God of Shuratan

Chapter 1382: Generous rewards

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Unconsciously, the time passed three months.

Rotate every ten days, nine times already.

Outside the No. 3 dojo, the lineup of strong men has reached an astonishing 700 million, and the elders and elders who have been expelled from the team have not interrupted the team.

Everyone knows that if you jump in line, you may be completely disqualified from listening.

Today, Qinyang ’s dojo is extremely attractive to those who practice the imagination.

In just three months, in the Qinyang dojo, Wu Da broke through to the god-level strong, close to 100,000!

And in these three months, there were no more than one hundred strong men who broke through to the level of God Emperor!

More than a thousand times the gap!

Although it is a bit hard to line up, for those who are strong, even if they can queue up once in ten years, they are willing!

"Master Tianhong should have a halo for Seven Colors?"

"It should be coming soon. Master Tianhong will be able to open the legendary dojo at that time, so there is no need to line up!"

"Just knowing this, many powerful people haven't come in line, otherwise it is estimated that it will definitely exceed one billion!"

"Master Tianhong is too great!"

Outside the No. 3 dojo, many lineups were talking.

In the dojo, Qin Yang finished another sermon.

A large amount of invisible power quickly entered his body, and under the gaze of the 30 million strong, Qin Yang's brain gradually appeared seven colors of light.

Against the background of this light, the characters below the Emperor Emperor couldn't look directly at Qin Yang, as if looking directly at Qin Yang, it was an offense of Tianda and they would be punished by heaven and earth!

"Seven colors!"

"Guru Tianhong is indeed the first strong man to have a halo of seven-colored mentorship!"

"In history, there has been a strong man with eight-colored sectarianism. Master Tianhong must be the second one!"

"I just don't know if it can be exceeded!"

Many strong men talked with excitement, and with the aura of the Seven-colored Master Taoism, Qin Yang should be able to enter the legendary dojo to preach.

Qin Yang closed his eyes and he was receiving benefits.

Qin Yang still doesn't know what kind of benefit is gained by possessing the Seven-Colored Aura of Taoism.

After half a minute of time passed, Qin Yang was excited. He already knew what benefits he was getting. He got a magical power, and it was still a great magical power!

The soul simulation previously obtained by Qin Yang is just a small magical power, and the great magical power is a lot!

And Qin Yang was very satisfied with this great magical power.

Great magic power-super strengthen!

If it's just "strengthening", it's just a little magical power. Qin Yang's "super strengthening" is much more powerful than ordinary strengthening.

With this magical power, Qin Yang can strengthen different aspects.

For example, to strengthen the power of attack, strengthen defense, strengthen refining ability, array ability, and even strengthen the effect of another little magical power!

"The previous rewards don't seem to have that much. Is it because the number of strong people entering this time exceeds 50 billion, so the rewards are more?"

Qin Yang secretly said.

Although not every time a strong person reaches seven environmental circles, there are always one or two out of ten times.

In the past, sometimes it was a good treasure, sometimes it was a little magical power, sometimes it was Xiuwei, etc.

In contrast, great super power rewards such as "super enhanced" are very rare!

As far as Qin Yang knows, there has been no better reward than this for at least a billion years!

"In the previous life, my divine emperor successfully completed the first magical power, and it was only a small magical power."

"I didn't expect my current practice in the middle of the emperor, I already have a small magical power, and a great magical power, not bad!"

Qin Yang was happy.

Such a reward is more satisfying to Qin Yang than to promote his cultivation to the late emperor.

"You all."

Qin Yang opened his eyes and the 30 million strong looked at Qin Yang.

There are more than 700 million strong men waiting outside for news.

"The deity has received the information to enter the legendary dojo to preach."

After Qin Yang finished speaking, countless strong men inside and outside the dojo were excited, and many and many strong men cheered, so that they would not have to wait in line for a long time.

"Master, you have been preaching for so long. Are you taking a break first? We are not in a hurry."

"Yes, Master, I can't make you tired."

"Guru, please take a rest!"

Many strong men spoke, and their loyalty to Qin Yang was already high, for fear that Qin Yang would exhaust his body.

"The situation of the deity is clear to you, you can rest assured."

Qin Yang smiled lightly, he said out of the dojo.

Soon Qin Yang arrived at the entrance of the legendary dojo, which was previously closed here.

When Qin Yang arrived, the tokens of the Legendary Dojo immediately flew out to Qin Yang's hands, and the entrance of the Legendary Dojo opened.

"You can enter the dojo now."

"The sermon opened after half an hour."

"In addition, one month later, the deity will not talk about the Dongxu Jingjing, and the deity will talk about the Extreme Fire Sutra."

Qin Yang said.

"What? Extreme fire?"

"Isn't the guru very good at Jiuhu Shintra?"

"If so, that would be great."

Many strong men are excited.

They followed, not only those who practiced the Dongxujing, but also those who practiced the remaining exercises, many of them practicing the Extreme Fire Sutra.

The Extreme Fire Classics is another of the eleven exercises taught by Qin Yang, and many people practice it.

The strong people who practice the extreme fire in this must also exceed two billion!

"Master Tianhong, isn't it really hot and powerful?"

"If that's the case, then we can't say any more."

A large number of strong men are excited, but some strong men are a little depressed, and they preach here and gain benefits accordingly.

If Qin anode fire is really ordinary, that's fine.

If they are good, their rice bowls will be gone.

But even then, they didn't dare to pop a half word in their mouths.

There are hundreds of millions of believers in Qin Yang today, and they may exceed one billion in a month. They are fighting with Qin Yang.

Time goes by.

News spread quickly from this side.

Many strong men who practiced the Dongxu Jingjing quickly rushed to this side, and many strong men who practiced the Extreme Fire Sutra also rushed to this side.

Three days later, the Qinyang Dojo had more than three billion people listening to the sermon.

Although it is said that these three billion people are not all powerful practitioners of Dongxu Jingjing, half of them are also trained!

When one month passed and Qin Yang's preaching was about to end, the powerful preacher in the legendary dojo reached a staggering nine billion.

Among them, the strong man who practiced the Dongtianjing reached 1.8 billion yuan.

The strong men who have the ability to practise Dong Xing Jing Jing have the ability to catch up!

"You, this round is over."

"After half an hour, let's talk about Jiu Jing Zhen Jing, and the time will be one month."

Qin Yang was faintly authentic.

"Thank you, Master."

"Thank you for your kindness."

Countless strong men kneel, and countless strong men salute.

A large amount of power came out of them and madly entered Qin Yang's body. Although everyone provided little power, they could not hold them back.

After half a minute.

The billions of strong men in the dojo were shocked, and behind Qin Yang's head, the eighth silver halo appeared.

The seventh halo to the eighth halo are just a sermon!

But it's normal for many strong people to think about it.

First of all, Qin Yang's preaching time is one month, usually only ten days!

Secondly, there are only 1.8 billion strong people who practice Dong Xing Jing Jing. The rest of the strongest strong people are 10 million people at once!

And Qin Yang's preaching effect is strong!

The sermons just spoke, the fragrant roads are fragrant, the golden lotus is rushing to the ground, and countless ghost images of powerful men appear in the sky, as if they were preaching together.

"The eighth aura!"

"In this case, it should not be a problem to get the ninth halo, just don't know if there is a tenth halo!"

Qin Yang said secretly in his heart, he was looking forward to it, but he hadn't got any benefits yet, but he would definitely not lose them!

The reward for the seventh aura is great magical power.

The eighth aura, the reward is still bad?

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