God of Shuratan

Chapter 1621: Shara Lord appears

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Half an hour, the blood shadow master arrived at the second location.


Blood Sovereign Master shot with another master-level strongman. A desolate planet was directly exploded by them, and the dust after the explosion was refined by them, and the entire planet has nothing left.

After they finished all this, a lot of energy gathered in the void, and a large yellow snake appeared. This large snake exuded a mid-level dominance, but it was dead!

"Damn reptile, **** hahaha!"

The master who came with the blood shadow master laughed.

"Let's go, we can return as quickly as possible, lest the Snakes have any action against our Zerg."

Shen Ying dominates the sound channel.


The two collected huge snake corpses, cleared the traces, and left quickly. In the rest of the places, the strong men who had the second goal also left. In the second round, more than 20 snake-class masters died. In the hands of the Zerg Powerhouse.

Add up to fifty or so powerful snake-level masters!

Nowadays, there are not so many Snake Clan powerhouses in the event!

"The Zerg Powerhouse knows a lot about this."

Qin Yang muttered, and the blood shadow dominated them to kill the strong snake family. He naturally gained a lot of merits. With the relationship between the snake family Zerg and the human race, the master snake level powerful people basically have all the hands. Stained with the blood of the strong human race.

"What's going on!"

Many of the powerful Snakes feel crazy!

In a short period of time, the serpent's luck decreased by more than one-tenth, which has a huge impact on all snake races!

And the strong of the snake family knows that if the luck is reduced so much at once, it is likely to be a disastrous blow!


Many Snake Clan leaders immediately issued orders, and the powerful people in many places of the Snake Clan took action. Various abnormal conditions in many places were reported. It did n’t take long for the Snake Clan to gain some results. .

The top level of the snake family has top-secret data, which records the places where many strong Snakes are suspended and sleeping. This situation occurs. The strong Snakes compare the top-secret data according to the abnormal conditions collected in various places, and quickly judged that it should be a lot of snakes. The place where the ancestors of the clan died and slept under a devastating blow.

"What do you guys think?"

Many bigwigs gathered together, and the atmosphere in the huge palace was dignified.

"According to the reduction in luck, we are likely to damage the 40 or 50 sleeping master-level advanced strongmen. The human race cannot have the data of so many sleeping master-level senior strongmen. If they have already started, Combined with some of the rest of the information, it is likely that the snake family is the Zerg! "

One of them dominates the analysis.

"How is it possible that the Zerg has a good relationship with our snakes, and we have common enemies. How could the Zerg take such actions against our snakes!"

Immediately the remaining masters questioned.

The just-speaking master smiled bitterly: "Although this seat is not willing to believe, but the fact is like this! It is because we are close to the Zerg side, so the Zerg side knows the sleeping place of many of our strongmen, and knows the past It ’s not going to treat the sleeping strong of our snake race! "

"This time the Zerg did not know what went crazy!"

A master frowned and said: "Last time the Zerg luck has dropped twice. Will the Zerg think it was our snake race? Right, everyone, we need to confront the Zerg powerhouse immediately!"

"They will never admit it!"

In the hall, the strong men argued. In the end, the snake tribe still sent several strong men to form a mission to the Zerg. Although they did not have conclusive evidence, the matter was probably done by the Zerg. The Zerg might even have more action!



Somewhere in the secret place, the Sharon master laughed a lot, and the Zerg luck has dropped a lot in recent times, but he was on the verge of breaking through, and now he is desperately sprinting, and finally let his cultivation practice reach the peak master level!

"The era of my tyrannical Sharon is coming, everyone, tremble at the foot of my tyrannical Sharon!"

Shara Master Zhang Kuang cried incomparably. He thought that a lot of humans in the space treasure moved outside. Shara Master opened the big mouth of the blood basin, and all those humans fell into the big mouth of Shara Lord.

Shara master chewed his mouth, and his dense teeth were cut, and in a short time, the human screaming in his mouth had no life.

"How can Zerg luck be reduced so much!"

"It seems that the serpent luck has also decreased."

