God of Shuratan

Chapter 1415: Forgotten Sanctuary

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"Conservatively, at least half of the saints who have been successfully killed by the saints are from the dark abyss."

"But the ones I beheaded, in all likelihood, will not exceed one fifth of those in the Dark Abyss!

"That is to say, there should be more than fifty strong lords in the Dark Abyss!

Qin Yang estimated in his mind, and the calculated result surprised him.

This is much more terrible than what the King of the Dead Wood said before. The King of the Dead Wood only said that there were a few strong saints with a great level of perfection.

With Qin Yang's current strength, the space treasure of the dead sage-level strongman was not easy to open, but this side is the ancient city of Jiuli, with this ability, and the space treasure of Moyun sage was opened soon!

"Sure enough, there are racial treasures and treasures that absorb luck!"

Two treasures appeared in front of Qin Yang. The racial treasure that killed the human race was a scarlet sickle. Perhaps the team organized by the Lord Moyun was called the Blood Sickle Army, for this reason.

The more Scarlet Scythe kills the Terran Powerhouse, the stronger it will be!

If there is a blood race, having such treasures against a strong human race of the same level will have a great advantage!

Another treasure is a small black gourd. This thing is also a holy weapon. It uses special materials and can absorb human luck.

This black gourd can absorb human fortune as long as some strong person nearby dies. However, the normal strength of air for absorption is extremely scarce. Only a large number of strong people will die in a concentrated way, or when very important people of humanity die , Will absorb more human luck.

The king of the people, the emperor is an important figure of the human race.

Qin Yang, Luo Lingna and their daughters are also important people.

"Surprisingly, those strong men I beheaded and killed one by one were more powerful than Lord Mo Yun. How could they not have these two treasures?" Qin Yang secretly said.

"Is my judgment just wrong, aren't they people in the dark abyss?"

Qin Yang murmured to himself.

If not, it would be strange that so many powerful men have pursued him for decades.

"Master, there is another possibility."

Xiao Jing said at this time, she knew what was happening now.

"Xiaojing, talk about it."

Xiaojing said: "Master, there might be a powerful man at that time who collected both treasures!"

Qin Yang's complexion changed instantly.

If this is the case, it may not be far from the **** race at that time!

The enemy has collected all these things, possibly to make the final preparations for the blood race that will start soon.

"I hope not!"

"If this is the case, after more than a thousand years, it may be racial blood war!"

Qin Yang's face was ugly. He always believed in his intuition, but now Qin Yang hopes his intuition is wrong.

Because at this moment, Qin Yang's intuition told him that the human race is likely to face a **** race.

"Master, don't worry too much, you still have a lot of time."

"By that time, you may have become the master!"

"Let the Mistress Ziyue become the master again, maybe you can harvest the racial luck of the remaining races."

Xiao Jing comforted.

Qin Yang took a deep breath. In this life, he moved faster than the previous one. He became the master over thousands of years. Qin Yang is still very confident.

"Master, Lord Mo Yunsheng died here. It may not take long for the dark abyss to get the news, and more powerful people will come."

Xiaojing reminded.

Qin Yang sent a message to the city spirit: "City spirit, Lord Moyun died, how long can this news be blocked?"

"Master, this depends on the level of the life jade card left by the Lord Mo Yun. Based on his cultivation, the information is normally leaked from this side and then passed to the sanctuary, it takes about half a year!"

Qin Yang nodded slightly.

If there is no blockade of the ancient city of Nine Li, it is estimated that the Supreme Court of Moyun in the sanctuary will get the news in two months.

"Three months later, Lord Mo Yun's men will return."

Qin Yang muttered.

Three months passed unconsciously.

In the past three months, of course, the subordinates of Lord Mo Yun did not find out. They once again gathered together to the ancient city of Jiuli.

"grown ups!"

Qin Yang became the look of the Lord Mo Yun, and the breath of soul was also disguised as the soul of the Lord Mo Yun. Twelve powerful emperors of the Great God level came to him.

Sensing the soul of Lord Moyun clearly, they did not know that Lord Moyun had died.

