appeared again.


Xiao Jing's avatar took Qin Yang forward immediately.

In the case of an outbreak, Xiao Jing's avatar has the level of combat power of the Emperor God, and many traps should help Xiao Jing's avatar.

As long as you leave from the entrance side, Qin Yang can let the black tiger die guard outside!

"Fu Jun, why tell the news to those people?"

Lorina whispered that they were looking outside in the Jinsheng Jinta at this moment, and if Qin Yang was in danger, they had to help.

"Even if there is a baby on the second floor, there will definitely not be too good treasures!"

"There should be really good things on the third floor, but I don't know where the third floor entrance is, let them enter to help find it!"

Qin Yang answered with a smile.

For another reason, Qin Yang wanted them to help eliminate some pitfalls.

"Fu Jun, be careful!"

Although they are more confident in Qin Yang's strength, they still have a lot of worry!

At this time, Qin Yang had lost sight of the rest.

Qin Yang was ready to let the Black Tiger Dead Guard go outside, and he himself became the leader of the Black Tiger Dead Guard and took them to action.

But at this moment, Qin Yang felt palpitations.

As if something terrible was going to happen.

"No, it's not good."

Qin Yang quickly stopped the idea. He didn't let the Black Tiger die back outside, and he also entered the Longevity Golden Pagoda. He also greeted Lorina to go to the lid of the pot.

"What is it, husband?"

Luo Lingna looked at Qin Yang in doubt.

"in danger."

Qin Yang's face was solemn and authentic.

At the entrance, there was Qin Yang's speech. Several strong men immediately passed through the gate. Some of them also found that the gate was absorbing power and might shift!


In the same way, the icy scent appeared, covering the first strong man to enter, and everyone was under the same pressure.

"But that's it!"

Feng Zonghui said in a deep voice, his body burst into a very powerful breath.

Just a bit shame outside, in order to restore some images, Feng Zonghui deliberately made himself strong!

The golden enchantment shrouded Feng Zonghui ten meters around him, and several strong men around him were protected by him!

"You can hide people in the treasures of space!"

"Those with insufficient strength can stay in the treasures of space for the time being!"

The other strong men were humane at this time, and there were people in their treasures, but the attack power they suffered did not increase.


Suddenly many people entered, and many people were brought in the treasures of their space.

At this moment, a huge bone sword suddenly appeared on the top of Feng Zonghui's head. The bone sword fell, breaking Feng Zonghui's defensive enchantment as if smashing a soap bubble. Then, when Feng Zonghui had not responded , It fell on his head.

The bone sword was ten meters long, and in an instant, Feng Zonghui was staring to the ground like a little ant.

At the same time, one bone spur rose from around Feng Zonghui, and each bone spur stabbed a strong man around Feng Zonghui. They were all god-level.

All bone spurs penetrated from below, and stabbed from the tops of the strong.

In the blink of an eye, Feng Zonghui and Wan Xizong's twenty or thirty god-level powerhouses all died, and their power quickly passed away.

There are many strong men around, and Tiger Changxin is all there.

One by one their hairs are erect!

Immediately, more than half of the people retreated instantly!

Many others also wanted to quit, but they just hesitated a little bit, and the door that was just there had disappeared.

"Go, hurry!"

"Be low-key and converge!"

Hu Changxin their faces turned wild, and they left quickly.

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