God of Shuratan

Chapter 1513: Cangyun dominates the wake

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Jolena vented for ten minutes before she calmed down a bit.

"Tongming, who do you think the other person is?" Jolina frowned.

Tong Ming frowned: "Master, this is difficult to judge, but the other party is likely to be a strong leader, otherwise it is unlikely to camouflage our identity so well in front of us. Without the master level of cultivation, the other party should not So big! "

"Also ... sir, the other party may not be malicious to us."


The cold light flashed in Joelina's eyes.

Tongming said: "Adult, think about it, although the other party has deceived us, they haven't really done something that is too sorry for us. You gave him something, but it was an initiative that you gave yourself, not an adult need!"

"Some things the other person said, even if you think about it now, it makes sense."

"Buy the original blood magic stone, although the adult has spent a lot of money, but also get a lot of benefits, your reputation has grown greatly!"

"The only thing that's a bit troublesome is that you have told him, my lord, that our black spirits will fight racial blood with humans!"

"But as long as the other party is not a strong human race and the other party is not malicious to us, then this is not particularly serious. The other party should not say it!"

Jolena calmed down completely, she carefully recalled what she said before.

Indeed, as Tong Ming said, the other party must have accepted them intentionally, but it is possible that the other party reminded her in this way.

"Is it possible that the other party is a strong human race, and the other party does this just because we want to suspend our actions against the human race?"

Joelina said.

Tongming Road: "Adult, you can't completely rule out this possibility, especially the other party's departure is a bit suspicious, but even if the other party is a strong human race, what the other party said is still reasonable, you have a low-key first, it is not harmful.

"Sir, the other party should not know that Duke's seniors came to us."

"He is likely to contact us again!"

Jolena's eyes flickered brightly: "Yes, the seniors from Dugu came secretly, and the other party is entirely possible to come again!"

"I'm going to see who is sacred and dare to tease this seat!"

"Due to the death of Dudugu, even if the other party is kind, he will have to pay the price!"

Tong Ming dominates the secret way in his heart, but Dugu drinks but you kill ...

However, he also thought about it, saying it was impossible!

"Tongming, you replied to the person dominated by Tieshan. The senior Duke's seniors have not been contacted for the time being. If they have been contacted, I must visit the master Tieshan with the seniors!"

Joelina said.

"Yes, sir!"

Master Tongming nodded.

"Also, you stay here, if that guy comes over, you hold him, and then take him to Tieshan Fort dominated by Tieshan. I first go to Tieshan Fort, maybe he will not contact us, Contact the Iron Mountain Masters directly! "

"Yes, sir!"

Joelina set off quickly.


Tongtian Sanctuary is the area where the most powerful Tongtianmu clan gathers. Tieshanbao is located in the eternal forest farm in Tongtian Sanctuary.

Here, there are countless giants of the Tongtianmu clan. Each tree is bigger than the planet, and every tree is like a world!

If there are strong players who are good at matrix formation, then it can be seen that the strong men of the Tongtianmu clan form each other's complex formations!

Even if the peak dominates, if there is chaos on the eternal forest farm, there will probably be a fall on the eternal forest farm.

The strong men of the Tongtianmu clan let them move to other places to deal with other strong men. That is a bit troublesome and they are not good at it, but in their place, they are super powerful!

"The third one."

Tieshan's domineering face was extremely gloomy. In the hall where he lived, there were a dozen other masters of the Tongtianmu clan, and their faces were not good-looking.

Just now, they got the news, and another half step dominated the level of strong infection.

There are already two of them.

"We've figured out all kinds of ways, why is this still the case?"

The other master's face is ugly and authentic, and the half-step master who has recently infected is his subordinate!

Tieshan dominated Shen said: "We still haven't found a way to get infected. If we can't figure it out, we will definitely have a strong infection!"

"Everyone, maybe we should still wake up senior Cang Yun and see if Senior Cang Yun can solve it! Although we have asked the master refining pharmacist, but Cang Going to the senior is after all our strong man in Tongtianmu. The Mu people naturally understand more! "

"Plus his old man is also the dominating pharmacist, it may be solved!"