Lord Sharo was a little puzzled. He quickly left the training secrets. It didn't take long for him to contact a Zerg powerhouse master. This master is only a primary master and a friend of his.

"Brother Sharon, you can be seen!"

"Our zombies had lost their luck before, and they were caused by the **** reptiles of the snake family. Many of our sleeping predecessors died, but recently we also carried out a round of revenge against the snake family to kill dozens of reptiles! "

This friend of Sharo Master sent a message to him, and Shalo Master was shocked, and actually had to do with the snake family!

Zerg and snake races have lowered their luck, and before the Sharo master thought it was human race action!

"Brother Sharoo, go back quickly, don't vengefully kill the people who killed you!"


Lord Sharo quickly left, and had not returned to his territory. He encountered a snake-struggle who was a half-step master. Although the other party concealed his breath, Master Sharo was now the pinnacle.

"Damn reptile, **** it!"

Shara Master directly punched this strong snake family with a single blow. After death, this strong snake family returned to its body. Its body is a golden sky python, an imperial family within the snake family, and this snake family The strong man's father and grandfather are the strong men of the snake race.

"This little boy!"

Lord Sharon frowned, and just now he could only judge that the other party was a snake race, which would show him the identity of the other party.

The other party died here, it is likely that the snake family is in trouble.

"Huh, afraid of a ghost! Lao Tzu now dominates the peak!"

The fierce light flashed in the eyes of Master Sharo, and he never took it away. He simply took the body away. The half-step master level golden sky python would be a rare delicacy if it was roasted and eaten!

"Just now it seemed that Jinhui was holy."

"It's Jinhui's Saint!"

Some powerful people around whispered, they were shocked, Jinhui Shangsheng ’s status and status were very high, but he was directly beheaded in front of them, and his body was taken away by the strongman who killed him!


The Tyrant of Sharo quickly returned to his territory, and he contacted some of the remaining Zerg masters. He did not conceal his breakthrough to the pinnacle.

The news of the beheading of Jinhui's Sheng Sheng also told the rest of the tyrants. If the snake tribe came to have some master-level strong men looking for trouble, he still needed the help of the other strong men.

"Shara tyrant appeared, and Xiu Wei reached the peak dominance level?"

The strong of the Black Spirit tribe got the news, and several big masters of the Black Spirit tribe dominated together quickly.

"Yes, the source is reliable!"

"Damn, this guy got the Demon God Horn from our Black Spirit Clan. He reached the peak **** level, which is not a small threat to our Black Spirit Clan!"

"He shouldn't dare to deal with our Hei Ling tribe easily, but this matter also has to be guarded. Do you think the snake tribe was attacked this time, did the Zerg do it?"

"should be!"

Several powerful leaders of the Black Spirit clan discussed, and not long after, one of their eyes lighted up and said with a smile: "Everyone, Ice Soul Daoist is coming. Ice Soul Daoist came back specially, there should be important news."

Qiao Linna soon appeared in front of these powerful masters.

"Everyone is well."

"Bing Soo Daoyou."

After everyone saw the ceremony, Jolinna sat down.

"You guys, just a few of you? Such a big thing happened, thinking that our Black Spirit clan gathered more powerful people."

Qolinna was a little strange.

"Ice Soul Daoyou, do you know anything?"

It is a strong man at the pinnacle of dominance, and has a high status within the Hei Ling tribe.

Qiao Linna nodded slightly: "Knowing something, the Zerg blood shadow master waited to find Qin Yang some time ago. They judged that Qin Yang did not deal with their Zerg. They judged that the strong snake family led by the blue scale attacked. They Zerg suffered huge losses to them! "

"There was something wrong with the snake family."

"The Zerg should have retaliated against the Snake!"

"The strength of the Zerg and Snake races has been reduced a lot. We Hei Ling Clan have no reaction to this. Are our plans for the human race adjusted?"

Qiao Linna was naturally sent by Qin Yang. Nowadays, Qin Yang would like to know the views of the Hei Ling tribe on racial **** battles.

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