——They do n’t have the life jade of Mo Yunsheng.

"Nothing found?"

"Yes, sir!"

Qin Yang inquired, and everyone began to speak, looking helpless one by one.

In the past three months, these strong men have been searching for it with all their strength, but they have not found it in the slightest.

Qin Yang Shen said: "In the next half month, you will continue to search on the side of Jiu Li Shen Yu!"

"The deity went to the Sentinel Star Domain."

One of the strong said: "Sir, do you go to Shengteng Stars alone? Do we need to go?"

Qin Yang considered it for a while and said, "Shengteng Starfield has forgotten the holy realm. The deity is going there, and the deity has received a message. There may be a treasure on that side! In order to prevent this from being an enemy, the tiger will leave the mountain. "

"If the deity does not return within half a month, you will leave and go there!"

The twelve powerful emperors of the Emperor God nodded in unison.

"Go on."

Qin Yang said quietly.

The twelve powerful emperors of the God Emperor's Great Level disappeared quickly, and soon they left from the ancient city of Jiuli.

"Forgetting the sanctuary should kill a lot of people."

A cold smile appeared on Qin Yang's face.

At present, the side of the Forgotten Sacred Realm is actually relatively safe. It is not a ferocious side, but in the future, many powerful people will die on that side.

There are many strong men who have fallen to the holy level, and the most powerful one is to reach the holy consummation level!

Half a month passed quickly, and the twelve powerful emperors of the Great Emperor Level came again.

"Master is not here!"

"Let's go to the Holy Land of Forgotten Sanctuary as the Lord said."


Twelve powerful emperors of the Great Conquering God level spent twenty days rushing to the forgotten sanctuary of Shengteng Shenyu.

"grown ups!"

They all summoned to Lord Mo Yun, and naturally the communication failed.

Using powerful treasure messaging, still failing!

"Go, let's enter the oblivion check!"


There is a master here in the Forgotten Sanctuary, and it is the Yan Family that owns the Forgotten Sanctuary.

Yan Shengzhe began to want to marry Lorina, and had a conflict with Qin Yang.

Later, through Hu Changxin, he also knew Qin Yang's identity, and he wanted to win Qin Yang in the Jiuli Divine Realm!

Forget the sanctuary and produce a special flower-the other shore flower.

This flower is a spiritual flower made from some special elixir. By selling this, the Yan family makes a lot of profit every year.

Here, the Yan family has a lot of strong guards, the most powerful of which is the late emperor.

However, those under the command of Mo Yunsheng are all figures of God Emperor's consummation level, they easily dive into the sanctuary of forgetfulness.

"grown ups!"

Everyone again called to Lord Moyun, but failed.

"Let's find them in pairs!"


The strong men nodded, the forgotten sanctuary was not small, and it would take a long time for them to gather together to find it.

Ten days later, one group made some discoveries.

They spread the news and it didn't take long for the remaining five groups to come over.

"This place is not right. I feel like there is something underneath!"

One of the group of strongmen who came here first groaned, and the other strongmen inspected one after another. It didn't take long for them to find something strange.

"Let's go down half of the people first, and the other half will wait on it!"


The twelve powerfuls discussed it, and soon six of them sneaked into the ground and disappeared.

"Ancient city!"

"Unexpectedly, there is such a majestic ancient city below!"

"Maybe we can get great benefits here!"

The six strong men who dived into the lower part were quickly excited, and they found a huge and ancient underground city.

It seems that this ancient city has existed for a long time.

Many of the ancient cities that can be preserved over time will have good things.

"grown ups!"

Six people tried to send a message to Lord Moyun, but the communication failed.

Attempt to summon to the six companions outside, and the same fails!

They wanted to return all the way, noting that the six companions outside did not do it, and they could not see the passage when they came.

"It should be the entrance here, but the exit is not!"

"Let's go first!"

The six God Emperor Great Conquerors quickly entered the ancient city. In their treasures of space, there were still a lot of strong men staring outside. Some of them were consummated by the Emperor Emperor. .

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