"If things continue to worsen, even if Cang goes to the seniors to find a solution, we will pay a bitter price!"

Iron Mountain dominator suggested.

Everyone was silent, this was not a trivial matter.

If the master of Cangyun wakes up, it is likely that he will no longer be able to enter a state of false death. Even if he tries his best, he is estimated to be able to live for a thousand years. This time is long for ordinary people, but for the master, it is very short.

The loss of Dominance will be a heavy blow to their Tongtianmu clan.

Although Cang Yun is not the top dominator, he is also a high-level dominator, and he is also the dominating pharmacist. His status is not worse than the top dominator!

"My lord, I just got the news. Let's get a half-step dominant powerhouse to get sick."

Tieshan dominated a subordinate's voice.

Tieshan dominated his face changed.

"You guys, I just heard the news from one of my subordinates, and I also have a half-step master-level subordinate who is sick!"

"Our Tongtianmu clan has been infected for four and a half steps!"

Iron Mountain dominated Shen channel.

Everyone's face changed.

The speed of infection is accelerating!

It is likely that the other party noticed the actions of the Tongtianmu clan, so what measures were secretly used to speed up the infection!

"I agree."

The old man sitting said, this old man is very old and looks weak, but he is the master of the peak!

One of the four pinnacles of the Tongtianmu tribe active!

——In addition to being dominated by Liuli, the human race also has three active peak dominations. The peak **** is no less than the Tongtianmu clan.

This is pretty good by Terran.

The main reason is that the peak master is not so easy to be killed. The primary master, intermediate master, and high master must have fewer human races!

"Just do it."


The rest of the host also nodded one after another, and another half-step host dominated the disease, which brought them a lot of pressure. It was too late to wake up Cang Yun to dominate.

Even if Cang Yun dominates and wakes up, it will take time for him to check and find an antidote!

"Let's go and call Cha Cangyun to dominate together." Tieshan dominated.

Everyone nodded.

It didn't take long for them to go to a secret place. This is where Cang Yun dominated the fake death. The master of Cang Yun has been fake death here for a long time.

Tieshan dominated their eyes with sadness.

Awakening the master of Cangyun is also letting the master of Cangyun go to death in disguise!

"Senior Cang Yun, please wake up!"

Lord Tieshan knelt down, and his soul power filled this secret place.

Then, the remaining strong men, including the one who dominated the peak, knelt down. The dominator of Cangyun was much older than them!

Their soul power is also full of this mystery.

It is impossible for one master to wake up the master of Cangyun. If it is the first-level master, ten or eight of them must be able to wake him up. The top master needs at least two to wake up the master of Cangyun.

Tieshan dominates them. There are peak dominates, high-level dominates, and a dozen or so. There is no problem awakening Cangyun to dominate.


The wind rose in the mystery, and soon, countless light spots gathered from the ground and from all directions, and those light spots formed a giant tree with a height of more than 100,000 kilometers within ten breaths.

"Get up."

"What time is it now?"

The giant tree soon turned into a green robe old man and appeared in front of Tieshan to dominate them. He did not blame Tieshan to dominate them to awaken himself.

I was in a state of false death before, just to wake up in the future and still do my best!

"Senior Cang Yun, you have been here for billions of years."

That peak dominated.

"Billions of years ... so long!"

"Are you awakening the old man, can you make the old man dominate the peak, or do you encounter any trouble?"

Cangyun dominates the road.

Tieshan dominated with a bitter smile: "Senior Cangyun, our Tongtianmu clan encountered a terrible virus. The virus should have been made by other master class pharmacists. At present, we have invited many powerful people, including two Level of the alchemist cracked, but no progress. "

"There have been four and a half steps to dominate the strong infection, and the Holy Spirit has infected more than 100,000!"

"Countless lords!"

The face of Dominion of Cangyun became dignified: "No strong person is looking for you. What kind of treasure are you asking for?"


Cang Yun dominated his frown. In this case, the probability of the other party is not to ask for money, simply to avenge the Tongtian Mu tribe!

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